Angular Distribution of the Target Asymmetry on Polarized Protons for the Reaction gamma p (Polarized) --> pi+ n at a Photon Energy of 700-MeV

Althoff, K.H. ; Conrad, R. ; Gies, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 63 (1976) 107-110, 1976.
Inspire Record 114330 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.27654

At the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron the angular distribution of the target asymmetry T = (σ↑ − σ↓) (σ↑ + σ↓) for the reaction γp↑ → π + n was measured at a mean photon energy of 700 MeV and pion CM-angles from 50° to 155°. The combination of a 3 He-cryostat, polarizing the free protons in the target up to 65%, with a large acceptance magnet for pion detection led to statistical errors of the target asymmetry comparable with those of cross section measurements.

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No description provided.

Photoproduction of Negative Pions on a Polarized Neutron Target in the Resonance Region

Althoff, K.H. ; Beckschulze, H. ; Conrad, R. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 96 (1975) 497-508, 1975.
Inspire Record 99642 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.31932

At the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron the first measurements of the target asymmetry for the reaction γ + n ↑ → π − + p have been performed. The negative pions were detected in a magnetic spectrometer at a constant pion c.m. angle of 40° and photon energies between 0.45 GeV and 2.0 GeV. Deuterated butanol was used as target material. The polarization of the deuterons was about 16%. The results show a significant difference from the previously measured π + asymmetry.

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No description provided.

Photoproduction of pi+ mesons on polarized protons at photon energies between 0.5 and 2.2 gev

Althoff, K.H. ; Feller, P. ; Herr, H. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 53 (1973) 9-18, 1973.
Inspire Record 84220 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.32593

The target asymmetry T = ( σ ↑ − σ ↓)/( σ ↑ + σ ↓) for the reaction γ p → π + n has been measured at the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron for a pion c.m. angle of 40° and γ energies between 0.5 and 2.2 GeV. Butanol was used as the target material. About 35% of the protons could be polarized using the dynamic-polarization method in a continuous-flow cryostat operating at 1°K and 25 kG. The π + mesons were detected in a magnetic-spectrometer system. Considerable structure in the asymmetry was observed.

1 data table

Axis error includes +- 11/11 contribution.

No description provided.