Transverse single-spin asymmetry of midrapidity $\pi^{0}$ and $\eta$ mesons in $p$+Au and $p$+Al collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=$ 200 GeV

The PHENIX collaboration Abdulameer, N.J. ; Acharya, U. ; Aidala, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 112004, 2023.
Inspire Record 2641468 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.139098

Presented are the first measurements of the transverse single-spin asymmetries ($A_N$) for neutral pions and eta mesons in $p$+Au and $p$+Al collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$ GeV in the pseudorapidity range $|\eta|<$0.35 with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The asymmetries are consistent with zero, similar to those for midrapidity neutral pions and eta mesons produced in $p$+$p$ collisions. These measurements show no evidence of additional effects that could potentially arise from the more complex partonic environment present in proton-nucleus collisions.

2 data tables

Data from Figure 2 (a) of the $\pi^{0}$ transverse single-spin asymmetry in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV $p^{\uparrow}+$Au and $p^{\uparrow}+$Al collisions as a function of $p_{T}$.

Data from Figure 2 (b) of the $\eta$ transverse single-spin asymmetry in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV $p^{\uparrow}+$Au and $p^{\uparrow}+$Al collisions as a function of $p_{T}$.

Improving constraints on gluon spin-momentum correlations in transversely polarized protons via midrapidity open-heavy-flavor electrons in $p^{\uparrow}+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV

The PHENIX collaboration Abdulameer, N.J. ; Acharya, U. ; Aidala, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 052012, 2023.
Inspire Record 2072832 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.130883

Polarized proton-proton collisions provide leading-order access to gluons, presenting an opportunity to constrain gluon spin-momentum correlations within transversely polarized protons and enhance our understanding of the three-dimensional structure of the proton. Midrapidity open-heavy-flavor production at $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV is dominated by gluon-gluon fusion, providing heightened sensitivity to gluon dynamics relative to other production channels. Transverse single-spin asymmetries of positrons and electrons from heavy-flavor hadron decays are measured at midrapidity using the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. These charge-separated measurements are sensitive to gluon correlators that can in principle be related to gluon orbital angular momentum via model calculations. Explicit constraints on gluon correlators are extracted for two separate models, one of which had not been constrained previously.

1 data table

Data from Figure 1 of open heavy flavor $e^{\pm}$ transverse single-spin asymmetries in transversely polarized p+p collisions as a function of $p_{T}$.

Measurement of the Longitudinal Spin Transfer to Lambda and Anti-Lambda Hyperons in Polarised Muon DIS

The COMPASS collaboration Alekseev, M. ; Alexakhin, V.Yu. ; Alexandrov, Yu. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 64 (2009) 171-179, 2009.
Inspire Record 824774 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.52400

The longitudinal polarisation transfer from muons to lambda and anti-lambda hyperons, D_LL, has been studied in deep inelastic scattering off an unpolarised isoscalar target at the COMPASS experiment at CERN. The spin transfers to lambda and anti-lambda produced in the current fragmentation region exhibit different behaviours as a function of x and xF . The measured x and xF dependences of D^lambda_LL are compatible with zero, while D^anti-lambda_LL tends to increase with xF, reaching values of 0.4 - 0.5. The resulting average values are D^lambda_LL = -0.012 +- 0.047 +- 0.024 and D^anti-lambda_LL = 0.249 +- 0.056 +- 0.049. These results are discussed in the frame of recent model calculations.

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The weighted average of the spin transfers for the 2003 and 2004 data.

The XL dependence of the spin transfer from muons to the LAMBDA hyperon.

The X dependence of the spin transfer from muons to the LAMBDA hyperon.


First measurement of beam-recoil observables C(x) and C(z) in hyperon photoproduction.

The CLAS collaboration Bradford, R.K. ; Schumacher, R.A. ; Adams, G. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 75 (2007) 035205, 2007.
Inspire Record 732402 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.31496

Spin transfer from circularly polarized real photons to recoiling hyperons has been measured for the reactions $\vec\gamma + p \to K^+ + \vec\Lambda$ and $\vec\gamma + p \to K^+ + \vec\Sigma^0$. The data were obtained using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab for center-of-mass energies $W$ between 1.6 and 2.53 GeV, and for $-0.85<\cos\theta_{K^+}^{c.m.}< +0.95$. For the $\Lambda$, the polarization transfer coefficient along the photon momentum axis, $C_z$, was found to be near unity for a wide range of energy and kaon production angles. The associated transverse polarization coefficient, $C_x$, is smaller than $C_z$ by a roughly constant difference of unity. Most significantly, the {\it total} $\Lambda$ polarization vector, including the induced polarization $P$, has magnitude consistent with unity at all measured energies and production angles when the beam is fully polarized. For the $\Sigma^0$ this simple phenomenology does not hold. All existing hadrodynamic models are in poor agreement with these results.

34 data tables

Coefficients Cx and Cz for the reaction GAMMA P --> K+ LAMBDA for incident energy = 1.032 GeV and W = 1.679 GeV.

Coefficients Cx and Cz for the reaction GAMMA P --> K+ LAMBDA for incident energy = 1.132 GeV and W = 1.734 GeV.

Coefficients Cx and Cz for the reaction GAMMA P --> K+ LAMBDA for incident energy = 1.232 GeV and W = 1.787 GeV.


Polarization transfer in proton Compton scattering at high momentum transfer.

The Jefferson Lab Hall A collaboration Hamilton, D.J. ; Mamyan, V.H. ; Aniol, K.A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 94 (2005) 242001, 2005.
Inspire Record 660894 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.19389

Compton scattering from the proton was investigated at s=6.9 (GeV/c)**2 and \t=-4.0 (GeV/c)**2 via polarization transfer from circularly polarized incident photons. The longitudinal and transverse components of the recoil proton polarization were measured. The results are in excellent agreement with a prediction based on a reaction mechanism in which the photon interacts with a single quark carrying the spin of the proton and in disagreement with a prediction of pQCD based on a two-gluon exchange mechanism.

1 data table

Polarization transfer parameters.

Cross section and complete set of proton spin observables in p polarized d elastic scattering at 250 MeV

Hatanaka, K. ; Shimizu, Y. ; Hirooka, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 66 (2002) 044002, 2002.
Inspire Record 599502 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25292

The angular distributions of the cross section, the proton analyzing power, and all proton polarization transfer coefficients of p→d elastic scattering were measured at 250 MeV. The range of center-of-mass angles was 10°–165° for the cross section and the analyzing power, and about 10°–95° for the polarization transfer coefficients. These are the first measurements of a complete set of proton polarization observables for p→d elastic scattering at intermediate energies. The present data are compared with theoretical predictions based on exact solutions of the three-nucleon Faddeev equations and modern realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials combined with three-nucleon forces (3NF), namely, the Tucson-Melbourne (TM) 2π-exchange model, a modification thereof (TM′) closer to chiral symmetry, and the Urbana IX model. Large effects of the three-nucleon forces are predicted. The inclusion of the three-nucleon forces gives a good description of the cross section at angles below the minimum. However, appreciable discrepancies between the data and predictions remain at backward angles. For the spin observables the predictions of the TM 3NF model deviate strongly from the other two 3NF models, which are close together, except for Kyy′. In the case of the analyzing power all 3NF models fail to describe the data at the upper half of the angular range. In the restricted measured angular range the polarization transfer coefficients are fairly well described by the TM′ and Urbana IX 3NF models, whereas the TM 3NF model mostly fails. The transfer coefficient Kyy′ is best described by the Urbana IX but the theoretical description is still insufficient to reproduce the experimental data. These results call for a better understanding of the spin structure of the three-nucleon force and very likely for a full relativistic treatment of the three-nucleon continuum.

2 data tables

Cross section and analyzing power measurements.

Proton polarization transfer coefficients.

Complete set of precise deuteron analyzing powers at intermediate energies: Comparison with modern nuclear force predictions

Sekiguchi, K. ; Sakai, H. ; Witaa, H. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 65 (2002) 034003, 2002.
Inspire Record 583095 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25427

Precise measurements of deuteron vector and tensor analyzing powers Ayd, Axx, Ayy, and Axz in d−p elastic scattering were performed via 1H(d→,d)p and 1H(d→,p)d reactions at three incoming deuteron energies of Edlab=140, 200, and 270 MeV. A wide range of center-of-mass angles from ≈10° to 180° was covered. The cross section was measured at 140 and 270 MeV at the same angles. These high precision data were compared with theoretical predictions based on exact solutions of three-nucleon Faddeev equations and modern nucleon-nucleon potentials combined with three-nucleon forces. Three-body interactions representing a wide range of present day models have been used: the Tucson-Melbourne 2π-exchange model, a modification thereof closer to chiral symmetry, the Urbana IX model, and a phenomenological spin-orbit ansatz. Large three-nucleon force effects are predicted, especially at the two higher energies. However, only some of them, predominantly dσ/dΩ and Ayd, are supported by the present data. For tensor analyzing powers the predicted effects are in drastic conflict to the data, indicating defects of the present day three-nucleon force models.

8 data tables

Angular distribution for DEUT P elastic scattering at EKIN of 140 MeV with the SMART spectrograph.

Angular distribution for DEUT P elastic scattering at EKIN of 270 MeV with the D-room polarimeter.

Angular distribution for DEUT P elastic scattering at EKIN of 270 MeV with the SMART spectrograph.


Angular dependence of the p p elastic scattering spin correlation parameter A(00nn) between 0.8 and 2.8 GeV: Results for 1.80-GeV to 2.24-GeV

Allgower, C.E. ; Ball, J. ; Barabash, L.S. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 62 (2000) 064001, 2000.
Inspire Record 539075 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25464

Measurements at 19 beam kinetic energies between 1795 and 2235 MeV are reported for the pp elastic scattering spin correlation parameter A00nn=ANN=CNN. The c.m. angular range is typically 60–100°. The measurements were performed at Saturne II with a vertically polarized beam and target (transverse to the beam direction and scattering plane), a magnetic spectrometer and a recoil detector, both instrumented with multiwire proportional chambers, and beam polarimeters. These results are compared to previous data from Saturne II and elsewhere.

21 data tables

Measured values of CNN at EKIN 1795 Mev.. Fractional systematic uncertainty in the absolute beam and target polarization is +-0.110.

Measured values of CNN at EKIN 1845 Mev.. Fractional systematic uncertainty in the absolute beam and target polarization is +-0.073.

Measured values of CNN at EKIN 1935 Mev.. Fractional systematic uncertainty in the absolute beam and target polarization is +-0.095.


p p elastic scattering polarization transfer K(onno) and depolarization D(onon) between 1.94-GeV and 2.80-GeV.

Allgower, C.E. ; Ball, J. ; Barabash, L.S. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 5 (1998) 453-460, 1998.
Inspire Record 481194 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.43094

A polarized proton beam extracted from SATURNE II and the Saclay polarized proton target were used to measure the rescattering observables$K_{onno}$and

27 data tables

No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.


Angular dependence of p p spin correlation and rescattering observables between 1.80-GeV and 2.10-GeV.

Allgower, C.E. ; Ball, J. ; Barabash, L.S. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 1 (1998) 131-138, 1998.
Inspire Record 465999 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.43398

A polarized proton beam extracted from SATURNE II and the Saclay polarized proton target were used to determine the spin correlation parameter Aoosk and the rescattering observablesKos″ so; Dos″ok, Nos″sn, andNonsk at 1.80 and 2.10 GeV. The beam polarization was oriented perpendicular to the beam direction in the horizontal scattering plane and the target polarization was directed either along the vertical axis or longitudinally. Left-right and up-down asymmetries in the second scattering were measured. A check for the beam optimization with the beam and target polarizations oriented vertically provided other observables, of which results forDonon andKonno at 1.80, 1.85, 2.04, and 2.10 GeV are listed here. The new data at 2.10 GeV suggest a smooth energy dependence of spin triplet scattering amplitudes at fixed angles in the vicinity of this energy.

13 data tables

Spin correlation parameter CSL measured with the beam polarisation measuredalong the +-S direction and the target polarisation along the +-L axis. Additional 4.3 PCT systematic normalisation uncertainty.

Measurement of the rescattering parameter KSS with the beam polarisation inthe +- S direction. Additional 6.7 PCT systematic error.

Measurement of the rescattering parameter KSS with the beam polarisation inthe +- S direction. Additional 6.7 PCT systematic error.
