A measurement of the longitudinal and transverse parts of the $\pi^{+}$ electroproduction cross-section at 1175 MeV pion-nucleon centre-of-mass energy.

Bardin, G. ; Duclos, J. ; Julien, J. ; et al.
Lett.Nuovo Cim. 13 (1975) 485-488, 1975.
Inspire Record 1393354 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37444


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Coincidence electroproduction of single neutral pions in the resonance region at q 2 = 0.5 (GeV/ c ) 2

Latham, A. ; Allison, J. ; Booth, I. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 156 (1979) 58-92, 1979.
Inspire Record 1392686 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.836

Data are presented for the reaction ep → ep π 0 at a nominal four-momentum transfer squared of 0.5 (GeV/ c ) 2 . The data were obtained using an extracted electron beam from NINA and two magnetic spectrometers for coincidence detection of the electron and proton. Details are given of the experimental method and the results are given for isobar masses in the range 1.19 – 1.73 GeV/ c 2 .

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$K^+$ nucleon elastic scattering at 180° between 1.0 and 1.5 GeV/c incident momentum

Adams, U. ; Carter, R.S. ; Cook, V. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 87 (1975) 41-51, 1975.
Inspire Record 1392682 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.32061

We have measured the cross section at 180° for K + p and K + n elastic scattering in the momentum range 1.0 to 1.5 GeV/ c . The K + n cross section was measured on deuterium and the K + p on hydrogen and deuterium. We were thus able to measure directly the difference between free nucleon (proton) scattering and bound nucleon (proton) scattering at large angles. This difference was found to be small and within our experimental accuracy the K + p(n) cross section should be equal to the K + p (free) cross section at 180°. We found no evidence for an s -channel resonance Z ∗ in either the K + p or K + n system. A comparison of our data and those of other groups with theoretical predictions is given.

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Phase shift analysis of K+p elastic scattering at 780 MeV/c

Focardi, S. ; Minguzzi-Ranzi, A. ; Monari, L. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 24 (1967) 90461 314-317, 1967.
Inspire Record 1389646 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29618

A phase shift analysis of the K<sup loc="post">+</sup>p elastic scattering at 780 MeV/c has been performed. The experimental differential cross section is best explained by a solution with dominant s wave, negative s wave phase shift (−42.7 ± 1 deg.) and small contributions of p and d waves.

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Corrected for PI+ P events and scanning efficiency.

$\pi$-proton scattering at 516, 616, 710, 887, and 1085 MeV

Gbaed, F. ; Montanet, L. ; Lehmann, P. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim. 22 (1961) 193-198, 1961.
Inspire Record 1187691 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37734

We present results on .~--p seattering at kinetic energies in the laboratory of 516, 616, 710, 887 and 1085MeV. The data were obtained by exposing a liquid hydrogen bubble chamber to a pion beam from the Saelay proton synchrotron Saturne. The chamber had a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of 10 cm. There was no magnetic field. Two cameras, 15 em apart, were situated at 84 cm from the center- of the chamber. A triple quadrnpole lens looking at an internal target, and a bending magnet, defined the beam, whose momentum spread was less than 2%. The value of the momentum was measured by the wire-orbit method and by time of flight technique, and the computed momentum spread was checked by means of a Cerenkov counter. The pictures were scanned twice for all pion interactions. 0nly those events with primaries at most 3 ~ off from the mean beam direction and with vertices inside a well defined fiducial volume, were considered. All not obviously inelastic events were measured and computed by means of a Mercury Ferranti computer. The elasticity of the event was established by eoplanarity and angular correlation of the outgoing tracks. We checked that no bias was introduced for elastic events with dip angles for the scattering plane of less than 80 ~ and with cosines of the scattering angles in the C.M.S. of less than 0.95. Figs. 1 to 5 show the angular distributions for elastic scattering, for all events with dip angles for the scattering plane less than 80 ~ . The solid curves represent a best fit to the differential cross section. The ratio of charged inelastic to elastic events, was obtained by comparing the number of inelastic scatterings to the areas under the solid curves which give the number of elastic seatterings.

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Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering at Momentum Transfers up to 110 Fermi$^−^2$

Behrend, H.J. ; Brasse, F.W. ; Engler, J. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim.A 48 (1967) 140-164, 1967.
Inspire Record 1185336 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1060

Using the internal beam of DESY elastic electron-proton cross-sections were measured at various angles between 32° and 130°, and with momentum transfers ofq 2=39, 60, 80 and 110 fm−2. Two single-quadrupole spectrometers, movable around a common liquid-hydrogen target, were used for analysing the momentum of the scattered electrons. Čerenkov and shower counters discriminated against pion and low-energy background. As a cross-section reference, recoil protons from elastic scattering atq 2=10 fm−2 were used, with a quantameter serving as an intermediate monitor. The data are consistent with the Rosenbluth formula, giving real form factorsG E andG M . Both continue to decrease with increasing momentum transfer, but somewhat faster than indicated by measurements performed so far.

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η photoproduction cross-section for incident photon energies from 800 to 1000 MeV

Bacci, C. ; Penso, G. ; Salvini, G. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim.A 45 (1966) 983-1009, 1966.
Inspire Record 1185323 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37560

Photoproduction cross-section of the η-particle for incident photon energiesK from ∼800 to ∼1000 MeV has been measured at the 1.1 GeV Frascati electronsynchrotron. The differential cross-section for this process, at a c.m. angle of the η of ∼110°, turns out to be fairly constant for 830 MeV≤K≤900 MeV, and drops down by a factor 5 to 10 atK=950 MeV. These results are discussed in terms of a comparison with the data on the production of η's by pions, and with the data on pion-nucleon scattering and pion photoproduction. The conclusions are in agreement with the hypothesis that the η-N system is dominated at low energies by a resonance with orbital angular momentuml=0 (S 1/2,1/2 resonance).

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Single-$\pi^{0}$ photoproduction from hydrogen around the «Second resonance»

Bellettini, G. ; Bemporad, C. ; Biggs, P.J. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim. 44 239-252, 1966.
Inspire Record 1185321 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37693

New results are presented on the differential cross-section for the reaction α+p→π0+p, at energies between 600 and 1000 MeV, and c.m. pion angles Θ*π=40° and Θ*π=60°. The present data, together with that at Θ*π=40° already published (11), show an angle-independent position of the second resonance at about 750 MeV. Rather flat angular distributions in the forward c.m. hemisphere are also favoured by these data. On comparing the cross-sections obtained when detecting both the neutral pion and the recoil proton, and when detecting only the latter, estimates of the background of «ghost protons» are obtained, in agreement with the empirical curve proposed in ref. (11).

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Differential cross-sections for photoproduction of positive pions in hydrogen I. — low energies

Beneventano, M. ; Bernardini, G. ; Carlson-Lee, D. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim. 4 (1956) 323-356, 1956.
Inspire Record 1185320 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37599

The cross-sections σ(Eγ,ϑ ) for the reaction pγ→ n+ have been measured near threshold as a function of photon energy and at four angles. See Table I. These results combined with previously known data, have given a fairly complete and accurate description of σ(Eγ,θ) between the limits 30°≤θ≤180° and 170≤ Eγ 270 MeV. See Table II and Pig. 2. Writing σ(Eγ,θ) = W·a0 + a1 cos θ + a2 cos2 θ× withW= ηωl +(μ/Ei)ξ −1·l + (μ/E f )ω×−1 (see formula (5)) the experimental data indicate that (Table III) a0 is constant up to about Eγ ≃ 260 MeV; and that (Table V) the three ai coefficients analyzed in terms ofS andP waves give a very small spin flippingP-amplitudeK. The presumption that theS amplitudeE 1 ismainly due to the gauge invariance requirement is definitely not consistent with the data (see Table IV). A discussion based on the Kroll and Rudermann theorem leads to the conclusion that this inconsistency may be eliminated if allowance is made for the contribution of fairly large nucleon recoils. However, it turns out that only the changing sign part of these recoils is really large and apparently so up to terms of order higher than μM. The amount of the recoil at threshold is estimated and consequently a value for the pspv interaction constant is derived.

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Proton compton effect

Bernardini, G. ; Hanson, A.O. ; Odian, A.C. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim. 18 (1960) 1203-1236, 1960.
Inspire Record 1184998 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37758

The elastic scattering of photons by protons has been measured for 100 MeV to 290 MeV photons at 90° c.m.s. and 139° c.m.s. scattering angles. The expected large increase in cross-section is observed at energies approaching that of (3/2, 3/2) pion-nucleon resonance. The scattering can be qualitatively explained by the ordinary Thomson amplitude combined with that of the (3/2, 3/2) resonance. A more detailed examination of the cross-section in the region just above the photo-meson threshold has shown that it is sensitive to the π0 photon coupling. From the experimental data, one may conclude that the π0 mean life should be between 10−16 and 10−18 s.

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