Multi-strange baryon production in Au Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 130-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adams, J. ; Adler, C. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 92 (2004) 182301, 2004.
Inspire Record 624566 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.102321

The transverse mass spectra and mid-rapidity yields for $\Xi$s and $\Omega$s plus their anti-particles are presented. The 10% most central collision yields suggest that the amount of multi-strange particles produced per produced charged hadron increases from SPS to RHIC energies. A hydrodynamically inspired model fit to the spectra, which assumes a thermalized source, seems to indicate that these multi-strange particles experience a significant transverse flow effect, but are emitted when the system is hotter and the flow is smaller than values obtained from a combined fit to $\pi$, K, p and $\Lambda$s.

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$m_T$ spectra of $\Xi^-$ and $\bar{\Xi}^+$ for 0-10% centrality. Errors listed here are the quadrature sum of statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainties. There is an additional overall $m_T$-independent systematic uncertainty of 10%.

$m_T$ spectra of $\Xi^-$ and $\bar{\Xi}^+$ for 10-25% centrality. Errors listed here are the quadrature sum of statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainties. There is an additional overall $m_T$-independent systematic uncertainty of 10%.

$m_T$ spectra of $\Xi^-$ and $\bar{\Xi}^+$ for 25-75% centrality. Errors listed here are the quadrature sum of statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainties. There is an additional overall $m_T$-independent systematic uncertainty of 10%.


Strange particle production in p + p collisions at s**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Abelev, B.I. ; Adams, J. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 75 (2007) 064901, 2007.
Inspire Record 722757 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.96848

We present strange particle spectra and yields measured at mid-rapidity in $\sqrt{\text{s}}=200$ GeV proton-proton ($p+p$) collisions at RHIC. We find that the previously observed universal transverse mass ($\mathrm{m_{T}}\equiv\sqrt{\mathrm{p_{T}}^{2}+\mathrm{m}^{2}}$) scaling of hadron production in $p+p$ collisions seems to break down at higher \mt and that there is a difference in the shape of the \mt spectrum between baryons and mesons. We observe mid-rapidity anti-baryon to baryon ratios near unity for $\Lambda$ and $\Xi$ baryons and no dependence of the ratio on transverse momentum, indicating that our data do not yet reach the quark-jet dominated region. We show the dependence of the mean transverse momentum (\mpt) on measured charged particle multiplicity and on particle mass and infer that these trends are consistent with gluon-jet dominated particle production. The data are compared to previous measurements from CERN-SPS, ISR and FNAL experiments and to Leading Order (LO) and Next to Leading order (NLO) string fragmentation model predictions. We infer from these comparisons that the spectral shapes and particle yields from $p+p$ collisions at RHIC energies have large contributions from gluon jets rather than quark jets.

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Mid-rapidity (|y| < 0.5) ratios of $\overline{\Lambda}$ to $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Xi}^{+}$ to $\Xi^{-}$ vs $p_{T}$. The dashed lines in 10(b) and 10(c) are the errorweighted means over the measured $p_{T}$ range, 0.882±0.017 for $\overline{\Lambda}/\Lambda$, 0.921±0.062 for $\overline{\Xi}/\Xi$. Figure 10(a) shows the $p_{T}$ averaged ratio for our measured species compared with measurements from Au+Au. The error bars are statistical only. The dashed line in 10(a) is at unity for reference.

Mid-rapidity (|y| < 0.5) ratios of $\overline{\Lambda}$ to $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Xi}^{+}$ to $\Xi^{-}$ vs $p_{T}$. The dashed lines in 10(b) and 10(c) are the errorweighted means over the measured $p_{T}$ range, 0.882±0.017 for $\overline{\Lambda}/\Lambda$, 0.921±0.062 for $\overline{\Xi}/\Xi$. Figure 10(a) shows the $p_{T}$ averaged ratio for our measured species compared with measurements from Au+Au. The error bars are statistical only. The dashed line in 10(a) is at unity for reference.

Mid-rapidity (|y| < 0.5) ratios of $\overline{\Lambda}$ to $\Lambda$ and $\overline{\Xi}^{+}$ to $\Xi^{-}$ vs $p_{T}$. The dashed lines in 10(b) and 10(c) are the errorweighted means over the measured $p_{T}$ range, 0.882±0.017 for $\overline{\Lambda}/\Lambda$, 0.921±0.062 for $\overline{\Xi}/\Xi$. Figure 10(a) shows the $p_{T}$ averaged ratio for our measured species compared with measurements from Au+Au. The error bars are statistical only. The dashed line in 10(a) is at unity for reference.


Transverse momentum correlations and minijet dissipation in Au Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 130-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adams, John ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; et al.
J.Phys.G 34 (2007) 799-816, 2007.
Inspire Record 656302 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.102087

Measurements of two-particle correlations on transverse momentum $p_t$ for Au-Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 130$ GeV are presented. Significant large-momentum-scale correlations are observed for charged primary hadrons with $0.15 \leq p_t \leq 2$ GeV/$c$ and pseudorapidity $|\eta| \leq 1.3$. Such correlations were not observed in a similar study at lower energy and are not predicted by theoretical collision models. Their direct relation to mean-$p_t$ fluctuations measured in the same angular acceptance is demonstrated. Positive correlations are observed for pairs of particles which have large $p_t$ values while negative correlations occur for pairs in which one particle has large $p_t$ and the other has much lower $p_t$. The correlation amplitudes per final state particle increase with collision centrality. The observed correlations are consistent with a scenario in which the transverse momentum of hadrons associated with initial-stage semi-hard parton scattering is dissipated by the medium to lower $p_t$.

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Symmetrized pair-density net ratios $\widehat{r} [X(p_{t1}),X(p_{t2})]-1$ for all nonidentified charged primary particles for most-central Au-Au collision events at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=130$ GeV.

Symmetrized pair-density net ratios $\widehat{r}[X(p_{t1}),X(p_{t2})]-1$ for all nonidentified charged primary particles for mid-central Au-Au collision events at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=130$ GeV.

Symmetrized pair-density net ratios $\widehat{r}[X(p_{t1}),X(p_{t2})]-1$ for all nonidentified charged primary particles for mid-peripheral Au-Au collision events at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=130$ GeV.


Hadronization geometry and charge-dependent number autocorrelations on axial momentum space in Au Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 130-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adams, John ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 634 (2006) 347-355, 2006.
Inspire Record 653486 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.102088

We present the first measurements of charge-dependent correlations on angular difference variables $\eta_1 - \eta_2$ (pseudorapidity) and $\phi_1 - \phi_2$ (azimuth) for primary charged hadrons with transverse momentum $0.15 \leq p_t \leq 2$ GeV/$c$ and $|\eta| \leq 1.3$ from Au-Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 130$ GeV. We observe correlation structures not predicted by theory but consistent with evolution of hadron emission geometry with increasing centrality from one-dimensional fragmentation of color strings along the beam direction to an at least two-dimensional hadronization geometry along the beam and azimuth directions of a hadron-opaque bulk medium.

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Normalized LS pair-number ratios $\widehat{r} [X(p_{t1}),X(p_{t2})]-1$ for collisions in centrality class (a) (most-central) in $(\eta_{1},\eta_{2})$.

Normalized LS pair-number ratios $\widehat{r} [X(p_{t1}),X(p_{t2})]-1$ for collisions in centrality class (a) (most-central) in $(\phi_{1},\phi_{2})$.

Two-particle CD joint autocorrelations $\widehat{N}(\widehat{r}-1)$ on $(\eta_{\Delta}, \phi_{\Delta})$ for most-central collisions.


Elliptic flow in Au + Au collisions at s(N N)**(1/2) = 130-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Ackermann, K.H. ; Adams, N. ; Adler, C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 402-407, 2001.
Inspire Record 533414 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.93232

Elliptic flow from nuclear collisions is a hadronic observable sensitive to the early stages of system evolution. We report first results on elliptic flow of charged particles at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=130 GeV using the STAR TPC at RHIC. The elliptic flow signal, v_2, averaged over transverse momentum, reaches values of about 6% for relatively peripheral collisions and decreases for the more central collisions. This can be interpreted as the observation of a higher degree of thermalization than at lower collision energies. Pseudorapidity and transverse momentum dependence of elliptic flow are also presented.

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Elliptic flow as a function of centrality defined as nch/nmax. Also given is epsilon, the initial space eccentricity of the overlap region, as well as the cumulative fraction of events starting with the most central. From the results of the study of non-flow contributions by different subevent selections and the maximum magnitudes of the first and higher-order harmonics, we estimate a systematic error for v2 of about 0.007, with somewhat smaller uncertainty for the mid-centralities where the resolution of the event plane is high.

Elliptic flow as a function of transverse momen-tum for minimum bias events

Production of e+ e- pairs accompanied by nuclear dissociation in ultra-peripheral heavy ion collision.

The STAR collaboration Adams, J. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 70 (2004) 031902, 2004.
Inspire Record 647869 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.98580

We present the first data on $e^+e^-$ pair production accompanied by nuclear breakup in ultra-peripheral gold-gold collisions at a center of mass energy of 200 GeV per nucleon pair. The nuclear breakup requirement selects events at small impact parameters, where higher-order corrections to the pair production cross section should be enhanced. We compare the pair kinematic distributions with two calculations: one based on the equivalent photon approximation, and the other using lowest-order quantum electrodynamics (QED): the latter includes the photon virtuality. The cross section, pair mass, rapidity and angular distributions are in good agreement with both calculations. The pair transverse momentum, $p_T$, spectrum agrees with the QED calculation, but not with the equivalent photon approach. We set limits on higher-order contributions to the cross section. The $e^+$ and $e^-$ $p_T$ spectra are similar, with no evidence for interference effects due to higher-order diagrams.

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Measurements of transverse energy distributions in Au + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.

The STAR collaboration Adams, J. ; Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 70 (2004) 054907, 2004.
Inspire Record 653797 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.98621

Transverse energy ($E_T$) distributions have been measured for Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200$ GeV by the STAR collaboration at RHIC. $E_T$ is constructed from its hadronic and electromagnetic components, which have been measured separately. $E_T$ production for the most central collisions is well described by several theoretical models whose common feature is large energy density achieved early in the fireball evolution. The magnitude and centrality dependence of $E_T$ per charged particle agrees well with measurements at lower collision energy, indicating that the growth in $E_T$ for larger collision energy results from the growth in particle production. The electromagnetic fraction of the total $E_T$ is consistent with a final state dominated by mesons and independent of centrality.

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Typical MIP spectrum. The hits correspond to isolated tracks with p > 1.25 GeV/c which project to EMC towers. The peak corresponds to the energy deposited by non-showering hadrons (MIP peak).

$p/E_{tower}$ spectrum for electron candidates, selected through $dE/dx$ from the TPC, with 1.5 < p < 5.0 GeV/c. A well defined electron peak is observed. The dashed line corresponds to the hadronic background in the $dE/dx$-identified electron sample.

Upper plot: points are measured $p/E_{tower}$ electron peak position as a function of the distance to the center of the tower. The solid line is from a calculation based on a full GEANT simulation of the detector response to electrons. Lower plot: points show measured energy deposited by electrons in the tower as a function of the momentum for distances to the center of the tower smaller than 2.0 cm. The first point is the electron equivalent energy of the minimum ionizing particles. The solid line is a second order polynomial fit of the data.
