Both the np and the pp analyzing powers were measured simultaneously using the SATURNE II polarized deuteron beam at 0.550, 0.725, 0.900 and 1.15 GeV/nucleon. The results for the pp analyzing power coincide with the free pp elastic scattering data. We thus can assume that also the np analyzing power is equal to the one for scattering of free polarized neutrons. The np data cover the angular region 90° ≤ θ CM ≤ 125°. Our results for the np analyzing power clarify a discrepancy between earlier data at 0.5 GeV and allow conclusions about the energy dependence of the minimum of polarization at θ CM ⋍ 100° in the region from 0.5 to 0.9 GeV.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
The first result of the pp2pp experiment at RHIC on elastic scattering of polarized protons at sqrt{s} = 200 GeV is reported here. The exponential slope parameter b of the diffractive peak of the elastic cross section in the t range 0.010 <= |t| <= 0.019 (GeV/c)^2 was measured to be b = 16.3 +- 1.6 (stat.) +- 0.9 (syst.) (GeV/c)^{-2} .
Measured slope of the elastic cross section.
The spin correlation parameter A00NN for 497.5 MeV proton + proton elastic scattering was determined over the center-of-momentum scattering angle region 23.1°–64.9 °. The new A00NN extend to more forward angles than existing A00NN and have significantly smaller statistical errors (±0.01–0.04). The A00NN are qualitatively described by recent phase shift analyses, but a quantitative shape and normalization discrepancy remains in the forward angle region. These new data provide important constraints for nucleon-nucleon spin-dependent amplitudes at forward angles which are used in theoretical models of nucleon-nucleus scattering.
Errors include statistical and systematic uncertainties.
The accelerated polarized deuteron beam of Saturn II was used to measure the analyzing power for np elastic scattering at five energies. The left-right asymmetries ε = (L + R)/(L + R) for np and for pp elastic scattering were measured simultaneously by CH 2 − carbon subtraction using one of the beam-line polarimeters. The analyzing power A 00 n 0 (np) is given by the ratio ε np d / ε pp d multiplied by the known analyzing power for pp elastic scattering. Experimental evidence is consistent with the underlying assumption that in the kinetmatic region of the experiment the ratio of the np to pp analyzing powers for scattering of quasifree nucleons in deuterons is the same as for scattering of free neutrons and protons, respectively.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We report on the first measurement of the single spin analyzing power (A_N) at sqrt(s)=200GeV, obtained by the pp2pp experiment using polarized proton beams at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Data points were measured in the four momentum transfer t range 0.01 < |t| < 0.03 (GeV/c)^2. Our result, averaged over the whole t-interval is about one standard deviation above the calculation, which uses interference between electromagnetic spin-flip amplitude and hadronic non-flip amplitude, the source of A_N. The difference could be explained by an additional contribution of a hadronic spin-flip amplitude to A_N.
The single spin analyzing power for 3 T intervals.
Measurements of the pp spin correlation coefficients Axx, Ayy, and Axz and analyzing power Ay for pp elastic scattering at 197.8 MeV over the angular range 4.5°–17.5° have been carried out. The statistical accuracy is approximately ±0.01 for Amn and ±0.004 for Ay, while the corresponding scale factor uncertainties are 2.4% and 1.3%, respectively. The experiment makes use of a polarized hydrogen gas target internal to a proton storage ring (IUCF Cooler) and a circulating beam of polarized protons. The target polarization (Q=0.79) is switched in sign and in direction (x,y,z) every 2 s by reversing a weak guide field (about 0.3 mT). The forward-scattered protons are detected in two sets of wire chambers and a scintillator, while recoil protons are detected in coincidence with the forward protons by silicon strip detectors placed 5 cm from the proton beam. The background rate from scattering by the walls of the target cell is (0.2±0.2)% of the good event rate. Analysis methods and comparisons with pp potential models and pp partial wave analyses are described.
No description provided.
The analyzing power Ay for p+p elastic scattering at θlab=8.64°±0.07° (θcms=18.1°) and at a bombarding energy of 183.1±0.4 MeV has been determined to be Ay=0.2122±0.0017. The error includes statistics, systematic uncertainties, and the uncertainty in bombarding energy and angle. This measurement represents a calibration standard for polarized beams in this energy range. The absolute scale for the measurement has been obtained by comparison with p+C elastic scattering at the same energy at an angle where Ay is very nearly unity.
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////).
The spin correlation parameters A 00 kk and A 00 sk were measured at 0.874, 0.934, 1.095, 1.295, 1.596, 1.796, 2.096, and 2.396 GeV, using the SATURNE II polarized proton beam and tha Saclay frozen spin polarized target. The present results for beam-target spin correlations obtained during measurements of three-spin index observables confirm, in particular, relatively large positive values of A 00 sk at certain energies and angles, as was shown in previously published data from a dedicated experiment.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
We present the first measurements of the double spin asymmetries A_NN and A_SS at sqrt{s}=200 GeV, obtained by the pp2pp experiment using polarized proton beams at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The data were collected in the four momentum transfer t range 0.01<|t|<0.03 (GeV/c)^2. The measured asymmetries, which are consistent with zero, allow us to estimate upper limits on the double helicity-flip amplitudes phi_2 and phi_4 at small t as well as on the difference Delta(sigma_T) between the total cross sections for transversely polarized protons with antiparallel or parallel spin orientations.
Double spin asymmetries.
Double spin asymmetries.
T dependence of the double spin asymmetry ASS3 with statistical errors only.
At the Cooler Synchrotron COSY/J\ulich spin correlation parameters in elastic proton-proton (pp) scattering have been measured with a 2.11 GeV polarized proton beam and a polarized hydrogen atomic beam target. We report results for A$_{NN}$, A$_{SS}$, and A_${SL}$ for c.m. scattering angles between 30$^o$ and 90$^o$. Our data on A$_{SS}$ -- the first measurement of this observable above 800 MeV -- clearly disagrees with predictions of available of pp scattering phase shift solutions while A$_{NN}$ and A_${SL}$ are reproduced reasonably well. We show that in the direct reconstruction of the scattering amplitudes from the body of available pp elastic scattering data at 2.1 GeV the number of possible solutions is considerably reduced.
Spin correlation parameters.