The angular distributions for the two annihilation channels p ̄ p →π + π − and p ̄ p → K + K − have been measured at 6.2 GeV/ c . The two-pion channel shows peripheral peaks for π + and π − going forward, and the two-kaon channel shows a peripheral peak for the K − going forward. The results have been compared with the line-reversed elastic backward scattering reactions and also with a constituent interchange model.
S = 13.546 GEV**2, T+U = -11.746 GEV**2, KINEMATIC LIMITS: -T = 0.063 AND 11.683 GEV**2.
S = 13.546 GEV**2, KINEMATIC LIMITS: -T = 0.036 AND 11.262 GEV**2.
We have measured with good statistics the differential cross section for p p →π + π − , K + K − around 0°. Our data and previous results show that the s -dependence of dσ/d t has a value compatible with the appropriate baryon exchange.
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We present results of measurements of K ± p and p p elastic scattering and of the annihilation reactions p p →π + π − and p p → K + K − at an incident laboratory momentum of 5 GeV/ c . Nearly complete angular distributions were obtained. Results are also presented for π -meson proton elastic scattering in the momentum transfer ranges 2 < − t < 8 (GeV/ c ) 2 (for π + ) and 0.16 < − t < 7 (GeV/ c ) 2 (for π − ). All measurements were done in one experimental geometry. The measured differential cross sections range from 10 to 10 −5 mb/(GeV/ c ) 2 .
-U = T + 8.486 GEV**2.
-U = T + 8.304 GEV**2.
The differential cross-sections for the annihilation processes p p→π − π + and p p→K − K + have been measured at an incident laboratory momentum at 5 GeV/ c . Strong backward and forward peaks are observed in the π + π − differential cross-sections while the K + K − cross-section is shown to have a peak only for K − going forward. The annihilation cross-sections are compared with the cross-sections for the crossed channel backward processes π ± p→p π ± and K ± p→pK ± .
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