The ep -> e'pi^+n reaction was studied in the first and second nucleon resonance regions in the 0.25 GeV^2 < Q^2 < 0.65 GeV^2 range using the CLAS detector at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. For the first time the absolute cross sections were measured covering nearly the full angular range in the hadronic center-of-mass frame. The structure functions sigma_TL, sigma_TT and the linear combination sigma_T+epsilon*sigma_L were extracted by fitting the phi-dependence of the measured cross sections, and were compared to the MAID and Sato-Lee models.
Structure functions for Q**2 = 0.30 GeV**2 and W = 1.31 GeV.
Structure functions for Q**2 = 0.30 GeV**2 and W = 1.33 GeV.
Structure functions for Q**2 = 0.30 GeV**2 and W = 1.35 GeV.
The polarized longitudinal-transverse structure function $\sigma_{LT^\prime}$ measures the interference between real and imaginary amplitudes in pion electroproduction and can be used to probe the coupling between resonant and non-resonant processes. We report new measurements of $\sigma_{LT^\prime}$ in the $N(1440){1/2}^+$ (Roper) resonance region at $Q^2=0.40$ and 0.65 GeV$^2$ for both the $\pi^0 p$ and $\pi^+ n$ channels. The experiment was performed at Jefferson Lab with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) using longitudinally polarized electrons at a beam energy of 1.515 GeV. Complete angular distributions were obtained and are compared to recent phenomenological models. The $\sigma_{LT^\prime}(\pi^+ n)$ channel shows a large sensitivity to the Roper resonance multipoles $M_{1-}$ and $S_{1-}$ and provides new constraints on models of resonance formation.
Polarized structure function of the reaction E- P --> E- PI0 P for Q**2 = 0.40 and W = 1.34 GeV.
Polarized structure function of the reaction E- P --> E- PI0 P for Q**2 = 0.40 and W = 1.38 GeV.
Polarized structure function of the reaction E- P --> E- PI0 P for Q**2 = 0.40 and W = 1.34 GeV.