Results of the experiments from the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M storage ring in the energy region 2E$_{0}$ = 1.05 - 1.40 GeV

Dolinski, S.I. ; Druzhinin, V P ; Dubrovin, M S ; et al.
IYAF-85-98, 1985.
Inspire Record 1393709 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.982


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Bubble Chamber Study of Photoproduction by 2.8-GeV and 4.7-GeV Polarized Photons. 1. Cross-Section Determinations and Production of rho0 and Delta++ in the Reaction gamma p --> p pi+ pi-

Ballam, Joseph ; Chadwick, G.B. ; Gearhart, R. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 5 (1972) 545, 1972.
Inspire Record 67165 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.3635

Photoproduction is studied at 2.8 and 4.7 GeV using a linearly polarized monoenergetic photon beam in a hydrogen bubble chamber. We discuss the experimental procedure, the determination of channel cross sections, and the analysis of the channel γp→pπ+π−. A model-independent analysis of the ρ0-decay angular distribution allows us to measure nine independent density-matrix elements. From these we find that the reaction γp→pρ0 proceeds almost completely through natural parity exchange for squared momentum transfers |t|<1 GeV2 and that the ρ production mechanism is consistent with s-channel c.m. helicity conservation for |t|<0.4 GeV2. A cross section for the production of π+π− pairs in the s-channel c.m. helicity-conserving p-wave state is determined. The ρ mass shape is studied as a function of momentum transfer and is found to be inconsistent with a t-independent Ross-Stodolsky factor. Using a t-dependent parametrization of the ρ0 mass shape we derive a phenomenological ρ0 cross section. We compare our phenomenological ρ0 cross section with other experiments and find good agreement for 0.05<|t|<1 GeV2. We discuss the discrepancies in the various determinations of the forward differential cross section. We study models for ρ0 photoproduction and find that the Söding model best describes the data. Using the Söding model we determine a ρ0 cross section. We determine cross sections and nine density-matrix elements for γp→Δ++π−. The parity asymmetry for Δ++ production is incompatible with simple one-pion exchange. We compare Δ++ production with models.

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A Study of K- n Interactions in the Center-Of-Mass Energy Range from 1.60-GeV to 1.75-GeV

Hepp, V. ; Braun, O. ; Grimm, H.J. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 115 (1976) 82-113, 1976.
Inspire Record 113914 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.8493

We present results of a K − d experiment performed with the 81 cm Saclay deuterium bubble chamber which was exposed to a K − beam at 4 momenta between 680 and 840 MeV/ c at the CERN PS. Cross sections were measured for inelastic two- and three-body K − n reactions on the basis of 5200 events/mb. Resonance production in the three-body reactions is discussed. In addition, differential cross sections and polarisations are presented for inelastic two-body reactions.

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Production of Four Prong Final States in Photon-photon Collisions

The TPC/Two Gamma collaboration Aihara, H. ; Alston-Garnjost, M. ; Avery, R.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 37 (1988) 28, 1988.
Inspire Record 261630 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.3824

Results are presented on the exclusive production of four-prong final states in photon-photon collisions from the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC e+e− storage ring PEP. Measurement of dE/dx and momentum in the time-projection chamber (TPC) provides identification of the final states 2π+2π−, K+K−π+π−, and 2K+2K−. For two quasireal incident photons, both the 2π+2π− and K+K−π+π− cross sections show a steep rise from threshold to a peak value, followed by a decrease at higher mass. Cross sections for the production of the final states ρ0ρ0, ρ0π+π−, and φπ+π− are presented, together with upper limits for φρ0, φφ, and K*0K¯ *0. The ρ0ρ0 contribution dominates the four-pion cross section at low masses, but falls to nearly zero above 2 GeV. Such behavior is inconsistent with expectations from vector dominance but can be accommodated by four-quark resonance models or by t-channel factorization. Angular distributions for the part of the data dominated by ρ0ρ0 final states are consistent with the production of JP=2+ or 0+ resonances but also with isotropic (nonresonant) production. When one of the virtual photons has mass (mγ2=-Q2≠0), the four-pion cross section is still dominated by ρ0ρ0 at low final-state masses Wγγ and by 2π+2π− at higher mass. Further, the dependence of the cross section on Q2 becomes increasingly flat as Wγγ increases.

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Elastic Scattering of Positive Pions by Protons in the Energy Range 500-1600 MeV

Helland, Jerome A. ; Devlin, Thomas J. ; Hagge, Donald E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 134 (1964) B1062-B1078, 1964.
Inspire Record 46850 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.597

Differential cross sections for the elastic scattering of positive pi mesons by protons were measured at the Berkeley Bevatron at pion laboratory kinetic energies between 500 and 1600 MeV. Fifty scintillation counters and a matrix coincidence system were used to identify incoming pions and detect the recoil proton and pion companions. Results were fitted with a power series in the cosine of the center-of-mass scattering angle, and total elastic cross sections were obtained by integrating under the fitted curves. The coefficients of the cosine series are displayed, plotted versus the laboratory kinetic energy of the pion. The most striking features of these curves are the large positive value of the coefficient of cos6θ*, and the large negative value of the coefficient of cos4θ*, both of which maximize in the vicinity of the 1350-MeV peak in the total cross section. These results indicate that the most predominant state contributing to the scattering at the 1350-MeV peak has total angular momentum J=72, since the coefficients for terms above cos6θ* are negligible at this energy. One possible explanation is that the 1350-MeV peak is the result of an F72 resonance lying on the same Regge-pole trajectory as the (32, 32) resonance near 195 MeV.

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Elastic Scattering of Negative Pions on Protons in the Energy Range 500-1000 MeV

Helland, Jerome A. ; Wood, Calvin D. ; Devlin, Thomas J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 134 (1964) B1079-B1086, 1964.
Inspire Record 46851 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.598

Differential cross sections for the elastic scattering of negative pi mesons on protons (π−−p→π−−p) were measured at the Berkeley Bevatron at five laboratory kinetic energies of the pion between 500 and 1000 MeV. The results were least-squares fitted with a power series in the cosine of the center-of-mass scattering angle, and total elastic cross sections for π−−p→π−−p were obtained by integrating under the fitted curves. The coefficients of the cosine series are shown plotted versus the incident pion laboratory kinetic energy. These curves display as a striking feature a large value of the coefficient of cos5θ* peaking in the vicinity of the 900-MeV resonance. This implies that a superposition of F52 and D52 partial waves is prominent in the scattering at this energy, since the coefficients for terms above cos5θ* are negligible. One possible explanation is that the F52 enhancement comes from an elastic resonance in the isotopic spin T=12 state, consistent with Regge-pole formalism, and the D52 partial-wave state may be enhanced by inelastic processes. At 600 MeV the values of the coefficients do not seem to demand the prominence of any single partial-wave state, although the results are compatible with an enhancement in the J=32 amplitude. A table listing quantum numbers plausibly associated with the various peaks and "shoulders" seen in the π±−p total cross-section curves is presented.

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pi-p Elastic Scattering in the Energy Range 300-700 MeV

Ogden, Philip M. ; Hagge, Donald E. ; Helland, Jerome A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 137 (1965) B1115-B1125, 1965.
Inspire Record 944964 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.537

Differential cross sections for elastic π−p scattering were measured at eight energies for positive pions and seven energies for negative pions. Energies ranged from 310 to 650 MeV. These measurements were made at the 3-GeV proton synchrotron at Saclay, France. A beam of pions from an internal BeO target was directed into a liquid-hydrogen target. Fifty-one scintillation counters and a matrix-coincidence system were used to measure simultaneously elastic events at 21 angles and charged inelastic events at 78 π−p angle pairs. Events were detected by coincidence of pulses indicating the presence of an incident pion, scattered pion, and recoil proton, and the results were stored in the memory of a pulse-height analyzer. Various corrections were applied to the data and a least-squares fit was made to the results at each energy. The form of the fitting function was a power series in the cosine of the center-of-mass angle of the scattered pion. Integration under the fitted curves gave values for the total elastic cross sections (without charge exchange). The importance of certain angular-momentum states is discussed. The π−−p data are consistent with a D13 resonant state at 600 MeV, but do not necessarily require such a resonant state.

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The Scattering of $\pi^{+}-$ Mesons on Hydrogen. I. Angular Distributions at Energies of 176, 200, 240, 270 and 307 MeV

Mukhin, A. I. ; Ozerov, E. B. ; Pontecorvo ;
Sov.Phys.JETP 4 (1957) 237-250, 1957.
Inspire Record 1388439 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1187


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No description provided.


New Data on K- p --> K- p and anti-K0 n and a Partial Wave Analysis Between 1840-MeV and 2234-MeV Center-of-Mass Energy

Hemingway, R.J. ; Eades, J. ; Harmsen, D.M. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 91 (1975) 12-32, 1975.
Inspire Record 98477 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.32035

The angular distributions of the reactions K - p → K - p and K - p → K K 0 n have been measured at 23 incident K - momenta between 1.136 and 1.798 ifGeV/c using the bubble chamber technique. These data, together with other published data on the same reactions, including K - p polarisations, K̄N total cross sections, and measurements of Re ƒ(0)/ Im ƒ(0) , have been analysed in terms of partial-wave amplitudes. Resonance behaviour is confirmed for the P 03 partial wave at 1890 MeV. The resonance parameters of the F 15 (1915), F 17 (2030) and G 07 (2100) have been redetermined. No evidence has been found for new resonances coupling significantly to K K N in the energy region explored.

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No description provided.

Measurements of the electric and magnetic form-factors of the proton from Q**2 = 1.75-GeV/c**2 to 8.83-GeV/c**2

Andivahis, L. ; Bosted, Peter E. ; Lung, A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 50 (1994) 5491-5517, 1994.
Inspire Record 372566 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.22354

The proton elastic form factors GEp(Q2) and GMp(Q2) have been extracted for Q2=1.75 to 8.83 (GeV/c)2 via a Rosenbluth separation to ep elastic cross section measurements in the angular range 13°≤θ≤90°. The Q2 range covered more than doubles that of the existing data. For Q2<4 (GeV/c)2, where the data overlap with previous measurements, the total uncertainties have been reduced to < 14% in GEp and < 1.5% in GMp. Results for GEp(Q2) are consistent with the dipole fit GD(Q2)=(1+Q2/0.71)−2, while those for GMp(Q2)/μpGD(Q2) decrease smoothly from 1.05 to 0.92. Deviations from form factor scaling are observed up to 20%. The ratio Q2F2/F1 is observed to approach a constant value for Q2>3 (GeV/c)2. Comparisons are made to vector meson dominance, dimensional scaling, QCD sum rule, diquark, and constituent quark models, none of which fully characterize all the new data.

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Axis error includes +- 1.6/1.6 contribution (Point-to-point systematic error. The quadrature sum of the point-to-point uncertainties in all quantities which defined the cross section).

Axis error includes +- 1.6/1.6 contribution (Point-to-point systematic error. The quadrature sum of the point-to-point uncertainties in all quantities which defined the cross section).

Axis error includes +- 1.6/1.6 contribution (Point-to-point systematic error. The quadrature sum of the point-to-point uncertainties in all quantities which defined the cross section).
