Using the ARGUS detector at thee+e− storage ring DORIS II at DESY, we have measured the inclusive production ofD0,D+ andD*(2010)+ mesons inB decays and in nonresonante+e− annihilation around 10.6 GeV. The inclusive branching ratios forB decays toD0,D+ andD*+ mesons are found to be (52.2±8.2±3.5)%, (27.2±6.3±3.5)% and (34.8±6.0±3.5)% respectively. Thus,D0 andD+ production account for about 70% of the charm produced inB decays, neglectingb→u contributions to the total width. The production cross sections and momentum spectra for continuume+e− annihilation are also presented.
Non-resonant inclusive cross sections.
Non-resonant inclusive cross sections.
Non-resonant inclusive cross sections.
Using the ARGUS detector at the DORIS II storage ring at DESY, we have observed a charmed meson of mass (2455±3±5) MeV/c2, decaying to D + π − . The natural width of this state is determined to be (15 +13+5 −10−10 ) MeV c 2 . The fragmentation function is hard, as expected for a leading charmed particle from nonresonant e + e − annihilation. Analysis of the decay angular distribution supports the hypothesis that the observed state is an L =1 excited charmed meson with spin-parity 2 + .
Corrected to zero momentum using fragmentation function of Peterson et al., PR D29 (83) 105.
Data read from graph.
The production cross sections for the Λ, Σ0, Ξ−, Σ0 (1385), Ξ0 (1530) and Ω− hyperons have been measured, both in the continuum and in direct ϒ decays. Baryon rates in direct ϒ decays are enhanced by a factor of 2.5 or more compared to the continuum. Such a large baryon enhancement cannot be explained by standard fragmentation models. The strangeness suppression for baryons and mesons turns out to be the same. A strong suppression of spin 3/2 states is observed.
Hyperon rates per multihadronic event in direct UPSILON decays.
Hyperon rates per multihadronic event in the continuum.
LAMBDA spectrum (1/SIG(had))*D(SIG)/D(X) for UPSILON (1S) direct decays, with X = P/Pmax.
Using the ARGUS detector at DORIS we have observed the prediction of the charged D ∗ meson in e + e − annihilation at a center of mass energy of 10 GeV. The D ∗ fragmentation function has been measured using the decay channels D ∗+ → D 0 π + and D 0 → K − π + and K − π + π + π − .