We study the spin-exotic $J^{PC} = 1^{-+}$ amplitude in single-diffractive dissociation of 190 GeV$/c$ pions into $\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+$ using a hydrogen target and confirm the $\pi_1(1600) \to \rho(770) \pi$ amplitude, which interferes with a nonresonant $1^{-+}$ amplitude. We demonstrate that conflicting conclusions from previous studies on these amplitudes can be attributed to different analysis models and different treatment of the dependence of the amplitudes on the squared four-momentum transfer and we thus reconcile their experimental findings. We study the nonresonant contributions to the $\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+$ final state using pseudo-data generated on the basis of a Deck model. Subjecting pseudo-data and real data to the same partial-wave analysis, we find good agreement concerning the spectral shape and its dependence on the squared four-momentum transfer for the $J^{PC} = 1^{-+}$ amplitude and also for amplitudes with other $J^{PC}$ quantum numbers. We investigate for the first time the amplitude of the $\pi^-\pi^+$ subsystem with $J^{PC} = 1^{--}$ in the $3\pi$ amplitude with $J^{PC} = 1^{-+}$ employing the novel freed-isobar analysis scheme. We reveal this $\pi^-\pi^+$ amplitude to be dominated by the $\rho(770)$ for both the $\pi_1(1600)$ and the nonresonant contribution. We determine the $\rho(770)$ resonance parameters within the three-pion final state. These findings largely confirm the underlying assumptions for the isobar model used in all previous partial-wave analyses addressing the $J^{PC} = 1^{-+}$ amplitude.
Results for the spin-exotic $1^{-+}1^+[\pi\pi]_{1^{-\,-}}\pi P$ wave from the free-isobar partial-wave analysis performed in the first $t^\prime$ bin from $0.100$ to $0.141\;(\text{GeV}/c)^2$. The plotted values represent the intensity of the coherent sum of the dynamic isobar amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ as a function of $m_{3\pi}$, where the coherent sums run over all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins indexed by $k$. These intensity values are given in number of events per $40\;\text{MeV}/c^2$ $m_{3\pi}$ interval and correspond to the orange points in Fig. 8(a). In the "Resources" section of this $t^\prime$ bin, we provide the JSON file named <code>transition_amplitudes_tBin_0.json</code> for download, which contains for each $m_{3\pi}$ bin the values of the transition amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, their covariances, and further information. The data in this JSON file are organized in independent bins of $m_{3\pi}$. The information in these bins can be accessed via the key <code>m3pi_bin_<#>_t_prime_bin_0</code>. Each independent $m_{3\pi}$ bin contains <ul> <li>the kinematic ranges of the $(m_{3\pi}, t^\prime)$ cell, which are accessible via the keys <code>m3pi_lower_limit</code>, <code>m3pi_upper_limit</code>, <code>t_prime_lower_limit</code>, and <code>t_prime_upper_limit</code>.</li> <li>the $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bin borders, which are accessible via the keys <code>m2pi_lower_limits</code> and <code>m2pi_upper_limits</code>.</li> <li>the real and imaginary parts of the transition amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which are accessible via the keys <code>transition_amplitudes_real_part</code> and <code>transition_amplitudes_imag_part</code>, respectively.</li> <li>the covariance matrix of the real and imaginary parts of the $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which is accessible via the key <code>covariance_matrix</code>. Note that this matrix is real-valued and that its rows and columns are indexed such that $(\Re,\Im)$ pairs of the transition amplitudes are arranged with increasing $k$.</li> <li>the normalization factors $\mathcal{N}_a$ in Eq. (13) for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which are accessible via the key <code>normalization_factors</code>.</li> <li>the shape of the zero mode, i.e., the values of $\tilde\Delta_k$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which is accessible via the key <code>zero_mode_shape</code>.</li> <li>the reference wave, which is accessible via the key <code>reference_wave</code>. Note that this is always the $4^{++}1^+\rho(770)\pi G$ wave.</li> </ul>
Results for the spin-exotic $1^{-+}1^+[\pi\pi]_{1^{-\,-}}\pi P$ wave from the free-isobar partial-wave analysis performed in the second $t^\prime$ bin from $0.141$ to $0.194\;(\text{GeV}/c)^2$. The plotted values represent the intensity of the coherent sum of the dynamic isobar amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ as a function of $m_{3\pi}$, where the coherent sums run over all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins indexed by $k$. These intensity values are given in number of events per $40\;\text{MeV}/c^2$ $m_{3\pi}$ interval and correspond to the orange points in Fig. 15(a) in the supplemental material of the paper. In the "Resources" section of this $t^\prime$ bin, we provide the JSON file named <code>transition_amplitudes_tBin_1.json</code> for download, which contains for each $m_{3\pi}$ bin the values of the transition amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, their covariances, and further information. The data in this JSON file are organized in independent bins of $m_{3\pi}$. The information in these bins can be accessed via the key <code>m3pi_bin_<#>_t_prime_bin_1</code>. Each independent $m_{3\pi}$ bin contains <ul> <li>the kinematic ranges of the $(m_{3\pi}, t^\prime)$ cell, which are accessible via the keys <code>m3pi_lower_limit</code>, <code>m3pi_upper_limit</code>, <code>t_prime_lower_limit</code>, and <code>t_prime_upper_limit</code>.</li> <li>the $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bin borders, which are accessible via the keys <code>m2pi_lower_limits</code> and <code>m2pi_upper_limits</code>.</li> <li>the real and imaginary parts of the transition amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which are accessible via the keys <code>transition_amplitudes_real_part</code> and <code>transition_amplitudes_imag_part</code>, respectively.</li> <li>the covariance matrix of the real and imaginary parts of the $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which is accessible via the key <code>covariance_matrix</code>. Note that this matrix is real-valued and that its rows and columns are indexed such that $(\Re,\Im)$ pairs of the transition amplitudes are arranged with increasing $k$.</li> <li>the normalization factors $\mathcal{N}_a$ in Eq. (13) for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which are accessible via the key <code>normalization_factors</code>.</li> <li>the shape of the zero mode, i.e., the values of $\tilde\Delta_k$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which is accessible via the key <code>zero_mode_shape</code>.</li> <li>the reference wave, which is accessible via the key <code>reference_wave</code>. Note that this is always the $4^{++}1^+\rho(770)\pi G$ wave.</li> </ul>
Results for the spin-exotic $1^{-+}1^+[\pi\pi]_{1^{-\,-}}\pi P$ wave from the free-isobar partial-wave analysis performed in the third $t^\prime$ bin from $0.194$ to $0.326\;(\text{GeV}/c)^2$. The plotted values represent the intensity of the coherent sum of the dynamic isobar amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ as a function of $m_{3\pi}$, where the coherent sums run over all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins indexed by $k$. These intensity values are given in number of events per $40\;\text{MeV}/c^2$ $m_{3\pi}$ interval and correspond to the orange points in Fig. 15(b) in the supplemental material of the paper. In the "Resources" section of this $t^\prime$ bin, we provide the JSON file named <code>transition_amplitudes_tBin_2.json</code> for download, which contains for each $m_{3\pi}$ bin the values of the transition amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, their covariances, and further information. The data in this JSON file are organized in independent bins of $m_{3\pi}$. The information in these bins can be accessed via the key <code>m3pi_bin_<#>_t_prime_bin_2</code>. Each independent $m_{3\pi}$ bin contains <ul> <li>the kinematic ranges of the $(m_{3\pi}, t^\prime)$ cell, which are accessible via the keys <code>m3pi_lower_limit</code>, <code>m3pi_upper_limit</code>, <code>t_prime_lower_limit</code>, and <code>t_prime_upper_limit</code>.</li> <li>the $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bin borders, which are accessible via the keys <code>m2pi_lower_limits</code> and <code>m2pi_upper_limits</code>.</li> <li>the real and imaginary parts of the transition amplitudes $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which are accessible via the keys <code>transition_amplitudes_real_part</code> and <code>transition_amplitudes_imag_part</code>, respectively.</li> <li>the covariance matrix of the real and imaginary parts of the $\{\mathcal{T}_k^\text{fit}\}$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which is accessible via the key <code>covariance_matrix</code>. Note that this matrix is real-valued and that its rows and columns are indexed such that $(\Re,\Im)$ pairs of the transition amplitudes are arranged with increasing $k$.</li> <li>the normalization factors $\mathcal{N}_a$ in Eq. (13) for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which are accessible via the key <code>normalization_factors</code>.</li> <li>the shape of the zero mode, i.e., the values of $\tilde\Delta_k$ for all $m_{\pi^-\pi^+}$ bins, which is accessible via the key <code>zero_mode_shape</code>.</li> <li>the reference wave, which is accessible via the key <code>reference_wave</code>. Note that this is always the $4^{++}1^+\rho(770)\pi G$ wave.</li> </ul>
The cross section of the process $e^+ e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-$ has been measured in the Spherical Neutral Detector (SND) experiment at the VEPP-2000 $e^+e^-$ collider VEPP-2000 in the energy region $525 <\sqrt[]{s} <883$ MeV. The measurement is based on data with an integrated luminosity of about 4.6 pb$^{-1}$. The systematic uncertainty of the cross section determination is 0.8 % at $\sqrt{s}>0.600$ GeV. The $\rho$ meson parameters are obtained as $m_\rho = 775.3\pm 0.5\pm 0.6$ MeV, $\Gamma_\rho = 145.6\pm 0.6\pm 0.8$ MeV, $B_{\rho\to e^+ e^-}\times B_{\rho\to\pi^+\pi^-} = (4.89\pm 0.02\pm 0.04)\times 10^{-5}$, and the parameters of the $e^+ e^-\to\omega\to\pi^+\pi^-$ process, suppressed by $G$-parity, as $B_{\omega\to e^+ e^-}\times B_{\omega\to\pi^+\pi^-}= (1.32\pm 0.06\pm 0.02)\times 10^{-6} $ and $\phi_{\rho\omega} = 110.7\pm 1.5\pm1.0$ degrees.
The Born cross section of the process e+e- -> pi+pi- taking into account the radiative corrections due to the initial and final state radiation.
Measured value of the pion form factor
The bare e+e- -> pi+pi- undressed cross without vacuum polarization, but with the final state radiative correction.
We have performed the most comprehensive resonance-model fit of $\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+$ states using the results of our previously published partial-wave analysis (PWA) of a large data set of diffractive-dissociation events from the reaction $\pi^- + p \to \pi^-\pi^-\pi^+ + p_\text{recoil}$ with a 190 GeV/$c$ pion beam. The PWA results, which were obtained in 100 bins of three-pion mass, $0.5 < m_{3\pi} < 2.5$ GeV/$c^2$, and simultaneously in 11 bins of the reduced four-momentum transfer squared, $0.1 < t' < 1.0$ $($GeV$/c)^2$, are subjected to a resonance-model fit using Breit-Wigner amplitudes to simultaneously describe a subset of 14 selected waves using 11 isovector light-meson states with $J^{PC} = 0^{-+}$, $1^{++}$, $2^{++}$, $2^{-+}$, $4^{++}$, and spin-exotic $1^{-+}$ quantum numbers. The model contains the well-known resonances $\pi(1800)$, $a_1(1260)$, $a_2(1320)$, $\pi_2(1670)$, $\pi_2(1880)$, and $a_4(2040)$. In addition, it includes the disputed $\pi_1(1600)$, the excited states $a_1(1640)$, $a_2(1700)$, and $\pi_2(2005)$, as well as the resonancelike $a_1(1420)$. We measure the resonance parameters mass and width of these objects by combining the information from the PWA results obtained in the 11 $t'$ bins. We extract the relative branching fractions of the $\rho(770) \pi$ and $f_2(1270) \pi$ decays of $a_2(1320)$ and $a_4(2040)$, where the former one is measured for the first time. In a novel approach, we extract the $t'$ dependence of the intensity of the resonances and of their phases. The $t'$ dependence of the intensities of most resonances differs distinctly from the $t'$ dependence of the nonresonant components. For the first time, we determine the $t'$ dependence of the phases of the production amplitudes and confirm that the production mechanism of the Pomeron exchange is common to all resonances.
Real and imaginary parts of the normalized transition amplitudes $\mathcal{T}_a$ of the 14 selected partial waves in the 1100 $(m_{3\pi}, t')$ cells (see Eq. (12) in the paper). The wave index $a$ represents the quantum numbers that uniquely define the partial wave. The quantum numbers are given by the shorthand notation $J^{PC} M^\varepsilon [$isobar$] \pi L$. We use this notation to label the transition amplitudes in the column headers. The $m_{3\pi}$ values that are given in the first column correspond to the bin centers. Each of the 100 $m_{3\pi}$ bins is 20 MeV/$c^2$ wide. Since the 11 $t'$ bins are non-equidistant, the lower and upper bounds of each $t'$ bin are given in the column headers. The transition amplitudes define the spin-density matrix elements $\varrho_{ab}$ for waves $a$ and $b$ according to Eq. (18). The spin-density matrix enters the resonance-model fit via Eqs. (33) and (34). The transition amplitudes are normalized via Eqs. (9), (16), and (17) such that the partial-wave intensities $\varrho_{aa} = |\mathcal{T}_a|^2$ are given in units of acceptance-corrected number of events. The relative phase $\Delta\phi_{ab}$ between two waves $a$ and $b$ is given by $\arg(\varrho_{ab}) = \arg(\mathcal{T}_a) - \arg(\mathcal{T}_b)$. Note that only relative phases are well-defined. The phase of the $1^{++}0^+ \rho(770) \pi S$ wave was set to $0^\circ$ so that the corresponding transition amplitudes are real-valued. In the PWA model, some waves are excluded in the region of low $m_{3\pi}$ (see paper and [Phys. Rev. D 95, 032004 (2017)] for a detailed description of the PWA model). For these waves, the transition amplitudes are set to zero. The tables with the covariance matrices of the transition amplitudes for all 1100 $(m_{3\pi}, t')$ cells can be downloaded via the 'Additional Resources' for this table.
Decay phase-space volume $I_{aa}$ for the 14 selected partial waves as a function of $m_{3\pi}$, normalized such that $I_{aa}(m_{3\pi} = 2.5~\text{GeV}/c^2) = 1$. The wave index $a$ represents the quantum numbers that uniquely define the partial wave. The quantum numbers are given by the shorthand notation $J^{PC} M^\varepsilon [$isobar$] \pi L$. We use this notation to label the decay phase-space volume in the column headers. The labels are identical to the ones used in the column headers of the table of the transition amplitudes. $I_{aa}$ is calculated using Monte Carlo integration techniques for fixed $m_{3\pi}$ values, which are given in the first column, in the range from 0.5 to 2.5 GeV/$c^2$ in steps of 10 MeV/$c^2$. The statistical uncertainties given for $I_{aa}$ are due to the finite number of Monte Carlo events. $I_{aa}(m_{3\pi})$ is defined in Eq. (6) in the paper and appears in the resonance model in Eqs. (19) and (20).
A semi-inclusive measurement of charged hadron multiplicities in deep inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target was performed using data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN. The following kinematic domain is covered by the data: photon virtuality $Q^{2}>1$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$, invariant mass of the hadronic system $W > 5$ GeV/$c^2$, Bjorken scaling variable in the range $0.003 < x < 0.4$, fraction of the virtual photon energy carried by the hadron in the range $0.2 < z < 0.8$, square of the hadron transverse momentum with respect to the virtual photon direction in the range 0.02 (GeV/$c)^2 < P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 3$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$. The multiplicities are presented as a function of $P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}$ in three-dimensional bins of $x$, $Q^2$, $z$ and compared to previous semi-inclusive measurements. We explore the small-$P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}$ region, i.e. $P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 1$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$, where hadron transverse momenta are expected to arise from non-perturbative effects, and also the domain of larger $P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}$, where contributions from higher-order perturbative QCD are expected to dominate. The multiplicities are fitted using a single-exponential function at small $P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}$ to study the dependence of the average transverse momentum $\langle P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}\rangle$ on $x$, $Q^2$ and $z$. The power-law behaviour of the multiplicities at large $P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}$ is investigated using various functional forms. The fits describe the data reasonably well over the full measured range.
Final results are presented from the inclusive measurement of deep-inelastic polarised-muon scattering on longitudinally polarised deuterons using a $^6$LiD target. The data were taken at $160~{\rm GeV}$ beam energy and the results are shown for the kinematic range $1~({\rm GeV}/c)^2 < Q^2 < 100~({\rm GeV}/c)^2$ in photon virtuality, $0.004<x<0.7$ in the Bjorken scaling variable and $W > 4~{\rm GeV}/c^2$ in the mass of the hadronic final state. The deuteron double-spin asymmetry $A_1^{\rm d}$ and the deuteron longitudinal-spin structure function $g_1^{\rm d}$ are presented in bins of $x$ and $Q^2$. Towards lowest accessible values of $x$, $g_1^{\rm d}$ decreases and becomes consistent with zero within uncertainties. The presented final $g_1^{\rm d}$ values together with the recently published final $g_1^{\rm p}$ values of COMPASS are used to again evaluate the Bjorken sum rule and perform the QCD fit to the $g_1$ world data at next-to-leading order of the strong coupling constant. In both cases, changes in central values of the resulting numbers are well within statistical uncertainties. The flavour-singlet axial charge $a_0$, {which is identified in the $\overline{\rm MS}$ renormalisation scheme with the total contribution of quark helicities to the nucleon spin}, is extracted from only the COMPASS deuteron data with negligible extrapolation uncertainty: $a_0 (Q^2 = 3~({\rm GeV}/c)^2) = 0.32 \pm 0.02_{\rm stat} \pm0.04_{\rm syst} \pm 0.05_{\rm evol}$. Together with the recent results on the proton spin structure function $g_1^{\rm p}$, the results on $g_1^{\rm d}$ constitute the COMPASS legacy on the measurements of $g_1$ through inclusive spin-dependent deep inelastic scattering.
Values of $A_1^d$ and $g_1^d$ for the COMPASS deuteron data at 160 GeV in $x$ bins averaged over $Q^2$.
Values of $A_1^d$ and $g_1^d$ for the COMPASS deuteron data at 160 GeV in (x, $Q^2$) bins.
Values of $g_1^{NS}$ for the COMPASS data in $x$ bins averaged over $Q^2$.
The $e^+ e^- \to K^0_{S}K^0_{L}$ cross section has been measured in the center-of-mass energy range 1004--1060 MeV at 25 energy points using $6.1 \times 10^5$ events with $K^0_{S}\to \pi^+\pi^-$ decay. The analysis is based on 5.9 pb$^{-1}$ of an integrated luminosity collected with the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 $e^+ e^-$ collider. To obtain $\phi(1020)$ meson parameters the measured cross section is approximated according to the Vector Meson Dominance model as a sum of the $\rho, \omega, \phi$-like amplitudes and their excitations. This is the most precise measurement of the $e^+ e^- \to K^0_{S}K^0_{L}$ cross section with a 1.8\% systematic uncertainty.
The c.m. energy $E_{\rm c.m.}$, number of selected signal events $N$, detection efficiency $\epsilon_{\rm MC}$, radiative-correction factor 1 + $\delta_{\rm rad.}$, integrated luminosity $L$, and Born cross section $\sigma$ of the process $e^+ e^- \to K^0_{S}K^0_{L}$.
Results are presented on measured asymmetry parameter in the cross sections of the deuteron photodesintegration by linearly polarized photon beam in the energy range 40-70 MeV for the proton emission angles of 75 and 90 deg in the c. m. s. The experimental data are compared with the theoretical calculations by Partovi, Arenhovel, as well as with calculations performed within an invariant approach with gauge-invariant amplitudes in the pole approximation. The results of the calculation by Arenhovel and the present calculations satisfactorily agree with the experimental data, while the Partovi theory does not describe the asymmetry parameter measurements for photon energies above 40 MeV
No description provided.
Using the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M $e^+e^-$ collider, we have measured the values of $R_{\text{uds}}$ and $R$ at seven points of the center-of-mass energy between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV. The total achieved accuracy is about or better than $3.3\%$ at most of energy points with a systematic uncertainty of about $2.1\%$. At the moment it is the most accurate measurement of $R(s)$ in this energy range.
Measured values of $R_{\rm{uds}}(s)$ and $R(s)$ with statistical and systematic uncertainties.
The process $e^+e^- \to K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-$ has been studied in the center-of-mass energy range from 1500 to 2000\,MeV using a data sample of 23 pb$^{-1}$ collected with the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 $e^+e^-$ collider. Using about 24000 selected events, the $e^+e^- \to K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-$ cross section has been measured with a systematic uncertainty decreasing from 11.7\% at 1500-1600\,MeV to 6.1\% above 1800\,MeV. A preliminary study of $K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-$ production dynamics has been performed.
Center-of-mass energy, integrated luminosity, number of four-track events, number of three-track events, detection efficiency, radiative correction and Born cross section of the process $e^{+}e^{-} \to K^{+} K^{-} \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$. Errors are statistical only.
No description provided.