A high-statistics measurement has been made of the process e+e−→μ+μ− at s=29 GeV with the MAC detector at the SLAC storage ring PEP. The electroweak forward-backward charge asymmetry for a sample of approximately 16 000 events was measured to be Aμμ=−0.063±0.008±0.002. The ratio of the cross section to the lowest-order QED cross section was measured to be Rμμ=1.01±0.01±0.03. From these results the weak neutral axial-vector and vector couplings are determined to be gAegAμ=0.25±0.03±0.01 and gVegVμ=−0.02±0.03±0.09.
Data are fully corrected, including radiative effects.
Asymmetry determined from a two parameter fit to the angular distribution proportional to R*(1 + cos(theta)**2 + (8/3)*A*cos(theta)). R is then the total ratio relative to the lowest order QED cross section and A is the forward-backward asymmetry.
No description provided.
A high-statistics measurement is presented of the cross section for the process e+e−→τ+τ− at s=29 GeV from the MAC detector at PEP. A fit to the angular distribution of our sample of 10 153 events with |cosθ|<0.9 gives an asymmetry Aττ=−0.055±0.012±0.005 from which we find the product of electron and tau axial-vector weak neutral couplings gAegAτ=0.22±0.05.
Data fully corrected up to O(ALPHA**3) radiative effects. Data requested from authors.
Data extrapolated to full acceptance.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Data extrapolated to full solid angle.
A measurement of the cross section for production of collinear muon pairs based upon a sample of about 3000 events observed in the MAC detector at the storage ring PEP is presented. From the angular asymmetry Aμμ=0.076±0.018 the axial-vector weak neutral coupling is found to be given by gAegAμ=0.31±0.08.
Data on non-collinearity and angular distribution.
Asymmetry measurement based on extrapolation of number of events to 4 PI acceptance.
The differential cross sections for lepton pair production in e+e− annihilation at 29 GeV have been measured and found to be in good agreement with the standard model of the electroweak interaction. With the assumption of e−μ−τ universality, the weak neutral-current couplings are determined to be ga2=0.23±0.05 and gv2=0.03±0.04.
Numerical values supplied by M.Levi.
Data requested from authors.
Extrapolated to full angular range.
Measurements of energy-energy correlations in hadronic final states produced in e + e − annihilation at c.m. energies between 7.7 and 31.6 GeV are presented. The data are compared to perturbative QCD predictions. Good qualitative agreement above 20 GeV c.m. energy is found. The importance of non-perturbative effects is discussed, as well as the detailed behaviour of the correlation near 180°.
No description provided.
The reaction e + e − → τ + τ − has been measured using the high resolution spectrometer at PEP. The angular distribution shows a forward-backward asymmetry of −(6.1±2.3±0.5)%, corresponding to an axial-vector coupling if g a τ g a e = 0.28 ±0.11± 0.03, in good agreement with the standard model of electroweak interactions. The measured cross section yields ifR ττ = 1.10± 0.03±0.04, consistent with QED and giving QED cutoff parameters of Λ + >92 GeV and Λ − >246 GeV at 95% C.L.
Comparison of total tau pair cross section with O(alpha**3) QED prediction.
Corrected for acceptance backgraound, and O(alpha**3) radiative effects.
Forward-backward asymmetry based on fit to angular distributions.
We have measured the process e+e−→μ+μ− at √s =29 GeV using the High Resolution Spectrometer at SLAC PEP. The forward-backward charge asymmetry is Aμμ=-(4.9±1.5±0.5)% based on 5057 events. A subsample of 3488 μ+μ− events in the angular range ‖cosθ‖<0.55 gives a cross-section ratio of Rμμ=0.990±0.017±0.030. The resulting couplings of the weak neutral current are gaegaμ=0.208±0.064± 0.021 and gvegvμ=0.027 ±0.051±0.089. The QED cutoff parameters are Λ+>170 GeV and Λ−>146 GeV at 95% C.L.
Corrected for acceptance and O(alpha**3) QED radiation. Numerical values taken from SUGANO-ANL-HEP-CP-84-90.
Forward-backward asymmetry based on fit to angular distribution. Result is given combined with earlier data from BENDER et al.
No description provided.
We use the reaction e+e−→μ+μ−, in the Mark J detector at the DESY high-energy e+e− collider PETRA, to test the standard electroweak theory and find good agreement. We also set limits on the parameters of several extended gauge theories.
During the initial data run with the High Resolution Spectrometer (HRS) at SLAC PEP, an integrated luminosity of 19.6 pb−1 at a center-of-mass energy of 29 GeV was accumulated. The data on Bhabha scattering and muon pair production are compared with the predictions of QED and the standard model of electroweak interactions. The measured forward-backward charge asymmetry in the angular distribution of muon pairs is -8.4%±4.3%. A comparison between the data and theoretical predictions places limits on alternative descriptions of leptons and their interactions. The existence of heavy electronlike or photonlike objects that alter the structure of the QED vertices or modify the propagator are studied in terms of the QED cutoff parameters. The Bhabha-scattering results give a lower limit on a massive photon and upper limits on the effective size of the electron of Λ+>121 GeV and Λ−>118 GeV at the 95% confidence level. Muon pair production yields Λ+>172 GeV and Λ−>172 GeV. If electrons have substructure, the magnitude and character of the couplings of the leptonic constituents affects the Bhabha-scattering angular distributions to such an extent that limits on the order of a TeV can be extracted on the effective interaction length of the components. For models in which the constituents interact with vector couplings of strength g24π∼1, the energy scale ΛVV for the contact interaction is measured to be greater than 1419.0 GeV at the 95% confidence level. We set limits on the production of supersymmetric scalar electrons through s-channel single-photon annihilation and t-channel inelastic scattering. Using events with two noncollinear electrons and no other charged or observed neutral particles in the final state, we see one event which is consistent with a simple supersymmetric model but which is also consistent with QED. This allows us to exclude the scalar electron to 95% confidence level in the mass range 1.8 to 14.2 GeV/c2.
Comparison of Bhabhas with QED.
Muon angular distributions.
Forward-backward asymmetry from full angular range.