Probing Strangeness Canonical Ensemble with $K^{-}$, $\phi(1020)$ and $\Xi^{-}$ Production in Au+Au Collisions at ${\sqrt{s_{NN}} = {3\,GeV}}$

The STAR collaboration Abdallah, M.S. ; Aboona, B.E. ; Adam, J. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 831 (2022) 137152, 2022.
Inspire Record 1897327 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.110657

We report the first multi-differential measurements of strange hadrons of $K^{-}$, $\phi$ and $\Xi^{-}$ yields as well as the ratios of $\phi/K^-$ and $\phi/\Xi^-$ in Au+Au collisions at ${\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = \rm{3\,GeV}}$ with the STAR experiment fixed target configuration at RHIC. The $\phi$ mesons and $\Xi^{-}$ hyperons are measured through hadronic decay channels, $\phi\rightarrow K^+K^-$ and $\Xi^-\rightarrow \Lambda\pi^-$. Collision centrality and rapidity dependence of the transverse momentum spectra for these strange hadrons are presented. The $4\pi$ yields and ratios are compared to thermal model and hadronic transport model predictions. At this collision energy, thermal model with grand canonical ensemble (GCE) under-predicts the $\phi/K^-$ and $\phi/\Xi^-$ ratios while the result of canonical ensemble (CE) calculations reproduce $\phi/K^-$, with the correlation length $r_c \sim 2.7$ fm, and $\phi/\Xi^-$, $r_c \sim 4.2$ fm, for the 0-10% central collisions. Hadronic transport models including high mass resonance decays could also describe the ratios. While thermal calculations with GCE work well for strangeness production in high energy collisions, the change to CE at $\rm{3\,GeV}$ implies a rather different medium property at high baryon density.

12 data tables

$K^-$ (a), invariant yields as a function of $m_T-m_0$ for various rapidity regions in 0--10\% central Au+Au collisions at ${\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = \mathrm{3\,GeV}}$. Statistics and systematic uncertainties are added quadratic here for plotting. Solid and dashed black lines depict $m_T$ exponential function fits to the measured data points with arbitrate scaling factors in each rapidity windows.

$\phi$ meson (b) invariant yields as a function of $m_T-m_0$ for various rapidity regions in 0--10\% central Au+Au collisions at ${\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = \mathrm{3\,GeV}}$. Statistics and systematic uncertainties are added quadratic here for plotting. Solid and dashed black lines depict $m_T$ exponential function fits to the measured data points with arbitrate scaling factors in each rapidity windows.

$\Xi^-$ (c) invariant yields as a function of $m_T-m_0$ for various rapidity regions in 0--10\% central Au+Au collisions at ${\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = \mathrm{3\,GeV}}$. Statistics and systematic uncertainties are added quadratic here for plotting. Solid and dashed black lines depict $m_T$ exponential function fits to the measured data points with arbitrate scaling factors in each rapidity windows.


Global $\Lambda$-hyperon polarization in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=3$ GeV

The STAR collaboration Abdallah, M.S. ; Aboona, B.E. ; Adam, J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 104 (2021) L061901, 2021.
Inspire Record 1897216 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.110658

Global hyperon polarization, $\overline{P}_\mathrm{H}$, in Au+Au collisions over a large range of collision energy, $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$, was recently measured and successfully reproduced by hydrodynamic and transport models with intense fluid vorticity of the quark-gluon plasma. While naïve extrapolation of data trends suggests a large $\overline{P}_\mathrm{H}$ as the collision energy is reduced, the behavior of $\overline{P}_\mathrm{H}$ at small $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}<7.7$ GeV is unknown. Operating the STAR experiment in fixed-target mode, we measured the polarization of $\Lambda$ hyperons along the direction of global angular momentum in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=3$ GeV. The observation of substantial polarization of $4.91\pm0.81(\rm stat.)\pm0.15(\rm syst.)$% in these collisions may require a reexamination of the viscosity of any fluid created in the collision, of the thermalization timescale of rotational modes, and of hadronic mechanisms to produce global polarization.

6 data tables

The measured invariant-mass distributions of two classes of $\Lambda$-hyperon decays. The decay classes are defined using the scalar triple product $\left(\vec{p}_\Lambda\times\vec{p}_p^*\right)\cdot \vec{B}_{\rm STAR}$, which is positive for right decays and negative for left decays. The right decay class has a notably sharper invariant-mass distribution than the left decay class, and this is due to the effects of daughter tracks crossing in the STAR TPC with the STAR magnetic field anti-parallel to the lab frame's z direction. The opposite pattern is obtained by flipping the sign of the STAR magnetic field or by reconstructing $\bar{\Lambda}$ hyperons.

The signal polarizations extracted according to the restricted invariant-mass method as a function of $\phi_\Lambda - \phi_p^*$, for positive-rapidity $\Lambda$ hyperons. The sinusoidal behavior is driven by non-zero net $v_1$. The vertical shift corresponds to the vorticity-driven polarization; in collider mode, where the net $v_1$ is zero, this dependence on $\phi_\Lambda - \phi_p^*$ does not exist.

The integrated Global $\Lambda$-hyperon Polarization in mid-central collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=3$ GeV. The trend of increasing $\overline{P}_{\rm H}$ with decreasing $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ is maintained at this low collision energy. Previous experimental results are scaled by the updated $\Lambda$-hyperon decay parameter $\alpha_\Lambda=0.732$ for comparison with this result. Recent model calculations extended to low collision energy show disagreement between our data and AMPT and rough agreement with the 3-Fluid Dynamics (3FD) model. Previous measurements shown alongside our data can be found at:;;;


Measurement of Spin Density Matrix Elements in $\Lambda(1520)$ Photoproduction at 8.2-8.8 GeV

The GlueX collaboration Adhikari, S. ; Akondi, C.S. ; Albrecht, M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 105 (2022) 035201, 2022.
Inspire Record 1892395 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.132920

We report on the measurement of spin density matrix elements of the $\Lambda(1520)$ in the photoproduction reaction $\gamma p\rightarrow \Lambda(1520)K^+$, via its subsequent decay to $K^{-}p$. The measurement was performed as part of the GlueX experimental program in Hall D at Jefferson Lab using a linearly polarized photon beam with $E_\gamma =$ 8.2-8.8 GeV. These are the first such measurements in this photon energy range. Results are presented in bins of momentum transfer squared, $-(t-t_\text{0})$. We compare the results with a Reggeon exchange model and determine that natural exchange amplitudes are dominant in $\Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction.

10 data tables

Numerical results for all presented SDMEs. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic

Numerical results for all presented natural and unnatural combinations, and covariances between $\rho^1_{11}$ and $\rho^1_{33}$. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic

This table contains thinned out samples of the Markov chains used in the parameter estimation of the SDME measurements for $-(t-t_\text{0}) = 0.197\pm0.069~\text{GeV}^2/c^2$, reported in the main article. One in about 250 steps in the chain, which results in 200 different sets of SDMEs, is provided. These values should be used instead of bootstrapping of the results, in order to estimate uncertainties of physics models fitted to this data. To assess how the uncertainties propagate to the model uncertainties, one should evaluate the model under scrutiny for each of the 200 different sets of SDMEs. Plotting all resulting lines in a single plot will create bands which reflect the influence of the uncertainties in the data on the model. This method has the great advantage that all correlations are accurately taken into account.


Measurement of beam asymmetry for $\pi^-\Delta^{++}$ photoproduction on the proton at $E_\gamma$=8.5 GeV

The GlueX collaboration Adhikari, S. ; Akondi, C.S. ; Ali, A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 103 (2021) L022201, 2021.
Inspire Record 1817577 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.110112

We report a measurement of the $\pi^-$ photoproduction beam asymmetry for the reaction $\vec{\gamma} p \rightarrow \pi^- \Delta^{++}$ using data from the GlueX experiment in the photon beam energy range 8.2--8.8 GeV. The asymmetry $\Sigma$ is measured as a function of four-momentum transfer $t$ to the $\Delta^{++}$ and compared to phenomenological models. We find that $\Sigma$ varies as a function of $t$: negative at smaller values and positive at higher values of $|t|$. The reaction can be described theoretically by $t$-channel particle exchange requiring pseudoscalar, vector, and tensor intermediaries. In particular, this reaction requires charge exchange, allowing us to probe pion exchange and the significance of higher-order corrections to one-pion exchange at low momentum transfer. Constraining production mechanisms of conventional mesons may aid in the search for and study of unconventional mesons. This is the first measurement of the process at this energy.

1 data table

Beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ vs. $|t|$ compared to theoretical predictions. The uncertainty on $|t|$ is the rms of values in the $\Delta^{++}$ signal region. The uncertainties on $\Sigma$ are statistical and systematic (uncorrelated across t bins), respectively. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 1.5% on the magnitude of $\Sigma$.

Flow and interferometry results from Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 4.5 GeV

The STAR collaboration Adam, J. ; Adamczyk, L. ; Adams, J.R. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 103 (2021) 034908, 2021.
Inspire Record 1809043 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.95903

The Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) was extended to energies below $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 7.7 GeV in 2015 by successful implementation of the fixed-target mode of operation in the STAR (Solenoidal Track At RHIC) experiment. In the fixed-target mode, ions circulate in one ring of the collider and interact with a stationary target at the entrance of the STAR Time Projection Chamber. The first results for Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 4.5 GeV are presented, including directed and elliptic flow of identified hadrons, and radii from pion femtoscopy. The proton flow and pion femtoscopy results agree quantitatively with earlier measurements by Alternating Gradient Synchrotron experiments at similar energies. This validates running the STAR experiment in the fixed-target configuration. Pion directed and elliptic flow are presented for the first time at this beam energy. Pion and proton elliptic flow show behavior which hints at constituent quark scaling, but large error bars preclude reliable conclusions. The ongoing second phase of BES (BES-II) will provide fixed-target data sets with 100 times more events at each of several energies down to $\sqrt{\textit{s}_{NN}}$ = 3.0 GeV.

12 data tables

Centrality selection for STAR FXT sqrt(sNN) = 4.5 GeV Au+Au collisions

Rapidity dependence of directed flow, v1(y), for protons with transverse momentum 0.4 < pT < 2.0 GeV/c from events with 10-25% centrality.

Rapidity dependence of directed flow, v1(y), for negative pions with transverse momentum pT > 0.2 GeV/c and total momentum magnitude |p| < 1.6 GeV/c from events within 10-30% centrality. Here, the BBC-based Event Plane method is used. Plotted error bars are statistical only, and systematic errors are of comparable size.


Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry in $\vec{\gamma} p\to K^+\Sigma^0$ at $E_{\gamma} = 8.5$ GeV

The GlueX collaboration Adhikari, S. ; Ali, A. ; Amaryan, M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 101 (2020) 065206, 2020.
Inspire Record 1785913 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.110167

We report measurements of the photon beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ for the reaction $\vec{\gamma} p\to K^+\Sigma^0$(1193) using the GlueX spectrometer in Hall D at Jefferson Lab. Data were collected using a linearly polarized photon beam in the energy range of 8.2-8.8 GeV incident on a liquid hydrogen target. The beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ was measured as a function of the Mandelstam variable $t$, and a single value of $\Sigma$ was extracted for events produced in the $u$-channel. These are the first exclusive measurements of the photon beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ for the reaction in this energy range. For the $t$-channel, the measured beam asymmetry is close to unity over the $t$-range studied, $-t=(0.1-1.4)~$(GeV/$c$)$^{2}$, with an average value of $\Sigma = 1.00\pm 0.05$. This agrees with theoretical models that describe the reaction via the natural-parity exchange of the $K^{*}$(892) Regge trajectory. A value of $\Sigma = 0.41 \pm 0.09$ is obtained for the $u$-channel integrated up to $-u=2.0$~(GeV/$c$)$^{2}$.

2 data tables

Beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ for the low $-t$ region where the horizontal error bars indicate the rms widths of the $t$ bin. The uncertainties on $\Sigma$ are statistical and systematic (uncorrelated across t bins), respectively. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 2.1% on the magnitude of $\Sigma$.

Average beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ for the low $-u$ region where the uncertainty on $\Sigma$ is the statistical and systematic (uncorrelated across t bins), respectively. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 2.1% on the magnitude of $\Sigma$.

Proton-Proton Interactions and Onset of Deconfinement

The NA61/SHINE collaboration Aduszkiewicz, A. ; Andronov, E.V. ; Anticic, T. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 102 (2020) 011901, 2020.
Inspire Record 1772241 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.95182

The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS is performing a uniqe study of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter by varying collision energy and nuclear mass number of colliding nuclei. In central Pb+Pb collisions the NA49 experiment found structures in the energy dependence of several observables in the CERN SPS energy range that had been predicted for the transition to a deconfined phase. New measurements of NA61/SHINE find intriguing similarities in p+p interactions for which no deconfinement transition is expected at SPS energies. Possible implications will be discussed.

12 data tables

K+/PI+ at y=0.

K+/PI+ at y=0.



Beam Asymmetry $\mathbf{\Sigma}$ for the Photoproduction of $\mathbf{\eta}$ and $\mathbf{\eta^{\prime}}$ Mesons at $\mathbf{E_{\gamma}=8.8}$GeV

The GlueX collaboration Adhikari, S. ; Ali, A. ; Amaryan, M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 100 (2019) 052201, 2019.
Inspire Record 1749712 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.110166

We report on the measurement of the beam asymmetry $\Sigma$ for the reactions $\vec{\gamma}p\rightarrow p\eta$ and $\vec{\gamma}p \rightarrow p\eta^{\prime}$ from the GlueX experiment, using an 8.2--8.8 GeV linearly polarized tagged photon beam incident on a liquid hydrogen target in Hall D at Jefferson Lab. These measurements are made as a function of momentum transfer $-t$, with significantly higher statistical precision than our earlier $\eta$ measurements, and are the first measurements of $\eta^{\prime}$ in this energy range. We compare the results to theoretical predictions based on $t$--channel quasi-particle exchange. We also compare the ratio of $\Sigma_{\eta}$ to $\Sigma_{\eta^{\prime}}$ to these models, as this ratio is predicted to be sensitive to the amount of $s\bar{s}$ exchange in the production. We find that photoproduction of both $\eta$ and $\eta^{\prime}$ is dominated by natural parity exchange with little dependence on $-t$.

3 data tables

Values and errors for the photon beam asymmetry $\Sigma_{\eta}$ for the reaction $\gamma p \rightarrow \eta p$ with $\eta\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$. For the binning in $t$, we report the range of the data, the event-weighted mean of all $t$ values, and the RMS of that distribution. For $\Sigma_{\eta}$, we report the value, statistical error, and systematic error. The total error is the sum of the previous two in quadrature. Not reported here is the $2.1\%$ relative uncertainty due to the determination of the polarization of the photon beam.

Values and errors for the photon beam asymmetry $\Sigma_{\eta\prime}$ for the reaction $\gamma p \rightarrow \eta^{\prime} p$ with $\eta^{\prime}\rightarrow \eta\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ and the $\eta\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$. For the binning in $t$, we report the range of the data, the event-weighted mean of all $t$ values, and the RMS of that distribution. For $\Sigma_{\eta\prime}$, we report the value, statistical error, and systematic error. The total error is the sum of the previous two in quadrature. Not reported here is the $2.1\%$ relative uncertainty due to the determination of the polarization of the photon beam.

Values and errors for the ratio of photon beam asymmetries $\Sigma_{\eta\prime}/\Sigma_{\eta}$ for the reported reactions. To form the ratio, the $\eta$ analysis is done with the same binning in $t$ as the $\eta^\prime$ analysis, and for each bin we report the range of the data, the event-weighted mean of all $t$ values, and the RMS of that distribution. For $\Sigma_{\eta\prime}/\Sigma_{\eta}$, we report the value, statistical error, and systematic error. The total error is the sum of the previous two in quadrature.}

Precision Study of $\eta^\prime\rightarrow\gamma\pi^+\pi^-$ Decay Dynamics

The BESIII collaboration Ablikim, M. ; Achasov, M. N. ; Ahmed, S. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 120 (2018) 242003, 2018.
Inspire Record 1641075 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.89872

Using a low background data sample of $9.7\times10^{5}$ $J\psi\rightarrow\gamma\eta^\prime$, $\eta^\prime\rightarrow\gamma\pi^+\pi^-$ events, which are 2 orders of magnitude larger than those from the previous experiments, recorded with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, the decay dynamics of $\eta^\prime\rightarrow\gamma\pi^+\pi^-$ are studied with both model-dependent and model-independent approaches. The contributions of $\omega$ and the $\rho(770)-\omega$ interference are observed for the first time in the decays $\eta^\prime\rightarrow\gamma\pi^+\pi^-$ in both approaches. Additionally, a contribution from the box anomaly or the $\rho(1450)$ resonance is required in the model-dependent approach, while the process specific part of the decay amplitude is determined in the model-independent approach.

1 data table

Numbers of events selected (Column 2), numbers of background events from sideband (Column 3), efficiencies (Column 4), and resolution RMS (Column 5) for different $M_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ bins.

Flow dominance and factorization of transverse momentum correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC

The ALICE collaboration Adam, Jaroslav ; Adamova, Dagmar ; Aggarwal, Madan Mohan ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 118 (2017) 162302, 2017.
Inspire Record 1512772 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.78231

We present the first measurement of the two-particle transverse momentum differential correlation function, $P_2\equiv\langle \Delta p_{\rm T} \Delta p_{\rm T} \rangle /\langle p_{\rm T} \rangle^2$, in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} =$ 2.76 TeV. Results for $P_2$ are reported as a function of relative pseudorapidity ($\Delta \eta$) and azimuthal angle ($\Delta \varphi$) between two particles for different collision centralities. The $\Delta \phi$ dependence is found to be largely independent of $\Delta \eta$ for $|\Delta \eta| \geq$ 0.9. In 5% most central Pb-Pb collisions, the two-particle transverse momentum correlation function exhibits a clear double-hump structure around $\Delta \varphi = \pi$ (i.e., on the away side), which is not observed in number correlations in the same centrality range, and thus provides an indication of the dominance of triangular flow in this collision centrality. Fourier decompositions of $P_2$, studied as a function of collision centrality, show that correlations at $|\Delta \eta| \geq$ 0.9 can be well reproduced by a flow ansatz based on the notion that measured momentum correlations are strictly determined by the collective motion of the system.

19 data tables

Projection of $P_{2}$ along $\Delta\varphi$ in 0-5% centrality in the range $|\Delta \eta| \geq$ 0.9

$v_{2}$ coefficients measured from $P_2$ for particle pairs in the range $0.2 \leq |\Delta\eta| \leq 0.9$.

$v_{2}$ coefficients measured from $P_2$ for particle pairs in the range $0.9 \leq |\Delta\eta| \leq 1.9$.
