
First Measurement of $a^0_2(1320)$ Polarized Photoproduction Cross Section

The GlueX collaboration Afzal, F. ; Akondi, C.S. ; Albrecht, M. ; et al.
Inspire Record 2865315 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.156806

We measure for the first time the differential photoproduction cross section $d\sigma/dt$ of the $a_2(1320)$ meson at an average photon beam energy of 8.5~GeV, using data with an integrated luminosity of 104~pb$^{-1}$ collected by the GlueX experiment. We fully reconstruct the $\gamma p \to \eta\pi^0 p$ reaction and perform a partial-wave analysis in the $a_2(1320)$ mass region with amplitudes that incorporate the linear polarization of the beam. This allows us to separate for the first time the contributions of natural- and unnatural-parity exchanges. These measurements provide novel information about the photoproduction mechanism, which is critical for the search for spin-exotic states.

7 data tables

$a_2(1320)$ parity asymmetry, $P_{\sigma}$, in bins of four-momentum transfer. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.

$a_2(1320)$ differential cross section split into different reflectivity components, $\frac{d\sigma^+}{dt}$ and $\frac{d\sigma^-}{dt}$, in bins of four-momentum transfer. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.

$a_2(1320)$ differential cross section in the m=-1 projection split into different reflectivity components, $\frac{d\sigma^+_{-1}}{dt}$ and $\frac{d\sigma^-_{-1}}{dt}$, in bins of four-momentum transfer. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic.


Measurement of the J/$\psi $ photoproduction cross section over the full near-threshold kinematic region

The GlueX collaboration Adhikari, S. ; Afzal, F. ; Akondi, C.S. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 108 (2023) 025201, 2023.
Inspire Record 2649988 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.140802

We report the total and differential cross sections for $J/\psi$ photoproduction with the large acceptance GlueX spectrometer for photon beam energies from the threshold at 8.2~GeV up to 11.44~GeV and over the full kinematic range of momentum transfer squared, $t$. Such coverage facilitates the extrapolation of the differential cross sections to the forward ($t = 0$) point beyond the physical region. The forward cross section is used by many theoretical models and plays an important role in understanding $J/\psi$ photoproduction and its relation to the $J/\psi-$proton interaction. These measurements of $J/\psi$ photoproduction near threshold are also crucial inputs to theoretical models that are used to study important aspects of the gluon structure of the proton, such as the gluon Generalized Parton Distribution (GPD) of the proton, the mass radius of the proton, and the trace anomaly contribution to the proton mass. We observe possible structures in the total cross section energy dependence and find evidence for contributions beyond gluon exchange in the differential cross section close to threshold, both of which are consistent with contributions from open-charm intermediate states.

4 data tables

$\gamma p \rightarrow J/\psi p$ total cross sections in bins of beam energy. The first uncertainties are statistical, and the second are systematic. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 19.5% on the total cross section, not included here.

$\gamma p \rightarrow J/\psi p$ differential cross sections 8.2–9.28 GeV beam energy range, average $t$ and beam energy in bins of $t$. The first cross section uncertainties are statistical, and the second are systematic. The overall average beam energy is 8.93 GeV. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 19.5% on the total cross section, not included here.

$\gamma p \rightarrow J/\psi p$ differential cross sections 9.28–10.36 GeV beam energy range, average $t$ and beam energy in bins of $t$. The first cross section uncertainties are statistical, and the second are systematic. The overall average beam energy is 9.86 GeV. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 19.5% on the total cross section, not included here.


First measurement of near-threshold J/$\psi $ exclusive photoproduction off the proton

The GlueX collaboration Ali, A. ; Amaryan, M. ; Anassontzis, E.G. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 123 (2019) 072001, 2019.
Inspire Record 1736890 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.110173

We report on the measurement of the $\gamma p \rightarrow J/\psi p$ cross section from $E_\gamma = 11.8$ GeV down to the threshold at $8.2$ GeV using a tagged photon beam with the GlueX experiment. We find the total cross section falls toward the threshold less steeply than expected from two-gluon exchange models. The differential cross section $d\sigma /dt$ has an exponential slope of $1.67 \pm 0.39$ GeV$^{-2}$ at $10.7$ GeV average energy. The LHCb pentaquark candidates $P_c^+$ can be produced in the $s$-channel of this reaction. We see no evidence for them and set model-dependent upper limits on their branching fractions $\mathcal{B}(P_c^+ \rightarrow J/\psi p)$ and cross sections $\sigma(\gamma p \to P_c^+)\times\mathcal{B}(P_c^+ \to J/\psi p) $.

2 data tables

$\gamma p \rightarrow J/\psi p$ total cross-sections, statistical and systematic errors of the individual points in bins of beam energy. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 26.7% on the total cross section, not included here.

$\gamma p \rightarrow J/\psi p$ differential cross-sections, statistical and systematic errors of the individual points in bins of $-(t-t_{min})$. There is an additional fully correlated systematic uncertainty of 26.7% on the total cross section, not included here.

Summary data on elastic $pp$ and $pd$ scattering at small angles and the real part of the $pn$-scattering amplitude in the energy interval 1-10 BeV

Dalkhazhav, N. ; Devinski, P.A. ; Zayachki, V.I. ; et al.
Sov.J.Nucl.Phys. 8 (1969) 196-202, 1969.
Inspire Record 1392874 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.69719


32 data tables


TABLE 1 (REF. 1 ).



Single photoproduction of neutral $\pi$-mesons on hydrogen at small angles between 4 and 5.8 GeV

Braunschweig, M. ; Braunschweig, W. ; Husmann, D. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 26 (1968) 405-409, 1968.
Inspire Record 1389637 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29336

The differential cross-section of the reaction γ + p → p + π 0 was measured at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, at mean photon energies of 4.0, 5.0 and 5.8 GeV and pion center of mass angles between 0° and 60°. The results are compared wiht theoretical calculations based on Reggeized vector meson exchange.

6 data tables

Axis error includes +- 7/7 contribution.

Axis error includes +- 7/7 contribution.

Axis error includes +- 7/7 contribution.


The charge exchange $K^- + p \to K^0 + n$ at 9.50 GeV/c

Astbury, P. ; Finocchiaro, G. ; Michelini, A. ; et al.
Phys.Lett. 16 (1965) 328-331, 1965.
Inspire Record 1389639 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.30381


2 data tables

No description provided.

No description provided.

Exclusive $\rho^0$ Meson Photoproduction with a Leading Neutron at HERA

The H1 collaboration Andreev, V. ; Baghdasaryan, A. ; Begzsuren, K. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 76 (2016) 41, 2016.
Inspire Record 1387751 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.74219

A first measurement is presented of exclusive photoproduction of $\rho^0$ mesons associated with leading neutrons at HERA. The data were taken with the H1 detector in the years $2006$ and $2007$ at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=319$ GeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of $1.16$ pb$^{-1}$. The $\rho^0$ mesons with transverse momenta $p_T<1$ GeV are reconstructed from their decays to charged pions, while leading neutrons carrying a large fraction of the incoming proton momentum, $x_L>0.35$, are detected in the Forward Neutron Calorimeter. The phase space of the measurement is defined by the photon virtuality $Q^2 < 2$ GeV$^2$, the total energy of the photon-proton system $20 < W_{\gamma p} < 100$ GeV and the polar angle of the leading neutron $\theta_n < 0.75$ mrad. The cross section of the reaction $\gamma p \to \rho^0 n \pi^+$ is measured as a function of several variables. The data are interpreted in terms of a double peripheral process, involving pion exchange at the proton vertex followed by elastic photoproduction of a $\rho^0$ meson on the virtual pion. In the framework of one-pion-exchange dominance the elastic cross section of photon-pion scattering, $\sigma^{\rm el}(\gamma\pi^+ \to \rho^0\pi^+)$, is extracted. The value of this cross section indicates significant absorptive corrections for the exclusive reaction $\gamma p\to\rho^0 n \pi^+$.

11 data tables

The $\gamma p$ cross section integrated in the domain $0.35 < x_L < 0.95$ and $-t^\prime < 1$~GeV$^2$ and averaged over the energy range $20 < W_{\gamma p} < 100$ GeV for two intervals of leading neutron transverse momentum.

Differential photoproduction cross sections ${\rm d}\sigma_{\gamma p}/{\rm d}x_L$ for the exclusive process $\gamma p \to \rho^0 n \pi^+$ in two regions of neutron transverse momentum and $20 < W_{\gamma p} < 100$ GeV. The statistical, uncorrelated and correlated systematic uncertainties, $\delta_{stat}$, $\delta_{sys}^{unc}$ and $\delta_{sys}^{cor}$ respectively, are given, which does not include the global normalisation error of $4.4\%$.

Double differential photoproduction cross sections ${\rm d^2}\sigma_{\gamma p}/{\rm d}x_L{\rm d}p_{T,n}^2$ in the range $20 < W_{\gamma p} < 100$ GeV. The statistical, uncorrelated and correlated systematic uncertainties, $\delta_{stat}$, $\delta_{sys}^{unc}$ and $\delta_{sys}^{cor}$ respectively, are given, which does not include the global normalisation error of $4.4\%$.


Photoproduction of $\omega$ mesons off protons and neutrons

The CBELSA/TAPS collaboration Dietz, F. ; Metag, V. ; Anisovich, A.V. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.A 51 (2015) 6, 2015.
Inspire Record 1340913 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.69767

ω photoproduction off hydrogen and deuterium has been studied with the tagged photon beam of the ELSA accelerator in Bonn for photon energies up to 2.0 GeV. The ω meson has been identified via the ω → π$^{0}$ γ → γγγ decay mode, using the combined setup of the Crystal Barrel/TAPS detector systems. Both inclusive and exclusive analyses have been carried out. Differential and total cross-sections have been derived for ω mesons produced off free protons and off protons and neutrons bound in deuterium. The cross-section for the production off the bound neutron is found to be a factor of ≈ 1.3 larger than the one off the bound proton in the incident beam energy region 1.2 GeV < E$_{γ}$ < 1.6 GeV. For higher incident beam energies this factor goes down to ≈ 1.1 at 2.0 GeV. The cross-sections of this work have been used as normalization for transparency ratio measurements.

85 data tables

Differential cross-sections of $\omega$ mesons produced off the free proton versus $\cos(\theta^\omega_{\mathrm{c.m.}})$ and versus the momentum transfer to the nucleon, $t$, for incident photon energy $E_\gamma$ = 1.125-1.150 GeV.

Differential cross-sections of $\omega$ mesons produced off the free proton versus $\cos(\theta^\omega_{\mathrm{c.m.}})$ and versus the momentum transfer to the nucleon, $t$, for incident photon energy $E_\gamma$ = 1.150-1.175 GeV.

Differential cross-sections of $\omega$ mesons produced off the free proton versus $\cos(\theta^\omega_{\mathrm{c.m.}})$ and versus the momentum transfer to the nucleon, $t$, for incident photon energy $E_\gamma$ = 1.175-1.200 GeV.


Elastic and Proton-Dissociative Photoproduction of J/psi Mesons at HERA

The H1 collaboration Alexa, C. ; Andreev, V. ; Baghdasaryan, A. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 73 (2013) 2466, 2013.
Inspire Record 1228913 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.66507

Cross sections for elastic and proton-dissociative photoproduction of J/psi mesons are measured with the H1 detector in positron-proton collisions at HERA. The data were collected at $ep$ centre-of-mass energies sqrt{s} approx 318 GeV and sqrt{s} approx 225 GeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of L = 130 pb^{-1} and L = 10.8 pb^{-1}, respectively. The cross sections are measured as a function of the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy in the range 25< Wgp < 110 GeV. Differential cross sections $\mathrm{d}\sigma / \mathrm{d}t$, where $t$ is the squared four-momentum transfer at the proton vertex, are measured in the range $|t| < 1.2 \, \gevsq$ for the elastic process and $|t| < 8 \, \gevsq$ for proton dissociation. The results are compared to other measurements. The $\Wgp$ and $t$-dependences are parametrised using phenomenological fits.

8 data tables

The elastic photoproduction cross section derived from the high-energy data set as a function of the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy W. PHI_T is the transeverse polarised photon flux.

The proton-dissociative photoproduction cross section derived from the high-energy data set as a function of the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy W. PHI_T is the transeverse polarised photon flux.

The elastic photoproduction cross section derived from the low-energy data set as a function of the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy W. PHI_T is the transeverse polarised photon flux.


Measurement of the reaction $\gamma p \TO K^ + \Lambda(1520)$ at photon energies up to 2.65 GeV

Wieland, F.W. ; Barth, J. ; Glander, K.H. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.A 47 (2011) 47, 2011.
Inspire Record 875422 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.57580

The reaction $\gamma p \TO K^+\Lambda(1520)$ was measured in the energy range from threshold to 2.65 GeV with the SAPHIR detector at the electron stretcher facility ELSA in Bonn. The $\Lambda(1520)$ production cross section was analyzed in the decay modes $pK^-$, $n \bar{K}^0$, $\Sigma^{\pm}\pi^{\mp}$, and $\Lambda\pi^+\pi^-$ as a function of the photon energy and the squared four-momentum transfer $t$. While the cross sections for the inclusive reactions rise steadily with energy, the cross section of the process $\gamma p \TO K^+\Lambda(1520)$ peaks at a photon energy of about 2.0 GeV, falls off exponentially with $t$, and shows a slope flattening with increasing photon energy. The angular distributions in the $t$-channel helicity system indicate neither a $K$ nor a $K^\star$ exchange dominance. The interpretation of the $\Lambda(1520)$ as a $\Sigma(1385)\pi$ molecule is not supported.

7 data tables

Total cross section averaged over the various LAMBDA(1510) decay modes. The errors are largely due to the systematic error in the background subtraction.

Total cross section determined for each of the separated decay modes of the LAMBDA(1510).

Differential cross sections for the photon energy range 1.69 TO 1.93 GeV. The errors are lapping due to the systematic error in the background subtraction.
