The 132 pbt - 1 of data collected by ALEPH from 1991 to 1994 have been used to analyze η and ω production in τ decays. The following branching fractions have been measured: \(B\left( {{\tau ^ - } \to {\nu _\tau }\omega {h^ - }} \right) = \left( {1.91 \pm 0.07 \pm 0.06} \right) \times {10^{ - 2}},\)\(B\left( {{\tau ^ - } \to {\nu _\tau }\omega {h^ - }{\pi ^0}} \right) = \left( {4.3 \pm 0.6 \pm 0.5} \right) \times {10^{ - 3}},\)\(B\left( {{\tau ^ - } \to {\nu _\tau }\eta {K^ - }} \right) = \left( {2.9_{ - 1.2}^{ + 1.3} \pm 0.7} \right) \times {10^{ - 4}},\)\(B\left( {{\tau ^ - } \to {\nu _\tau }\eta {h^ - }{\pi ^0}} \right) = \left( {1.8 \pm 0.4 \pm 0.2} \right) \times {10^{ - 3}}\) and the 95% C.L. limit B(τ− → ντηπt -) < 6.2 × 10t - 4 has been obtained. The ωπt- and ηπt -π0 rates and dynamics are found in agreement with the predictions made from e+e∼ - annihilation data with the help of isospin invariance (CVC).
$\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ mass distribution (two entries per event) in the $\pi^{\pm}\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ final state for the one-photon sample. The bin size has been chosen to display the detailed shape of the $\omega$ peak. The non-resonant contribution is represented by a simple polynomial. Non-$\tau$ background has been subtracted. The error has been set to zero if it is smaller than the point size.
$\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ mass distributions (two entries per event) in the $\pi^{\pm}\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ final state for the two-photon sample. The bin size has been chosen to display the detailed shape of the $\omega$ peak. The non-resonant contribution is represented by a simple polynomial. Non-$\tau$ background has been subtracted. The error has been set to zero if it is smaller than the point size.
Background-subtracted $\omega\pi$ mass spectrum for the data presented here, plotted as black dots. The error has been set to zero if it is smaller than the point size.
Form a sample of about 75000 τ decays measured in the ALEPH detector, 1-prong charged kaon decays are identified by the dE / dx measurement in the central detector. The resulting branching ratios for the inclusive and exclusive modes are: B ( τ → ν τ K − ≥ 0 π 0 ≥ 0 K 0 ) = (1.60±0.07±0.12)%, B ( τ → ν τ K − = (0.64±0.05±0.05)%, B ( τ → ν τ − π 0 = (0.53±0.05±0.07)% and B ( τ → ν τ K − π 0 π 0 ) = (0.04±0.03±0.02)%. Exclusive modes are corrected for measured K L 0 production. The rate for τ → ν τ K − agrees well with the prediction based on τ - μ universality.
Invariant mass distribution of the $K\pi^0$ final state, as obtained from a $dE/dx$ fit in each mass bin. The numbers have been read from the plot in the paper, with the errors simply set to zero if they are smaller than the point size.
From a sample of about 75000 τ decays identified with the ALEPH detector, K 0 production in 1-prong hadronic decays is investigated by tagging the K L 0 component in a hadronic calorimeter. Results are given for the final states ν τ h − K 0 and ν τ h − π 0 K 0 where the h − is separated into π and K contributions by means of the dE / dx measurement in in the central detector. The resulting branching ratios are: ( Bτ → ν τ π − K 0 ) = (0.88±0.14±0.09)%, ( Bτ → ν τ K − K 0 ) = (0.29±0.12±0.03)%, ( Bτ → ν τ π − π 0 K 0 ) = (0.33±0.14±0.07)% aand ( Bτ → ν τ K − π 0 K 0 ) = (0.05±0.05±0.01)%. The K ∗ decay rate in the K 0 π channel agrees with that in the Kπ 0 mode: the combined value for the branching ratio is (Bτ → ν τ K ∗− ) = (1.45±0.13±0.11)% .
Invariant mass distribution for the $K^0\pi$ system data. The numbers have been read from the plot in the paper.
The production dynamics of baryon-antibaryon pairs are investigated using hadronic Z 0 decays, recorded with the OPAL detector, which contain at least two identified Λ baryons. The rapidly difference for Λ Λ pairs shows the correlations expected from models with a chain-like production of baryon-antibaryon pairs. If the baryon number of a Λ is compensated by a Λ , the Λ is found with a probability of 53% in an interval of ±0.6 around the Λ rapidity. This correlation strength is weaker than predicted by the Herwig Monte Carlo and the Jetset Monte Carlo with a production chain of baryon-antibaryon, and stronger than predicted by the UCLA model. The observed rapidity correlations can be described by the Jetset Monte Carlo with a dominant production chain of baryon-meson-antibaryon, the popcorn mechanism. In addition to the short range correlations, one finds an indication of a correlation of Λ Λ pairs in opposite hemispheres if both the Λ and the Λ have large rapidities. Such long range correlations are expected if the primary quark flavours are compensated in opposite hemispheres and if these quarks are found in energetic baryons. Rates for simultaneous baryon and strangeness number compensation for Λ Λ , Ξ − Ξ + and Ξ − Λ ( Λ + Λ ) are measured and compared with different Monte Carlo models.
No description provided.
Opposite and same baryon number invariant PI P mass distribuition for additional LAMBDA(LAMBDABAR) candidates in events with one identified LAMBDA(LAMBDABAR). CT.= Data read from plot.
Opposite and same baryon number invariant PI P mass distribuition for additional LAMBDA(LAMBDABAR) candidates in events with one identified XI-(XIBAR+). CT.= Data read from plot.
The production of charged kaon pairs in two-photon interactions has been studied with the ARGUS detector and the topological cross section has been measured. The γγ-widths and interference parameters have been determined for the tensor mesonsf2 (1270),a2 (1318) andf′2 (1525). The helicity structure assumed for the continuum contribution has a significant effect on the result. Upper limits have been obtained for the γγ-widths of the glueball candidate statesf2 (1720) andX (2230).
Data read from graph.. Errors are the square roots of the number of events.
Cross section allowing for spin components JM = 22,20,00. Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error 8.4%.
Cross section allowing for spin components JM = 22,00. Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error 8.4%.
In the reaction γγ→KS0KS0 resonance production of thef2− is observed. For the radiative with\(\Gamma _{\gamma \gamma } .B(f'_2\to K\bar K) = 0.11_{ - 0.02}^{ + 0.03}\pm 0.02keV\) is found. The small number of events in thef2,a2 mass region is consistent with the assumption of destructivef2−a2 interference. From the mass distribution we determine the relative phases between the tensor mesons. Upper limits on the radiative widths of the glueball candidatesf2(1720) andX (2220) are derived.
Only bins containing events are included, all others are zero.. Untagged plus single events.. Data read from graph.
Only bins containing events are included, all others are zero.. Untagged events.. Data read from graph.
Corrected for the angular distribution, which is assumed to be sin(theta)**4. Additional systematic error decreasing from 20% in the lowest mass bins to 15% for W > 1.5 GeV.. Data read from graph.
In the analysis of the reactione+e−→e+e−KS0Ks0 clear evidence for exclusive γγ→f2′ resonance production is observed. The productΓγγ ·B(f2′→K\(\bar K\)) is measured to be 0.10−0.03−0.02+0.04+0.03 keV independent of ana priori assumption on the helicity structure. Our data are consistent with a pure helicity 2 contribution and we derive an upper limit for the ratioΓγγ(0)/Γγγ. The absence of events in the mass region around 1.3 GeV clearly proves destructivef2−a2 interference and allows to measure the relative phases betweenf2,a2 andf2′. Upper limits on the production of the glueball candidate statesf2(1720) andX(2230) as well as theKS0KS0-continuum are given.
Data read from graph.
Using the ARGUS detector at DORIS we have obtained evidence for a resonance which decays into an F meson and a photon. The observed mass is 2109 ± 9 ± 7 MeV, which is 144 ± 9 ± 7 MeV greater than the F meson mass. Its properties are consistent with those of the F ∗ meson with J P = 1 − .
No description provided.
We have observed exclusive production of K + K − and K S O K S O pairs and the excitation of the f′(1515) tensor meson in photon-photon collisions. Assuming the f′ to be production in a helicity 2 state, we determine Λ( f ′ → γγ) B( f ′ → K K ) = 0.11 ± 0.02 ± 0.04 keV . The non-strange quark of the f′ is found to be less than 3% (95% CL). For the θ(1640) we derive an upper limit for the product Λ(θ rarr; γγ K K ) < 0.03 keV (95% CL ) .
Data read from graph.. Errors are the square roots of the number of events.
Data read from graph.. Errors are the square roots of the number of events.