The growth and development of “charged particle jets” produced in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.8 TeV are studied over a transverse momentum range from 0.5 GeV/c to 50 GeV/c. A variety of leading (highest transverse momentum) charged jet observables are compared with the QCD Monte Carlo models HERWIG, ISAJET, and PYTHIA. The models describe fairly well the multiplicity distribution of charged particles within the leading charged jet, the size of the leading charged jet, the radial distribution of charged particles and transverse momentum around the leading charged jet direction, and the momentum distribution of charged particles within the leading charged jet. The direction of the leading “charged particle jet” in each event is used to define three regions of η−φ space. The “toward” region contains the leading “charged particle jet,” while the “away” region, on the average, contains the away-side jet. The “transverse” region is perpendicular to the plane of the hard 2-to-2 scattering and is very sensitive to the “underlying event” component of the QCD Monte Carlo models. HERWIG, ISAJET, and PYTHIA with their default parameters do not describe correctly all the properties of the “transverse” region.
Inelastic cross sections at 60 and 200 GeV/nucleon are determined in a streamer chamber for 16 O on several nuclear targets. Charged particle multiplicity distributions for inelastic and central collisions are studied and compared with theoretical predictions. The inelastic cross section exhibit a geometrical dependence on nuclear radii. The multiplicity data are governed by the collision geometry. They are consistent with a picture of superposition of independent nucleon-nucleus interactions.
Measurements of charged pion and kaon production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 40, 80 and 158 AGeV are presented. These are compared with data at lower and higher energies as well as with results from p+p interactions. The mean pion multiplicity per wounded nucleon increases approximately linearly with s_NN^1/4 with a change of slope starting in the region 15-40 AGeV. The change from pion suppression with respect to p+p interactions, as observed at low collision energies, to pion enhancement at high energies occurs at about 40 AGeV. A non-monotonic energy dependence of the ratio of K^+ to pi^+ yields is observed, with a maximum close to 40 AGeV and an indication of a nearly constant value at higher energies.The measured dependences may be related to an increase of the entropy production and a decrease of the strangeness to entropy ratio in central Pb+Pb collisions in the low SPS energy range, which is consistent with the hypothesis that a transient state of deconfined matter is created above these energies. Other interpretations of the data are also discussed.
The production of π±,K±,p has been measured in p+Be and p+Au collisions for comparison with central Si+Au collisions. The inverse slope parameters T0 obtained by an exponential fit to the invariant cross sections in transverse mass are found to be, T0p,K+,ππ∼140–160 MeV in p+A collisions, whereas in central Si+Au collisions, T0p,K+∼200–220 MeV >T0ππ∼140–160 MeV at midrapidity. The π± and K+ distributions are shifted backwards in p+Au compared with p+Be. A gradual increase of (dn/dy)K+ per projectile nucleon is observed from p+Be to p+Au to central Si+Au collisions, while pions show no significant increase.
We present a study of the production of K_s^0 and Lambda^0 in inelastic pbar-p collisions at sqrt(s)= 1800 and 630 GeV using data collected by the CDF experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron. Analyses of K_s^0 and Lambda^0 multiplicity and transverse momentum distributions, as well as of the dependencies of the average number and <p_T> of K_s^0 and Lambda^0 on charged particle multiplicity are reported. Systematic comparisons are performed for the full sample of inelastic collisions, and for the low and high momentum transfer subsamples, at the two energies. The p_T distributions extend above 8 GeV/c, showing a <p_T> higher than previous measurements. The dependence of the mean K_s^0(Lambda^0) p_T on the charged particle multiplicity for the three samples shows a behavior analogous to that of charged primary tracks.
The production of neutral pions has been studied in the reactions 40 Ar + nat Ca , 86 Kr + nat Zr and 197 Au + 197 Au at 1 A GeV. For high energy pions emitted from the heavier systems a steeper than linear rise of the pion multiplicity with the centrality of the reaction is observed, indicating a pion production process other than binary nucleon-nucleon collisions. At low transverse momenta an enhancement of the π 0 -multiplicity increasing with the mass of the collision system is found. Systematic discrepancies between the experimental results and recent BUU, QMD and Cascade calculations are discussed.
The multiplicities of charged secondaries from inelastic αp and αα collisions have been measured using the Split-Field Magnet detector at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. Corrected multiplicity distributions for αα and αp interactions are compared with those for pp interactions and with theoretical predictions.
Deep inelastic scattering (DIS) events, selected from 1993 data taken by the H1 experiment at HERA, are studied in the Breit frame of reference. The fragmentation function of the quark is compared with those of \ee data. It is shown that certain aspects of the quarks emerging from within the proton in \ep interactions are essentially the same as those of quarks pair-created from the vacuum in \ee annihilation. The measured area, peak position and widthof the fragmentation function show that the kinematic evolution variable, equivalent to the \ee squared centre of mass energy, is in the Breit frame the invariant square of the four-momentum transfer. We comment on the extent to which we have evidence for coherence effects in parton showers.
Measurements of charged particle multiplicity distributions in the central rapidity region in p-p and p-α, and α-α collisions are reported. They are better fitted to the “wounded nucleon” than to the “gluon string” model. The average transverse momenta, for all three reactions, are identical (and almost independent of multiplicity) up to very high multiplicities.