Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions in Proton Anti-proton Collisions at 540-{GeV} Center-of-mass Energy

The UA1 collaboration Arnison, G. ; Astbury, A. ; Aubert, Bernard ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 123 (1983) 108-114, 1983.
Inspire Record 182553 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.30779

Results on charged particle production in pp̄ collision at s 1 2 = 540 GeV are presented. The data were obtained at the CERN pp̄ collider using the UA1 detector, operated without magnetic field. The central particle density is 3.3 + - 0.2 per unit o pseudo-rapidity for non-diffractive events. KNO scaling of the multiplicity distributions withresults from ISR energies is observed.

6 data tables

Pseudorapidity density distribution for all charged multiplicities corrected for acceptance and backgrounds by excluding NSD events. Data have been read from the plot.
