Analysis of the reaction gamma n ---> p pi- in the first and second resonance regions

Rossi, V. ; Piazza, A. ; Susinno, G. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim.A 13 (1973) 59-89, 1973.
Inspire Record 87242 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37785

The final results of an experimental investigation of the reaction γ+n→p+π− performed with a deuterium bubble chamber at the 1 GeV Frascati electrosynchrotron are presented. Total and differential cross-sections on neutrons are extracted by means of the spectator model, the reliability of which has been checked by numerous tests and is extensively discussed. The problems of a possible isotensor component in the electromagnetic current, the time-reversal invariance of the electromagnetic interactions and the photoproduction of the Roper resonance are considered in detail.

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