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The π+—photoproduction cross section is found to have a peak in the forward direction in disagreement with simple Regge pole models.
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Results are given for the production differential cross sections and the ω decay angular distribution in terms of the ω spin density matrix elements.
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An extensive investigation of antiproton-proton interactions at 5.7 GeV/c without strange-particle production was carried out using a hydrogen bubble chamber. Cross-sections for different channels are given and discussed. The reliability of the analysis was checked using artificially generated events. The cross-sections for elastic scattering, for all processes involving annihilation, and for all other inelastic processes are respectively σel=(16.3±0.6)mb,σannlbil=(22.5±2.0)mb, σinel=(24.8±2.0)mb. TheN * 1:38 is present both in the single and multiple pion production channels. For the reaction MediaObjects/11539_2007_Article_BF02720569_f1.jpg a cross-section of (1.05±0.21) mb was obtained. Cross-sections forN * 1238 production in other channels are also given. Some indication of the presence ofI=1/2 isobars was found in the nucleon-pion and the nucleon-two-pion systems. The inelastic nonannihilation reactions were found to be strongly peripheral. The one-pion exchange model including either a form factor or corrections for absorption was applied to the reaction MediaObjects/11539_2007_Article_BF02720569_f2.jpg . Neither version of the model could correctly account for all features of the reaction. The average number of pions in the annihilation was found to be 7.3±0.6. The presence of an asymmetry in the angular distribution of the charged pions was confirmed at this energy; it is due mostly to high-energy pions. The production of ρ and ω mesons was observed in various annihilation channels. Rates of up to 80% for ρ production and up to 15% for ω production were obtained by fitting phase-space and Breit-Wigner curves to the effective-mass distributions of different channels.
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The ALICE Collaboration has measured inclusive J/psi production in pp collisions at a center of mass energy sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV at the LHC. The results presented in this Letter refer to the rapidity ranges |y|<0.9 and 2.5<y<4 and have been obtained by measuring the electron and muon pair decay channels, respectively. The integrated luminosities for the two channels are L^e_int=1.1 nb^-1 and L^mu_int=19.9 nb^-1, and the corresponding signal statistics are N_J/psi^e+e-=59 +/- 14 and N_J/psi^mu+mu-=1364 +/- 53. We present dsigma_J/psi/dy for the two rapidity regions under study and, for the forward-y range, d^2sigma_J/psi/dydp_t in the transverse momentum domain 0<p_t<8 GeV/c. The results are compared with previously published results at sqrt(s)=7 TeV and with theoretical calculations.
Double differential J/$\psi$ production cross section at $\sqrt{s}=2.76$ TeV. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second one is $p_{\rm T}$-coorelated, the third one is uncorrelated. Polarization-related uncertainties are not included.
The $\sqrt{s}$-dependence of $\langle p_{\rm T}\rangle$ for inclusive J/$\psi$ production (forward rapidity).
the $\sqrt{s}$-dependence of $\langle p_{\rm T}\rangle$ for inclusive J/$\psi$ production (forward rapidity).
The proton-proton and proton-eta' invariant mass distributions have been determined for the pp -> ppeta' reaction at an excess energy of Q = 16.4 MeV. The measurement was carried out using the COSY-11 detector setup and the proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY. The shapes of the determined invariant mass distributions are similar to those of the pp -> ppeta reaction and reveal an enhancement for large relative proton-proton momenta. This result, together with the fact that the proton-eta interaction is much stronger that the proton-eta' interaction, excludes the hypothesis that the observed enhancement is caused by the interaction between the proton and the meson.
Differential cross section as a function of the squared invariant mass of the proton-proton system.
Differential cross section as a function of the squared invariant mass of the proton-etaprime system.
Proton-proton and proton-eta invariant mass distributions and the total cross section for the pp to pp eta reaction have been determined near the threshold at an excess energy of Q=10 MeV. The experiment has been conducted using the COSY-11 detector setup and the cooler synchrotron COSY. The determined invariant mass spectra reveal significant enhancements in the region of low proton-proton relative momenta, similarly as observed previously at higher excess energies of Q=15.5 MeV and Q= 40MeV.
Total cross section determined from the integral of the invariant mass distribution.
Distribution of the square of the invariant mass of the proton-proton system.
Distribution of the square of the invariant mass of the proton-eta system.