Charmonium production in p – A collisions is a unique tool for the study of the interaction of bound c c states in nuclear matter. It can provide details on the basic features of the resonance formation mechanism and, in particular, on its non-perturbative aspects. In this Letter, we present an experimental study of charmonia and Drell–Yan production in proton–nucleus collisions at 450 GeV/ c . The results are analyzed in the framework of the Glauber model and lead to the values of the nuclear absorption cross-section σ abs pA for J / ψ and ψ ′. Then, we compare the J / ψ absorption in proton–nucleus and sulphur–uranium interactions, using NA38 data. We obtain that, for the J / ψ , σ abs pA and σ abs SU are compatible, showing that no sizeable additional suppression mechanism is present in S–U collisions, and confirming that the anomalous J / ψ suppression only sets in for Pb–Pb interactions.
The J/PSI production cross section times the branching ratio to MU+ MU- pernucleon-nucleon collision for the differential nuclear targets.
The PSI(3685) production cross section times the branching ratio to MU+ MU-per nucleon-nucleon collision for the differential nuclear targets.
The Drell Yan cross section, divided by the mass number A, and multiplied by the isospin correction factors in the mass interval 2.9 to 4.5 GeV.
Absolute J/ ψ and ψ ′ production cross sections have been measured at the CERN SPS, with 450 GeV/ c protons incident on a set of C, Al, Cu and W targets. Complementing these values with the results obtained by experiment NA51, which used the same beam and detector with H and D targets, we establish a coherent picture of charmonia production in proton-induced reactions at SPS energies. In particular, we show that the scaling of the J/ ψ cross section with the mass number of the target, A, is well described as A α , with α ψ =0.919±0.015. The ratio between the J/ ψ and ψ ′ yields, in our kinematical window, is found to be independent of A, with α ψ ′ − α ψ =0.014±0.011.
The ratio of the production cross sections, in the di-muon channel. Note that there are wo set of CU and WT data with targets of different lengths. An average values is also given for these.
The J/PSI absolute cross sections, times the BR to di-muons.
The PSI(3685) absolute cross sections, times the BR to di-muons.