A search for $W^\prime$ bosons in events with one lepton (electron or muon) and missing transverse momentum is presented. The search uses 3.2 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data collected at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015. The transverse mass distribution is examined and no significant excess of events above the level expected from Standard Model processes is observed. Upper limits on the $W^\prime$ boson cross-section times branching ratio to leptons are set as a function of the $W^\prime$ mass. Assuming a $W^\prime$ boson as predicted by the Sequential Standard Model, $W^\prime$ masses below 4.07 TeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level. This extends the limit set using LHC data at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV by around 800 GeV.
The electromagnetic form factor of the pion has been determined in the ϱ o resonance region by measuring the absolute cross section of the reaction e + e − → π + π − with the Orsay storage ring. More than 800 pion pairs have been detected. The excitation curve has been fitted with a Breit-Wigner formula which leads to the following values: σ peak = (1.69 ± 0.21) 10 −30 cm 2 ; m ϱ = (770 ± 4) MeV ; Γ ϱ = (111 ± 6) MeV . The partial width of the ϱ o going into e + e − thus obtained is: Γ ϱ → e + e − =(7.36±0.7) keV .
No description provided.
We have measured the e + e − → φ reaction by the K S 0 K L 0 and 3 π decay modes of the φ. We have deduced Γ ( φ → all), Γ ( φ →e + e − ), as well as B ( φ →K S 0 K L 0 ), B ( φ →K + K − ) and B ( φ → π + π − π 0 ).
No description provided.
No description provided.
A search is presented for dark matter pair production in association with a W or Z boson in pp collisions representing 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity at $\sqrt{s}$=8 TeV using data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with a hadronic jet with the jet-mass consistent with a W or Z boson, and with large missing transverse momentum are analyzed. The data are consistent with the Standard Model expectations, and limits are set on the mass scale in effective field theories that describe the interaction of dark matter and Standard Model particles.
Distribution of M(jet) in the data and for the predicted background in the top control region (CR) with one muon, one large-radius jet, two narrow jets, at least one b tag, and ETmiss > 250 GeV.
Distribution of M(jet) in the data and for the predicted background in the signal region (SR) with ETmiss > 350 GeV.
Distribution of M(jet) in the data and for the predicted background in the signal region (SR) with ETmiss > 500 GeV.
A search is presented for production of dark matter particles recoiling against a leptonically decaying Z boson in 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ of pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with large missing transverse momentum and two oppositely-charged electrons or muons consistent with the decay of a Z boson are analyzed. No excess above the Standard Model prediction is observed. Limits are set on the mass scale of the contact interaction as a function of the dark matter particle mass using an effective field theory description of the interaction of dark matter with quarks or with Z bosons. Limits are also set on the coupling and mediator mass of a model in which the interaction is mediated by a scalar particle.
Summary of the systematic uncertainties for the largest background process (ZZ->llnunu). Statistical uncertaintes are from MC simulation sample size.
Observed yields and expected SM backgrounds in each signal region. Statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainteis are added in quadrature to give the total background estimate and uncertainties.
The observed and expected upper limits on the fiducial cross section at 95% C.L. for each signal region.
A search is presented for photonic signatures motivated by generalised models of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. This search makes use of $20.3{\rm fb}^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC, and explores models dominated by both strong and electroweak production of supersymmetric partner states. Four experimental signatures incorporating an isolated photon and significant missing transverse momentum are explored. These signatures include events with an additional photon, lepton, $b$-quark jet, or jet activity not associated with any specific underlying quark flavor. No significant excess of events is observed above the Standard Model prediction and model-dependent 95% confidence-level exclusion limits are set.
Observed and expected exclusion limits in the gluino-bino mass plane, using the $\rm{SR}^{\gamma\gamma}_{S-H}$ analysis for $m_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0}\geq 800 {\rm GeV}$ and $\rm{SR}^{\gamma\gamma}_{S-L}$ analyses for $m_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0} < 800 {\rm GeV}$.
Observed and expected exclusion limits in the wino-bino mass plane, using the $\rm{SR}^{\gamma\gamma}_{W-H}$ analysis for $m_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0}\geq 350 {\rm GeV}$ and $\rm{SR}^{\gamma\gamma}_{W-L}$ analyses for $m_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0} < 350 {\rm GeV}$.
Observed exclusion limits in the gluino-neutralino mass plane, for the higgsino-bino GGM model with $\mu < 0$, using the merged $\rm{SR}^{\gamma b}_{L}$ and $\rm{SR}^{\gamma b}_{H}$ analyses.
A search for $W'$-boson production in the $W' \rightarrow t\bar{b} \rightarrow q\bar{q}' b\bar{b}$ decay channel is presented using 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ of 13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015 and 2016. The search is interpreted in terms of both a left-handed and a right-handed chiral $W'$ boson within the mass range 1-5 TeV. Identification of the hadronically decaying top quark is performed using jet substructure tagging techniques based on a shower deconstruction algorithm. No significant deviation from the Standard Model prediction is observed and the results are expressed as upper limits on the $W' \rightarrow t\bar{b}$ production cross-section times branching ratio as a function of the $W'$-boson mass. These limits exclude $W'$ bosons with right-handed couplings with masses below 3.0 TeV and $W'$ bosons with left-handed couplings with masses below 2.9 TeV, at the 95% confidence level.
Observed and expected 95% CL limits on the right-handed W'-boson cross-section times branching ratio of W' to tb decay as a function of the corresponding W'-boson mass.
Observed and expected 95% CL limits on the left-handed W'-boson cross-section times branching ratio of W' to tb decay as a function of the corresponding W'-boson mass.
Reconstructed mtb distribution in data and for the background after the fit to the data in the signal region SR1. The statistical uncertainty on data points is calculated using assymetric Poisson confidence intervals.
A search for the decay of neutral, weakly interacting, long-lived particles using data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The analysis in this paper uses 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV recorded in 2015-2016. The search employs techniques for reconstructing vertices of long-lived particles decaying into jets in the muon spectrometer exploiting a two vertex strategy and a novel technique that requires only one vertex in association with additional activity in the detector that improves the sensitivity for longer lifetimes. The observed numbers of events are consistent with the expected background and limits for several benchmark signals are determined.
Barrel Muon RoI Cluster trigger efficiencies (in %) for $m_{\Phi}=100$ GeV scalar benchmark samples. The trigger efficiency is defined as the fraction of LLPs selected by the Muon RoI Cluster trigger as a function of the LLP decay position. The trigger is efficient for hadronic decays of LLPs that occur anywhere from the outer regions of the HCal to the middle station of the MS. These efficiencies are obtained from the subset of events with only a single LLP decay in the muon spectrometer in order to ensure that the result of the trigger is due to a single burst of MS activity. The uncertainties shown are statistical only. The relative differences in efficiencies of the benchmark samples are a result of the different kinematics.
Barrel Muon RoI Cluster trigger efficiencies (in %) for $m_{\Phi}=125$ GeV scalar benchmark samples. The trigger efficiency is defined as the fraction of LLPs selected by the Muon RoI Cluster trigger as a function of the LLP decay position. The trigger is efficient for hadronic decays of LLPs that occur anywhere from the outer regions of the HCal to the middle station of the MS. These efficiencies are obtained from the subset of events with only a single LLP decay in the muon spectrometer in order to ensure that the result of the trigger is due to a single burst of MS activity. The uncertainties shown are statistical only. The relative differences in efficiencies of the benchmark samples are a result of the different kinematics.
Barrel Muon RoI Cluster trigger efficiencies (in %) for $m_{\Phi}=200$ GeV scalar benchmark samples. The trigger efficiency is defined as the fraction of LLPs selected by the Muon RoI Cluster trigger as a function of the LLP decay position. The trigger is efficient for hadronic decays of LLPs that occur anywhere from the outer regions of the HCal to the middle station of the MS. These efficiencies are obtained from the subset of events with only a single LLP decay in the muon spectrometer in order to ensure that the result of the trigger is due to a single burst of MS activity. The uncertainties shown are statistical only. The relative differences in efficiencies of the benchmark samples are a result of the different kinematics.