Forward Neutron Production at the Fermilab Main Injector

The MIPP collaboration Nigmanov, T.S. ; Rajaram, D. ; Longo, M.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 83 (2011) 012002, 2011.
Inspire Record 874954 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.63860

We have measured cross sections for forward neutron production from a variety of targets using proton beams from the Fermilab Main Injector. Measurements were performed for proton beam momenta of 58 GeV/c, 84 GeV/c, and 120 GeV/c. The cross section dependence on the atomic weight (A) of the targets was found to vary as $A^(alpha)$ where $\alpha$ is $0.46\pm0.06$ for a beam momentum of 58 GeV/c and 0.54$\pm$0.05 for 120 GeV/c. The cross sections show reasonable agreement with FLUKA and DPMJET Monte Carlos. Comparisons have also been made with the LAQGSM Monte Carlo.

21 data tables

Total inelastic PP cross section.

Average multiplicities and production cross section for neutral particles from PP interactions at 84 GeV.

Cross sections for neutron production greater than threshold and within an angular range of 20.4 mrad.
