

Energy dependence of the charged multiplicity in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration Chekanov, Sergei ; Derrick, M. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
JHEP 06 (2008) 061, 2008.
Inspire Record 782120 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.45319

The charged multiplicity distributions and the mean charged multiplicity have been investigated in inclusive neutral current deep inelastic $ep$ scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA, using an integrated luminosity of 38.6 pb$^{-1}$. The measurements were performed in the current region of the Breit frame, as well as in the current fragmentation region of the hadronic centre-of-mass frame. The KNO-scaling properties of the data were investigated and the energy dependence was studied using different energy scales. The data are compared to results obtained in $\epem$ collisions and to previous DIS measurements as well as to leading-logarithm parton-shower Monte Carlo predictions.

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Mean charged multiplicity measured in the Breit frame as a function of Meff with the assumptions of stable or decaying K0 and LAMBDA particles.

Substructure dependence of jet cross sections at HERA and determination of alpha(s).

The ZEUS collaboration Chekanov, S. ; Derrick, M. ; Loizides, J.H. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 700 (2004) 3-50, 2004.
Inspire Record 650732 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.46136

Jet substructure and differential cross sections for jets produced in the photoproduction and deep inelastic ep scattering regimes have been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 82.2 pb-1. The substructure of jets has been studied in terms of the jet shape and subjet multiplicity for jets with transverse energies Et(jet) > 17 GeV. The data are well described by the QCD calculations. The jet shape and subjet multiplicity are used to tag gluon- and quark-initiated jets. Jet cross sections as functions of Et(jet), jet pseudorapidity, the jet-jet scattering angle, dijet invariant mass and the fraction of the photon energy carried by the dijet system are presented for gluon- and quark-tagged jets. The data exhibit the behaviour expected from the underlying parton dynamics. A value of alphas(Mz) of alphas(Mz) = 0.1176 +-0.0009(stat.) -0.0026 +0.0009 (exp.) -0.0072 +0.0091 (th.) was extracted from the measurements of jet shapes in deep inelastic scattering.

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Measured differential cross section DSIG/DETARAP for inclusive jet production in DIS with ET(C=JET) > 17 GeV. Jets are divided into BROAD and NARROW jets according to their shape.

Charged particles and neutral kaons in photoproduced jets at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration Breitweg, J. ; Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 2 (1998) 77-93, 1998.
Inspire Record 451528 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44362

Charged particles ($h^\pm$) and \kz mesons have been studied in photoproduced events containing at least one jet of $E_T > 8$ GeV in a pseudorapidity interval (--0.5, 0.5) in the ZEUS laboratory frame. Distributions are presented in terms of transverse momentum, pseudorapidity and distance of the particle from the axis of a jet. The properties of \hpm within the jet are described well using the standard settings of PYTHIA, but the use of the multiparton interaction option improves the description outside the jets. A reasonable overall description of the \kz behaviour is possible with PYTHIA using a reduced value of the strangeness suppression parameter. The numbers of $h^\pm$ and \kz within a jet as defined above are measured to be $3.25\pm0.02\pm0.28$ and $0.431\pm0.013\pm0.088$ respectively. Fragmentation functions are presented for $h^\pm$ and \kz in photoproduced jets; agreement is found with calculations of Binnewies et al. and, at higher momenta, with $p\bar p$ scattering and with standard PYTHIA. Fragmentation functions in direct photoproduced events are extracted, and at higher momenta give good agreement with data from related processes in $e^+e^-$ annihilation and deep inelastic $ep$ scattering.

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Fragmentation function for charged particles from direct enhanced events two jet and corrected to 'pure direct' values. The selection involves a cut on the parameter X(C=GAMMA_OBS) which effectively is the fraction of the photon momentum going into two production of the two jets. In addition to the normal cuts, for this data both jets are required to have a minimum energy of 7 GeV and the rapidity of the second jet less that 2.5.

Fragmentation function for K0 mesons from direct enhanced events two jet and corrected to 'pure direct' values. The selection involves a cut on the parameter X(C=GAMMA_OBS) which effectively is the fraction of the photon momentum going into two production of the two jets.In addition to the normal cuts, for this data both jets are required to have a minimum energy of 7 GeV and the rapidity of the second jet less that 2.5.

Di-jet production in gamma-gamma collisions at LEP2

The DELPHI collaboration Abdallah, J. ; Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 58 (2008) 531-541, 2008.
Inspire Record 806241 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.51688

The production of two high-p_T jets in the interactions of quasi-real photons in e+e- collisions at sqrt{s_ee} from 189 GeV to 209 GeV is studied with data corresponding to an integrated e+e- luminosity of 550 pb^{-1}. The jets reconstructed by the k_T cluster algorithm are defined within the pseudo-rapidity range -1 < eta < 1 and with jet transverse momentum, p_T, above 3 GeV/c. The differential di-jet cross-section is measured as a function of the mean transverse momentum ptmean of the jets and is compared to perturbative QCD calculations.

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Distribution of the total energy outside the reconstructed jets for the completed data samples. Also tabulated is the estimated background.

Distribution of the total energy outside the reconstructed jets for the 'Dir' domain. Also tabulated is the estimated background.

Distribution of the total energy outside the reconstructed jets for the 'SR' domain. Also tabulated is the estimated background.


Tuning and test of fragmentation models based on identified particles and precision event shape data.

The DELPHI collaboration Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; Adye, T. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 73 (1996) 11-60, 1996.
Inspire Record 424112 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.47800

Event shape and charged particle inclusive distributions are measured using 750000 decays of the Z to hadrons from the DELPHI detector at LEP. These precise data allow a decisive confrontation with models of the hadronization process. Improved tunings of the JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG parton shower models and the JETSET matrix element model are obtained by fitting the models to these DELPHI data as well as to identified particle distributions from all LEP experiments. The description of the data distributions by the models is critically reviewed with special importance attributed to identified particles.

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Difference in Hemisphere Masses. Corrected to final state particles.

Energy-Energy Correlation EEC. Corrected to final state particles.

Asymmetry of the Energy-Energy Correlation AEEC. Corrected to final state particles.

A Study of the fragmentation of quarks in e- p collisions at HERA

The H1 collaboration Aid, S. ; Andreev, V. ; Andrieu, B. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 445 (1995) 3-21, 1995.
Inspire Record 394793 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44978

Deep inelastic scattering (DIS) events, selected from 1993 data taken by the H1 experiment at HERA, are studied in the Breit frame of reference. The fragmentation function of the quark is compared with those of \ee data. It is shown that certain aspects of the quarks emerging from within the proton in \ep interactions are essentially the same as those of quarks pair-created from the vacuum in \ee annihilation. The measured area, peak position and widthof the fragmentation function show that the kinematic evolution variable, equivalent to the \ee squared centre of mass energy, is in the Breit frame the invariant square of the four-momentum transfer. We comment on the extent to which we have evidence for coherence effects in parton showers.

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Distribution of the cosine of the Breit frame polar angle for data with the Breit frame energy flow selection. Statistical errors only.

Distribution of the cosine of the Breit frame polar angle for data before the Breit frame energy flow selection. Statistical errors only.

The fragmentation function for the current hemisphere of the Breit frame. Data are Breit frame energy flow selected only. Statistical errors only.


W**2 and Q**2 dependence of charged hadron and pion multiplicities in neutrino p and anti-neutrino p charged current interactions

The WA21 collaboration Jones, G.T. ; Jones, R.W.L. ; Morrison, Douglas R.O. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 46 (1990) 25-34, 1990.
Inspire Record 305244 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1699

Using data onvp and\(\bar vp\) charged current interactions from a bubble chamber experiment with BEBC at CERN, the average multiplicities of charged hadrons and pions are determined as functions ofW2 andQ2. The analysis is based on ∼20000 events with incidentv and ∼10000 events with incident\(\bar v\). In addition to the known dependence of the average multiplicity onW2 a weak dependence onQ2 for fixed intervals ofW is observed. ForW>2 GeV andQ2>0.1 GeV2 the average multiplicity of charged hadrons is well described by〈n〉=a1+a2ln(W2/GeV2)+a3ln(Q2/GeV2) witha1=0.465±0.053,a2=1.211±0.021,a3=0.103±0.014 for thevp anda1=−0.372±0.073,a2=1.245±0.028,a3=0.093±0.015 for the\(\bar vp\) reaction.

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No description provided.

Inclusive single-particle distributions and transverse momenta of forward produced charged hadrons in mu p scattering at 470-GeV

The E665 collaboration Adams, M.R. ; Aderholz, M. ; Aid, S. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 76 (1997) 441-463, 1997.
Inspire Record 450187 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37889

Using data from the Fermilab fixed target experiment E665, general properties of forward produced charged hadrons in μp interactions at a primary muon energy of 470 GeV are investigated. The normalized inclusive singleparticle distributions for Feynman-x D(xF ) and for the transverse momentum D(p2t , xF ) are measured as a function of W and Q2. The dependence of the average transverse momentum squared 〈p2t〉 on xF , W and Q2 is studied. The increasing contribution from diffractive production as Q2 decreases leads to a reduction of the average charged hadron multiplicities at low (positive) xF and an enhancement at large xF , for Q2 ≲ 10 GeV2. It also reduces 〈p2t〉 for Q2 ≲ 5 GeV2 and 0.4 ≲ xF < 1.0.

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Normalised inclusive single-particle distributions of charged hadrons as a function of XL and PT**2 in different intervals of Q**2. Additional systematic error 4 PCT.

Studies of quantum chromodynamics with the ALEPH detector

The ALEPH collaboration Barate, R. ; Buskulic, D. ; Decamp, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rept. 294 (1998) 1-165, 1998.
Inspire Record 428072 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.47582

Previously published and as yet unpublished QCD results obtained with the ALEPH detector at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of strong interactions to be carried out using hadronic Z and tau decays. The studies presented include precise determinations of the strong coupling constant, tests of its flavour independence, tests of the SU(3) gauge structure of QCD, study of coherence effects, and measurements of single-particle inclusive distributions and two-particle correlations for many identified baryons and mesons.

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Unfolded values of the the mean multiplicity and dispersion of the multiplicity distributions integrated over the rapidity region -1.5 to 1.5.

Evolution of e p fragmentation and multiplicity distributions in the Breit frame.

The H1 collaboration Adloff, C. ; Aid, S. ; Anderson, M. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 504 (1997) 3-23, 1997.
Inspire Record 445116 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44587

Low x deep-inelastic ep scattering data, taken in 1994 at the H1 detector at HERA, are analysed in the Breit frame of reference. The evolution of the peak and width of the current hemisphere fragmentation function is presented as a function of Q and compared with e+e- results at equivalent centre of mass energies. Differences between the average charged multiplicity and the multiplicity of e+e- annihilations at low energies are analysed. Invariant energy spectra are compared with MLLA predictions. Distributions of multiplicity are presented as functions of Bjorken-x and Q^2, and KNO scaling is discussed.

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The average charged multiplicity, and the peak and width of the fragmentation function (in LN(1/XP)) as a function of the mean Q, for the total hemisphere of the Breit frame without the energy flow selection discussed in the text of the paper.

The average charged multiplicity, and the peak and width of the fragmentation function (in LN(1/XP)) as a function of the mean Q, with the energy flow selection, obtained from the Total Current Hemisphere sample.

Invariant charged hadron energy spectrum in the current hemisphere for a mean Q of 5.5. Results are given for all the data and for the energy flow selecteddata.
