Measurements have been made on Compton scattering for photon energies between 5 and 17 GeV and t values from -0.06 to -1.1 (GeVc)2. The data were obtained by performing a coincidence between the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 1.6-GeVc spectrometer and a Lucite shower counter. The scattering appears diffractive out to high t values, but the cross sections seem not to be in good agreement with the prediction of a strict vector-meson-dominance model.
The reaction π−p→X−p, X−→ηπ−, η→γγ has been studied in an optical spark-chamber experiment at the Argonne ZGS (Zero Gradient Synchrotron) at a beam momentum of 6.0 GeV/c and with 0.27≤|t|≤0.42 (GeV/c)2. The ηπ mass spectrum contains about 1400 events in the mass range 0.80<M(ηπ)<1.55 GeV/c2, and is dominated by approximately 1000 events of the type A2−→ηπ−. No structure is discernible within the A2 mass spectrum for an experimental resolution of 7.1 MeV/c2 [16.7 MeV/c2 FWHM (full width at half maximum)]. A single D-wave Breit-Wigner distribution fits the data with a high confidence level, yielding for the A2 the parameters M0=1.323±0.003 GeV/c2 and Γ0=0.108±0.009 GeV/c2. The angular distribution of the decay A2−→ηπ− is analyzed and the resultant density matrix elements have the values ρ11=0.45±0.02, ρ1−1=0.45±0.04, and ρ00=0.09±0.04. All other elements are consistent with zero. Finally, the missing-mass spectrum in the region of the A2 is presented. A signal of 230 events above background per 5-MeV/c2 interval is observed at the A2 peak, with a signal to background ratio of greater than 1:1. A single D-wave Breit-Wigner distribution together with a quadratic background fits the data well, with the parameters for the A2 being M0=1.324±0.003 GeV/c2 and Γ0=0.104±0.009 GeV/c2. Both A2 mass spectra are incompatible with the dipole shape.