Three different methods are used for extraction Alphas value (see text for details). Systematical errors with C=HADR and C=THEOR are due to hadronization correction and theoretical uncertainties.
Inclusive π±, K± and\((p,\bar p)\) differential cross-sections in hadronic decays of the Z have been measured as a function ofz=Phadron/Pbeam, the scaled momentum. The results are based on approximately 520 000 events measured by the ALEPH detector at LEP during 1992. Charged particles are identified by their rate of ionization energy loss in the ALEPH Time Projection Chamber. The position, ξ*, of the peak in the ln(1/z) distribution is determined, and the evolution of the peak position with centre-of-mass energy is compared with the prediction of QCD.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
The production of charmed mesons$$\mathop {D^0 }\limits^{( - )} $$,D
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The DSYS error is due to the error in the branching ratio.
The DSYS error is due to the error in the branching ratio.
The fragmentation of b quarks into B mesons is studied with four million hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH experiment during the years 1991-1995. A semi-exclusive reconstruction of B->l nu D(*) decays is performed, by combining lepton candidates with fully reconstructed D(*) mesons while the neutrino energy is estimated from the missing energy of the event. The mean value of xewd, the energy of the weakly-decaying B meson normalised to the beam energy, is found to be mxewd = 0.716 +- 0.006 (stat) +- 0.006 (syst) using a model-independent method; the corresponding value for the energy of the leading B meson is mxel = 0.736 +- 0.006 (stat) +- 0.006 (syst). The reconstructed spectra are compared with different fragmentation models.
The inclusive charm production rate in W decays is measured from a study of the properties of final state particles. The sample of W pairs is selected from 67.7 pb −1 collected by ALEPH in 1996 and 1997 at centre-of-mass energies near 172 and 183 GeV in the channels W + W − →4q and W + W − →ℓνq q ̄ . The branching fraction of hadronic W decays to a final state containing a c quark, R W c = Γ(W→cX)/Γ(W→hadrons), is measured to be 0.51±0.05 stat ±0.03 syst . This allows a direct determination of the CKM matrix element |V cs |=1.00±0.11 stat ±0.07 syst .
The decay B0 -> J/psi K0_S is reconstructed with J/psi -> e+ e- or mu+ mu- and K0_S -> pi+ pi-. From the full ALEPH dataset at LEP1 of about 4 million hadronic Z decays, 23 candidates are selected with an estimated purity of 71%. They are used to measure the CP asymmetry of this decay, given by sin 2beta in the Standard Model, with the result sin 2beta = 0.84 +0.82-1.04 +-0.16. This is combined with existing measurements from other experiments, and increases the confidence level that CP violation has been observed in this channel to 98%.
From a sample of about 75000 τ decays identified with the ALEPH detector, K 0 production in 1-prong hadronic decays is investigated by tagging the K L 0 component in a hadronic calorimeter. Results are given for the final states ν τ h − K 0 and ν τ h − π 0 K 0 where the h − is separated into π and K contributions by means of the dE / dx measurement in in the central detector. The resulting branching ratios are: ( Bτ → ν τ π − K 0 ) = (0.88±0.14±0.09)%, ( Bτ → ν τ K − K 0 ) = (0.29±0.12±0.03)%, ( Bτ → ν τ π − π 0 K 0 ) = (0.33±0.14±0.07)% aand ( Bτ → ν τ K − π 0 K 0 ) = (0.05±0.05±0.01)%. The K ∗ decay rate in the K 0 π channel agrees with that in the Kπ 0 mode: the combined value for the branching ratio is (Bτ → ν τ K ∗− ) = (1.45±0.13±0.11)% .
Inclusive branching ratios involving b to tau transitions are measured in approximately four million hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP. The fully-inclusive branching ratio b -> tau nu X and the semi-inclusive branching ratio b -> tau nu D*+/- X are measured to be (2.43 +/- 0.20 +/- 0.25)% and (0.88 +/- 0.31 +/- 0.28)%, in agreement with the standard model predictions. Upper limits on the branching fractions b -> tau nu and b -> s nu nubar are set to 8.3 10**-4 and 6.4 10**-4 at the 90% C.L. These results allow a 90% C.L. lower limit of 0.40 (GeV/c**2)**-1 to be set on the tan(beta)/mH+/- ratio, in the framework of type-II two-Higgs-doublet mode
Quark and gluon jets with the same energy, 24 GeV, are compared in symmetric three-jet configurations from hadronic Z decays observed by the ALEPH detector. Jets are defined using the Durham algorithm. Gluon jets are identified using an anti-tag on b jets, based on a track impact parameter method. The comparison of gluon and mixed flavour quark jets shows that gluon jets have a softer fragmentation function, a larger angular width and a higher particle multiplicity, Evidence is presented which shows that the corresponding differences between gluon and b jets are significantly smaller. In a statistically limited comparison the multiplicity in c jets was found to be comparable with that observed for the jets of mixed quark flavour.
B-jets are identified with the lepton-tag analysis.
The same kinematics as in the table 1.
The polarization of τ leptons produced in the reaction e + e − → τ + τ − at the Z resonance has been measured using the τ decay modes e ν e ν τ , μν μ ν τ , πν τ , ϱν τ , and a 1 ν τ . The mean value obtained is P τ = −0.152±0.045, indicating that parity is violated in the neutral current process e + e − → τ + τ − . The result corresponds to a ratio of a neutral current vector and axial vector coupling constants of the τ lepton g V τ (M 2 Z ) g A τ (M 2 Z ) = 0.076±0.023 and a value of the electroweak mixing parameter sin 2 θ w ( M 2 Z ) = 0.2302 ± 0.0058.
Results are for both TAU+ and TAU- decay. Final combined result contains statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature.
No description provided.