In a 35 000-picture exposure of the 30-in. hydrogen bubble chamber to a 300-GeV/c proton beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 10054 interactions have been observed. The measured total cross section is $40.68 \pm 0.55$ mb, the elastic cross section is $7.89 \pm 0.52$ mb, and the average charged-particle multiplicity for inelastic events is $8.S0 \pm 0.12$.
We have made a study of the coherent reaction K + d → K 0 π + d at 2 GeV/ c , using data obtained in the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 25 inch bubble chamber. The cross section for this reaction is 324 ± 25 μ b, after correction for invisible K 0 decays. This reaction is dominated primarily by vector exchange. We determine the parameters of the ω trajectory to be α ω = (0.33 ± 0.04) + t .
We have measured π+p, π−p, and pp elastic scattering at an incident-beam momentum of 200 GeV/c in the region of −t, four-momentum transfer squared, from 0.021 to 0.665 (GeV/c)2. The data allow an investigation of the t dependence of the logarithmic forward slope parameter b≡(ddt)(lndσdt). In addition to standard parametrization, we use functional forms suggested by the additive quark model to fit the measured dσdt distributions. Within the context of this model we estimate the size of the clothed quark in the pion and proton. Limits on the elastic-scattering amplitude derived from unitarity bounds are checked, and no violations are observed.
We report measurements from elastic photoproduction of ω's on hydrogen for photon energies between 60 and 225 GeV, elastic φ photoproduction on hydrogen between 35 and 165 GeV and on deuterium between 45 and 85 GeV, elastic photoproduction on deuterium of an enhancement at 1.72 GeV/c2 decaying into K+K−, and elastic and inelastic photoproduction on deuterium of pp¯ pairs.
We present results from a measurement of the differential cross sections for Σ−p, Ξ−p, and π−p elastic scattering at 23 GeV/c. We have collected samples of 6200 Σ−p events, 67 Ξ−p events, and 30 000 π−p events in the interval 0.10<|t|<0.23 (GeV/c)2.
The differential cross section for elastic antiproton—proton scattering at s =1.8 TeV has been measured over the t range 0.034⩽| t |⩽0.65 (GeV/ c ) 2 . A logarithmic slope parameter, B , of 16.3±0.3 (GeV/ c ) −2 is obtained. In contrast to lower energy experiments, no change in slope is observed over this t range.
We have observed diffraction dissociation of KL0 mesons with a carbon target into the exclusive final states KS0π+π−, KS0ω, and KS0φ. The diffraction production cross section for these states is not strongly dependent on the incident energy, varying at most by 30% between 75 and 150 GeV. The mass distributions do not change appreciably as a function of laboratory energy. The ratio of the diffractive mass-threshold production of K*±π∓, KS0ρ, KS0ω, and KS0φ is compared with previously obtained lower-energy data.
Proton-proton and proton-deuteron elastic scattering has been measured for incident laboratory energy from 50 to 400 GeV; minimum |t| values were, for p−p, 0.0005 (GeV/c)2, and for p−d, 0.0008 (GeV/c)2. From the differential cross sections we have determined the ratios of the real to imaginary parts of the forward scattering amplitude, ρpp and ρpd, for p−p and p−d scattering. Using a Glauber approach and a sum-of-exponentials form factor we obtain ρpn for p−n scattering.
Proton-deuteron elastic scattering has been measured in the four-momentum transfer squared region 0.013<|t|<0.14 (GeV/c)2 and for incident proton beam momenta from 50 to 400 GeV/c. The data can be fitted with the Bethe interference formula. We observe shrinkage of the diffraction cone with increasing energy equal to (0.94±0.04)ln(s1 GeV2) (GeV/c)−2. This shrinkage is greater than that observed in pp elastic scattering. The ratio of the elastic to the total cross section is approximately 0.1 and independent of energy above ∼ 150 GeV. In order to extract information on pn scattering we fit our data using the Glauber approach and a form factor which is the sum of exponentials. The values we obtain for the slope parameter in pn scattering are sensitive to the details of the inelastic double-scattering term.