The total cross sections σT of p, p¯, π±, and K± on hydrogen and deuterium have been measured between 6 and 22 GeVc at intervals of 2GeVc to an accuracy greater than previously reported. The method utilized was a conventional good-geometry transmission experiment with scintillation counters subtending various solid angles at targets of liquid H2 and D2. With the increase in statistical accuracy of the data, it was found that a previously adopted procedure of linearly extrapolating to zero solid angle the partial cross sections measured at finite solid angles was not a sufficiently accurate procedure from which to deduce σT. The particle-neutron cross sections are derived by applying the Glauber screening correction to the difference between the particle-deuteron and particle-proton cross sections. The cross sections σT(π+d) and σT(π−d) are equal at all measured momenta, which confirms the validity of charge symmetry up to 20GeVc. Results are presented showing the variation of cross sections with momentum; evidence is presented for a small but significant decrease in σT(pp) [and σT(pn)] in the momentum region above 12GeVc.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
A very narrow resonance with a mass of 3.105 GeV/c2 is observed in the reaction γ+Be→μ++μ−+X. The total cross section for this process, as well as its t distribution, is given.
A very narrow resonance with a mass of 3.1 GeV/c2 is observed in the reaction n+Be→μ++μ−+X. The total cross section for this process, as well as its P⊥2 and x distribution, are given.
The cross section per nucleon times the branching ratio.
No description provided.
P P data are taken from Adams et al, Fermilab-Pub-91/13-E.
Ratio of the spin averaged invariant cross section for PI0 production in p p and pbar p interactions.
Inelastic scattering of 490 GeV μ + from deuterium and xenon nuclei has been studied for x Bj > s .001. The ratio of the xenon/deuterium cross section per nucleon is observed to vary with x Bj , with a depletion in the kinematic range 0.001 < x Bj < 0.025 which exhibits no significant Q 2 dependence. An electromagnetic calorimeter was used to verify the radiative corrections.
Xenon structure function parameterized as being equal to the DEUT structurefunction.
Xenon structure function parameterized by an x-dependent shadowing factor times the DEUT structure function.
The ratio of cross sections for inelastic muon scattering on xenon and deuterium nuclei was measured at very low Bjorken x (0.000 02<xBj<0.25). The data were taken at Fermilab experiment E-665 with a 490 GeV/c muon beam incident on liquid deuterium and gaseous xenon targets. Two largely independent analysis techniques gave statistically consistent results. The xenon-to-deterium per-nucleon cross-section ratio is constant at approximately 0.7 for xBj below 0.003.
Data using Electromagnetic Cuts.
Data using Hadron Requirement.
We present results on the cross-section ratio for inelastic muon scattering on neutrons and protons as a function of Bjorken chi;. The data extend to χ values two orders of magnitude smaller than in previous measurements, down to 2×10 −5 , for Q 2 >0.01 GeV 2 . The ratio is consistent with unity throughout this new range.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Fermilab Experiment-665 measured deep-inelastic scattering of 490 GeV muons off deuterium and xenon targets. Events were selected with a range of energy exchange ν from 100 GeV to 500 GeV and with large ranges of Q2 and xBj: 0.1 GeV2/c2<Q2<150 GeV2/c2 and 0.001<xBj<0.5. The fractional energy (z) distributions of forward-produced hadrons from the two targets have been compared as a function of the kinematics of the scattering; specifically, the kinematic region of ‘‘shadowing’’ has been compared to that of nonshadowing. The dependence of the distributions upon the order of the hadrons, determined by the fractional energies, has been examined as well; a strong degree of similarity has been observed in the shapes of the distributions of the different order hadrons. These z distributions, however, show no nuclear dependence, even in the kinematic region of shadowing.
Showing effect of shadowing in the ratios of cross sections.
Showing effect of shadowing in the ratios of cross sections.
Showing effect of shadowing in the ratios of cross sections.
Nuclear transparencies measured in exclusive incoherent ρ0 meson production from hydrogen, deuterium, carbon, calcium, and lead in muon-nucleus scattering are reported. The data were obtained with the E665 spectrometer using the Fermilab Tevatron muon beam with a mean beam energy of 470 GeV. Increases in the nuclear transparencies are observed as the virtuality of the photon increases, in qualitative agreement with the expectations of color transparency.
No description provided.
The ratio of the number of W+1 jet to W+0 jet events is measured with the D0 detector using data from the 1992–93 Tevatron Collider run. For the W→eν channel with a minimum jet ET cutoff of 25 GeV, the experimental ratio is 0.065±0.003stat±0.007syst. Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for various parton distributions agree well with each other and are all over 1 standard deviation below the measurement. Varying the strong coupling constant αs in both the parton distributions and the partonic cross sections simultaneously does not remove this discrepancy.
Two values of ALPHA_S corresponds the two different parton distribution functions (pdf) used in extraction of ALPHA_S from the ratio. The dominant systematic error is from the jet energy scale uncertainty.