The production of the neutral strange hadrons $K^{0}_{S}$, $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ has been measured in $ep$ collisions at HERA using the ZEUS detector. Cross sections, baryon-to-meson ratios, relative yields of strange and charged light hadrons, $\Lambda$ ($\bar{\Lambda}$) asymmetry and polarization have been measured in three kinematic regions: $Q^2 > 25 \gev^2$: $5 < Q^2 < 25 \gev^2$: and in photoproduction ($Q^2 \simeq 0$). In photoproduction the presence of two hadronic jets, each with at least $5 \gev$ transverse energy, was required. The measurements agree in general with Monte Carlo models and are consistent with measurements made at $e^+ e^-$ colliders, except for an enhancement of baryon relative to meson production in photoproduction.
Differential K0S cross section in DIS events as a function of transverse momentum (lab). for Q**2 from 5 to 25 GeV**2.
Differential K0S cross section in DIS events as a function of transverse momentum (lab). for Q**2 > 25 GeV**2.
Differential K0S cross section in DIS events as a function of pseudorapidity (lab). for Q**2 from 5 to 25 GeV**2.
The hadronic final states observed with the ALEPH detector at LEP in ${\rm e}^ + {\rm e}^-$ annihilation
Mean charged particle multiplicities at different c.m. energies.
XP distribution at c.m. energy 133.0 GeV.
XP distribution at c.m. energy 161.0 GeV.
Previously published and as yet unpublished QCD results obtained with the ALEPH detector at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of strong interactions to be carried out using hadronic Z and tau decays. The studies presented include precise determinations of the strong coupling constant, tests of its flavour independence, tests of the SU(3) gauge structure of QCD, study of coherence effects, and measurements of single-particle inclusive distributions and two-particle correlations for many identified baryons and mesons.
Charged particle sphericity distribution.
Charged particle aplanarity distribution.
Charged particle Thrust distribution.
Measurements are reported of inclusivef2(1270) andf0(975) production in γp, π±p andK±p collisions at photon beam energies of 65 to 175 GeV and hadron beam energies of 80 and 140 GeV. Thef2 andf0 mesons were found at masses of 1.250 GeV and 0.961 GeV respectively. Inclusivef2 production at lowxF was found to have a similarpT dependence for each beam type, whereas an additional pion-exchange contribution was found for production by pions at highxF. Cross sections are compared with those for ρ0 production and give no indication of a non-q\(\bar q\) component in eitherf-meson state.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Inclusive production of direct soft photons is studied inK+p andK+π interactions at 250 GeV/c. Total cross sections, Feynman-x and transverse momentum distributions of direct γ's are presented. The measured cross sections are several times larger than expected from QED inner bremsstrahlung, indicating the presence of an anomalous soft photon source. The model of Lichard and Van Hove, based on the “cold quark-gluon plasma” picture, agrees with the data.
Results extrapolated below p(gamma) = m(pi0)/2.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We report on a study of inclusiveπ0 and η meson production inπ+p andK+p interactions at 250 GeV/c beam momentum. The Feynman-x spectrum ofπ0 is very similar in shape and normalization to that of negatively charged particles produced in the same experiment. The results are compared with data at other energies and with FRITIOF model predictions. This model overestimates the η cross section by a factor of 2.5. It reproduces theπ0 cross section correctly, but predicts a too hardπ0x distribution.
Data from Gamma Detectors only.
Data from Gamma Detectors only.
Data from RCBC only.
Jet properties ine+e− annihilation at center of mass energies of 14, 22, 35 and 43.7 GeV were studied with the data collected in the TASSO detector at PETRA, using the same evaluation procedures for all the energies. The total hadronic cross section ratio for the center of mass energy interval 39–47 GeV was determined to be ℛ=4.11±0.05 (stat)±0.18(syst.) at\(\langle \sqrt s \rangle= 43 - 7\) GeV. Corrected distributions of global shape variables are presented as well as the inclusive charged particle distributions for scaled momentum and transverse momentum. The center of mass energy evolution of the average sphericity, thrust, aplanarity and particle momentum is shown.
R values. First systematic error comes from selection cuts and Monte Carlo, the second from the luminosity measurement and missing terms in the radiative correction calculations.
Normalised scaled momentum distributions. Data have combined statistical and systematic errors. These data superceded previous TASSO data (ZP C22 (84) 307 (<a href=> RED = 1279 </a>)).
Normalised scaled momentum distributions. Data have combined statistical and systematic errors. The binning is as used in fits in the paper. These data superceded previous TASSO data (ZP C22 (84) 307 (<a href=> RED = 1279 </a>)).
The inclusive production of neutral kaons is studied inK+p and π+p interactions at 250 GeV/c. Total and semi-inclusive cross sections and average kaon multiplicities are presented and compared with the data at lower energies. The longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions and their energy dependence are analyzed. The results are interpreted in the framework of recent parton models.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We report on a study of ρ0, ρ+, ω,\(\bar K^{*0} (892)\) andK*0 (892) inclusive production in π+p interactions at 250 GeV/c, for ρ+,\(\bar K^{*0} (892)\) for the first time in a π+p experiment. The data are compared withK+p data in the same experiment, with results of other experiments and with quark-parton models. Interesting differences are found between ρ+,0 and ω production.
Inclusive cross sections and average multiplicity per inelastic collision.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We have measured inclusive distributions for charged particles in hadronic decays of the Z boson. The variables chosen for study were charged-particle multiplicity, scaled momentum, and momenta transverse to the sphericity axes. The distributions have been corrected for detector effects and are compared with data from e+e− annihilation at lower energies and with the predictions of several QCD-based models. The data are in reasonable agreement with expectations.
Mean corrected charged particle multiplicity.
Corrected charged particle X distributions. Errors are statistical and systematic combined.
Corrected charged particle PTIN distributions. Errors are statistical and systematic combined.