We measure for the first time the differential photoproduction cross section $d\sigma/dt$ of the $a_2(1320)$ meson at an average photon beam energy of 8.5~GeV, using data with an integrated luminosity of 104~pb$^{-1}$ collected by the GlueX experiment. We fully reconstruct the $\gamma p \to \eta\pi^0 p$ reaction and perform a partial-wave analysis in the $a_2(1320)$ mass region with amplitudes that incorporate the linear polarization of the beam. This allows us to separate for the first time the contributions of natural- and unnatural-parity exchanges. These measurements provide novel information about the photoproduction mechanism, which is critical for the search for spin-exotic states.
$a_2(1320)$ parity asymmetry, $P_{\sigma}$, in bins of four-momentum transfer. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.
$a_2(1320)$ differential cross section split into different reflectivity components, $\frac{d\sigma^+}{dt}$ and $\frac{d\sigma^-}{dt}$, in bins of four-momentum transfer. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.
$a_2(1320)$ differential cross section in the m=-1 projection split into different reflectivity components, $\frac{d\sigma^+_{-1}}{dt}$ and $\frac{d\sigma^-_{-1}}{dt}$, in bins of four-momentum transfer. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.
We report results of a search for nuclear recoils induced by weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter using the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) two-phase xenon time projection chamber. This analysis uses a total exposure of $4.2\pm0.1$ tonne-years from 280 live days of LZ operation, of which $3.3\pm0.1$ tonne-years and 220 live days are new. A technique to actively tag background electronic recoils from $^{214}$Pb $\beta$ decays is featured for the first time. Enhanced electron-ion recombination is observed in two-neutrino double electron capture decays of $^{124}$Xe, representing a noteworthy new background. After removal of artificial signal-like events injected into the data set to mitigate analyzer bias, we find no evidence for an excess over expected backgrounds. World-leading constraints are placed on spin-independent (SI) and spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross sections for masses $\geq$9 GeV/$c^2$. The strongest SI exclusion set is $2.1\times10^{-48}$ cm$^{2}$ at the 90% confidence level at a mass of 36 GeV/$c^2$, and the best SI median sensitivity achieved is $5.0\times10^{-48}$ cm$^{2}$ for a mass of 40 GeV/$c^2$.
90% CL WIMP SI cross sections, including sensitivities
90% CL WIMP SDn cross sections, including sensitivities and nuclear structure uncertainties
90% CL WIMP SDp cross sections, including sensitivities and nuclear structure uncertainties
The $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ charmonium states, composed of $c\bar{c}$ quark pairs and known since the 1970s, are widely believed to serve as ideal probes to test quantum chromodynamics in high-energy hadronic interactions. However, there is not yet a complete understanding of the charmonium-production mechanism. Recent measurements of $J/\psi$ production as a function of event charged-particle multiplicity at the collision energies of both the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) show enhanced $J/\psi$ production yields with increasing multiplicity. One potential explanation for this type of dependence is multiparton interactions (MPI). We carry out the first measurements of self-normalized $J/\psi$ yields and the $\psi(2S)$ to $J/\psi$ ratio at both forward and backward rapidities as a function of self-normalized charged-particle multiplicity in $p$$+$$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV. In addition, detailed {\sc pythia} studies tuned to RHIC energies were performed to investigate the MPI impacts. We find that the PHENIX data at RHIC are consistent with recent LHC measurements and can only be described by {\sc pythia} calculations that include MPI effects. The forward and backward $\psi(2S)$ to $J/\psi$ ratio, which serves as a unique and powerful approach to study final-state effects on charmonium production, is found to be less dependent on the charged-particle multiplicity.
Self-normalized $J/\psi$ yields as a function of self-normalized $N_{ch}$ for the same arm before subtraction
Self-normalized $J/\psi$ yields as a function of self-normalized $N_{ch}$ for the same arm after subtraction
Self-normalized $J/\psi$ yields as a function of self-normalized $N_{ch}$ for opposite arms
This paper reports the first measurement of the transverse momentum ($p_{\mathrm{T}}$) spectra of primary charged pions, kaons, (anti)protons, and unidentified particles as a function of the charged-particle flattenicity in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. Flattenicity is a novel event shape observable that is measured in the pseudorapidity intervals covered by the V0 detector, $2.8<\eta<5.1$ and $-3.7<\eta<-1.7$. According to QCD-inspired phenomenological models, it shows sensitivity to multiparton interactions and is less affected by biases toward larger $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ due to local multiplicity fluctuations in the V0 acceptance than multiplicity. The analysis is performed in minimum-bias (MB) as well as in high-multiplicity events up to $p_{\mathrm{T}}=20$ GeV/$c$. The event selection requires at least one charged particle produced in the pseudorapidity interval $|\eta|<1$. The measured $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ distributions, average $p_{\mathrm{T}}$, kaon-to-pion and proton-to-pion particle ratios, presented in this paper, are compared to model calculations using PYTHIA 8 based on color strings and EPOS LHC. The modification of the $p_{\mathrm{T}}$-spectral shapes in low-flattenicity events that have large event activity with respect to those measured in MB events develops a pronounced peak at intermediate $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ ($2<p_{\mathrm{T}}<8$ GeV/$c$), and approaches the vicinity of unity at higher $p_{\mathrm{T}}$. The results are qualitatively described by PYTHIA, and they show different behavior than those measured as a function of charged-particle multiplicity based on the V0M estimator.
Transverse momentum spectrum of $\pi^{+} + \pi^{-}$ measured at midrapidity ($|y|<0.5$) in INEL>0 pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV for different flattenicity event classes selected with the V0M estimator at forward rapidity (top figure, upper panel)
Transverse momentum spectrum of $K^{+} + K^{-}$ measured at midrapidity ($|y|<0.5$) in INEL>0 pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV for different flattenicity event classes selected with the V0M estimator at forward rapidity (top figure, upper panel)
Transverse momentum spectrum of $p + \overline{p}$ measured at midrapidity ($|y|<0.5$) in INEL>0 pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV for different flattenicity event classes selected with the V0M estimator at forward rapidity (top figure, upper panel)
We report the differential yields at mid-rapidity of the Breit-Wheeler process ($\gamma\gamma\rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}$) in peripheral Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm{NN}}}} = $ 54.4 GeV and 200 GeV with the STAR experiment at RHIC, as a function of energy $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm{NN}}}}$, $e^{+}e^{-}$ transverse momentum $p_{\rm T}$, $p_{\rm T}^{2}$, invariant mass $M_{ee}$ and azimuthal angle. In the invariant mass range of 0.4 $<$$M_{ee}$$<$ 2.6 GeV/$c^{2}$ at low transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$$ < $0.15 GeV/$c$), the yields increase while the pair $\sqrt{\langle p_{\rm T}^{2} \rangle}$ decreases with increasing $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm{NN}}}}$, a feature is correctly predicted by the QED calculation. The energy dependencies of the measured quantities are sensitive to the nuclear form factor, infrared divergence and photon polarization. The data are compiled and used to extract the charge radius of the Au nucleus.
'54.4 GeV, Centrality: 40-60%'
'54.4 GeV, Centrality: 60-80%'
'54.4 GeV, Centrality: 80-100%'
We report multi-differential measurements of strange hadron production ranging from mid- to target-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at a center-of-momentum energy per nucleon pair of $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=3$ GeV with the STAR experiment at RHIC. $K^0_S$ meson and $\Lambda$ hyperon yields are measured via their weak decay channels. Collision centrality and rapidity dependences of the transverse momentum spectra and particle ratios are presented. Particle mass and centrality dependence of the average transverse momenta of $\Lambda$ and $K^0_S$ are compared with other strange particles, providing evidence of the development of hadronic rescattering in such collisions. The 4$\pi$ yields of each of these strange hadrons show a consistent centrality dependence. Discussions on radial flow, the strange hadron production mechanism, and properties of the medium created in such collisions are presented together with results from hadronic transport and thermal model calculations.
dN/dy of lambda for different centrality bins.
dN/dy of Ks0 for different centrality bins.
Rapidity dependence of Lambda/p for different centrality bins.
The spin-exotic hybrid meson $\pi_{1}(1600)$ is predicted to have a large decay rate to the $\omega\pi\pi$ final state. Using 76.6~pb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the GlueX detector, we measure the cross sections for the reactions $\gamma p \to \omega \pi^+ \pi^- p$, $\gamma p \to \omega \pi^0 \pi^0 p$, and $\gamma p\to\omega\pi^-\pi^0\Delta^{++}$ in the range $E_\gamma =$ 8-10 GeV. Using isospin conservation, we set the first upper limits on the photoproduction cross sections of the $\pi^{0}_{1}(1600)$ and $\pi^{-}_{1}(1600)$. We combine these limits with lattice calculations of decay widths and find that photoproduction of $\eta'\pi$ is the most sensitive two-body system to search for the $\pi_1(1600)$.
Measured $\sigma(\gamma p\to\omega\pi^+\pi^-p)$ values for $8<E_\gamma<10$ GeV and $0.1<-t<0.5$ (GeV$^2$). There are normalization uncertainties that are 100% correlated between the three cross section measurements. These include 5% for the luminosity, 13.5% for the tracking efficiency, and 8.1% for the photon efficiency.
Measured $\sigma(\gamma p\to\omega\pi^0\pi^0p)$ values for $8<E_\gamma<10$ GeV and $0.1<-t<0.5$ (GeV$^2$). There are normalization uncertainties that are 100% correlated between the three cross section measurements. These include 5% for the luminosity, 9.1% for the tracking efficiency, and 24.3% for the photon efficiency.
Measured $\sigma(\gamma p\to\omega\pi^-\pi^0\Delta^{++})$ values for $8<E_\gamma<10$ GeV and $0.1<-t<0.5$ (GeV$^2$). There are normalization uncertainties that are 100% correlated between the three cross section measurements. These include 5% for the luminosity, 16% for the tracking efficiency, and 16.3% for the photon efficiency.
The production cross section of inclusive isolated photons has been measured by the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC in pp collisions at centre-of-momentum energy of $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV collected during the LHC Run 2 data-taking period. The measurement is performed by combining the measurements of the electromagnetic calorimeter EMCal and the central tracking detectors ITS and TPC, covering a pseudorapidity range of $|\eta^{\gamma}|<0.67$ and a transverse momentum range of $7<p_{\rm T}^{\gamma}<200$ GeV/$c$. The result extends to lower $p_{\rm T}^{\gamma}$ and $x_{\rm T}^{\gamma} = 2p_{\rm T}^{\gamma}/\sqrt{s}$ ranges, the lowest $x_{\rm T}^{\gamma}$ of any isolated photon measurements to date, extending significantly those measured by the ATLAS and CMS experiments towards lower $p_{\rm T}^{\gamma}$ at the same collision energy with a small overlap between the measurements. The measurement is compared with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations and the results from the ATLAS and CMS experiments as well as with measurements at other collision energies. The measurement and theory prediction are in agreement with each other within the experimental and theoretical uncertainties.
Differential cross section of isolated photons measured in pp collisions at 13 TeV.
pQCD NLO calculations with JETPHOX of the isolated-photon cross section as a function of $p_\mathrm{T}^{\gamma}$. The calculations were obtained by choosing factorisation, normalisation, and fragmentation scales equal to the photon transverse momentum ($\mu_{f}=\mu_{R}=\mu_{F}=p_\mathrm{T}^{\gamma}$). The parton distribution function used in the calculations is NNPDF4.0, and the fragmentation function is BFG II.
Ratio of isolated-photon cross sections measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$13 TeV over the previous ALICE measurement at $\sqrt{s}=$7 TeV.
We measure the spin-density matrix elements (SDMEs) of the $\Delta^{++}(1232)$ in the photoproduction reaction $\gamma p \to \pi^-\Delta^{++}(1232)$ with the GlueX experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab. The measurement uses a linearly--polarized photon beam with energies from $8.2$ to $8.8$~GeV and the statistical precision of the SDMEs exceeds the previous measurement by three orders of magnitude for the momentum transfer squared region below $1.4$ GeV$^2$. The data are sensitive to the previously undetermined relative sign between couplings in existing Regge-exchange models. Linear combinations of the extracted SDMEs allow for a decomposition into natural and unnatural--exchange amplitudes. We find that the unnatural exchange plays an important role in the low momentum transfer region.
Spin-density matrix elements for the photoproduction of $\Delta(1232)^{++}$ in the Gottfried-Jackson system. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.
Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) may interact with a virtual pion that is exchanged between nucleons. This interaction channel is important to consider in models where the spin-independent isoscalar channel is suppressed. Using data from the first science run of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment, containing 60 live days of data in a 5.5~tonne fiducial mass of liquid xenon, we report the results on a search for WIMP-pion interactions. We observe no significant excess and set an upper limit of $1.5\times10^{-46}$~cm$^2$ at a 90% confidence level for a WIMP mass of 33~GeV/c$^2$ for this interaction.
WIMP-Pion interaction cross section at the 90% CL