A measurement of jet substructure observables is presented using \ttbar events in the lepton+jets channel from proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. Multiple jet substructure observables are measured for jets identified as bottom, light-quark, and gluon jets, as well as for inclusive jets (no flavor information). The results are unfolded to the particle level and compared to next-to-leading-order predictions from POWHEG interfaced with the parton shower generators PYTHIA 8 and HERWIG 7, as well as from SHERPA 2 and DIRE2. A value of the strong coupling at the Z boson mass, $\alpha_S(m_\mathrm{Z}) = $ 0.115$^{+0.015}_{-0.013}$, is extracted from the substructure data at leading-order plus leading-log accuracy.
Distribution of $\lambda_{0}^{0}$ (N) reconstructed from charged particles with pt > 1 GeV, unfolded to the particle level.
Distribution of $\lambda_{0}^{2}$ ($p_{T}^{d,*})$ reconstructed from charged particles with pt > 1 GeV, unfolded to the particle level.
Distribution of $\lambda_{0.5}^{1}$ (LHA) reconstructed from charged particles with pt > 1 GeV, unfolded to the particle level.
Measurements of differential top quark pair $\mathrm{t\overline{t}}$ cross sections using events produced in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV containing two oppositely charged leptons are presented. The data were recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC in 2016 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. The differential cross sections are presented as functions of kinematic observables of the top quarks and their decay products, the $\mathrm{t\overline{t}}$ system, and the total number of jets in the event. The differential cross sections are defined both with particle-level objects in a fiducial phase space close to that of the detector acceptance and with parton-level top quarks in the full phase space. All results are compared with standard model predictions from Monte Carlo simulations with next-to-leading-order (NLO) accuracy in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at matrix-element level interfaced to parton-shower simulations. Where possible, parton-level results are compared to calculations with beyond-NLO precision in QCD. Significant disagreement is observed between data and all predictions for several observables. The measurements are used to constrain the top quark chromomagnetic dipole moment in an effective field theory framework at NLO in QCD and to extract $\mathrm{t\overline{t}}$ and leptonic charge asymmetries.
Measured absolute differential cross section at parton level as a function of $p_{T}^{t}$.
Covariance matrix of the absolute differential cross section at parton level as a function of $p_{T}^{t}$.
Measured normalised differential cross section at parton level as a function of $p_{T}^{t}$.
A top quark mass measurement is performed using 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ of LHC proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV. The measurement uses the $\mathrm{t\overline{t}}$ all-jets final state. A kinematic fit is performed to reconstruct the decay of the $\mathrm{t\overline{t}}$ system and suppress the multijet background. Using the ideogram method, the top quark mass ($m_\mathrm{t}$) is determined, simultaneously constraining an additional jet energy scale factor (JSF). The resulting value of $m_\mathrm{t}$ = 172.34 $\pm$ 0.20 (stat+JSF) $\pm$ 0.70 (syst) GeV is in good agreement with previous measurements. In addition, a combined measurement that uses the $\mathrm{t\overline{t}}$ lepton+jets and all-jets final states is presented, using the same mass extraction method, and provides an $m_\mathrm{t}$ measurement of 172.26 $\pm$ 0.07 (stat+JSF) $\pm$ 0.61 (syst) GeV. This is the first combined $m_\mathrm{t}$ extraction from the lepton+jets and all-jets channels through a single likelihood function.
Measured top quark mass $m_{t}$
Measurements of the top quark polarization and top quark pair ($\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$) spin correlations are presented using events containing two oppositely charged leptons (e$^+$e$^-$, e$^\pm\mu^\mp$, or $\mu^+\mu^-$) produced in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data were recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. A set of parton-level normalized differential cross sections, sensitive to each of the independent coefficients of the spin-dependent parts of the $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ production density matrix, is measured for the first time at 13 TeV. The measured distributions and extracted coefficients are compared with standard model predictions from simulations at next-to-leading-order (NLO) accuracy in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and from NLO QCD calculations including electroweak corrections. All measurements are found to be consistent with the expectations of the standard model. The normalized differential cross sections are used in fits to constrain the anomalous chromomagnetic and chromoelectric dipole moments of the top quark to $-$0.24 $<C_\text{tG}/\Lambda^{2}$ $<$ 0.07 TeV$^{-2}$ and $-$0.33 $< C^{I}_\text{tG}/\Lambda^{2}$ $<$ 0.20 TeV$^{-2}$, respectively, at 95% confidence level.
Figure 4, normalized differential cross section for $\cos\theta_{1}^{k}$
Figure 4, normalized differential cross section for $\cos\theta_{2}^{k}$
Figure 4, normalized differential cross section for $\cos\theta_{1}^{r}$
Measurements of $K_S^0$ and $\Lambda^0$ production in $t\bar{t}$ final states have been performed. They are based on a data sample with integrated luminosity of 4.6 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ from proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, collected in 2011 with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Neutral strange particles are separated into three classes, depending on whether they are contained in a jet, with or without a $b$-tag, or not associated with a selected jet. The aim is to look for differences in their main kinematic distributions. A comparison of data with several Monte Carlo simulations using different hadronisation and fragmentation schemes, colour reconnection models and different tunes for the underlying event has been made. The production of neutral strange particles in $t\bar{t}$ dileptonic events is found to be well described by current Monte Carlo models for $K_S^0$ and $\Lambda^0$ production within jets, but not for those produced outside jets.
The transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) distribution for $K^{0}_{S}$ production inside $b$-jets for unfolded data to particle level, normalised to the total number of top pair dileptonic events and scaled to the bin width. The systematic uncertainties are, in order, due to; the MC modelling, the tracking inefficiencies, the jet energy scale (JES), the jet energy resolution (JER), out-of-fiducial events and the unfolding non-closure.
The energy fraction ($x_{K}$) distribution for $K^{0}_{S}$ production inside $b$-jets for unfolded data to particle level, normalised to the total number of top pair dileptonic events and scaled to the bin width. The systematic uncertainties are, in order, due to; the MC modelling, the tracking ineficiencies, the jet energy scale (JES), the jet energy resolution (JER), out-of-fiducial events and the unfolding non-closure.
The energy distribution for $K^{0}_{S}$ production inside $b$-jets for unfolded data to particle level, normalised to the total number of top pair dileptonic events and scaled to the bin width. The systematic uncertainties are, in order, due to; the MC modelling, the tracking ineficiencies, the jet energy scale (JES), the jet energy resolution (JER), out-of-fiducial events and the unfolding non-closure.
Single- and double-differential cross-section measurements are presented for the production of top-quark pairs, in the lepton + jets channel at particle and parton level. Two topologies, resolved and boosted, are considered and the results are presented as a function of several kinematic variables characterising the top and $t\bar{t}$ system and jet multiplicities. The study was performed using data from $pp$ collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected in 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $36~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$. Due to the large $t\bar{t}$ cross-section at the LHC, such measurements allow a detailed study of the properties of top-quark production and decay, enabling precision tests of several Monte Carlo generators and fixed-order Standard Model predictions. Overall, there is good agreement between the theoretical predictions and the data.
The cross section of top quark pair production is measured in the $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}\to (\ell\nu_{\ell})(\tau_\mathrm{h}\nu_{\tau})\mathrm{b\bar{b}}$ final state, where $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ refers to the hadronic decays of the $\tau$ lepton, and $\ell$ is either an electron or a muon. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ collected in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV with the CMS detector. The measured cross section is $\sigma_{\mathrm{t\bar{t}}} =$ 781 $\pm$ 7 (stat) $\pm$ 62 (syst) $\pm$ 20 (lum) pb, and the ratio of the partial width $\Gamma($t$\to\tau\nu_{\tau}$b) to the total decay width of the top quark is measured to be 0.1050 $\pm$ 0.0009 (stat) $\pm$ 0.0071 (syst). This is the first measurement of the $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ production cross section in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV that explicitly includes $\tau$ leptons. The ratio of the cross sections in the $\ell\tau_\mathrm{h}$ and $\ell\ell$ final states yields a value $R_{\ell\tau_\mathrm{h}/\ell\ell}=$ 0.973 $\pm$ 0.009 (stat) $\pm$ 0.066 (syst), consistent with lepton universality.
The measured inclusive top quark pair production cross section in the dilepton final state with one tau lepton.
The ratio between top quark production cross sections measured in lepton-tau and light dilepton final states.
The ratio of the partial width to the total decay width of the top quark.
The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric ($\hat{d}_\mathrm{t}$) and chromomagnetic ($\hat{\mu}_\mathrm{t}$) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. The linearized variable $A_\mathrm{FB}^{(1)}$ is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ final states. The values found for the parameters are $A_\mathrm{FB}^{(1)} =$ 0.048 $^{+0.095}_{-0.087}$ (stat) $^{+0.020}_{-0.029}$ (syst), $\hat{\mu}_\mathrm{t} =-$ 0.024 $^{+0.013}_{-0.009}$ (stat) $^{+0.016}_{-0.011}$ (syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of $|\hat{d}_\mathrm{t}|$ $<$ 0.03 at 95% confidence level.
Differential cross-sections are measured for top-quark pair production in the all-hadronic decay mode, using proton$-$proton collision events collected by the ATLAS experiment in which all six decay jets are separately resolved. Absolute and normalised single- and double-differential cross-sections are measured at particle and parton level as a function of various kinematic variables. Emphasis is placed on well-measured observables in fully reconstructed final states, as well as on the study of correlations between the top-quark pair system and additional jet radiation identified in the event. The study is performed using data from proton$-$proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13~\mbox{TeV}$ collected by the ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider in 2015 and 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $\mbox{36.1 fb}^{-1}$. The rapidities of the individual top quarks and of the top-quark pair are well modelled by several independent event generators. Significant mismodelling is observed in the transverse momenta of the leading three jet emissions, while the leading top-quark transverse momentum and top-quark pair transverse momentum are both found to be incompatible with several theoretical predictions.
- - - - - - - - Overview of HEPData Record - - - - - - - - <br/><br/> <b>Fiducial phase space definition:</b><br/> <ul> <li> NLEP = 0, either E or MU, PT > 15 GeV, ABS ETA < 1.37 <li> NJETS >= 6, PT > 25 GeV, ABS ETA < 2.5 <li> NBJETS >= 2 </ul><br/> <b>Particle level:</b><br/> <u>1D:</u><br/> Spectra: <ul> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 1">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E1J1</a> (Table 1) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 3">DSIG/DDR_E1J1</a> (Table 3) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 5">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 5) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 7">DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 7) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 9">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 9) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 11">DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 11) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 13">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 13) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 15">DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 15) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 17">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 17) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 19">DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 19) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 21">1/SIG*DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 21) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 23">DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 23) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 25">1/SIG*DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 25) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 27">DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 27) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 29">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 29) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 31">DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 31) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 33">1/SIG*DSIG/DN_JETS</a> (Table 33) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 35">DSIG/DN_JETS</a> (Table 35) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 37">1/SIG*DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 37) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 39">DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 39) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 41">1/SIG*DSIG/DABSPOUT</a> (Table 41) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 43">DSIG/DABSPOUT</a> (Table 43) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 45">1/SIG*DSIG/DABSPCROSS</a> (Table 45) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 47">DSIG/DABSPCROSS</a> (Table 47) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 49">1/SIG*DSIG/DZ_TT</a> (Table 49) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 51">DSIG/DZ_TT</a> (Table 51) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 53">1/SIG*DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 53) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 55">DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 55) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 57">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST </a> (Table 57) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 59">DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST </a> (Table 59) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 61">1/SIG*DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 61) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 63">DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 63) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 65">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWT1</a> (Table 65) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 67">DSIG/DRWT1</a> (Table 67) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 69">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWT2</a> (Table 69) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 71">DSIG/DRWT2</a> (Table 71) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 73">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWB1</a> (Table 73) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 75">DSIG/DRWB1</a> (Table 75) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 77">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWB2</a> (Table 77) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 79">DSIG/DRWB2</a> (Table 79) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 81">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E1TC</a> (Table 81) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 83">DSIG/DDR_E1TC</a> (Table 83) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 85">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E2TC</a> (Table 85) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 87">DSIG/DDR_E2TC</a> (Table 87) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 89">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E3TC</a> (Table 89) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 91">DSIG/DDR_E3TC</a> (Table 91) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 93">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E1T1</a> (Table 93) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 95">DSIG/DRPT_E1T1</a> (Table 95) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 97">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E2T1</a> (Table 97) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 99">DSIG/DRPT_E2T1</a> (Table 99) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 101">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E3T1</a> (Table 101) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 103">DSIG/DRPT_E3T1</a> (Table 103) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 105">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_TTE1</a> (Table 105) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 107">DSIG/DRPT_TTE1</a> (Table 107) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 109">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E1J1</a> (Table 109) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 111">DSIG/DRPT_E1J1</a> (Table 111) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 113">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E2J1</a> (Table 113) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 115">DSIG/DRPT_E2J1</a> (Table 115) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 117">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E3J1</a> (Table 117) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 119">DSIG/DRPT_E3J1</a> (Table 119) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 121">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E2E1</a> (Table 121) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 123">DSIG/DDR_E2E1</a> (Table 123) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 125">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E3E1</a> (Table 125) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 127">DSIG/DDR_E3E1</a> (Table 127) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 129">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E2E1</a> (Table 129) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 131">DSIG/DRPT_E2E1</a> (Table 131) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 133">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E3E1</a> (Table 133) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 135">DSIG/DRPT_E3E1</a> (Table 135) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 137">SIG</a> (Table 137) </ul><br/> Covariances: <ul> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 2">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E1J1</a> (Table 2) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 4">DSIG/DDR_E1J1</a> (Table 4) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 6">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 6) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 8">DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 8) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 10">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 10) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 12">DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 12) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 14">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 14) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 16">DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 16) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 18">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 18) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 20">DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 20) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 22">1/SIG*DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 22) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 24">DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 24) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 26">1/SIG*DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 26) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 28">DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 28) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 30">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 30) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 32">DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 32) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 34">1/SIG*DSIG/DN_JETS</a> (Table 34) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 36">DSIG/DN_JETS</a> (Table 36) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 38">1/SIG*DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 38) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 40">DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 40) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 42">1/SIG*DSIG/DABSPOUT</a> (Table 42) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 44">DSIG/DABSPOUT</a> (Table 44) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 46">1/SIG*DSIG/DABSPCROSS</a> (Table 46) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 48">DSIG/DABSPCROSS</a> (Table 48) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 50">1/SIG*DSIG/DZ_TT</a> (Table 50) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 52">DSIG/DZ_TT</a> (Table 52) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 54">1/SIG*DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 54) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 56">DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 56) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 58">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST </a> (Table 58) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 60">DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST </a> (Table 60) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 62">1/SIG*DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 62) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 64">DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 64) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 66">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWT1</a> (Table 66) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 68">DSIG/DRWT1</a> (Table 68) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 70">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWT2</a> (Table 70) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 72">DSIG/DRWT2</a> (Table 72) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 74">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWB1</a> (Table 74) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 76">DSIG/DRWB1</a> (Table 76) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 78">1/SIG*DSIG/DRWB2</a> (Table 78) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 80">DSIG/DRWB2</a> (Table 80) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 82">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E1TC</a> (Table 82) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 84">DSIG/DDR_E1TC</a> (Table 84) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 86">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E2TC</a> (Table 86) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 88">DSIG/DDR_E2TC</a> (Table 88) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 90">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E3TC</a> (Table 90) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 92">DSIG/DDR_E3TC</a> (Table 92) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 94">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E1T1</a> (Table 94) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 96">DSIG/DRPT_E1T1</a> (Table 96) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 98">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E2T1</a> (Table 98) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 100">DSIG/DRPT_E2T1</a> (Table 100) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 102">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E3T1</a> (Table 102) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 104">DSIG/DRPT_E3T1</a> (Table 104) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 106">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_TTE1</a> (Table 106) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 108">DSIG/DRPT_TTE1</a> (Table 108) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 110">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E1J1</a> (Table 110) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 112">DSIG/DRPT_E1J1</a> (Table 112) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 114">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E2J1</a> (Table 114) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 116">DSIG/DRPT_E2J1</a> (Table 116) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 118">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E3J1</a> (Table 118) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 120">DSIG/DRPT_E3J1</a> (Table 120) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 122">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E2E1</a> (Table 122) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 124">DSIG/DDR_E2E1</a> (Table 124) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 126">1/SIG*DSIG/DDR_E3E1</a> (Table 126) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 128">DSIG/DDR_E3E1</a> (Table 128) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 130">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E2E1</a> (Table 130) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 132">DSIG/DRPT_E2E1</a> (Table 132) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 134">1/SIG*DSIG/DRPT_E3E1</a> (Table 134) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 136">DSIG/DRPT_E3E1</a> (Table 136) </ul><br/> <u>2D:</u><br/> Spectra: <ul> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 138">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 138) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 139">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 139) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 140">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 140) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 141">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 141) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 152">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 152) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 153">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 153) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 154">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 154) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 155">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 155) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 166">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 166) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 167">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 167) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 168">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 168) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 169">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 169) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 180">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 180) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 181">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 181) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 182">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 182) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 183">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 183) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 194">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 194) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 195">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 195) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 196">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 196) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 197">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 197) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 208">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 208) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 209">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 209) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 210">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 210) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 211">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 211) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 222">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 222) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 223">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 223) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 224">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 224) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 225">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 225) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 236">D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 236) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 237">D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 237) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 238">D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 238) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 239">D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 239) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 250">1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 250) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 251">1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 251) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 252">1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 252) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 253">1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 253) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 264">D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 264) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 265">D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 265) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 266">D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 266) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 267">D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 267) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 278">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 278) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 279">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 279) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 280">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 280) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 281">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 281) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 292">D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 6)</a> (Table 292) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 293">D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 7)</a> (Table 293) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 294">D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS = 8)</a> (Table 294) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 295">D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS (N_JETS > 8)</a> (Table 295) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 306">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 620.0 GeV)</a> (Table 306) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 307">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 620.0 GeV < TT_M < 835.0 GeV)</a> (Table 307) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 308">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 835.0 GeV < TT_M < 1050.0 GeV)</a> (Table 308) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 309">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 1050.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 309) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 320">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 620.0 GeV)</a> (Table 320) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 321">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 620.0 GeV < TT_M < 835.0 GeV)</a> (Table 321) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 322">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 835.0 GeV < TT_M < 1050.0 GeV)</a> (Table 322) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 323">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M ( 1050.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 323) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 334">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 620.0 GeV)</a> (Table 334) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 335">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 620.0 GeV < TT_M < 835.0 GeV)</a> (Table 335) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 336">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 835.0 GeV < TT_M < 1050.0 GeV)</a> (Table 336) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 337">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 1050.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 337) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 348">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 620.0 GeV)</a> (Table 348) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 349">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 620.0 GeV < TT_M < 835.0 GeV)</a> (Table 349) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 350">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 835.0 GeV < TT_M < 1050.0 GeV)</a> (Table 350) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 351">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 1050.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 351) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 362">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 620.0 GeV)</a> (Table 362) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 363">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 620.0 GeV < TT_M < 835.0 GeV)</a> (Table 363) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 364">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 835.0 GeV < TT_M < 1050.0 GeV)</a> (Table 364) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 365">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 1050.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 365) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 376">D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 620.0 GeV)</a> (Table 376) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 377">D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 620.0 GeV < TT_M < 835.0 GeV)</a> (Table 377) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 378">D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 835.0 GeV < TT_M < 1050.0 GeV)</a> (Table 378) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 379">D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 1050.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 379) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 390">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 0.0 GeV < T2_PT < 175.0 GeV)</a> (Table 390) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 391">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 175.0 GeV < T2_PT < 275.0 GeV)</a> (Table 391) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 392">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 275.0 GeV < T2_PT < 385.0 GeV)</a> (Table 392) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 393">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 385.0 GeV < T2_PT < 1000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 393) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 404">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 0.0 GeV < T2_PT < 175.0 GeV)</a> (Table 404) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 405">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 175.0 GeV < T2_PT < 275.0 GeV)</a> (Table 405) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 406">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 275.0 GeV < T2_PT < 385.0 GeV)</a> (Table 406) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 407">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 385.0 GeV < T2_PT < 1000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 407) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 418">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 645.0 GeV)</a> (Table 418) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 419">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 645.0 GeV < TT_M < 795.0 GeV)</a> (Table 419) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 420">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 795.0 GeV < TT_M < 1080.0 GeV)</a> (Table 420) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 421">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 1080.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 421) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 432">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 645.0 GeV)</a> (Table 432) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 433">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 645.0 GeV < TT_M < 795.0 GeV)</a> (Table 433) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 434">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 795.0 GeV < TT_M < 1080.0 GeV)</a> (Table 434) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 435">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 1080.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 435) </ul><br/> Covariances:<br/><ul> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 142">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 142) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 143">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 143) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 144">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 144) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 145">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 145) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 146">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 146) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 147">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 147) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 148">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 148) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 149">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 149) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 150">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 150) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 151">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 151) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 156">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 156) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 157">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 157) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 158">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 158) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 159">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 159) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 160">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 160) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 161">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 161) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 162">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 162) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 163">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 163) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 164">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 164) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 165">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 165) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 170">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 170) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 171">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 171) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 172">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 172) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 173">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 173) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 174">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 174) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 175">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 175) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 176">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 176) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 177">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 177) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 178">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 178) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 179">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 179) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 184">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 184) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 185">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 185) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 186">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 186) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 187">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 187) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 188">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 188) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 189">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 189) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 190">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 190) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 191">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 191) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 192">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 192) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 193">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 193) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 198">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 198) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 199">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 199) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 200">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 200) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 201">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 201) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 202">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 202) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 203">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 203) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 204">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 204) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 205">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 205) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 206">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 206) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 207">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 207) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 212">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 212) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 213">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 213) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 214">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 214) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 215">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 215) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 216">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 216) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 217">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 217) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 218">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 218) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 219">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 219) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 220">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 220) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 221">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 221) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 226">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 226) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 227">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 227) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 228">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 228) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 229">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 229) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 230">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 230) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 231">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 231) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 232">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 232) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 233">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 233) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 234">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 234) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 235">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 235) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 240">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 240) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 241">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 241) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 242">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 242) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 243">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 243) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 244">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 244) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 245">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 245) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 246">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 246) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 247">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 247) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 248">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 248) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 249">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPOUT/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 249) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 254">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 254) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 255">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 255) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 256">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 256) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 257">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 257) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 258">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 258) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 259">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 259) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 260">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 260) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 261">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 261) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 262">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 262) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 263">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 263) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 268">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 268) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 269">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 269) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 270">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 270) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 271">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 271) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 272">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 272) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 273">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 273) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 274">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 274) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 275">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 275) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 276">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 276) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 277">Matrix for D2SIG/DDELTAPHI/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 277) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 282">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 282) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 283">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 283) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 284">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 284) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 285">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 285) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 286">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 286) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 287">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 287) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 288">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 288) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 289">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 289) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 290">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 290) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 291">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 291) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 296">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 1th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 296) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 297">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 2th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 297) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 298">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 2th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 298) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 299">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 3th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 299) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 300">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 3th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 300) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 301">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 3th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 301) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 302">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 1th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 302) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 303">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 2th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 303) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 304">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 3th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 304) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 305">Matrix for D2SIG/DABSPCROSS/DN_JETS between the 4th and 4th bins of N_JETS</a> (Table 305) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 310">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 310) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 311">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 311) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 312">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 312) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 313">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 313) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 314">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 314) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 315">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 315) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 316">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 316) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 317">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 317) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 318">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 318) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 319">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 319) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 324">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 324) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 325">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 325) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 326">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 326) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 327">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 327) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 328">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 328) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 329">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 329) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 330">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 330) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 331">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 331) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 332">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 332) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 333">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 333) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 338">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 338) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 339">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 339) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 340">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 340) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 341">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 341) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 342">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 342) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 343">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 343) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 344">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 344) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 345">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 345) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 346">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 346) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 347">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 347) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 352">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 352) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 353">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 353) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 354">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 354) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 355">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 355) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 356">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 356) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 357">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 357) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 358">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 358) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 359">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 359) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 360">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 360) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 361">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 361) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 366">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 366) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 367">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 367) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 368">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 368) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 369">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 369) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 370">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 370) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 371">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 371) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 372">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 372) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 373">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 373) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 374">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 374) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 375">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 375) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 380">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 380) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 381">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 381) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 382">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 382) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 383">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 383) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 384">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 384) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 385">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 385) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 386">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 386) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 387">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 387) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 388">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 388) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 389">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 389) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 394">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 1th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 394) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 395">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 395) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 396">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 396) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 397">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 397) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 398">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 398) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 399">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 399) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 400">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 400) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 401">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 401) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 402">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 402) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 403">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 4th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 403) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 408">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 1th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 408) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 409">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 409) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 410">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 410) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 411">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 411) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 412">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 412) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 413">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 413) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 414">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 414) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 415">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 415) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 416">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 416) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 417">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 4th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 417) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 422">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 422) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 423">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 423) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 424">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 424) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 425">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 425) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 426">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 426) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 427">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 427) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 428">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 428) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 429">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 429) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 430">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 430) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 431">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 431) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 436">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 436) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 437">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 437) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 438">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 438) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 439">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 439) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 440">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 440) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 441">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 441) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 442">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 442) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 443">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 443) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 444">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 444) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 445">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 445) </ul><br/> <b>Parton level:</b><br/> <u>1D:</u><br/> Spectra:<br/> <ul><br/> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 446">1/SIG*DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 446) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 448">DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 448) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 450">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 450) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 452">DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 452) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 454">1/SIG*DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 454) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 456">DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 456) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 458">1/SIG*DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 458) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 460">DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 460) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 462">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 462) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 464">DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 464) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 466">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST</a> (Table 466) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 468">DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST</a> (Table 468) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 470">1/SIG*DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 470) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 472">DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 472) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 474">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 474) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 476">DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 476) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 478">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 478) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 480">DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 480) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 482">1/SIG*DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 482) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 484">DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 484) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 486">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 486) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 488">DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 488) </ul><br/> Covariances:<br/> <ul><br/> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 447">1/SIG*DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 447) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 449">DSIG/DCHI_TT</a> (Table 449) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 451">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 451) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 453">DSIG/DTT_PT</a> (Table 453) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 455">1/SIG*DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 455) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 457">DSIG/DDELTAPHI</a> (Table 457) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 459">1/SIG*DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 459) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 461">DSIG/DT2_PT</a> (Table 461) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 463">1/SIG*DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 463) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 465">DSIG/DTT_M</a> (Table 465) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 467">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST</a> (Table 467) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 469">DSIG/DABS_Y_BOOST</a> (Table 469) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 471">1/SIG*DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 471) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 473">DSIG/DT1_PT</a> (Table 473) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 475">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 475) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 477">DSIG/DABS_TT_Y</a> (Table 477) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 479">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 479) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 481">DSIG/DABS_T2_Y</a> (Table 481) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 483">1/SIG*DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 483) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 485">DSIG/DHT_TT</a> (Table 485) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 487">1/SIG*DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 487) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 489">DSIG/DABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 489) </ul><br/> <u>2D:</u><br/> Spectra:<br/> <ul><br/> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 490">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 490) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 491">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 491) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 492">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 492) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 499">D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 499) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 500">D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 500) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 501">D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 501) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 508">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 0.0 < ABS_T1_Y < 0.5 )</a> (Table 508) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 509">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 0.5 < ABS_T1_Y < 1.0 )</a> (Table 509) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 510">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 1.0 < ABS_T1_Y < 1.5 )</a> (Table 510) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 511">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 1.5 < ABS_T1_Y < 2.5 )</a> (Table 511) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 522">D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 0.0 < ABS_T1_Y < 0.5 )</a> (Table 522) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 523">D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 0.5 < ABS_T1_Y < 1.0 )</a> (Table 523) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 524">D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 1.0 < ABS_T1_Y < 1.5 )</a> (Table 524) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 525">D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y ( 1.5 < ABS_T1_Y < 2.5 )</a> (Table 525) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 536">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 0.0 GeV < M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 536) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 537">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 700.0 GeV < M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 537) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 538">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 970.0 GeV < M < 1315.0 GeV)</a> (Table 538) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 539">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 1315.0 GeV < M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 539) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 550">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 0.0 GeV < M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 550) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 551">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 700.0 GeV < M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 551) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 552">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 970.0 GeV < M < 1315.0 GeV)</a> (Table 552) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 553">D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM ( 1315.0 GeV < M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 553) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 564">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 564) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 565">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 565) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 566">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 566) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 573">D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 573) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 574">D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 574) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 575">D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 575) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 582">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 582) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 583">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 583) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 584">1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 584) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 591">D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 591) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 592">D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 592) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 593">D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 593) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 600">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 600) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 601">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 601) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 602">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 1315.0 GeV)</a> (Table 602) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 603">1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 1315.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 603) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 614">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 614) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 615">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 615) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 616">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 1315.0 GeV)</a> (Table 616) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 617">D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M ( 1315.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 617) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 628">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 628) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 629">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 629) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 630">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 630) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 637">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 0.0 GeV < TT_M < 700.0 GeV)</a> (Table 637) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 638">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 700.0 GeV < TT_M < 970.0 GeV)</a> (Table 638) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 639">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M ( 970.0 GeV < TT_M < 3000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 639) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 646">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 0.0 GeV < T2_PT < 170.0 GeV)</a> (Table 646) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 647">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 170.0 GeV < T2_PT < 290.0 GeV)</a> (Table 647) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 648">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 290.0 GeV < T2_PT < 450.0 GeV)</a> (Table 648) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 649">1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 450.0 GeV < T2_PT < 1000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 649) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 660">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 0.0 GeV < T2_PT < 170.0 GeV)</a> (Table 660) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 661">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 170.0 GeV < T2_PT < 290.0 GeV)</a> (Table 661) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 662">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 290.0 GeV < T2_PT < 450.0 GeV)</a> (Table 662) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 663">D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT ( 450.0 GeV < T2_PT < 1000.0 GeV)</a> (Table 663) </ul><br/> Covariances:<br/> <ul><br/> <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 493">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 493) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 494">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 494) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 495">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 495) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 496">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 496) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 497">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 497) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 498">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 498) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 502">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 502) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 503">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 503) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 504">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 504) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 505">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 505) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 506">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 506) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 507">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_TT_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 507) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 512">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 1th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 512) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 513">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 2th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 513) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 514">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 2th and 2th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 514) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 515">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 3th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 515) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 516">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 3th and 2th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 516) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 517">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 3th and 3th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 517) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 518">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 518) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 519">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 2th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 519) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 520">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 3th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 520) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 521">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 4th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 521) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 526">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 1th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 526) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 527">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 2th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 527) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 528">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 2th and 2th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 528) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 529">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 3th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 529) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 530">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 3th and 2th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 530) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 531">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 3th and 3th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 531) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 532">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 1th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 532) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 533">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 2th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 533) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 534">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 3th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 534) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 535">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DABS_T1_Y between the 4th and 4th bins of ABS_T1_Y</a> (Table 535) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 540">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 1th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 540) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 541">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 2th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 541) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 542">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 2th and 2th bins of M</a> (Table 542) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 543">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 3th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 543) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 544">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 3th and 2th bins of M</a> (Table 544) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 545">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 3th and 3th bins of M</a> (Table 545) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 546">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 546) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 547">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 2th bins of M</a> (Table 547) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 548">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 3th bins of M</a> (Table 548) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 549">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 4th bins of M</a> (Table 549) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 554">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 1th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 554) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 555">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 2th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 555) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 556">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 2th and 2th bins of M</a> (Table 556) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 557">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 3th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 557) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 558">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 3th and 2th bins of M</a> (Table 558) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 559">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 3th and 3th bins of M</a> (Table 559) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 560">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 1th bins of M</a> (Table 560) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 561">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 2th bins of M</a> (Table 561) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 562">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 3th bins of M</a> (Table 562) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 563">Matrix for D2SIG/DT2_PT/DM between the 4th and 4th bins of M</a> (Table 563) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 567">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 567) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 568">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 568) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 569">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 569) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 570">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 570) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 571">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 571) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 572">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 572) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 576">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 576) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 577">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 577) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 578">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 578) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 579">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 579) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 580">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 580) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 581">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T1_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 581) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 585">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 585) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 586">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 586) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 587">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 587) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 588">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 588) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 589">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 589) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 590">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 590) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 594">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 594) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 595">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 595) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 596">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 596) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 597">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 597) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 598">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 598) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 599">Matrix for D2SIG/DABS_T2_Y/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 599) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 604">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 604) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 605">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 605) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 606">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 606) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 607">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 607) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 608">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 608) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 609">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 609) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 610">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 610) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 611">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 611) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 612">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 612) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 613">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 613) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 618">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 618) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 619">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 619) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 620">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 620) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 621">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 621) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 622">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 622) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 623">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 623) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 624">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 624) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 625">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 625) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 626">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 626) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 627">Matrix for D2SIG/DTT_PT/DTT_M between the 4th and 4th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 627) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 631">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 631) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 632">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 632) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 633">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 633) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 634">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 634) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 635">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 635) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 636">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 636) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 640">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 1th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 640) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 641">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 641) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 642">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 2th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 642) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 643">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 1th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 643) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 644">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 2th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 644) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 645">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DTT_M between the 3th and 3th bins of TT_M</a> (Table 645) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 650">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 1th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 650) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 651">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 651) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 652">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 652) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 653">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 653) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 654">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 654) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 655">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 655) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 656">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 656) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 657">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 657) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 658">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 658) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 659">Matrix for 1/SIG*D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 4th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 659) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 664">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 1th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 664) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 665">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 665) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 666">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 2th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 666) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 667">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 667) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 668">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 668) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 669">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 3th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 669) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 670">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 1th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 670) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 671">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 2th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 671) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 672">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 3th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 672) <li><a href="103063?version=1&table=Table 673">Matrix for D2SIG/DT1_PT/DT2_PT between the 4th and 4th bins of T2_PT</a> (Table 673) </ul><br/>
Relative differential cross-section as a function of $\Delta R^{extra1}_{jet1}$ at particle level in the all hadronic resolved topology. Note that the values shown here are obtained by propagating the individual uncertainties to the measured cross-sections, while the covariance matrices are evaluated using pseudo-experiments as described in the text. The measured differential cross-section is compared with the prediction obtained with the Powheg+Pythia8 Monte Carlo generator.
Covariance matrix of the relative differential cross-section as function of $\Delta R^{extra1}_{jet1}$ at particle level in the all hadronic resolved topology, accounting for the statistical and systematic uncertainties.
The $t\bar{t}$ production cross-section is measured in the lepton+jets channel using proton$-$proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$. Events with exactly one charged lepton and four or more jets in the final state, with at least one jet containing $b$-hadrons, are used to determine the $t\bar{t}$ production cross-section through a profile-likelihood fit. The inclusive cross-section is measured to be ${\sigma_{\text{inc}} = 830 \pm 0.4~ \text{(stat.)}\pm 36~\text{(syst.)}\pm 14~\text{(lumi.)}~\mathrm{pb}}$ with a relative uncertainty of 4.6 %. The result is consistent with theoretical calculations at next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD. The fiducial $t\bar{t}$ cross-section within the experimental acceptance is also measured.