Inclusive production of ϱ0,f, andg0 mesons and ofKs0,K*0 (892), ϕ andK*0(1430)mesons has been measured at <y>∼2.6 and <pT>∼1.1 GeV/c in proton-proton interactions at\(\sqrt s= 52.5\) GeV. The negative particle from the two-body decays of these resonances were identified by a threshold Cerenkov counter and used for triggering. Starting from the measured differential cross section, total inclusive cross sections for the vector and tensor mesons were determined using various parametrizations for they andpT dependence of the differential cross section. The experimental results are discussed in the framework of production models based on the parton picture. The strangeness suppresion factor λ=(0.30±0.10) due toSU(3) symmetry breaking of the quark sea is derived.