The helicity-dependent single $\pi^{0}$ photoproduction cross section on the deuteron and the angular dependence of the double polarisation observable $E$ for the quasi-free single $\pi^0$ production off the proton and the neutron have been measured for the first time from the threshold region up to the photon energy 1.4 GeV. The experiment was performed at the tagged photon facility of the MAMI accelerator and used a circularly polarised photon beam and longitudinally polarised deuteron target. The reaction products were detected using the large acceptance Crystal Ball/TAPS calorimeter, which covered 97% of the full solid angle. Comparing the cross section from the deuteron with the sum of free nucleon cross sections provides a quantitative estimate of the effects of the nuclear medium on pion production. In contrast, comparison of $E$ helicity asymmetry data from quasi-free protons off deuterium with data from a free proton target indicates that nuclear effects do not significantly affect this observable. As a consequence, it is deduced that the helicity asymmetry $E$ on a free neutron can be reliably extracted from measurements on a deuteron in quasi-free kinematics.
Inclusive polarized total cross section as a function of photon beam energy.
Helicity-dependent differential cross section on deuteron at Egamma= 161. MeV
Helicity-dependent differential cross section on deuteron at Egamma= 178. MeV
The quasifree $\overrightarrow{\gamma} d\to\pi^0n(p)$ photon beam asymmetry, $\Sigma$, has been measured at photon energies, $E_\gamma$, from 390 to 610 MeV, corresponding to center of mass energy from 1.271 to 1.424 GeV, for the first time. The data were collected in the A2 hall of the MAMI electron beam facility with the Crystal Ball and TAPS calorimeters covering pion center-of-mass angles from 49 to 148$^\circ$. In this kinematic region, polarization observables are sensitive to contributions from the $\Delta (1232)$ and $N(1440)$ resonances. The extracted values of $\Sigma$ have been compared to predictions based on partial-wave analyses (PWAs) of the existing pion photoproduction database. Our comparison includes the SAID, MAID, and Bonn-Gatchina analyses; while a revised SAID fit, including the new $\Sigma$ measurements, has also been performed. In addition, isospin symmetry is examined as a way to predict $\pi^0n$ photoproduction observables, based on fits to published data in the channels $\pi^0p$, $\pi^+n$, and $\pi^-p$.
Photon beam asymmetry Sigma at W= 1.2711 GeV
Photon beam asymmetry Sigma at W= 1.2858 GeV
Photon beam asymmetry Sigma at W= 1.3003 GeV
The $\gamma n \to \pi^0 n$ differential cross section evaluated for 27 energy bins span the photon-energy range 290-813 MeV (W = 1.195-1.553 GeV) and the pion c.m. polar production angles, ranging from 18 deg to 162 deg, making use of model-dependent nuclear corrections to extract pi0 production data on the neutron from measurements on the deuteron target. Additionally, the total photoabsorption cross section was measured. The tagged photon beam produced by the 883-MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI was used for the 0-meson production. Our accumulation of 3.6 x 10^6 $\gamma n \to \pi^0 n$ events allowed a detailed study of the reaction dynamics. Our data are in reasonable agreement with previous A2 measurements and extend them to lower energies. The data are compared to predictions of previous SAID, MAID, and BnGa partial-wave analyses and to the latest SAID fit MA19 that included our data. Selected photon decay amplitudes $N^* \to \gamma n$ at the resonance poles are determined for the first time.
Excitation function at pion c.m. angle THETA=18 deg as function of incident photon energy E. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic, combined in quadrature.
Excitation function at pion c.m. angle THETA=32 deg as function of incident photon energy E. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic, combined in quadrature.
Excitation function at pion c.m. angle THETA=41 deg as function of incident photon energy E. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic, combined in quadrature.
This work measured $d\sigma/d\Omega$ for neutral kaon photoproduction reactions from threshold up to a c.m.\ energy of 1855MeV, focussing specifically on the $\gamma p\rightarrow K^0\Sigma^+$, $\gamma n\rightarrow K^0\Lambda$, and $\gamma n\rightarrow K^0 \Sigma^0$ reactions. Our results for $\gamma n\rightarrow K^0 \Sigma^0$ are the first-ever measurements for that reaction. These data will provide insight into the properties of $N^*$ resonances and, in particular, will lead to an improved knowledge about those states that couple only weakly to the $\pi N$ channel. Integrated cross sections were extracted by fitting the differential cross sections for each reaction as a series of Legendre polynomials and our results are compared with prior experimental results and theoretical predictions.
Total cross section as a function of c.m. energy W.
Total cross section as a function of c.m. energy W.
Total cross section as a function of c.m. energy W.
Photoproduction of mesons off quasi-free nucleons bound in the deuteron allows to study the electromagnetic excitation spectrum of the neutron and the isospin structure of the excitation of nucleon resonances. The database for such reactions is much more sparse than for free proton targets. Single $\pi^0$ photoproduction off quasi-free nucleons from the deuteron was experimentally studied. Nuclear effects were investigated by a comparison of the results for free protons and quasi-free protons and used as a correction for the quasi-free neutron data. The experiment was performed at the tagged photon beam of the Mainz MAMI accelerator for photon energies between 0.45~GeV and 1.4~GeV, using an almost $4\pi$ electromagnetic calorimeter composed of the Crystal Ball and TAPS detectors. A complete kinematic reconstruction of the final state removed the effects of Fermi motion. Reaction model predictions and PWA for $\gamma n\rightarrow n\pi^{0}$, based on fits to data for the other isospin channels, disagreed between themselves and no model provided a good description of the new data. The results demonstrate clearly the importance of a measurement of the fully neutral final state for the isospin decomposition of the cross section. Model refits, for example from the Bonn-Gatchina analysis, show that the new and the previous data for the other three isospin channels can be simultaneously described when the contributions of several partial waves are modified. The results are also relevant for the suppression of the higher resonance bumps in total photoabsorption on nuclei, which are not well understood.
Excitation function at cos(Theta_pi0)cm = -0.95
Excitation function at cos(Theta_pi0)cm = -0.85
Excitation function at cos(Theta_pi0)cm = -0.75
The PHENIX collaboration presents first measurements of low-momentum ($0.4<p_T<3$ GeV/$c$) direct-photon yields from Au$+$Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=39 and 62.4 GeV. For both beam energies the direct-photon yields are substantially enhanced with respect to expectations from prompt processes, similar to the yields observed in Au$+$Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=200. Analyzing the photon yield as a function of the experimental observable $dN_{\rm ch}/d\eta$ reveals that the low-momentum ($>$1\,GeV/$c$) direct-photon yield $dN_{\gamma}^{\rm dir}/d\eta$ is a smooth function of $dN_{\rm ch}/d\eta$ and can be well described as proportional to $(dN_{\rm ch}/d\eta)^\alpha$ with $\alpha{\sim}$1.25. This new scaling behavior holds for a wide range of beam energies at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and Large Hadron Collider, for centrality selected samples, as well as for different, $A$$+$$A$ collision systems. At a given beam energy the scaling also holds for high $p_T$ ($>5$\,GeV/$c$) but when results from different collision energies are compared, an additional $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$-dependent multiplicative factor is needed to describe the integrated-direct-photon yield.
Direct photon spectra(Physical Review C87, 054907 (2013)) normalized by $(dN_{ch}/d\eta)^{1.25}$ for in p+p at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 200 GeV.
Direct photon spectra(Physics Letters B94, 106 (1980)) normalized by $(dN_{ch}/d\eta)^{1.25}$ for in p+p at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 62.4 GeV.
Direct photon spectra(Nucl. Part. Phys. 23, A1 (1997) and Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 51, 836 (1990)) normalized by $(dN_{ch}/d\eta)^{1.25}$ for in p+p at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 63 GeV.
Precise helicity-dependent cross sections and the double-polarization observable $E$ were measured for $\eta$ photoproduction from quasi-free protons and neutrons bound in the deuteron. The $\eta\rightarrow 2\gamma$ and $\eta\rightarrow 3\pi^0\rightarrow 6\gamma$ decay modes were used to optimize the statistical quality of the data and to estimate systematic uncertainties. The measurement used the A2 detector setup at the tagged photon beam of the electron accelerator MAMI in Mainz. A longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target was used in combination with a circularly polarized photon beam from bremsstrahlung of a longitudinally polarized electron beam. The reaction products were detected with the electromagnetic calorimeters Crystal Ball and TAPS, which covered 98\% of the full solid angle. The results show that the narrow structure observed earlier in the unpolarized excitation function of $\eta$ photoproduction off the neutron appears only in reactions with antiparallel photon and nucleon spin ($\sigma_{1/2}$). It is absent for reactions with parallel spin orientation ($\sigma_{3/2}$) and thus very probably related to partial waves with total spin 1/2. The behavior of the angular distributions of the helicity-dependent cross sections was analyzed by fitting them with Legendre polynomials. The results are in good agreement with a model from the Bonn-Gatchina group, which uses an interference of $P_{11}$ and $S_{11}$ partial waves to explain the narrow structure.
Diff. cross section for helicity-1/2 at W= 1.505 GeV
Diff. cross section for helicity-1/2 at W= 1.515 GeV
Diff. cross section for helicity-1/2 at W= 1.525 GeV
We report a measurement of $e^+e^-$ pairs from semileptonic heavy-flavor decays in $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$~GeV. The $e^+e^-$ pair yield from $b\bar{b}$ and $c\bar{c}$ is separated by exploiting a double differential fit done simultaneously in dielectron invariant mass and $p_T$. We used three different event generators, {\sc pythia}, {\sc mc@nlo}, and {\sc powheg}, to simulate the $e^+e^-$ spectra from $c\bar{c}$ and $b\bar{b}$ production. The data can be well described by all three generators within the detector acceptance. However, when using the generators to extrapolate to $4\pi$, significant differences are observed for the total cross section. These difference are less pronounced for $b\bar{b}$ than for $c\bar{c}$. The same model dependence was observed in already published $d$+$A$ data. The $p$+$p$ data are also directly compared with $d$+$A$ data in mass and $p_T$, and within the statistical accuracy no nuclear modification is seen.
Step by step extrapolation from the number of $e^+e^-$ pairs for $m_{e^+e^-}$ > 1.16 GeV/$c^2$ from $c\bar{c}$ in the PHENIX acceptance to the number of $c\bar{c}$ pairs in 4$\pi$ for PYTHIA, MC@NLO, and POWHEG. Numbers are in units of pairs per event using the $c\bar{c}$ cross sections determined in this paper.
Step by step extrapolation from the number of $e^+e^-$ pairs for $m_{e^+e^-}$ > 1.16 GeV/$c^2$ from $b\bar{b}$ in the PHENIX acceptance to the number of $b\bar{b}$ pairs in 4$\pi$ for PYTHIA, MC@NLO, and POWHEG. Numbers are in units of pairs per event using the $b\bar{b}$ cross sections determined in this paper.
Summary of $c\bar{c}$ and $b\bar{b}$ cross sections measured in $p$+$p$ collisions using three different generators, PYTHIA, MC@NLO, and POWHEG.
The reactions $\gamma p\to \eta p$ and $\gamma p\to \eta' p$ have been measured from their thresholds up to the center-of-mass energy $W=1.96$GeV with the tagged-photon facilities at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. Differential cross sections were obtained with unprecedented accuracy, providing fine energy binning and full production-angle coverage. A strong cusp is observed in the total cross section and excitation functions for $\eta$ photoproduction at the energies in vicinity of the $\eta'$ threshold, $W=1896$MeV ($E_\gamma=1447$MeV). This behavior is explained in a revised $\eta$MAID isobar model by a significant branching of the $N(1895)1/2^-$ nucleon resonance to both, $\eta p$ and $\eta' p$, confirming the existence and constraining the properties of this poorly known state.
Run 1. Total cross section as a function of c.m. energy W.
Run 2. Total cross section as a function of c.m. energy W.
Run 3. Total cross section as a function of c.m. energy W.
High statistics measurements of the photon asymmetry $\mathrm{\Sigma}$ for the $\overrightarrow{\gamma}$p$\rightarrow\pi^{0}$p reaction have been made in the center of mass energy range W=1214-1450 MeV. The data were measured with the MAMI A2 real photon beam and Crystal Ball/TAPS detector systems in Mainz, Germany. The results significantly improve the existing world data and are shown to be in good agreement with previous measurements, and with the MAID, SAID, and Bonn-Gatchina predictions. We have also combined the photon asymmetry results with recent cross-section measurements from Mainz to calculate the profile functions, $\check{\mathrm{\Sigma}}$ (= $\sigma_{0}\mathrm{\Sigma}$), and perform a moment analysis. Comparison with calculations from the Bonn-Gatchina model shows that the precision of the data is good enough to further constrain the higher partial waves, and there is an indication of interference between the very small $F$-waves and the $N(1520) 3/2^{-}$ and $N(1535) 1/2^{-}$ resonances.
Photon beam asymmetry Sigma at W=1.2159988 GeV
Photon beam asymmetry Sigma at W=1.2194968 GeV
Photon beam asymmetry Sigma at W=1.2225014 GeV