We have searched for excited states of charged and neutral leptons, e ∗ , μ ∗ , τ ∗ and ν ∗ , in e + e − collisions at s =161 GeV using the OPAL detector at LEP. No evidence for their existence was found. With the most common coupling assumptions, the topologies from excited lepton pair production include ℓ + ℓ − γγ and ℓ + ℓ − W + W − , with the subsequent decay of the virtual W bosons. From the analysis of these topologies, 95% confidence level lower mass limits of 79.9 GeV for e ∗ , 80.0 GeV for μ ∗ , 79.1 GeV for τ ∗ , 78.3 GeV for ν e ∗ , 78.9 GeV for ν μ ∗ and 76.2 GeV for ν τ ∗ are inferred. From the analysis of W + W − and γγ topologies with missing energy and using alternative coupling assingments which favour charged ℓ ∗± and photonic ν ∗ decays, 95% confidence level lower mass limits of 77.1 GeV for each ℓ ∗± flavour and 77.8 GeV for each ν ∗ flavour are inferred. From the analysis of the ℓ + ℓ − γ , ℓ ± W ∓ and single γ final states expected from excited lepton single production, upper limits on the ratio of the coupling to the compositeness scale, f Λ , are determined for excited lepton masses up to the kinematic limit.
95 pct upper limits for pair production of the excited leptons.
We have studied azimuthal correlations in singly-tagged e+e− → e+e−μ+μ− events at an average Q2 of 5.2 GeV2. The data were taken with the OPAL detector at LEP at e+e− centre-of-mass energies close to the Z0 mass, with an integrated luminosity of approximately 100 pb−1. The azimuthal correlations are used to extract the ratio $F_{B}^{αmma}/F_{2}^{αmma}$ of the QED structure functions $F_{B}^{αmma}(x,Q^{2})$ and $F_{2}^{αmma}(x,Q^{2})$ of the photon. In leading order and neglecting the muon mass $F_{B}^{αmma}$ is expected to be identical to the longitudinal structure function $F_{L}^{αmma}$. The measurement of $F_{B}^{αmma}/F_{2}^{αmma}$ is found to be significantly different from zero and to be consistent with the QED prediction.
No description provided.
The differential cross-sections for e + e − → e + e − , e + e − → μ + μ − and e + e − → τ + τ − , and the total cross-section for e + e − → qq̄ at centre-of-mass energies of 130–140 GeV were studied using about 5 pb −1 of data collected with the OPAL detector at LEP in October and November 1995. The results are in agreement with the Standard Model predictions. Four-fermion contact interaction models were fitted to the data and lower limits were obtained on the energy scale Λ at the 95% confidence level.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
New measurements of the hadronic and leptonic cross sections and of the leptonic forward-backward asymmetries ine+e− collisions are presented. The analysis includes data recorded up to the end of 1991 by the OPAL experiment at LEP, with centre-of-mass energies within ±3 GeV of the Z0 mass. The results are based on a recorded total of 454 000 hadronic and 58 000 leptonic events. A model independent analysis of Z0 parameters based on an extension of the improved Born approximation is presented leading to test of lepton universality and an interpretation of the results within the Standard Model framework. The determination of the mass and width of the Z0 benefit from an improved understanding of the LEP energy calibration.
Statistical and systematic point-to-point errors included. There is an additional 0.2 pct overall systematic uncertainty.
Systematic error of 0.45 pct not included.
Systematic error of 0.25 pct not included.
We have measured the photon yield in lepton pair events recorded by the OPAL detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 7.1 pb −1 at centre-of-mass energies between 88 GeV and 94 GeV. The results are compared to QED expectations for initial and final state photon radiation. No anomalous photon yield has been found, and stringent limits on the branching ratio for exotic radiative three body Z 0 decays into a photon and a pair of leptons are obtained. We also place limits on possible Z 0 decays into a photon and a resonance X with subsequent decays of X into a pair of leptons. Acollinear μ + μ − events with missing momentum along the beam direction are identified as events with hard initial state photon radiation and used to measure an average cross section of 15 ± 8 6 pb for e + e − annihilation into μ + μ − , in the so far untested range of centre-of-mass energies between 60 GeV and 84 GeV. This value is consistent with a cross section of 24 pb, expected from Z 0 and photon exchange.
No description provided.
DATA FROM 1989 RUN. The cross section are quoted with their statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainty of both the multihadron acceptance and the luminosity calculation.
DATA FROM 1990 RUN. The cross section are quoted with their statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainty of both the multihadron acceptance and the luminosity calculation.
Cross sections corrected for the effects of efficiency and kinematic cuts and background. Data from 1989 run, reanalysed.
A factorial moment analysis has been performed on the differential multiplicity distributions of hadronic final states of the Z 0 recorded with the OPAL detector at LEP. The moments of the one-dimensional rapidity and the two-dimensional rapidity versus azimuthal angle distributions are found to exhibit “intermittent” behaviour attributable to the jet structure of the events. The moments are reproduced by both parton shower and matrix element QCD based hadronisation models. No evidence for fluctuations beyond those attributable to jet structure is observed.
Corrected factorial moments of the rapidity distribution with respect to the sphericity axis. The errors shown are statistical only but include the statistical error onthe correction factor, added in quadrature.
Corrected factorial moments of the rapidity distribution with respect to the electron beam axis. The errors shown are statistical only but include the statistical error onthe correction factor, added in quadrature.
Corrected factorial moments of the rapidity (with respect to the sphericityaxis) versus PHI distribution. For each point the NUMBER of bins are constructe d from equal numbers of YRAP and PHI bins. The errors shown are statistical only but include the statistical error onthe correction factor, added in quadrature.
The couplings of the Z 0 to charged leptons are studied using measurements of the lepton pair cross sections and forward-backward asymmetries at centre of mass energies near to the mass of the Z 0 . The data are consistent with lepton universality. Using a parametrisation of the lepton pair differential cross section which assumes that the Z 0 has only vector and axial couplings to leptons, the charged leptonic partial decay width of the Z 0 is determined to be Г ol+ol− = 83.1±1.9 MeV and the square of the product of the effective axial vector and vector coupling constants of the Z 0 to charged leptons to be a ̌ 2 ol v ̌ 2 ol = 0.0039± 0.0083 , in agreement with the standard model. A parametrisation in the form of the improved Born approximation gives effective leptonic axial vector and vector coupling constants a ̌ 2 ol = 0.998±0.024 and v ̌ 2 ol = 0.0044±0.0083 . In the framework of the standard model, the values of the parameters ϱ z and sin 2 θ w are found to be 0.998±0.024 and 0.233 +0.045 −0.012 respectively. Using the relationship in the minimal standard model between ϱ z and sin 2 θ w , the results sin 2 θ SM w = 0.233 +0.007 −0.006 is obtained. Our previously published measurement of the ratio of the hadronic to the leptonic partial width of the Z 0 is update: R z = 21.72 +0.71 −0.65 .
Cross sections corrected for the effects of efficiency and kinematic cuts. Errors have systematic effects folded.
Acceptance corrected cross sections. Statistical errors only.
Acceptance corrected cross sections. Statistical errors only.
We report on a measurement of the mass of the Z 0 boson, its total width, and its partial decay widths into hadrons and leptons. On the basis of 25 801 hadronic decays and 1999 decays into electrons, muons or taus, selected over eleven energy points between 88.28 GeV and 95.04 GeV, we obtain from a combined fit to hadrons and leptons a mass of M z =91.154±0.021 (exp)±0.030 (LEP) GeV, and a total width of Γ z =2.536±0.045 GeV. The errors on M z have been separated into the experimental error and the uncertainty due to the LEP beam energy. The measured leptonic partial widths are Γ ee =81.2±2.6 MeV, Γ μμ =82.6± 5.8 MeV, and Γ ττ =85.7±7.1 MeV, consistent with lepton universality. From a fit assuming lepton universality we obtain Γ ℓ + ℓ − = 81.9±2.0 MeV. The hadronic partial width is Γ had =1838±46 MeV. From the measured total and partial widths a model independent value for the invisible width is calculated to be Γ inv =453±44 MeV. The errors quoted include both the statistical and the systematic uncertainties.
Errors are statistical and point to point systematic luminosity error of 1 pct.
Measured values of e+ e- --> e+ e- cross section.
Corrected cross section. Corrections are for t-channel effects and loss of acollinear events near the boundary of the acceptance.
We report on a measurement of the processes e + e − →e + e − , e + e − → μ + μ − , and e + e − → τ + τ − near the Z 0 pole. On the basis of 163 e + e − , 101 μ + μ − and 87 τ + τ − events we obtain Γ ee =89±4±4 MeV, Γ μμ =85±9±6 MeV and Γ ττ =87±10±8 MeV, compatible with the standard model. Combining these with our previous results on hadronic Z 0 decays, we find a hadronic width Γ had =1787±81±90 MeV and an invisible width Γ inv =552±85±71 MeV.
Statistical errors only.
Statistical errors only.