
Version 2
Neutral strange particle production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 68 (1995) 29-42, 1995.
Inspire Record 395196 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44998

This paper presents measurements of \k\ and \lam\ production in neutral current, deep inelastic scattering of 26.7 GeV electrons and 820 GeV protons in the kinematic range $ 10 < Q~{2} < 640 $ GeV$~2$, $0.0003 < x < 0.01$, and $y > 0.04$. Average multiplicities for \k\ and \lam\ production are determined for transverse momenta \ \ptr\ $> 0.5 $ GeV and pseudorapidities $\left| \eta \right| < 1.3$. The multiplicities favour a stronger strange to light quark suppression in the fragmentation chain than found in $e~+ e~-$ experiments. The production properties of \k's in events with and without a large rapidity gap with respect to the proton direction are compared. The ratio of neutral \k's to charged particles per event in the measured kinematic range is, within the present statistics, the same in both samples.

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Anti-D0 meson production in interactions of neutrons with hydrogen, carbon, and aluminum nuclei at 37.5-GeV to 70-GeV

The BIS-2 collaboration Aleev, A.N. ; Arefev, V.A. ; Balandin, V.P. ; et al.
Phys.Atom.Nucl. 56 (1993) 1235-1240, 1993.
Inspire Record 364824 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.17203


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No description provided.

No description provided.


Production of anti-D0 and D- Mesons in Neutron - Carbon Interactions at 40-GeV to 70-GeV

The BIS-2 collaboration Aleev, A.N. ; Arefev, V.A. ; Balandin, V.P. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 37 (1988) 243, 1988.
Inspire Record 248611 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.9960

The production of\(\bar D\) mesons in neutroncarbon interactions at 40–70 GeV/c has been investigated. The\(\bar D\) mesons were detected via the hadronic decay modes\(\bar D^0\to K^{* + } (892)\pi ^ -\) andD−→K*+(892)π−π−. In the kinematical regionxF>0.5 andpT<1 GeV/c the following inclusive cross sections were measured:\(\sigma _{\bar D^0 }= (28 \pm 14)\mu b\) and\(\sigma _{D^ -}= (28 \pm 13)\mu b\) per carbon nucleus. The invariant longitudinal momentum spectra can be described by (1−x)N with\(N_{\bar D^0 }= 1.1 \pm 0.5 \pm 0.4\) and\(N_{D^ -}= 0.8 \pm 0.4 \pm 0.4\) The transverse momentum spectra were parametrized by exp (−BpT2) with\(B_{\bar D^0 }= (1.2_{ - 0.9}^{ + 1.1} )({{GeV} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{GeV} c}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} c})^{ - 2} \) and\(B_{D^ -}= (1.8_{ - 1.0}^{ + 1.3} )({{GeV} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{GeV} c}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} c})^{ - 2} \).

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No description provided.

No description provided.


Observation and Study of a Narrow State in a $\Sigma^-$ (1385) $K^+$ System

The Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Moscow-Prague-Sofiya-Tbilisi collaboration Aleev, A.N. ; Arefev, V.A. ; Balandin, V.P. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 25 (1984) 205, 1984.
Inspire Record 201523 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.39601

New data on the observation and study of a narrow resonance decaying intoΣ−(1,385)K+ have been obtained. The mass of the resonance is (1,956−6+8) MeV/c2, and its width is (27±15) MeV/c2. The resonance is produced in the diffraction dissociation of neutrons on quasi-free nucleons of carbon nuclei. The slope parameter of the differential cross section inPT2 is (9.9±3.0) (GeV/c)−2. The cross section times the branching ratio is (0.22±0.04) μb per nucleon. The resonance has one of the natural spinparities: 5/2+, 7/2− and so on.

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