Meson production in p + U, O + U and S + U interactions at 200-GeV/nucleon.

The NA38 collaboration Abreu, M.C. ; Baglin, C. ; Baldisseri, A. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 55 (1992) 365-371, 1992.
Inspire Record 344266 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.14583

Meson production in proton, oxygen and sulphur interactions with uranium targets at 200 GeV/nucleon is studied. We measure the inclusive meson cross-section d σ/dPT2 and its evolution fromp+U to S+U. The cross-section fitted with an exponential gives an inverse slopePT0 of the order of 210 MeV/c. As a function of the neutral transverse energy,PT0 values show a slight rise followed by a plateau. The normalized difference (σ+−σ−)/σ− between positive and negative meson cross-sections is found to increase withET.

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