We present a measurement of the total cross section for γγ→hadrons, with one photon quasireal and the other a spacelike photon of mass squared −Q2. Results are presented as a function of Q2 and the γγ center-of-mass energy W, with the Q2 range extending from 0.2 to 60 GeV2, and W in the range from 2 to 10 GeV. The data were taken with the TPC/Two-Gamma facility at the SLAC e+e− storage ring PEP, which was operated at a beam energy of 14.5 GeV. The cross section exhibits a gentle falloff with increasing W. Its Q2 dependence is shown to be well described by an incoherent sum of vector-meson and pointlike scattering over most of the observed W range. Agreement at high Q2 is improved if a minimum-pT cutoff (motivated by QCD) is imposed on the pointlike contribution.
Errors are statistical only.
Errors are statistical only.
Errors are statistical only.
We report cross sections for the process γγ→pp¯ at center-of-mass energies W from 2.0 to 2.8 GeV. These results have been extracted from measurements of e+e−→e+e−pp¯ at an overall center-of-mass energy of 29 GeV, using the TPC/Two-Gamma facility at the SLAC storage ring PEP. Cross sections for the untagged mode [both photons nearly real] are shown to lie well above QCD predictions. Results are also presented for the single-tagged mode [one photon in the range 0.16<Q2<1.6 (GeV/c)2].
Data read from graph in preprint. Statistical errors only.
Data read from graph. Statistical errors only.
Data read from graph. Statistical errors only.
We report measurements of π±K±, and p, p¯ inclusive cross sections and fractions in e+e− annihilation at s=29 GeV, for the momentum interval 0.01<z=ppbeam<0.90. The analysis is based on approximately 70 pb−1 of data collected with the TPC2γ detector facility at the SLAC storage ring PEP. Detector upgrades result in significantly improved momentum coverage and precision of the data, compared to previous measurements.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Results are presented on the exclusive production of four-prong final states in photon-photon collisions from the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC e+e− storage ring PEP. Measurement of dE/dx and momentum in the time-projection chamber (TPC) provides identification of the final states 2π+2π−, K+K−π+π−, and 2K+2K−. For two quasireal incident photons, both the 2π+2π− and K+K−π+π− cross sections show a steep rise from threshold to a peak value, followed by a decrease at higher mass. Cross sections for the production of the final states ρ0ρ0, ρ0π+π−, and φπ+π− are presented, together with upper limits for φρ0, φφ, and K*0K¯ *0. The ρ0ρ0 contribution dominates the four-pion cross section at low masses, but falls to nearly zero above 2 GeV. Such behavior is inconsistent with expectations from vector dominance but can be accommodated by four-quark resonance models or by t-channel factorization. Angular distributions for the part of the data dominated by ρ0ρ0 final states are consistent with the production of JP=2+ or 0+ resonances but also with isotropic (nonresonant) production. When one of the virtual photons has mass (mγ2=-Q2≠0), the four-pion cross section is still dominated by ρ0ρ0 at low final-state masses Wγγ and by 2π+2π− at higher mass. Further, the dependence of the cross section on Q2 becomes increasingly flat as Wγγ increases.
We report a measurement of the e+e−→e+e−pp¯π+π− process with the TPC/Two-Gamma facility at the PEP e+e− storage ring at SLAC. Forty-five pp¯π+π− events were identified in data corresponding to an integrated e+e− luminosity of 142 pb−1. The cross section for γγ→pp¯π+π− is given both as a function of the γγ center-of-mass energy Wγγ, with Wγγ between 2.5 and 5.5 GeV, and as a function of the in variant mass squared q2 of one of the photons, with −q2<7 GeV2. This cross section falls much less rapidly with Wγγ than does the cross section for a similar process, γγ→pp¯. No Δ0Δ¯0 production is observed, and only a small fraction of the events at low Wγγ is consistent with γγ→Δ++Δ¯−−, Δ++p¯π−, or Δ¯−−pπ+. In an expanded search through the same data, four events compatible with either ΛΛ¯(Λ→pπ−) or Σ0Λ¯(Σ0→Λγ) production were found.
Statistical errors only.
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The two-photon production of the η meson has been observed, and a value has been determined for the two-photon η decay width by a measurement of the cross section σ(e+e−→e+e−η) where η→γγ. The measurement was made with the TPC/Two-Gamma facility at the SLAC e+e− collider PEP, with an accumulated data sample of 64.5 pb−1. The η→γγ events were both triggered and detected by the pole-tip calorimeter. The measured two-photon η decay width is Γη→γγ=0.64±0.14 (statistical) ±0.13 (systematic) keV, in agreement with earlier similarly determined values.
No description provided.
The TPC/Two-Gamma Collaboration has measured the inclusive cross section for production of charmed D ∗± mesons in photon-photon collisions. The reaction utilized was e + e - →e + e - D ∗± X, with D ∗± →D O π +- , D O →K -+ π ± , and either zero or one outgoing e ± detected. The result, σ(e + e - → e + e - D ∗± X) = 74±26±19 pb , is in agreement with the quark parton mo del prediction for e + e - → e + e - c c , combined with a Lund model for the hadronization of the charmed quarks.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We report measurements of the two-photon processes e+e−→e+e−π+π− and e+e−→e+e−K+K−, at an e+e− center-of-mass energy of 29 GeV. In the π+π− data a high-statistics analysis of the f(1270) results in a γγ width Γ(γγ→f)=3.2±0.4 keV. The π+π− continuum below the f mass is well described by a QED Born approximation, whereas above the f mass it is consistent with a QCD-model calculation if a large contribution from the f is assumed. For the K+K− data we find agreement of the high-mass continuum with the QCD prediction; limits on f′(1520) and θ(1720) formation are presented.
Data read from graph. Additional overall systematic error 20% not included.
Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error 20% not included.
Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error 20% not included.. The Q**2 dependence is normalized to unity for the bin centred on Q**2 = 0.
The structure function F2γ for a quasireal photon has been measured in the reaction ee→eeX for Q2 in the range 0.2<Q2<7 GeV2, by use of 9200 multihadron events obtained with the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC storage ring PEP. The data have been corrected for detector effects by a regularized unfolding procedure and are presented as F2γ(x,Q2). The structure function shows scaling in the region 0.3<Q2<1.6 GeV2, x<0.3, and rises for higher Q2 and x>0.1. Below Q2=0.3 GeV2, scaling breaks down in accordance with the finite cross-section bound for real photons.
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Data read from graph.
Data read from graph.
We have studied J ψ production in p p collisions at s = 1.8 TeV with the DØ detector at Fermilab using μ + μ − data. We have measured the inclusive J ψ production cross section as a function of J ψ transverse momentum, p T . For the kinematic range p T > 8 GeV/ c and |η| < 0.6 we obtain σ(p p → J ψ + X) · Br ( J ψ → μ + μ − ) = 2.08 ± 0.17( stat) ± 0.46(syst) nb. Using the muon impact parameter we have estimated the fraction of J ψ mesons coming from B meson decays to be f b = 0.35 ± 0.09(stat)±0.10(syst) and inferred the inclusive b production cross section. From the information on the event topology the fraction of nonisolated J ψ events has been measured to be f nonisol = 0.64 ± 0.08(stat)±0.06(syst). We have also obtained the fraction of J ψ events resulting from radiative decays of χ c states, f χ = 0.32 ± 0.07(stat)±0.07(syst). We discuss the implications of our measurements for charmonium production processes.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Integrated b-quark production cross section.