The complete results of the experiments carried out with the Neutral Detector at the e + e − storage ring VEPP-2M in the energy range 2 E =0.5–1.4 GeV are reviewed. The data sample corresponds to a total integrated luminosity of 19 pb −1 .
ND results from Dolinsky et al., PL B174 (1986) 453.. Statistical errors only are shown. There is an additional systematic errorof 8%.
New ND data.. Statistical errors only are shown. There is an additional systematic errorof 8%.
Averaged ND data.. Statistical errors only are shown. There is an additional systematic errorof 8%.
Total and differential cross sections for the reaction gamma p -> pi^o eta p have been measured with the Crystal Ball/TAPS detector using the tagged photon facility at the MAMI C accelerator in Mainz. In the energy range E_gamma=0.95-1.4 GeV the reaction is dominated by the excitation and sequential decay of the Delta(1700)D33 resonance. Angular distributions measured with high statistics allow us to determine the ratio of hadronic decay widths \Gamma_{\eta \Delta}/\Gamma_{\pi S11} and the ratio of the helicity amplitudes A_{3/2}/A_{1/2} for this resonance.
Total cross section for the GAMMA P --> PI0 ETA P reaction.. Statistical erros only.
The differential cross section as a function of cos(theta(pi0) in the canonical(K) reference frame.. Statistical erros only.
The differential cross section as a function of phi(pi0) in the canonical(K) reference frame.. Statistical erros only.
First measurements of the e + e − → π + π − K + K − cross section have been performed by the DM1 on DCI in the total energy range 1.4–2.18 GeV. π + π − K + K − production is dominated by K ∗ Kπ dynamics. The cross section is rather large around 1.9 GeV. Comparison with K 0 S inclusive production shows an isospin interference. Upper limits on φππ production are compatible with the OZI rule.
No description provided.
The total cross section for gamma p -> 3pi0 p has been measured for the first time from threshold to 1.4 GeV using the tagged photon beam of the Mainz Microtron. The equipment utilized the Crystal Ball multiphoton spectrometer, the TAPS forward detector and a particle identification detector. The gamma p -> 3pi0 p total cross section has two broad enhancements at sqrt{s}~1.5 GeV and 1.7 GeV. We obtained the ratio of the total cross sections gamma p -> 3pi0 p to gamma p -> eta p equal to 0.014 \pm 0.001 at sqrt{s}~1.5 GeV.
No description provided.
New measurements of thee + e − → π + π − π + π − cross section have been performed by the magnetic detector DM1 at DCI (ORSAY) in the 1.4−2.18 GeV total energy range with statistics of 11000 events. Assuming the4 π ± production is dominated by the ϱ′(1.6) we determine its parameters: M = 1.57 ± 0.02 (stat.) −0.00 +0.06 (syst.) GeV,Γ = 0.51 ± 0.04 (stat.) −0.01 +0.04 (syst.)GeV,Γ ρ ′ee B ϱ′→ ρ 0 π + π − = 2.67 ± 0.19 (stat.) −0.36 +0.27 (syst.)keV.
No description provided.
The cross section of the reaction e + e − → K + K − has been measured at the electron-positron storage ring VEPP-2M in the c.m. energy range 1.0–1.4 GeV. At energies above 1.15 GeV the experimental values of the charged kaon form factor considerably exceed the predictions of the simplest vector dominance model with ϱ, ω, ψ mesons.
No description provided.
The differential cross sections of the elastic p p reaction have been measured at 1.2, 1.4, 1.8 and 2.6 GeV/ c incident p momentum. The measurements have been performed at the CERN PS using a system of multiwire proportional chambers. The angular region covers scattering angles from 0 to ∼200 mrad. Interference effects between the Coulomb and the nuclear amplitudes are used to derive the ratio of the real to imaginary part of the forward nuclear amplitude. These ratios are compared with theoretical predictions.
'MS'. 'TBIN'.
'MS'. 'TBIN'.
'MS'. 'TBIN'.
First measurements of the e + e − → K S 0 K ± π ∓ reaction in the 1.4–2.18 GeV energy range have been performed with the magnetic detector DM1 at the Orsay storage rings DCI. The cross section is rather large. The production is mainly K ∗0 K 0 which reveals an interference between isovector and isoscalar amplitudes. These results show again the existence of an isoscalar vector at 1.65 GeV shown to be a φ ′ meson.
No description provided.
The reactions e + e − → ρη , ρπ , φπ and φη have been studied with the magnetic detector DM1 at DCI in the total energy ranges between 1.4 and 2.18 GeV. The ρη signal is clearly seen. Upper limits for ρπ and φη channels as well as for the OZI forbidden φπ channel.
No description provided.