Showing 10 of 16 results
We present measurements of bulk properties of the matter produced in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV using identified hadrons ($\pi^\pm$, $K^\pm$, $p$ and $\bar{p}$) from the STAR experiment in the Beam Energy Scan (BES) Program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Midrapidity ($|y|<$0.1) results for multiplicity densities $dN/dy$, average transverse momenta $\langle p_T \rangle$ and particle ratios are presented. The chemical and kinetic freeze-out dynamics at these energies are discussed and presented as a function of collision centrality and energy. These results constitute the systematic measurements of bulk properties of matter formed in heavy-ion collisions over a broad range of energy (or baryon chemical potential) at RHIC.
The average number of participating nucleons (⟨Npart⟩) for various collision centralities in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7–39 GeV.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (b) π- in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (a) π+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (d) K− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (c) K+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (f) p¯ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (e) p in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (b) π− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (a) π+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (d) K− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (c) K+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (f) p¯ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (e) p in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (b) π− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (a) π+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (d) K− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (c) K+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (f) p¯ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (e) p in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (b) π− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (a) π+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (d) K− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (c) K+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (f) p¯ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (e) p in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (b) π− in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (a) π+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (d) k- in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (c) k+ in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (f) pbar in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) transverse momentum spectra for (e) p in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for different centralities. The spectra for centralities other than 0–5% are scaled for clarity as shown in the figure. The curves represent the Bose-Einstein, mT -exponential, and double-exponential function fits to 0–5% central data for pions, kaons, and (anti)protons, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical and systematic added in quadrature.
Centrality dependence of dN/dy normalized by ⟨Npart⟩/2 for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. For clarity, ⟨Npart⟩ uncertainties are not added in quadrature.
Centrality dependence of dN/dy normalized by ⟨Npart⟩/2 for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. For clarity, ⟨Npart⟩ uncertainties are not added in quadrature.
Centrality dependence of dN/dy normalized by ⟨Npart⟩/2 for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. For clarity, ⟨Npart⟩ uncertainties are not added in quadrature.
Centrality dependence of dN/dy normalized by ⟨Npart⟩/2 for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. For clarity, ⟨Npart⟩ uncertainties are not added in quadrature.
Centrality dependence of dN/dy normalized by ⟨Npart⟩/2 for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. For clarity, ⟨Npart⟩ uncertainties are not added in quadrature.
Centrality dependences of <pT> for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV. Errors shown are quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Centrality dependences of <pT> for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 11.5 GeV. Errors shown are quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Centrality dependences of <pT> for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 19.6 GeV. Errors shown are quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Centrality dependences of <pT> for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV. Errors shown are quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Centrality dependences of <pT> for π+, π−, K+, K−, p, and p ̄ at midrapidity (|y|<0.1) in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV. Errors shown are quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of π−/π+, K−/K+, and p ̄/p ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 7.7 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of π−/π+, K−/K+, and p ̄/p ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 11.5 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of π−/π+, K−/K+, and p ̄/p ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of π−/π+, K−/K+, and p ̄/p ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 27 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of π−/π+, K−/K+, and p ̄/p ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 39 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of K−/π−, p ̄/π−, K+/π+, and p/π+ ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 7.7 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of K−/π−, p ̄/π−, K+/π+, and p/π+ ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 11.5 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of K−/π−, p ̄/π−, K+/π+, and p/π+ ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of K−/π−, p ̄/π−, K+/π+, and p/π+ ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 27 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
Variation of K−/π−, p ̄/π−, K+/π+, and p/π+ ratios as a function of ⟨Npart⟩ at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in Au+Au collisions at 39 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
The midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) dN/dy normalized by ⟨Npart⟩/2 as a function of √sNN for π±, K±, and p and p ̄ in 0–5% Au+Au collisions at BES energies. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
⟨mT⟩ − m of π±, K±, and p and p ̄ as a function of √sNN . Midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) results are shown for 0–5% central Au+Au collisions at BES energies. The errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
π−/π+, K−/K+, and p ̄/p ratios at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) in central 0–5% Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
K/π ratio at midrapidity (|y| < 0.1) for central 0–5% Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV. Errors shown are the quadrature sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties where the latter dominates.
The GCE model particle yields fits shown along with standard deviations for Au+Au 7.7 and Au+Au 39 GeV in 0–5% central collisions. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature.
The GCE model particle ratios fits shown along with standard deviations for Au+Au 7.7 and Au+Au 39 GeV in 0–5% central collisions. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature.
The SCE model particle yields fits shown along with standard deviations for Au+Au 7.7 and Au+Au 39 GeV in 0–5% central collisions. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature.
The SCE model particle ratios fits shown along with standard deviations for Au+Au 7.7 and Au+Au 39 GeV in 0–5% central collisions. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature.
Chemical freeze-out parameter γS plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in GCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter μB plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in GCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter μS plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in GCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter Tch plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in GCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter R plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in GCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter γS between results from particle yield fits to particle ratio fits in GCE plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter μB between results from particle yield fits to particle ratio fits in GCE plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter μS between results from particle yield fits to particle ratio fits in GCE plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter Tch between results from particle yield fits to particle ratio fits in GCE plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter γS plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in SCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter μB plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in SCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter Tch plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in SCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Chemical freeze-out parameter R plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩ in SCE for particle yields fit. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter γS between yield and ratio fits in SCE plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter μB between yield and ratio fits in SCE plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter Tch between yield and ratio fits in SCE plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter γS between GCE and SCE results using particle ratios in fits plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter μB between GCE and SCE results using particle ratios in fits plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter Tch between GCE and SCE results using particle ratios in fits plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter γS between GCE and SCE results using particle yields in fits plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter μB between GCE and SCE results using particle yields in fits plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter Tch between GCE and SCE results using particle yields in fits plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Ratio of chemical freeze-out parameter R between GCE and SCE results using particle yields in fits plotted vs ⟨Npart⟩. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Extracted chemical freeze-out temperature vs baryon chemical potential for (a) GCE and (b) SCE cases using particle yields as input for fitting. Curves represent two model predictions [81,82]. The gray bands represent the theoretical prediction ranges of the Cleymans et al. model [81]. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Extracted chemical freeze-out temperature vs baryon chemical potential for (a) GCE and (b) SCE cases using particle yields as input for fitting. Curves represent two model predictions [81,82]. The gray bands represent the theoretical prediction ranges of the Cleymans et al. model [81]. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
Extracted chemical freeze-out temperature vs baryon chemical potential for (a) GCE and (b) SCE cases using particle yields as input for fitting. Curves represent two model predictions [81,82]. The gray bands represent the theoretical prediction ranges of the Cleymans et al. model [81]. Uncertainties represent systematic errors.
"Choice on constraints: Extracted chemical freeze-out temperatures shown in panels (a), (c), and (e) and baryon chemical potentials shown in panels (b), (d), and (f) for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting, respectively, for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 19.6, and 39 GeV. Results are compared for three initial conditions: μQ = 0, μQ constrained to B/2Q value, and μQ constrained to B/2Q along with μS constrained to 0. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on constraints: Extracted chemical freeze-out temperatures shown in panels (a), (c), and (e) and baryon chemical potentials shown in panels (b), (d), and (f) for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting, respectively, for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 19.6, and 39 GeV. Results are compared for three initial conditions: μQ = 0, μQ constrained to B/2Q value, and μQ constrained to B/2Q along with μS constrained to 0. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on constraints: Extracted chemical freeze-out temperatures shown in panels (a), (c), and (e) and baryon chemical potentials shown in panels (b), (d), and (f) for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting, respectively, for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 19.6, and 39 GeV. Results are compared for three initial conditions: μQ = 0, μQ constrained to B/2Q value, and μQ constrained to B/2Q along with μS constrained to 0. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on constraints: Extracted chemical freeze-out temperatures shown in panels (a), (c), and (e) and baryon chemical potentials shown in panels (b), (d), and (f) for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting, respectively, for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 19.6, and 39 GeV. Results are compared for three initial conditions: μQ = 0, μQ constrained to B/2Q value, and μQ constrained to B/2Q along with μS constrained to 0. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on constraints: Extracted chemical freeze-out temperatures shown in panels (a), (c), and (e) and baryon chemical potentials shown in panels (b), (d), and (f) for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting, respectively, for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 19.6, and 39 GeV. Results are compared for three initial conditions: μQ = 0, μQ constrained to B/2Q value, and μQ constrained to B/2Q along with μS constrained to 0. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on constraints: Extracted chemical freeze-out temperatures shown in panels (a), (c), and (e) and baryon chemical potentials shown in panels (b), (d), and (f) for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting, respectively, for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7, 19.6, and 39 GeV. Results are compared for three initial conditions: μQ = 0, μQ constrained to B/2Q value, and μQ constrained to B/2Q along with μS constrained to 0. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on including more particles: Extracted chemical freeze-out parameters (a) Tch, (b) μB, and (c) γS along with (d) χ2/ndf for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting. Results are compared for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for four different sets of particle yields used in fitting. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on including more particles: Extracted chemical freeze-out parameters (a) Tch, (b) μB, and (c) γS along with (d) χ2/ndf for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting. Results are compared for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for four different sets of particle yields used in fitting. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on including more particles: Extracted chemical freeze-out parameters (a) Tch, (b) μB, and (c) γS along with (d) χ2/ndf for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting. Results are compared for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for four different sets of particle yields used in fitting. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Choice on including more particles: Extracted chemical freeze-out parameters (a) Tch, (b) μB, and (c) γS along with (d) χ2/ndf for GCE using particle yields as input for fitting. Results are compared for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 GeV for four different sets of particle yields used in fitting. Uncertainties represent systematic errors."
"Blast wave model fits of π±, K±, p and p p¯ T spectra in 0–5% central Au+Au collisions at √sNN = (a) 7.7, (b) 11.5, (c) 19.6, (d) 27, and (e) 39 GeV. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. Here, the uncertainties are smaller than the symbol size."
"Blast wave model fits of π±, K±, p and p p¯ T spectra in 0–5% central Au+Au collisions at √sNN = (a) 7.7, (b) 11.5, (c) 19.6, (d) 27, and (e) 39 GeV. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. Here, the uncertainties are smaller than the symbol size."
"Blast wave model fits of π±, K±, p and p p¯ T spectra in 0–5% central Au+Au collisions at √sNN = (a) 7.7, (b) 11.5, (c) 19.6, (d) 27, and (e) 39 GeV. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. Here, the uncertainties are smaller than the symbol size."
"Blast wave model fits of π±, K±, p and p p¯ T spectra in 0–5% central Au+Au collisions at √sNN = (a) 7.7, (b) 11.5, (c) 19.6, (d) 27, and (e) 39 GeV. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. Here, the uncertainties are smaller than the symbol size."
"Blast wave model fits of π±, K±, p and p p¯ T spectra in 0–5% central Au+Au collisions at √sNN = (a) 7.7, (b) 11.5, (c) 19.6, (d) 27, and (e) 39 GeV. Uncertainties on experimental data represent statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. Here, the uncertainties are smaller than the symbol size."
"Variation of Tkin with <β> for different energies and centralities. The centrality increases from left to right for a given energy. The data points other than BES energies are taken from Refs. [43,66]. Uncertainties represent systematic uncertainties."
"Variation of Tkin with <β> for different energies and centralities. The centrality increases from left to right for a given energy. The data points other than BES energies are taken from Refs. [43,66]. Uncertainties represent systematic uncertainties."
"Variation of Tkin with <β> for different energies and centralities. The centrality increases from left to right for a given energy. The data points other than BES energies are taken from Refs. [43,66]. Uncertainties represent systematic uncertainties."
"Variation of Tkin with <β> for different energies and centralities. The centrality increases from left to right for a given energy. The data points other than BES energies are taken from Refs. [43,66]. Uncertainties represent systematic uncertainties."
"Variation of Tkin with <β> for different energies and centralities. The centrality increases from left to right for a given energy. The data points other than BES energies are taken from Refs. [43,66]. Uncertainties represent systematic uncertainties."
" (a) Energy dependence of kinetic and chemical freezeout temperatures for central heavy-ion collisions. The curves represent various theoretical predictions [81,82]. (b) Energy dependence of average transverse radial flow velocity for central heavy-ion collisions. The data points other than BES energies are taken from Refs. [43,53–64,66] and references therein. The BES data points are for 0–5% central collisions, AGS energies are mostly for 0–5%, SPS energies are for mostly 0–7%, and top RHIC and LHC energies are for 0–5% central collisions. Uncertainties represent systematic uncertainties."
We present three-particle mixed-harmonic correlations $\la \cos (m\phi_a + n\phi_b - (m+n) \phi_c)\ra$ for harmonics $m,n=1-3$ for charged particles in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. These measurements provide information on the three-dimensional structure of the initial collision zone and are important for constraining models of a subsequent low-viscosity quark-gluon plasma expansion phase. We investigate correlations between the first, second and third harmonics predicted as a consequence of fluctuations in the initial state. The dependence of the correlations on the pseudorapidity separation between particles show hints of a breaking of longitudinal invariance. We compare our results to a number of state-of-the art hydrodynamic calculations with different initial states and temperature dependent viscosities. These measurements provide important steps towards constraining the temperature dependent transport and the longitudinal structure of the initial state at RHIC.
Measurements of the elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, of identified hadrons ($\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$, $K_{s}^{0}$, $p$, $\bar{p}$, $\phi$, $\Lambda$, $\bar{\Lambda}$, $\Xi^{-}$, $\bar{\Xi}^{+}$, $\Omega^{-}$, $\bar{\Omega}^{+}$) in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39 and 62.4 GeV are presented. The measurements were done at mid-rapidity using the Time Projection Chamber and the Time-of-Flight detectors of the STAR experiment during the Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC. A significant difference in the $v_{2}$ values for particles and the corresponding anti-particles was observed at all transverse momenta for the first time. The difference increases with decreasing center-of-mass energy, $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ (or increasing baryon chemical potential, $\mu_{B}$) and is larger for the baryons as compared to the mesons. This implies that particles and anti-particles are no longer consistent with the universal number-of-constituent quark (NCQ) scaling of $v_{2}$ that was observed at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 200 GeV. However, for the group of particles NCQ scaling at $(m_{T}-m_{0})/n_{q}>$ 0.4 GeV/$c^{2}$ is not violated within $\pm$10%. The $v_{2}$ values for $\phi$ mesons at 7.7 and 11.5 GeV are approximately two standard deviations from the trend defined by the other hadrons at the highest measured $p_{T}$ values.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow,v_2, as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T, from 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for various particle species and energies.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected particles re plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< pT<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p__T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2 (p_T), in 0–80% central Au+Au collisions for selected anti-particles are plotted only for the transverse momentum range of 0.2< p_T<1.6 GeV/c to emphasize the mass ordering at low p_T.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged pions as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged kaons as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of charged koans as a function of the transverse momentum,p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions. Different ∆v_2 ranges were used for the upper and lower panels.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of p, $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au. collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Lambda}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $\Xi^{-}$ and $\overline{\Xi^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of $Omega^{-}$ and $\overline{\Omega^{+}}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of Λ,Λbar as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions
The elliptic flow,v_2, of $\phi$ mesons as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of $\phi$ mesons as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of $\phi$ mesons as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of $\phi$ mesons as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of $\phi$ mesons as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of $\phi$ mesons as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 0–10% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2 of Λ,Λbar as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T,for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 10–40% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow, v_2, of p and $\overline{p}$ as a function of the transverse momentum, p_T, for 40–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The elliptic flow,v_2, of 0–80% central Au+Au collisions as a function of the reduced transverse mass,$ m_T−m_0 $, for selected anti-particles.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of √sNN for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of √sNN for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of √sNN for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of √sNN for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of √sNN for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of $μ_B$ for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of $μ_B$ for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of $μ_B$ for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of $μ_B$ for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The difference in the v_2 values between a particle X and its corresponding anti-particle $\overline{X}$ as a function of $μ_B$ for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions.
The proton and anti-proton elliptic flow for 0–80% central Au+Au collisions at √sNN= 19.6 GeV, where “(+,-) EP” refers to the event plane reconstructed using all of the charged particles and “(-) EP” refers to the event plane reconstructed using only the negatively charged particles.
We present first measurements of the evolution of the differential transverse momentum correlation function, {\it C}, with collision centrality in Au+Au interactions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV. {\it C} exhibits a strong dependence on collision centrality that is qualitatively similar to that of number correlations previously reported. We use the observed longitudinal broadening of the near-side peak of {\it C} with increasing centrality to estimate the ratio of the shear viscosity to entropy density, $\eta/s$, of the matter formed in central Au+Au interactions. We obtain an upper limit estimate of $\eta/s$ that suggests that the produced medium has a small viscosity per unit entropy.
The correlation function C, C is plotted in units of (GeV/c)$^2$ and the relative azimuthal angle ∆φ in radians for 70-80% centrality in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. Relative statistical errors range from 0.8% in peripheral collisions to 0.9% in the most central collisions at the peak of the distribution.
The correlation function C, C is plotted in units of (GeV/c)$^2$ and the relative azimuthal angle ∆φ in radians for 30-40% centrality in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. Relative statistical errors range from 0.8% in peripheral collisions to 0.9% in the most central collisions at the peak of the distribution.
The correlation function C, C is plotted in units of (GeV/c)$^2$ and the relative azimuthal angle ∆φ in radians for 0-5% centrality in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV..Relative statistical errors range from 0.8% in peripheral collisions to 0.9% in the most central collisions at the peak of the distribution.
Projection of the correlation function C, for|∆φ|<1.0 radians on the ∆η axis for 70-80% centrality in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. The correlation function C is plottedin units of (GeV/c)$^2$.The correlation function C is plotted in units of (GeV/c)$^2$. The solid line shows the fit obtained with Eq.2. The dotted line corresponds to the baseline, b, obtained in the fit and shaded band shows uncertainty in determining b.
Projection of the correlation function C, for|∆φ|<1.0 radians on the ∆η axis for 30-40% centrality. Statistical errors at(\Deltaeta_1,Deltaeta_2~(0,0) are approximately 0.084 for Au+Au. The correlation function C is plotted in units of (GeV/c)$^2$. The dotted line corresponds to the baseline,b, obtained in the fit and shaded band shows uncertainty in determining b.
Projection of the correlation function C, for|∆φ|<1.0 radians on the ∆η axis for 0-5% centrality in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. The correlation functionCis plotted in units of (GeV/c)$^2$. The correlation function C is plotted in units of (GeV/c)$^2$. The solid line shows the fit obtained with Eq.2. The dotted line corresponds to the baseline,b, obtained in the fit and shaded band shows uncertainty in determining b.
RMS as function of the number of participating nucleons for the correlation function C, for nine centrality classes in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. The dotted line represents a lower limit estimate of the RMS explained in the text and the shaded band represents systematic uncertainties on the RMS.
Dihadron azimuthal correlations containing a high transverse momentum ($p_T$) trigger particle are sensitive to the properties of the nuclear medium created at RHIC through the strong interactions occurring between the traversing parton and the medium, i.e. jet-quenching. Previous measurements revealed a strong modification to dihadron azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions with respect to p+p and d+Au collisions. The modification increases with the collision centrality, suggesting a path-length or energy density dependence to the jet-quenching effect. This paper reports STAR measurements of dihadron azimuthal correlations in mid-central (20-60%) Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}}=200$ GeV as a function of the trigger particle's azimuthal angle relative to the event plane, $\phi_s=|\phi_t-\psi_{\rm EP}|$. The azimuthal correlation is studied as a function of both the trigger and associated particle $p_T$. The subtractions of the combinatorial background and anisotropic flow, assuming Zero Yield At Minimum (ZYAM), are described. The correlation results are first discussed with subtraction of the even harmonic (elliptic and quadrangular) flow backgrounds. The away-side correlation is strongly modified, and the modification varies with $\phi_s$, with a double-peak structure for out-of-plane trigger particles. The near-side ridge (long range pseudo-rapidity $\Delta\eta$ correlation) appears to drop with increasing $\phi_s$ while the jet-like component remains approximately constant. The correlation functions are further studied with subtraction of odd harmonic triangular flow background arising from fluctuations. It is found that the triangular flow, while responsible for the majority of the amplitudes, is not sufficient to explain the $\phi_s$-dependence of the ridge or the away-side double-peak structure. ...
red data points
black histogram
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
dN/deta phis=045 deg, pt=0.151 GeV/c
dN/deta phis=045 deg, pt=0.153 GeV/c
dN/deta phis=090 deg, pt=0.51 GeV/c
dN/deta phis=090 deg, pt=12 GeV/c
dN/deta phis=4590 deg, pt=0.151 GeV/c
sigma vs phis pt=0.151 GeV/c
sigma vs phis pt=0.153 GeV/c
sigma vs phis pt=0.51 GeV/c
sigma vs phis pt=12 GeV/c
sigma vs pt phis=045 deg
sigma vs pt phis=090 deg
sigma vs pt phis=4590 deg
background uncertainty caps in the figure
flow uncertainty curves in the figure
leadage uncertainty arrows in the figure
total uncertainty boxes in the figure
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
0^{o} < phi_{s} < 45^{o}
45^{o} < phi_{s} < 90^{o}
Previous in-plane result published in 2004
Previous out-of-plane result published in 2004
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, 0^{o} < phi_{s} < 45^{o}
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, 45^{o} < phi_{s} < 90^{o}
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<3 GeV/c, 0^{o} < phi_{s} < 45^{o}
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<3 GeV/c, 45^{o} < phi_{s} < 90^{o}
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, 0^{o} < phi_{s} < 45^{o}
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, 45^{o} < phi_{s} < 90^{o}
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<3 GeV/c, 0^{o} < phi_{s} < 45^{o}
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<3 GeV/c, 45^{o} < phi_{s} < 90^{o}
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 0^{o}15^{o}
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 75^{o}90^{o}
Cone region, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
one region, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
one region, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
one region, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
i region, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
Pi region, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
i region, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
i region, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
d+Au, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c
20-60%, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, (a) 0^{o}<#phi_{s}<15^{o}
20-60%, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, (b) 75^{o}<#phi_{s}<90^{o}
20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, (a) 0^{o}<phi_{s}<15^{o}
20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, (b) 75^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0, jet
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1, jet
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2, jet
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3, jet
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4, jet
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5, jet
1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, jet
0-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/, slice 0, ridge
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1, ridge
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2, ridge
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3, ridge
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4, ridge
20-60% Au+Au, 3<p_{T}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{T}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5, ridge
1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, ridge
jet (Deltaphi|<1.0, |Deltaeta|<0.7) 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
jet (Deltaphi|<1.0, |Deltaeta|<0.7) 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
ridge (Deltaphi|<1.0, |Deltaeta|>0.7) 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
ridge (Deltaphi|<1.0, |Deltaeta|>0.7) 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
ridge (Deltaphi|<1.0, |Deltaeta|>0.7) 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
ridge (Deltaphi|<1.0, |Deltaeta|>0.7) 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c Ridge (75^{o}<|phi_{s}|<90^{o}) / Ridge (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o})
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c Ridge (75^{o}<|phi_{s}|<90^{o}) / Ridge (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o})
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c Ridge (30^{o}<|phi_{s}|<45^{o}) / Ridge (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o})
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c Ridge (30^{o}<|phi_{s}|<45^{o}) / Ridge (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o})
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c Ridge (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o}) / Jet (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o})
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c Ridge (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o}) / Jet (0^{o}<|phi_{s}|<15^{o})
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, cone region
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, cone region
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, jetlike
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, jetlike
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, pi region
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, pi region
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, ridge
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, ridge
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, cone region
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, jetlike
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, pi region
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, pi region ridge
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, ridge
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, cone region
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, jetlike
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, pi region
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, pi region ridge
3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, ridge
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, cone region
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, jetlike
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, pi region
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, pi region ridge
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 0^{o}<phi_{s}<45^{o}, ridge
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, cone region
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, jetlike
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, pi region
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, pi region ridge
4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 45^{o}<phi_{s}<90^{o}, ridge
jetlike eta sigma
cone peak phi sigma
jetlike phi sigma
ridge phi sigma
jetlike eta sigma
cone peak phi sigma
jetlike phi sigma
ridge phi sigma
dAu jetlike eta sigma
dAu jetlike phi sigma
cone peak centroid
cone peak centroid
cone peak centroid
cone peak centroid
cone peak centroid
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
v_{2} /3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c, slice 5
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, 2<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<4 GeV/c
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, 1<p_{\text{T}}^{(a)}<2 GeV/c
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 5
background subtracted correlation EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 0
background subtracted correlation EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 1
background subtracted correlation EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 2
background subtracted correlation EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 3
background subtracted correlation EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 4
background subtracted correlation EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 1
background subtracted correlation Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 2
background subtracted correlation Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Difference of the above results default results in Fig.21, slice 5
d+Au background subtracted correlation EP^{ } include |Deltaeta|<0.5 particles
difference from default results, slice 0
difference from default results, slice 1
difference from default results, slice 2
difference from default results, slice 3
difference from default results, slice 4
difference from default results, slice 5
raw signal
bkgd <v2t*v2>
bkgd <v2t>*<v2> (previous inclusive analysis)
bkgd <v2t*v2> subtracted
bkgd <v2t>*<v2> subtracted (previous inclusive analysis)
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 0
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, slice 2
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, slice 4
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 3
flow background with default flow Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 0
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 2
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 3
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 1
flow background with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 4
flow background with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 4
raw correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 0
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 3
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, slice 1
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, slice 5
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, slice 1
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 4
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 4
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7
background normalization systematic uncertainty band Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 4
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 3
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 0
background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 5
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 3
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 0
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 1
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 2
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 5
d+Au background subtracted correlation Au+Au 20-60%, 3<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<4 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7
background subtracted correlation with upper flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 0
background subtracted correlation with lower flow systematic uncertainty Au+Au 20-60%, 4<p_{\text{T}}^{(t)}<6 GeV/c, |Deltaeta|>0.7, slice 1
We report on K*0 production at mid-rapidity in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 62.4 and 200 GeV collected by the Solenoid Tracker at RHIC (STAR) detector. The K*0 is reconstructed via the hadronic decays K*0 \to K+ pi- and \bar{K*0} \to K-pi+. Transverse momentum, pT, spectra are measured over a range of pT extending from 0.2 GeV/c to 5 GeV/c. The center of mass energy and system size dependence of the rapidity density, dN/dy, and the average transverse momentum, <pT>, are presented. The measured N(K*0)/N(K) and N(\phi)/N(K*0) ratios favor the dominance of re-scattering of decay daughters of K*0 over the hadronic regeneration for the K*0 production. In the intermediate pT region (2.0 < pT < 4.0 GeV/c), the elliptic flow parameter, v2, and the nuclear modification factor, RCP, agree with the expectations from the quark coalescence model of particle production.
We report the first three-particle coincidence measurement in pseudorapidity ($\Delta\eta$) between a high transverse momentum ($p_{\perp}$) trigger particle and two lower $p_{\perp}$ associated particles within azimuth $\mid$$\Delta\phi$$\mid$$<$0.7 in $\sqrt{{\it s}_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV $d$+Au and Au+Au collisions. Charge ordering properties are exploited to separate the jet-like component and the ridge (long-range $\Delta\eta$ correlation). The results indicate that the particles from the ridge are uncorrelated in $\Delta\eta$ not only with the trigger particle but also between themselves event-by-event. In addition, the production of the ridge appears to be uncorrelated to the presence of the narrow jet-like component.
Correlated hadron distribution in ∆φ(|η|<1 with a high-p⊥trigger particle in 0-12% Au+Au collisions for 3<p(t)⊥<10 GeV/cand 1<p(a)⊥<3GeV/c. The ZYA1-normalized flow background is shown by the curve.
Correlated hadron distribution ∆η(|∆φ|<0.7) with a high-p⊥ trigger particle in 0-12% Au+Au collisions for 3<p(t)⊥<10 GeV/c and 1<p(a)⊥<3GeV/c. The ∆η distributions are background subtracted and corrected for ∆η acceptance and are for like and unlike-sign pairs separately. The curves in are Gaussian fits. Errors are statistical.
Background-subtracted charge-independent (AAT ) correlated hadron pair density in minimum bias d+Au collisions for 3<p(t)⊥<10 GeV/cand 1<p(a)⊥<3 GeV/c. The results are for near-side correlated hadrons within |∆φ1,2|<0.7, and corrected for the 3-particle ∆η-∆η acceptance. Statistical errors at (∆η1,∆η2)∼(0,0)are approximately 0.033 for d+Au respectively.
Background-subtracted charge-independent (AAT ) correlated hadron pair density in 40-80% Au+Au collisions for 3<p(t)⊥<10 GeV/cand 1<p(a)⊥<3 GeV/c. The results are for near-side correlated hadrons within |∆φ1,2|<0.7, and corrected for the 3-particle ∆η-∆η acceptance. Statistical errors at (∆η1,∆η2)∼(0,0)are approximately 0.058 for Au+Au respectively..
Background-subtracted charge-independent (AAT ) correlated hadron pair density in 0-12% Au+Au collisions for 3<p(t)⊥<10 GeV/cand 1<p(a)⊥<3 GeV/c. The results are for near-side correlated hadrons within |∆φ1,2|<0.7, and corrected for the 3-particle ∆η-∆η acceptance. Statistical errors at (∆η1,∆η2)∼(0,0)are approximately 0.084 for Au+Au respectively..
The average correlated hadron pair density per trigger particle as a function of R for all charges in minimum 0-12% Au+Au collision. The average〈ˆP〉for AAT as a function of R = $\sqrt{∆η21+ ∆η22}$. The average density is peaked at R∼0 and decreases with R for all systems. In 0-12% Au+Au collisions, the average denstiy drops more slowly andbecomes approximately constant aboveR>1, indicatingthe presence of the ridge.
The average correlated hadron pair density per trigger particle as a function of R for all charges in minimum 40-80% Au+Au collision. The average〈ˆP〉for AAT as a function of R = $\sqrt{∆η21+ ∆η22}$. The average density is peaked at R∼0 and decreases with R for all systems. For 40-80% Au+Au collisions the average density at R>1 is consistent with zero, indicating no ridge contribution
The average correlated hadron pair density per trigger particle as a function of R for all charges in minimum d+Au collision. The average〈ˆP〉for AAT as a function of R = $\sqrt{∆η21+ ∆η22}$. The average density is peaked at R∼0 and decreases with R for all systems. For d+Au collisions the average density at R>1 is consistent with zero, indicating no ridge contribution
Radial dependence of average 3-particle correlation pair density for 0-12% Au+Au (like-sign triplets) data. The results are shown in Fig. 3(b) Indeed, no jet-like component is apparent in A^±A^±T^±.The A^±A^±T^∓ result contains both jet-like and ridge components.
Radial dependence of average 3-particle correlation pair density for 40-80% Au+Au (like-sign triplets) data. The contribution from other charge combinations, namely A^±A^∓ T^±, are simply the difference between AAT in Fig.3(a) and (A^±A^±T^± + A^±A^± T^∓) in Fig. 3(b). We found this to be equal to twice the A^±A^± T^∓contribution within errors.
Radial dependence of average 3-particle correlation pair density for d+Au (AAT) data. We expect the ridge contributions in the correlated pair density to be the same in all charge combinations. We verified this for large ∆η correlatedpair densities within our current statistics, as can be seen from Fig. 3(b). Therefore the total ridge particle pair density (ˆPrr) can be obtained as four times A^±A^±T^±. The remaining jet-like signal, the sum of jet-like correlated particle pairs (ˆPjj) and cross pairs of a jet-like and a ridge particle (ˆPjr), can then be obtained by subtracting the total ridge from AAT.
for same-sign associated particles (A^\pm A^\pm T^\pm and A^\pm A^\pm T^\mp) in 0-12% Au+Au collisions Systematic uncertainties are shown in the shaded boxes due to background normalization and in the solid curves due to flow.
The R dependence of the average〈ˆPrr〉and〈ˆPjj〉+〈ˆPjr〉in 0-12% Au+Au collisions.The ridge pair density is consistent with a constant 60.14±0.02 (χ2/ndf=5.8/7). Gaussian fits indicate a best fit value σ = 2.1 (χ2/ndf=4.8/6, solid curve) and σ >1.4 (dashed curve) with 84% confidence level. On the otherhand, the jet-like component is narrow with a Gaussianσ=0.34+0.13−0.09(χ2/ndf=0.8/6, dominated by statistical errors), comparing well to those from the correlated single hadron density.
The average correlated hadron pair density per trigger particle in 0-12% Au+Au collisions for the jet-like andridge components as a function of R. The solid curves are Gaussian fits. The dashed curve is a Gaussian fit with a fixed σ=1.4 to the ridge data. The systematic uncertainities on the ridge data are shown in shaded boxes due to background normalization and in open boxes due to flow.
The R dependence of the average in 0-12% Au+Au collisions.for the ridge as a function of ξ within R<1.4. The solid curves are Gaussian fits. To investigate possible structures in the ridge, we show in Fig. 4(b) the average ridge particle pair density as a function of ξ = arctan(∆η2/∆η1) within R<1.4. The data are consistent with a uniform distribution in ξ(χ2/ndf=1.7/7). This suggests that the ridge particles are uncorrelated in ∆η not only with the trigger particle but also between themselves. In other words,the ridge appears to be uniform in ∆η event-by-event.
Parity-odd domains, corresponding to non-trivial topological solutions of the QCD vacuum, might be created during relativistic heavy ion collisions. These domains are predicted to lead to charge separation of quarks along the system's orbital momentum axis. We investigate a three particle azimuthal correlator which is a \P even observable, but directly sensitive to the charge separation effect. We report measurements of charged hadrons near center-of-mass rapidity with this observable in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200 GeV using the STAR detector. A signal consistent with several expectations from the theory is detected. We discuss possible contributions from other effects that are not related to parity violation.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\Psi_{RP})\rangle$ in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV calculated using Eq. 2. The thick solid (Au+Au) and dashed (Cu+Cu) lines represent HIJING calculations of the contributions from 3-particle correlations. Shaded bands represent uncertainty from the measurement of $v_{2}$. Collision centrality increases from left to right.
Dependence of $\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\Psi_{RP})\rangle$ on $\frac{1}{2}(p_{t,\alpha}+p_{t,\beta})$ calculated using no upper cut on particles’ $p_{t}$. Shaded bands represent $v_{2}$ uncertainty.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha} + \phi_{\beta} − 2\Psi_{RP})\rangle$ results from 200 GeV Au+Au collisions are compared to calculations with event generators HIJING (with and without an “elliptic flow afterburner”),UrQMD (connected by dashed lines), and MEVSIM. Thick lines represent HIJING reaction-plane-independent background.
Parity-odd domains, corresponding to non-trivial topological solutions of the QCD vacuum, might be created during relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These domains are predicted to lead to charge separation of quarks along the orbital momentum of the system created in non-central collisions. To study this effect, we investigate a three particle mixed harmonics azimuthal correlator which is a \P-even observable, but directly sensitive to the charge separation effect. We report measurements of this observable using the STAR detector in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200 and 62~GeV. The results are presented as a function of collision centrality, particle separation in rapidity, and particle transverse momentum. A signal consistent with several of the theoretical expectations is detected in all four data sets. We compare our results to the predictions of existing event generators, and discuss in detail possible contributions from other effects that are not related to parity violation.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\phi_{c})\rangle$ as a function of reference multiplicity for different charge combinations, before corrections for acceptance effects. In the legend the signs indicate the charge of particles $\alpha$, $\beta$, and c. The results shown are for Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV obtained in the Reversed Full Field.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\phi_{c})\rangle$ as a function of reference multiplicity for different charge combinations, before corrections for acceptance effects. In the legend the signs indicate the charge of particles $\alpha$, $\beta$, and c. The results shown are for Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV obtained in the Full Field.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\phi_{c})\rangle$ as a function of reference multiplicity for different charge combinations, after corrections for acceptance effects. In the legend the signs indicate the charge of particles $\alpha$, $\beta$, and c. The results shown are for Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV obtained in the Reversed Full Field.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\phi_{c})\rangle$ as a function of reference multiplicity for different charge combinations, after corrections for acceptance effects. In the legend the signs indicate the charge of particles $\alpha$, $\beta$, and c. The results shown are for Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV obtained in the Full Field.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}-\phi_{\beta})\rangle$ as a function of centrality for different charge combinations and FF and RFF configurations. The data points corresponding to different charge and field configurations are slightly shifted in the horizontal direction with respect to each other for clarity. The error bars are statistical. Also shown are model predictions described in Section VII.
A comparison of the correlations obtained by selecting the third particle from the main TPC or from the Forward TPCs. The TPC and FTPC points are shifted horizontally relative to one another for clarity purposes. The error bars are statistical.
A comparison of the correlations obtained by selecting the third particle from the main TPC or from the Forward TPCs after scaling by the flow of the third particle. The shaded areas represent the uncertainty from $v_{2,c}$ scaling (see text for details). The TPC and FTPC points are shifted horizontally relative to one another for clarity purposes. The error bars are statistical.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\Psi_{RP})\rangle$ in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV calculated using Eq. 7. The error-bars show the statistical errors. The shaded area reflects the uncertainty in the elliptic flow values used in calculations, with lower (in magnitude) limit obtained with elliptic flow from two-particle correlations and upper limit from four-particle cumulants. For details, see Section IV. Thick solid (Au+Au) and dashed (Cu+Cu) lines represent possible non-reaction-plane dependent contribution from many-particle clusters as estimated by HIJING, see Section VII A.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha}+\phi_{\beta}−2\Psi_{RP})\rangle$ in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 62 GeV calculated using Eq. 7. The error-bars show the statistical errors. The shaded area reflects the uncertainty in the elliptic flow values used in calculations. For details, see Section IV. Thick solid (Au+Au) and dashed (Cu+Cu) lines represent possible non-reaction-plane dependent contribution from many-particle clusters as estimated by HIJING, see Section VII A.
Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. The correlations are scaled with the number of participants and are plotted as function of centrality. The error-bars indicate the statistical errors. The shaded area reflects the uncertainty in the elliptic flow values used in calculations. For details, see Section IV. Thick solid (Au+Au) and dashed (Cu+Cu) lines represent possible non-reaction-plane dependent contribution from many-particle clusters as estimated by HIJING, see Section VII A.
Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. The correlations are scaled with the number of participants and are plotted as function of number of participants. The error-bars indicate the statistical errors. The shaded area reflects the uncertainty in the elliptic flow values used in calculations. For details, see Section IV. Thick solid (Au+Au) and dashed (Cu+Cu) lines represent possible non-reaction-plane dependent contribution from many-particle clusters as estimated by HIJING, see Section VII A.
Au+Au at 200 GeV. The correlations dependence on pseudorapidity separation $\Delta\eta$ = |$\eta_{\alpha}$ − $\eta_{\beta}$| for centrality 30-50%. The shaded band indicates uncertainty associated with $v_{2}$ measurements and has been calculated using two- and four-particle cumulant results as the limits.
Au+Au at 200 GeV. The correlations dependence on pseudorapidity separation $\Delta\eta$ = |$\eta_{\alpha}$ − $\eta_{\beta}$| for centrality 10-30%. The shaded band indicates uncertainty associated with $v_{2}$ measurements and has been calculated using two- and four-particle cumulant results as the limits.
Au+Au at 200 GeV. The correlations dependence on (p$_{t,\alpha}$ + p$_{t,\beta}$)/2 for centrality 30-50%. The shaded band indicates uncertainty associated with $v_{2}$ measurements and has been calculated using two- and four-particle cumulant results as the limits.
Au+Au at 200 GeV. The correlations dependence on (p$_{t,\alpha}$ + p$_{t,\beta}$)/2 for centrality 10-30%. The shaded band indicates uncertainty associated with $v_{2}$ measurements and has been calculated using two- and four-particle cumulant results as the limits.
Au+Au at 200 GeV. The correlations dependence on |p$_{t,\alpha}$ - p$_{t,\beta}$| for centrality 30-50%. The shaded band indicates uncertainty associated with $v_{2}$ measurements and has been calculated using two- and four-particle cumulant results as the limits.
Au+Au at 200 GeV. The correlations dependence on |p$_{t,\alpha}$ - p$_{t,\beta}$| for centrality 10-30%. The shaded band indicates uncertainty associated with $v_{2}$ measurements and has been calculated using two- and four-particle cumulant results as the limits.
Three-particle correlator in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions compared to HIJING calculations shown as thick lines. All three particles are taken in the main TPC region, |$\eta$| < 1.0. The correlator has been scaled with number of participants and are plotted versus number of participants. In this representation HIJING results for Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions coincide in the region of overlap.
$\langle cos(\phi_{\alpha} + \phi_{\beta} − 2\Psi_{RP})\rangle$ calculated for 200 GeV Au+Au events with event generators HIJING (with and without an “elliptic flow afterburner”), UrQMD, and MEVSIM. Blue symbols mark opposite-charge correlations, and red are same-charge. Solid stars represent the values from the data to facilitate comparison. Acceptance cuts of 0.15 < p$_{t}$ < 2 GeV/c and |$\eta$| < 1.0 were used in all cases. For MEVSIM, HIJING, and UrQMD points the true reaction plane from the generated event was used for $\Psi_{RP}$ . Thick solid lighter colored lines represent possible non-reactionplane dependent contribution from many-particle clusters as estimated by HIJING and discussed in Section VII A. Corresponding estimates from UrQMD are about factor of two smaller.
We present results for the measurement of $\phi$ meson production via its charged kaon decay channel $\phi \to K^+K^-$ in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=62.4$, 130, 200 GeV, and in p+p and d+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$ GeV from the STAR experiment at RHIC. The mid-rapidity ($|y|<0.5$) $\phi$ meson spectra in central Au+Au collisions are found to be well described by a single exponential distribution. On the other hand, the spectra from p+p, d+Au and peripheral Au+Au collisions show power-law tails at intermediate and high transverse momenta ($p_{T}$) and are described better by Levy distributions. The constant $\phi/K^-$ yield ratio vs. beam species, collision centrality and colliding energy is in contradiction with expectations from models having kaon coalescence as the dominant mechanism for $\phi$ production at RHIC. The $\Omega/\phi$ yield ratio as a function of $p_{T}$ is consistent with a model based on the recombination of thermal $s$ quarks up to $p_{T}\sim 4$ GeV/c, but disagrees at higher transverse momenta. The measured nuclear modification factor, $R_{dAu}$, for the $\phi$ meson increases above unity at intermediate $p_{T}$, similar to that for pions and protons, while $R_{AA}$ is suppressed due to jet quenching in central Au+Au collisions. Number of constituent quark scaling of both $R_{cp}$ and $v_{2}$ for the $\phi$ meson with respect to other hadrons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}$=200 GeV at intermediate $p_{T}$ is observed. These observations support quark coalescence as being the dominant mechanism of hadronization in the intermediate $p_{T}$ region at RHIC.
Background-subtracted invariant mass distributions at 0.4 < $p_{T}$ < 0.8 GeV/c in d + Au 200 GeV collisions (0–100%) with (solid points) and without (open points) the $\delta$-dipangle cut. The dashed curves show a Breit-Wigner (see the text for details) + linear background function fit to the case with the $\delta$-dip-angle cut.
Background-subtracted invariant mass distributions at 0.4 < $p_{T}$ < 0.8 GeV/c in d + Au 200 GeV collisions (0–100%) with (solid points) and without (open points) the $\delta$-dipangle cut. The dashed curves show a Breit-Wigner (see the text for details) + linear background function fit to the case with the $\delta$-dip-angle cut.
Upper panels: same-event (full points) and mixed-event (solid line) $K^{+}K^{-}$ invariant mass distributions at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.4 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV collisions (a), 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 62.4 GeV collisions (60–80%) (c), and 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions (0–10%) (e). Lower panels: the corresponding $\phi$ meson mass peaks after subtracting the background. Dashed curves show a Breit-Wigner + linear background function fit in (b), (d). In (f), both linear and quadratic backgrounds are shown as dashed and dot-dashed lines, respectively.
Upper panels: same-event (full points) and mixed-event (solid line) $K^{+}K^{-}$ invariant mass distributions at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.4 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV collisions (a), 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 62.4 GeV collisions (60–80%) (c), and 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions (0–10%) (e). Lower panels: the corresponding $\phi$ meson mass peaks after subtracting the background. Dashed curves show a Breit-Wigner + linear background function fit in (b), (d). In (f), both linear and quadratic backgrounds are shown as dashed and dot-dashed lines, respectively.
Upper panels: same-event (full points) and mixed-event (solid line) $K^{+}K^{-}$ invariant mass distributions at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.4 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV collisions (a), 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 62.4 GeV collisions (60–80%) (c), and 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions (0–10%) (e). Lower panels: the corresponding $\phi$ meson mass peaks after subtracting the background. Dashed curves show a Breit-Wigner + linear background function fit in (b), (d). In (f), both linear and quadratic backgrounds are shown as dashed and dot-dashed lines, respectively.
Upper panels: same-event (full points) and mixed-event (solid line) $K^{+}K^{-}$ invariant mass distributions at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.4 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV collisions (a), 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 62.4 GeV collisions (60–80%) (c), and 0.8 < $p_{T}$ < 1.2 GeV/c in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions (0–10%) (e). Lower panels: the corresponding $\phi$ meson mass peaks after subtracting the background. Dashed curves show a Breit-Wigner + linear background function fit in (b), (d). In (f), both linear and quadratic backgrounds are shown as dashed and dot-dashed lines, respectively.
Reconstruction efficiency including acceptance of $\phi$ meson as a function of $p_{T}$ in several centrality bins of Au + Au, d + Au, and p + p 200 GeV collisions.
Reconstruction efficiency including acceptance of $\phi$ meson as a function of $p_{T}$ in several centrality bins of Au + Au, d + Au, and p + p 200 GeV collisions.
Reconstruction efficiency including acceptance of $\phi$ meson as a function of $p_{T}$ in several centrality bins of Au + Au, d + Au, and p + p 200 GeV collisions.
Event plane $\Phi_{2}$ resolution as a function of centrality in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions, where the vertical axis starts from 0.3 for clarity.
$\phi−\Phi_{2}$ distribution for $\phi$ meson at 1.5 < $p_{T}$ < 2.0 GeV/c in Au + Au collisions (0–80$\%$) at 200 GeV. The line is the fitting result. Error bars are statistical only.
<cos2($\phi_{K^{+}K^{-}}$-$\Phi_{2}$)> (full red points) and <sin2($\phi_{K^{+}K^{-}}$-$\Phi_{2}$)> (open blue points) as a function of $m_{inv}$ of $K^{+}K^{-}$ pairs at 0.5 < $p_{T}$ < 1.0 GeV/c in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions (0–80\%), where the solid curve is the result of fitting by Eq. (10). The arrow shows the position of the $\phi$ invariant mass peak. The dashed line shows the zero horizontal line.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Masses and widths (FWHMs) of $\phi$ as a function of $p_{T}$ in p + p 200 GeV (NSD), d + Au 200 GeV (0–20$\%$), Au + Au 62.4 GeV (0–20$\%$), and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions, with the corresponding $PDG$ values.
Invariant mass distributions of $\phi$ meson at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.0 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV (NSD) and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions. Solid symbols: experimental data. Open symbols: MC simulation. Curves are the results of a Breit-Wigner function fit. Note: Two sets of MC data are shown for Au + Au 200 GeV, and see text for details.
Invariant mass distributions of $\phi$ meson at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.0 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV (NSD) and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions. Solid symbols: experimental data. Open symbols: MC simulation. Curves are the results of a Breit-Wigner function fit. Note: Two sets of MC data are shown for Au + Au 200 GeV, and see text for details.
Invariant mass distributions of $\phi$ meson at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.0 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV (NSD) and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions. Solid symbols: experimental data. Open symbols: MC simulation. Curves are the results of a Breit-Wigner function fit. Note: Two sets of MC data are shown for Au + Au 200 GeV, and see text for details.
Invariant mass distributions of $\phi$ meson at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.0 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV (NSD) and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions. Solid symbols: experimental data. Open symbols: MC simulation. Curves are the results of a Breit-Wigner function fit. Note: Two sets of MC data are shown for Au + Au 200 GeV, and see text for details.
Invariant mass distributions of $\phi$ meson at 0.6 < $p_{T}$ < 1.0 GeV/c in p + p 200 GeV (NSD) and Au + Au 200 GeV (0–5$\%$) collisions. Solid symbols: experimental data. Open symbols: MC simulation. Curves are the results of a Breit-Wigner function fit. Note: Two sets of MC data are shown for Au + Au 200 GeV, and see text for details.
$\phi$ meson transverse mass distributions for different collision systems and different energies. For clarity, distributions for some centrality bins have been scaled by factors indicated in the figure. Curves represent the exponential (solid) and Levy (dashed) function fits to the distributions. Error bars are statistical only. Note that a scale factor of 1.09 is applied to the $\phi$ meson spectra for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV in Ref. [50] to correct for the kaon identification efficiency effect missed previously.
$\phi$ meson transverse mass distributions for different collision systems and different energies. For clarity, distributions for some centrality bins have been scaled by factors indicated in the figure. Curves represent the exponential (solid) and Levy (dashed) function fits to the distributions. Error bars are statistical only. Note that a scale factor of 1.09 is applied to the $\phi$ meson spectra for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV in Ref. [50] to correct for the kaon identification efficiency effect missed previously.
$\phi$ meson transverse mass distributions for different collision systems and different energies. For clarity, distributions for some centrality bins have been scaled by factors indicated in the figure. Curves represent the exponential (solid) and Levy (dashed) function fits to the distributions. Error bars are statistical only. Note that a scale factor of 1.09 is applied to the $\phi$ meson spectra for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV in Ref. [50] to correct for the kaon identification efficiency effect missed previously.
$\phi$ meson transverse mass distributions for different collision systems and different energies. For clarity, distributions for some centrality bins have been scaled by factors indicated in the figure. Curves represent the exponential (solid) and Levy (dashed) function fits to the distributions. Error bars are statistical only. Note that a scale factor of 1.09 is applied to the $\phi$ meson spectra for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV in Ref. [50] to correct for the kaon identification efficiency effect missed previously.
$\phi$ meson transverse mass distributions for different collision systems and different energies. For clarity, distributions for some centrality bins have been scaled by factors indicated in the figure. Curves represent the exponential (solid) and Levy (dashed) function fits to the distributions. Error bars are statistical only. Note that a scale factor of 1.09 is applied to the $\phi$ meson spectra for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV in Ref. [50] to correct for the kaon identification efficiency effect missed previously.
$\phi$ meson transverse mass distributions for different collision systems and different energies. For clarity, distributions for some centrality bins have been scaled by factors indicated in the figure. Curves represent the exponential (solid) and Levy (dashed) function fits to the distributions. Error bars are statistical only. Note that a scale factor of 1.09 is applied to the $\phi$ meson spectra for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV in Ref. [50] to correct for the kaon identification efficiency effect missed previously.
$\phi$ meson transverse mass distributions for different collision systems and different energies. For clarity, distributions for some centrality bins have been scaled by factors indicated in the figure. Curves represent the exponential (solid) and Levy (dashed) function fits to the distributions. Error bars are statistical only. Note that a scale factor of 1.09 is applied to the $\phi$ meson spectra for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV in Ref. [50] to correct for the kaon identification efficiency effect missed previously.
Comparison of transverse momentum spectra shape among different 200 GeV collision systems: Au + Au (0–5$\%$), d + Au (0–20$\%$), and p + p (inelastic). The spectra are normalized by $N_{bin}$ (top panel) and $N_{part}/2$ (bottom panel).
Comparison of transverse momentum spectra shape among different 200 GeV collision systems: Au + Au (0–5$\%$), d + Au (0–20$\%$), and p + p (inelastic). The spectra are normalized by $N_{bin}$ (top panel) and $N_{part}/2$ (bottom panel).
Comparison of transverse momentum spectra shape among different 200 GeV collision systems: Au + Au (0–5$\%$), d + Au (0–20$\%$), and p + p (inelastic). The spectra are normalized by $N_{bin}$ (top panel) and $N_{part}/2$ (bottom panel).
Comparison of transverse momentum spectra shape among different 200 GeV collision systems: Au + Au (0–5$\%$), d + Au (0–20$\%$), and p + p (inelastic). The spectra are normalized by $N_{bin}$ (top panel) and $N_{part}/2$ (bottom panel).
Comparison of transverse momentum spectra shape among different 200 GeV collision systems: Au + Au (0–5$\%$), d + Au (0–20$\%$), and p + p (inelastic). The spectra are normalized by $N_{bin}$ (top panel) and $N_{part}/2$ (bottom panel).
Comparison of transverse momentum spectra shape among different 200 GeV collision systems: Au + Au (0–5$\%$), d + Au (0–20$\%$), and p + p (inelastic). The spectra are normalized by $N_{bin}$ (top panel) and $N_{part}/2$ (bottom panel).
$N_{part}$ dependence of $(dN/dy)/0.5N_{part}$ in five different collision systems: Au + Au 62.4, 130, 200 GeV; p + p 200 GeV (inelastic); and d + Au 200 GeV. Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$N_{part}$ dependence of $(dN/dy)/0.5N_{part}$ in five different collision systems: Au + Au 62.4, 130, 200 GeV; p + p 200 GeV (inelastic); and d + Au 200 GeV. Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$N_{part}$ dependence of $(dN/dy)/0.5N_{part}$ in five different collision systems: Au + Au 62.4, 130, 200 GeV; p + p 200 GeV (inelastic); and d + Au 200 GeV. Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$N_{part}$ dependence of $(dN/dy)/0.5N_{part}$ in five different collision systems: Au + Au 62.4, 130, 200 GeV; p + p 200 GeV (inelastic); and d + Au 200 GeV. Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$N_{part}$ dependence of $(dN/dy)/0.5N_{part}$ in five different collision systems: Au + Au 62.4, 130, 200 GeV; p + p 200 GeV (inelastic); and d + Au 200 GeV. Statistical and systematic errors are included.
Top panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of $<p_{T}>_{\phi}$ in different collision systems. Bottom panel: Hadron mass dependence of $<p_{T}>$ in central Au + Au collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV. The band and curve show two hydrodynamic model calculations for central Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV. Note: Hadron masses for the Au + Au 62.4 GeV data are shifted slightly in the $x$-axis direction for clarity, and systematic errors are included for $\phi$.
Top panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of $<p_{T}>_{\phi}$ in different collision systems. Bottom panel: Hadron mass dependence of $<p_{T}>$ in central Au + Au collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV. The band and curve show two hydrodynamic model calculations for central Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV. Note: Hadron masses for the Au + Au 62.4 GeV data are shifted slightly in the $x$-axis direction for clarity, and systematic errors are included for $\phi$.
Top panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of $<p_{T}>_{\phi}$ in different collision systems. Bottom panel: Hadron mass dependence of $<p_{T}>$ in central Au + Au collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV. The band and curve show two hydrodynamic model calculations for central Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV. Note: Hadron masses for the Au + Au 62.4 GeV data are shifted slightly in the $x$-axis direction for clarity, and systematic errors are included for $\phi$.
Top panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of $<p_{T}>_{\phi}$ in different collision systems. Bottom panel: Hadron mass dependence of $<p_{T}>$ in central Au + Au collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV. The band and curve show two hydrodynamic model calculations for central Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV. Note: Hadron masses for the Au + Au 62.4 GeV data are shifted slightly in the $x$-axis direction for clarity, and systematic errors are included for $\phi$.
Top panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of $<p_{T}>_{\phi}$ in different collision systems. Bottom panel: Hadron mass dependence of $<p_{T}>$ in central Au + Au collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV. The band and curve show two hydrodynamic model calculations for central Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV. Note: Hadron masses for the Au + Au 62.4 GeV data are shifted slightly in the $x$-axis direction for clarity, and systematic errors are included for $\phi$.
Top panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of $<p_{T}>_{\phi}$ in different collision systems. Bottom panel: Hadron mass dependence of $<p_{T}>$ in central Au + Au collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV. The band and curve show two hydrodynamic model calculations for central Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV. Note: Hadron masses for the Au + Au 62.4 GeV data are shifted slightly in the $x$-axis direction for clarity, and systematic errors are included for $\phi$.
Top panel: Energy dependence of the ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in A + A (full points) and p + p (open points) collisions. Stars are data from the STARexperiment at RHIC.Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in different collision systems. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of the ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in A + A (full points) and p + p (open points) collisions. Stars are data from the STARexperiment at RHIC.Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in different collision systems. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of the ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in A + A (full points) and p + p (open points) collisions. Stars are data from the STARexperiment at RHIC.Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in different collision systems. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of the ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in A + A (full points) and p + p (open points) collisions. Stars are data from the STARexperiment at RHIC.Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in different collision systems. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of the ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in A + A (full points) and p + p (open points) collisions. Stars are data from the STARexperiment at RHIC.Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in different collision systems. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of the ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in A + A (full points) and p + p (open points) collisions. Stars are data from the STARexperiment at RHIC.Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in different collision systems. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of the ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in A + A (full points) and p + p (open points) collisions. Stars are data from the STARexperiment at RHIC.Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/\pi^{-}$ in different collision systems. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
Top panel: Energy dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in $A + A$ and elementary ($e + e$ and $p + p$) collisions. Stars are data from STAR experiments at RHIC. Bottom panel: $N_{part}$ dependence of ratio $\phi/K^{-}$ in different collision systems. The dashed line shows results from $UrQMD$ model calculations. Systematic errors are included for the STAR data points.
The $\Omega/\phi$ ratio vs $p_{T}$ for three centrality bins in $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV$ Au + Au collisions, where the data points for 40–60$\%$ are shifted slightly for clarity. As shown in the legend, the lines represent results from Hwa and Yang [96], Ko et al. [97], and, for SCF, Refs. [98,99].
The $\Omega/\phi$ ratio vs $p_{T}$ for three centrality bins in $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV$ Au + Au collisions, where the data points for 40–60$\%$ are shifted slightly for clarity. As shown in the legend, the lines represent results from Hwa and Yang [96], Ko et al. [97], and, for SCF, Refs. [98,99].
$p_{T}$ dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{cp}$ in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions. The top and bottom panels present $R_{cp}$ from midperipheral and most-peripheral collisions, respectively. See legend for symbol and line designations. The rectangular bands showthe uncertainties of binary and participant scalings. Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$p_{T}$ dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{cp}$ in Au + Au 200 GeV collisions. The top and bottom panels present $R_{cp}$ from midperipheral and most-peripheral collisions, respectively. See legend for symbol and line designations. The rectangular bands showthe uncertainties of binary and participant scalings. Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$p_{T}$ dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{cp}$ in Au + Au 62.4 and 200 GeV and d + Au 200 GeV collisions, where rectangular bands represent the uncertainties of binary and participant scalings (see legend). Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$p_{T}$ dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{cp}$ in Au + Au 62.4 and 200 GeV and d + Au 200 GeV collisions, where rectangular bands represent the uncertainties of binary and participant scalings (see legend). Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$p_{T}$ dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{cp}$ in Au + Au 62.4 and 200 GeV and d + Au 200 GeV collisions, where rectangular bands represent the uncertainties of binary and participant scalings (see legend). Statistical and systematic errors are included.
$p_{T}$ dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{AB}$ for $\phi$ in Au + Au 200 GeV and d + Au 200 GeV collisions. For comparison, data points for $\pi^{+}+\pi^{-}$ in d + Au 200 GeV and $p+\bar{p}$ in d + Au 200 GeV are also shown (see legend). Rectangular bands show the uncertainties of binary (solid line) and participant (dot-dash line) scalings. Systematic errors are included for $\phi$, $\pi^{+}+\pi^{-}$, and $p+\bar{p}$.
$p_{T}$ dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{AB}$ for $\phi$ in Au + Au 200 GeV and d + Au 200 GeV collisions. For comparison, data points for $\pi^{+}+\pi^{-}$ in d + Au 200 GeV and $p+\bar{p}$ in d + Au 200 GeV are also shown (see legend). Rectangular bands show the uncertainties of binary (solid line) and participant (dot-dash line) scalings. Systematic errors are included for $\phi$, $\pi^{+}+\pi^{-}$, and $p+\bar{p}$.
$p_{T}$ dependence of the elliptic flow $v_{2}$ of $\phi$, $\Lambda$, and $K_{s}^{0}$ in Au + Au collisions (0–80$\%$) at 200 GeV. Data points for $\phi$ are from the reaction plane method (full up-triangles) and invariant mass method (full circles), where data points from the reaction plane method are shifted slightly along the $x$ axis for clarity. Vertical error bars represent statistical errors, while the square bands represent systematic uncertainties. The magenta curved band represents the $v_{2}$ of $\phi$ meson from the AMPT model with a string melting mechanism [116]. The dash and dot curves represent parametrizations inspired by number-of-quark scaling ideas from Ref. [117] for NQ = 2 and NQ = 3, respectively.
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ as a function of $p_{T}$ , $v_{2}$($p_{T}$), for the $\phi$ meson from different centralities. The vertical error bars represent the statistical errors, while the square bands represent the systematic uncertainties. For clarity, data points of 10–40$\%$ are shifted in the $p_{T}$ direction slightly.
Elliptic flow $v_{2}$ as a function of $p_{T}$ , $v_{2}$($p_{T}$), for the $\phi$ meson from different centralities. The vertical error bars represent the statistical errors, while the square bands represent the systematic uncertainties. For clarity, data points of 10–40$\%$ are shifted in the $p_{T}$ direction slightly.
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