The isoscalar structure functions $xF_3$ and $F_2$ are measured as functions of $x$ averaged over all $Q^2$ permissible for the range of 6 to 28 GeV of incident neutrino (anti-neutrino) energy at the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector. The QCD analysis of $xF_3$ structure function provides $\Lambda_{\bar{MS}}^{(4)} = (411 \pm 200)$ MeV under the assumption of QCD validity in the region of low $Q^2$. The corresponding value of the strong interaction constant $\alpha_S (M_Z) = 0.123^{+0.010}_{-0.013}$ agrees with the recent result of the CCFR collaboration and with the combined LEP/SLC result.
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The isoscalar structure functions xF_3 and F_2 are measured as functions of x averaged over all Q~2 permissible for the range 6 to 28 GeV of incident (anti)neutrino energy. With the measured values of xF_3, the value of the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule is found to be $\int_{0}~{1}{F_3 dx} = 2.13\pm0.38 (stat)\pm 0.26 (syst)$. The QCD analysis of xF_3 provides $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}} =358 \pm 59 MeV$ . The obtained value of the strong interaction constant $\alpha_S (M_Z)=0.120~{+3}_{-4}$ is larger than most of the deep inelastic scattering results.
The value of F2 is extracted with R = 0. The difference F2(C=R=.1)-F2(C=R=0.) is also presented.
The results of total cross section measurements for theνμ,\(\bar \nu _\mu\) interactions with isoscalar target in the 3 – 30 GeV energy range have been presented. The data were obtained with the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector in the “natural” neutrino beams of the U-70 accelerator. Neutrino fluxes were obtained by averaging the spectra, based on the calculations with the use of the experimental data on secondary particle yields from the target and muon fluxes measurements in 9 gaps of the muon filter, as well as the spectra determined from quasi-elastic events and spectra defined by extrapolating differential distributiondσ/dy in the regiony=0. The significant deviation from the linear dependence forσtot versus neutrino energy is determined in the energy range less than 15 GeV.
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No description provided.
We present the final results from the search for μe pairs produced in neutrino interactions using the freon filled bubble chamber SKAT. The rate of μ−e+ pairs to charged current events above the charm threshold is\(R_{\mu ^ -e^ +}= (4.8 \pm 1.1)10^{ - 3} \). Assuming charm particle production to be the origin of the positron we calculate\(R_{\Lambda _c^ +}= (6.2 \pm 3.1)10^{ - 2} \) andRD=(2.8±0.9)10−2. We observe no considerable μ−e− pair production above the background. In the regionEv>3 GeV,pμ,e>1.0 GeV/c andpμ>pe we find with a 90% confidence level the limit\(R_{\mu ^ -e^ -}< 1.7 10^{ - 4} \).
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Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Using the freon filled bubble chamber SKAT in the (anti)neutrino wide band beam of the Serpukhov accelerator we determine the neutral to charged current cross section ratios for neutrinos and antineutrinos below 30GeV. From these ratios we calculate in leading order a mixing parameter of the standard model of Θw=0.215±0.029.
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////TOTAL SYSTEMATICS).
No description provided.
No description provided.
Data on the measurement of the v μ N total cross section at 2–30 GeV are presented. The observed behavior does not contradict a linear dependence on neutrino energy with slope S =0.73 ± 0.08.
Measured charged current total cross section.