We have investigated the inclusive production of γ, KS0, Λ0, and Λ¯0 in 100-GeV/c p¯p interactions in the 30-in. hydrogen bubble chamber at Fermilab. We present various inclusive distributions and compare them with corresponding distributions in 100-GeV/c pp interactions and lower-energy p¯p interactions. We find some evidence for Σ(1385) production but none for K*(890) production. We find evidence for a nonzero Λ0 polarization of -0.45 ± 0.21.
We derive cross-sections for the inclusive productiion in p̄p interactions at 100 GeV /c of π 0 , K S 0 and Λ 0 Λ 0 of 91.5±5.7 mb, 5.2±0.4 mb and 4.8±0.4 mb respectively, which are all higher than pp cross-sections at energy. We find indications that these differences can be attributed to “annihilation” processes.
Single- and double-pion inclusive spectra are presented for 100-GeV/c p¯p interactions and compared with related pp data. Double-fragmentation distributions are shown to be understood within a Mueller-Regge framework as a product of single-fragmentation distributions. Consideration of pp and p¯p−pp distributions shows factorization to hold in Pomeron and in Reggeon exchanges independently.
We present results on inclusive Δ ++ (1236) production in 100 GeV/ c p p interactions. In the region | t | < 1 GeV 2 we find a cross section of 1.29 ± 0.15 mb. Comparisons with pp interactions at high energies show Δ ++ production in pp and p p interactions to be very similar. The decay angular distributions of the Δ ++ are consistent with production predominantly through pion-exchange and the properties of the system recoiling from the Δ ++ are similar to those of real π + p interactions. However, the p π + background is found to show qualitatively similar behaviour. In contrast to the indications of Δ ++ production through pion exchange we also find evidence that events proceeding through diffraction dissociation are more likely to contain Δ ++ than other events. We present results on the forward production of Δ ++ in association with Δ ++ and protons.
Inclusive and semi-inclusive $ρ^0$ production in 100-GeV/c $\bar{p}p$ interactions has been studied as a function of c.m. rapidity and transverse momentum. Cross sections are compared with those for $\bar{p}p$ interactions at other energies, as well as pp and π±p interactions, over the range ∼2 < $p_{lab} < 200$ GeV/c. A measurement of the $f^0$ production cross section has been made. Calculations of the contribution from $\rho^0$ decay to prompt lepton production are presented.
Inclusive spectra are presented for π± production in 100-GeV/cp¯p interactions. The rapidity distribution for the difference (p¯p−pp) approximately scales as the difference in total cross sections in the fragmentation region between 12 and 100 GeV/c and exhibits an approximate s−12dependence in the central region.
We present new data on charged particle production in p p interactions at 100 GeV/ c . Comparisons are made between p p annihilations (estimated by differences) between corresponding p p and pp data samples) and e + e − annihilation into hadrons. A technique for separating the inclusive proton and pion spectra is described and the resulting pion spectra are studied in terms of Feynman x , rapidity and p T . Comparison with pp data allows us to estimate the pion spectra in p p annihilations and we find agreement with predictions of Mueller-Regge theory. We also present results on semi-inclusive π ± and proton production, give updated topological cross sections and describe further attempts to isolate effects due to annihilations. Finally we investigate the diffractive excitation of the antiproton into low-mass states by studying events with a slow recoil proton.
Inclusive cross sections for π 0 , K s 0 , Λ 0 and Λ 0 production in 100, 200 and 360 GeV /c π − p interactions are presented and compared with data at other energies. Invariant cross sections for γ, K s 0 , Λ 0 and Λ 0 production are presented in terms of Feynman x , the rapidity y , and transverse momentum squared, p T 2 . A comparison of the observed γ spectrum is made with the spectra computed assuming that the π 0 momentum distribution is identical to that of the observed π + or π − .
Inclusive and semi-inclusive cross sections for gp0 production in 100, 200, and 360 GeV/c π−p interactions are presented. Differential cross sections for ρ0 production as functions of c.m. rapidity and transverse momentum are compared with the corresponding differential cross sections for pion production. Effects of various methods of estimating background on the values obtained for ρ0 production cross sections are discussed. About 10% of the final-state charged pions appear to come from ρ0 decay. Thus, while ρ0 production and decay is a significant source of final-state pions, other sources must contribute the majority of the produced pions.
Nucleon structure functions obtained from neutrino and anti-neutrino scattering on iron nuclei at high energies (Ev=30 to 250 GeV) are presented. These results are compared with the results of other lepton-nucleon scattering experiments. The structure functions are used to test the validity of the Gross-Llewellyn-smith sum rule, which measures the number of valence quarks in the nucleons, and to obtain leading and second order QCD fits.