We have measured the cross section of four charged pion production in photon-photon interactions in the invariant mass range 1.0≦Wγγ≦3.2 GeV and up toQ2=16 GeV2. For 1.2 GeV≦Wγγ≦1.7 GeV the process is dominated by ρ0ρ0 production with a rapid rise in cross section around 1.2 GeV, well below the nominal ρ0ρ0 threshold. The observed distributions in the two particle masses and in the production and decay angles are well described by an incoherent sum of the phase-space subprocesses γγ →ρ0ρ0, →ρ0π+π−, and →π+π−π+π−. A spin-parity analysis of the ρ0ρ0 system showsJP=2+ to dominate, although 0+ is also possible forWγγ≦1.4 GeV. Negative partity states are excluded.
Fractions of subprocesses from 3-parameter fit to the no-tag data.
Fractions of subprocesses from 2-parameter fit to the no-tag data in limited energy range. The Q=1R contribution is set equal to zero.
Fractions of subprocesses from 3-parameter fit to the single-tag data.
In the analysis of the reactione+e−→e+e−KS0Ks0 clear evidence for exclusive γγ→f2′ resonance production is observed. The productΓγγ ·B(f2′→K\(\bar K\)) is measured to be 0.10−0.03−0.02+0.04+0.03 keV independent of ana priori assumption on the helicity structure. Our data are consistent with a pure helicity 2 contribution and we derive an upper limit for the ratioΓγγ(0)/Γγγ. The absence of events in the mass region around 1.3 GeV clearly proves destructivef2−a2 interference and allows to measure the relative phases betweenf2,a2 andf2′. Upper limits on the production of the glueball candidate statesf2(1720) andX(2230) as well as theKS0KS0-continuum are given.
Data read from graph.
We present a measurement of the hadronic structure function F 2 γ ( x , Q 2 ) of the photon in the Q 2 range from 10 to 100 GeV 2 . Data were taken with the PLUTO detector at the e + e - storage ring PETRA. This measurement and previous PLUTO measurements in the Q 2 range of 1.5 to 16 GeV 2 are compared with higher order QCD calculations. The structure function is consistent with the predicted log Q 2 behaviour when charm contributions are subtracted. The x dependence can be well described for 0.1 < x < 0.9 by the regularization scheme of Antoniadis and Grunberg. Within their scheme the data yield a value of Λ MS = 183 + 65/ −40( stat. ) + 46/ −36( sys. ) MeV for the QCD scale parameter.
Data read from graph.
Data read from graph.
Data read from graph.
A search for the reactionsγγ→ωω andγγ→ρ0ω has been carried out at an averagee+e− CM energy of 34.6 GeV with an integrated luminosity of 45 pb−1. Upper limits are set for these two channels over the γγ CM Energy range of 1.6 to 2.5 GeV. The cross section is determined for the exclusive channelγγ→π+2π−π0.
Data read from graph.
Data read from graph.
Data read from graph.
We present high statistics measurements of the energy-energy correlation (EEC) and its related asymmetry (AEEC) ine+e− annihilation at a c.m. energy of 34.6 GeV. We find that the energy dependence as well as the large angle behaviour of the latter are well described by perturbative QCD calculations toOα(s2). Non-perturbative effects are estimated with the help of fragmentation models in which different jet topologies are separated using (ɛ, δ) cuts, and found to be small. The extracted values of\(\Lambda _{\overline {MS} }\) lie between 100 and 300 MeV.
Corrected energy-energy correlation data.
We have studied 419 τ pair events produced in the reactione+e−→τ+ τ− at a c.m. energy of 34.6 GeV. We measure the cross section and angular distribution, as well as the decay branching ratios. The production characteristics are consistent with the Standard Electroweak Model predictions of γ andZ0 interference. The branching ratios are generally consistent with the τ decaying according to standard weak interaction principles, but we observe somewhat more decays resulting in single charged hadrons plus neutrals than are predicted by present theory.
Corrected for radiative effects.
Measured cross section relative to Standard Model Prediction.
Asymmetry based on fits to angular distribution.
The differential cross section of the reactione+e−→e+e− at a c.m. energy of 34.7 GeV has been measured. The result, together with our previously measurede+e−→α+α− data, are compared with the standard model predictions. We obtain for the weak neutral current couplings the valuesgv2=0.09×0.06,ga2=0.38×0.08. A fit of the Weinberg mixing angle gives the valuegv2=0.09×0.06,ga2=0.038×0.08. The data are also used to set limits on possible deviations from the pointlike structure of leptons. An upper limit for thee+e− coupling to a heavy spin 0 boson is also given.
Fully corrected results for Bhabha scattering.
The differential cross section for Bhabha scattering.
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A measurement of the γγ total cross section, σγγ(Q2W), is presented for theQ2 range 0.1 to 100 GeV2, and for the massW of the hadronic final state between 1.5 and 10 GeV. The dependence of σγγ on bothQ2 andW is measured. The results are compared with theoretical predictions. It is found that the data are well described by a sum of quarkparton model and vector dominance contributions.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
The total photon-photon cross section for the production of hadrons, σ γγ ( W , Q 2 ), has been measured in the single-tag condition for 0.1 < Q 2 < 1.0 GeV 2 and 1.5 < W < GeV. The results are based on 2929 multihadron events obtained with the PLUTO detector at PETRA. The Q 2 dependence of σ γγ average over W can be described by GVDM. The dependence of σ γγ on the mass W of the hadronic final state has been extracted at Q 2 = 0.44 GeV 2 by unfolding the effects of experimental resolution and acceptance. The cross section is found to rise at small W . The result is compared with VDM and the parton model.
No description provided.
We have measured the reaction γγ → π + π − π 0 using the PLUTO detector at PETRA. A pronounced enhancement is seen in the π + π − π 0 mass distribution corresponding to the A 2 meson. The event configuration in this enhancement favors a 2 + spin-parity assignment. The value of Γ γγ =1.06 ±0.18±0.19 keV obtained for the two-photon decay width of the A 2 agrees with previous measurements and with quark model predictions.
No description provided.