
Collaboration Reset

Search for the decay of the Higgs boson to a $Z$ boson and a light pseudoscalar particle decaying to two photons

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abeling, Kira ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 850 (2024) 138536, 2024.
Inspire Record 2729877 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.145855

A search for the decay of the Higgs boson to a $Z$ boson and a light, pseudoscalar particle, $a$, decaying respectively to two leptons and to two photons is reported. The search uses the full LHC Run 2 proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, corresponding to 139 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the ATLAS detector. This is one of the first searches for this specific decay mode of the Higgs boson, and it probes unexplored parameter space in models with axion-like particles (ALPs) and extended scalar sectors. The mass of the $a$ particle is assumed to be in the range 0.1-33 GeV. The data are analysed in two categories: a merged category where the photons from the $a$ decay are reconstructed in the ATLAS calorimeter as a single cluster, and a resolved category in which two separate photons are detected. The main background processes are from Standard Model $Z$ boson production in association with photons or jets. The data are in agreement with the background predictions, and upper limits on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson decay to $Za$ times the branching ratio $a\to\gamma\gamma$ are derived at the 95% confidence level and they range from 0.08% to 2% depending on the mass of the $a$ particle. The results are also interpreted in the context of ALP models.

5 data tables

Post-fit distribution for $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ for the resolved category in number of events per 0.2 GeV for data. The figure uses $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV corresponding to 139 fb$^{-1}$.

Post-fit distribution for $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ for the resolved category in number of events per 0.2 GeV for a signal distribution for $m_a = 9$ GeV, and the signal plus background fit with its background component. The branching ratio of the Higgs boson decay to $Za$ times the branching ratio $a $->$ \gamma \gamma$ is assumed to be 50%. The figure uses $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV corresponding to 139 fb$^{-1}$.

Post-fit final discriminating variable $\Delta R_{Z\gamma}$ in the signal region of the merged category. Signal distributions for $m_a$ values used in this category are overlayed for comparison, assuming a branching ratio of the Higgs boson decay to $Za$ times the branching ratio $a $->$ \gamma \gamma$ of 100%. The signal yields have been multiplied by 10 for better visibility. The figure uses $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV corresponding to 139 fb$^{-1}$.


Search for Resonant Production of Dark Quarks in the Dijet Final State with the ATLAS Detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abeling, Kira ; et al.
JHEP 02 (2024) 128, 2024.
Inspire Record 2719976 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.145191

This paper presents a search for a new $Z^\prime$ resonance decaying into a pair of dark quarks which hadronise into dark hadrons before promptly decaying back as Standard Model particles. This analysis is based on proton-proton collision data recorded at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider between 2015 and 2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$. After selecting events containing large-radius jets with high track multiplicity, the invariant mass distribution of the two highest-transverse-momentum jets is scanned to look for an excess above a data-driven estimate of the Standard Model multijet background. No significant excess of events is observed and the results are thus used to set 95 % confidence-level upper limits on the production cross-section times branching ratio of the $Z^\prime$ to dark quarks as a function of the $Z^\prime$ mass for various dark-quark scenarios.

13 data tables

Distribution of the di-jet invariant mass, $m_{\mathrm{JJ}}$ for the data, the simulated multi-jet background and of some representative signals (models A, B, C and D with $m_{Z'}=2.5$ TeV), shown after applying the preselections described in the text. The simulated background is normalised to the data and the signals are normalised to a production cross-section of 10 fb.

Distributions of the number of tracks associated to the leading jet, $n_{track,1}$, for the data, the simulated multi-jet background and of some representative signals (models A, B, C and D with $m_{Z^\prime}=2.5$ TeV), shown after applying the preselections described in the text. All distributions are normalised to unity. The uncertainty band around the background prediction corresponds to the modelling uncertainty described in Section 6.

Distributions of the number of tracks associated to the subleading jet, $n_{track,2}$, for the data, the simulated multi-jet background and of some representative signals (models A, B, C and D with $m_{Z^\prime}=2.5$ TeV), shown after applying the preselections described in the text. All distributions are normalised to unity. The uncertainty band around the background prediction corresponds to the modelling uncertainty described in Section 6.


Search for boosted diphoton resonances in the 10 to 70 GeV mass range using 138 fb$^{-1}$ of 13 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abbott, D.C. ; et al.
JHEP 07 (2023) 155, 2023.
Inspire Record 2178061 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.131600

A search for diphoton resonances in the mass range between 10 and 70 GeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is presented. The analysis is based on $pp$ collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$ at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded from 2015 to 2018. Previous searches for diphoton resonances at the LHC have explored masses down to 65 GeV, finding no evidence of new particles. This search exploits the particular kinematics of events with pairs of closely spaced photons reconstructed in the detector, allowing examination of invariant masses down to 10 GeV. The presented strategy covers a region previously unexplored at hadron colliders because of the experimental challenges of recording low-energy photons and estimating the backgrounds. No significant excess is observed and the reported limits provide the strongest bound on promptly decaying axion-like particles coupling to gluons and photons for masses between 10 and 70 GeV.

7 data tables

The expected and observed upper limits at 95\% CL on the fiducial cross-section times branching ratio to two photons of a narrow-width ($\Gamma_{X}$ = 4 MeV) scalar resonance as a function of its mass $m_{X}$.

Diphoton invariant mass in the signal region using a 0.1 GeV binning.

Parametrization of the $C_{X}$ factor, defined as the ratio between the number of reconstructed signal events passing the analysis cuts and the number of signal events at the particle level generated within the fiducial volume, as function of $m_{X}$ obtained from the narrow width simulated signal samples produced in gluon fusion.


Version 2
Search for heavy charged long-lived particles in the ATLAS detector in 31.6 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 092007, 2019.
Inspire Record 1718558 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.86565

A search for heavy charged long-lived particles is performed using a data sample of 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The search is based on observables related to ionization energy loss and time of flight, which are sensitive to the velocity of heavy charged particles traveling significantly slower than the speed of light. Multiple search strategies for a wide range of lifetimes, corresponding to path lengths of a few meters, are defined as model-independently as possible, by referencing several representative physics cases that yield long-lived particles within supersymmetric models, such as gluinos/squarks ($R$-hadrons), charginos and staus. No significant deviations from the expected Standard Model background are observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are provided on the production cross sections of long-lived $R$-hadrons as well as directly pair-produced staus and charginos. These results translate into lower limits on the masses of long-lived gluino, sbottom and stop $R$-hadrons, as well as staus and charginos of 2000 GeV, 1250 GeV, 1340 GeV, 430 GeV and 1090 GeV, respectively.

60 data tables

- - - - - - - - Overview of HEPData Record - - - - - - - - <br/><br/> <b>Lower mass requirement for signal regions.</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table1">Gluinos and squarks</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table2">Staus and charginos</a></li> </ul> <b>Discovery regions:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table3">Yields</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table6">p0-values and limits</a></li> </ul> <b>Signal yield tables:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table4">MS-agnostic R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table5">Full-detector R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table7">MS-agnostic search for metastable gluino R-hadrons</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table8">Full-detector direct-stau search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table9">Full-detector chargino search</a></li> </ul> <b>Limits:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table10">Gluino R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table11">Sbottom R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table12">Stop R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table13">Stau search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table14">Chargino search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table15">Meta-stable gluino R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table17">Meta-stable gluino R-hadron search</a></li> </ul> <b>Acceptance and efficiency:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table16">MS-agnostic R-hadron search</a></li> </ul> <b>Truth quantities:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table18">Flavor composition of 800 GeV stop R-hadrons simulated using the generic model</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table19">Flavor composition of 800 GeV anti-stop R-hadrons simulated using the generic model</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table20">Flavor composition of 800 GeV stop R-hadrons simulated using the Regge model</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table21">Flavor composition of 800 GeV anti-stop R-hadrons simulated using the Regge model</a></li> </ul> <b>Reinterpretation material:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table22">ETmiss trigger efficiency as function of true ETmiss</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table23">Single-muon trigger efficiency as function of |eta| and beta</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table24">Candidate reconstruction efficiency for ID+Calo selection</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table25">Candidate reconstruction efficiency for loose selection</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table26">Efficiency for a loose candidate to be promoted to a tight candidate</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table27">Resolution and average of reconstructed dE/dx mass for a given simulated mass for ID+calo candidates</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table28">Resolution and average of reconstructed ToF mass for a given simulated mass for ID+calo candidates</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table29">Resolution and average of reconstructed ToF mass for a given simulated mass for FullDet candidates</a></li> </ul> <p><b>Pseudo-code snippets</b> and <b>example SLHA setups</b> are available in the "Resources" linked on the left, and more detailed reinterpretation material is available at <a href=""></a>.</p>

- - - - - - - - Overview of HEPData Record - - - - - - - - <br/><br/> <b>Lower mass requirement for signal regions.</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table1">Gluinos and squarks</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table2">Staus and charginos</a></li> </ul> <b>Discovery regions:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table3">Yields</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table6">p0-values and limits</a></li> </ul> <b>Signal yield tables:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table4">MS-agnostic R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table5">Full-detector R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table7">MS-agnostic search for metastable gluino R-hadrons</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table8">Full-detector direct-stau search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table9">Full-detector chargino search</a></li> </ul> <b>Limits:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table10">Gluino R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table11">Sbottom R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table12">Stop R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table13">Stau search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table14">Chargino search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table15">Meta-stable gluino R-hadron search</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table17">Meta-stable gluino R-hadron search</a></li> </ul> <b>Acceptance and efficiency:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table16">MS-agnostic R-hadron search</a></li> </ul> <b>Truth quantities:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table18">Flavor composition of 800 GeV stop R-hadrons simulated using the generic model</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table19">Flavor composition of 800 GeV anti-stop R-hadrons simulated using the generic model</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table20">Flavor composition of 800 GeV stop R-hadrons simulated using the Regge model</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table21">Flavor composition of 800 GeV anti-stop R-hadrons simulated using the Regge model</a></li> </ul> <b>Reinterpretation material:</b> <ul> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table22">ETmiss trigger efficiency as function of true ETmiss</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table23">Single-muon trigger efficiency as function of |eta| and beta</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table24">Candidate reconstruction efficiency for ID+Calo selection</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table25">Candidate reconstruction efficiency for loose selection</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table26">Efficiency for a loose candidate to be promoted to a tight candidate</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table27">Resolution and average of reconstructed dE/dx mass for a given simulated mass for ID+calo candidates</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table28">Resolution and average of reconstructed ToF mass for a given simulated mass for ID+calo candidates</a></li> <li><a href="86565?version=1&table=Table29">Resolution and average of reconstructed ToF mass for a given simulated mass for FullDet candidates</a></li> </ul> <p><b>Pseudo-code snippets</b> and <b>example SLHA setups</b> are available in the "Resources" linked on the left, and more detailed reinterpretation material is available at <a href=""></a>.</p>

Lower mass requirement for signal regions.


Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into a $Z$ boson and another heavy Higgs boson in the $\ell\ell bb$ final state in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 783 (2018) 392-414, 2018.
Inspire Record 1665828 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.82527

A search for a heavy neutral Higgs boson, $A$, decaying into a $Z$ boson and another heavy Higgs boson, $H$, is performed using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ from proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV recorded in 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The search considers the $Z$ boson decaying to electrons or muons and the $H$ boson into a pair of $b$-quarks. No evidence for the production of an $A$ boson is found. Considering each production process separately, the 95% confidence-level upper limits on the $pp\rightarrow A\rightarrow ZH$ production cross-section times the branching ratio $H\rightarrow bb$ are in the range of 14-830 fb for the gluon-gluon fusion process and 26-570 fb for the $b$-associated process for the mass ranges 130-700 GeV of the $H$ boson and process for the mass ranges 130-700 GeV of the $H$ boson and 230-800 GeV of the $A$ boson. The results are interpreted in the context of the two-Higgs-doublet model.

134 data tables

The signal efficiency for the production modes (gluon-gluon fusion and b-associated production) and the signal regions used in the analysis. The efficiency denominator has the total number of generated MC events. The numerator includes the events passing the full signal region selection, including the mbb window cuts. The table shows for each signal mass pair (mA, mH) 3 efficiencies corresponding to the two production modes in the two categories, 2tag and 3tag. These corresponds to "nb = 2 category" and "nb >= 3 category", respectively, of the preprint. No numbers for gluon-gluon fusion in the 3tag category are provided since those are not used in the analysis. The efficiencies are given in fractions.

The cross section times BR(A->ZH) times BR(H->bb) limits for a narrow width A boson produced via gluon-gluon fusion. For each signal point, characterised by the mass pair (mA, mH), two limits are provided, the observed and the expected. The result refers to the nb=2 category only.

The cross section times BR(A->ZH) times BR(H->bb) limits for a narrow width A boson produced in association with b-quarks. For each signal point, characterised by the mass pair (mA, mH), two limits are provided, the observed and the expected. The result refers to the combination of the nb=2 and nb>=3 categories.


Version 2
Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with displaced vertices and missing transverse momentum in $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 97 (2018) 052012, 2018.
Inspire Record 1630632 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.78697

A search for long-lived, massive particles predicted by many theories beyond the Standard Model is presented. The search targets final states with large missing transverse momentum and at least one high-mass displaced vertex with five or more tracks, and uses 32.8 fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV $pp$ collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The observed yield is consistent with the expected background. The results are used to extract 95\% CL exclusion limits on the production of long-lived gluinos with masses up to 2.37 TeV and lifetimes of $\mathcal{O}(10^{-2})$-$\mathcal{O}(10)$ ns in a simplified model inspired by Split Supersymmetry.

72 data tables

Vertex reconstruction efficiency as a function of radial position $R$ with and without the special LRT processing for one $R$-hadron signal sample with $m_{\tilde{g}} = 1.2$ TeV, $m_{\tilde{\chi}_{1}^{0}} = 100$ GeV and $\tau_{\tilde{g}} = 1$ ns. The efficiency is defined as the probability for a true LLP decay to be matched with a reconstructed DV fulfilling the vertex preselection criteria in events with a reconstructed primary vertex.

Vertex reconstruction efficiency as a function of radial position $R$ for two $R$-hadron signal samples with $m_{\tilde{g}} = 1.2$ TeV, $\tau_{\tilde{g}} = 1$ ns and different neutralino masses. The efficiency is defined as the probability for a true LLP decay to be matched with a reconstructed DV fulfilling the vertex preselection criteria in events with a reconstructed primary vertex.

Fractions of selected events for several signal MC samples with a gluino lifetime $\tau = 1$ ns, illustrating how $\mathcal{A}\times\varepsilon$ varies with the model parameters.


Version 2
Search for supersymmetry in events with $b$-tagged jets and missing transverse momentum in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
JHEP 11 (2017) 195, 2017.
Inspire Record 1620694 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.79165

A search for the supersymmetric partners of the Standard Model bottom and top quarks is presented. The search uses 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Direct production of pairs of bottom and top squarks ($\tilde{b}_{1}$ and $\tilde{t}_{1}$) is searched for in final states with $b$-tagged jets and missing transverse momentum. Distinctive selections are defined with either no charged leptons (electrons or muons) in the final state, or one charged lepton. The zero-lepton selection targets models in which the $\tilde{b}_{1}$ is the lightest squark and decays via $\tilde{b}_{1} \rightarrow b \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$, where $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$ is the lightest neutralino. The one-lepton final state targets models where bottom or top squarks are produced and can decay into multiple channels, $\tilde{b}_{1} \rightarrow b \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$ and $\tilde{b}_{1} \rightarrow t \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_{1}$, or $\tilde{t}_{1} \rightarrow t \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}$ and $\tilde{t}_{1} \rightarrow b \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_{1}$, where $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_{1}$ is the lightest chargino and the mass difference $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_{1}}- m_{\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{1}}$ is set to 1 GeV. No excess above the expected Standard Model background is observed. Exclusion limits at 95\% confidence level on the mass of third-generation squarks are derived in various supersymmetry-inspired simplified models.

202 data tables

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br/><b>Acceptance:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance1">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance2">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance3">b0L-SRA550</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance4">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance5">b0L-SRC</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance6">b0L-best</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance7">b1L-SRA300-2j</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance8">b1L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance9">b1L-SRA600</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance10">b1L-SRA750</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance11">b1L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance12">b1L-best</a><br/><br/><b>Efficiency:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency1">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency2">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency3">b0L-SRA550</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency4">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency5">b0L-SRC</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency6">b0L-best</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency7">b1L-SRA300-2j</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency8">b1L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency9">b1L-SRA600</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency10">b1L-SRA750</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency11">b1L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency12">b1L-best</a><br/><br/><b>Best SR Mapping:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR4">b0L</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR1">b1L</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR2">b0L</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR3">combined</a><br/><br/><b>Exclusion Contour:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> b0L-SRA350&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour1">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour2">obs</a> b0L-SRA450&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour5">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour6">obs</a> b0L-SRA550&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour9">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour10">obs</a> b0L-SRB&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour11">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour12">obs</a> b0L-SRC&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour15">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour16">obs</a> b0L-best&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour17">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour18">obs</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> b0L-SRA350&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour3">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour4">obs</a> b0L-SRA450&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour7">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour8">obs</a> b0L-SRB&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour13">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour14">obs</a> b0L-best&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour19">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour20">obs</a> b1L-SRA300-2j&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour21">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour22">obs</a> b1L-SRA450&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour23">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour24">obs</a> b1L-SRA600&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour25">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour26">obs</a> b1L-SRA750&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour27">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour28">obs</a> b1L-SRB&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour29">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour30">obs</a> b1L-best&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour31">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour32">obs</a> A-LowMass&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour33">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour34">obs</a> A-HighMass&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour35">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour36">obs</a> B combination&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour37">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour38">obs</a> Best combination&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour39">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour40">obs</a><br/><br/><b>SR Distribution:</b><br/><a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution1">b0L-SRA</a>: $m_{\mathrm{CT}}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution2">b0L-SRB</a>: $\mathrm{min[m_{T}(jet_{1-4}, E_{T}^{miss})]}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution3">b0L-SRC</a>: ${\cal A}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution4">b1L-SRA300-2j</a>: $\mathrm{m_{bb}}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution5">b1L-SRA</a>: $\mathrm{m_{eff}}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution6">b1L-SRB</a>: $\mathrm{m_{T}}$<br/><br/><b>Cross section upper limit:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection1">b0L-best</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection2">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection3">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection4">b0L-SRA550</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection5">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection6">b0L-SRC</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection7">b0L-best</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection8">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection9">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection10">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection11">b1L-best</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection12">b1L-SRA300-2j</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection13">b1L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection14">b1L-SRA600</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection15">b1L-SRA750</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection16">b1L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection17">best combination</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection18">A-LowMass</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection19">A-HighMass</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection20">B combination</a><br/><br/><b>Cutflow:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable1">b0L-SRA (1 TeV, 1 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable2">b0L-SRB (700 GeV, 450 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable3">b0L-SRC (450 GeV, 430 GeV)</a><br/><i>mixed:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable4">b1L-SRA (700 GeV, 300 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable5">b1L-SRA300-2j (700 GeV, 300 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable6">b0L-SRA (700 GeV, 300 GeV)</a><br/><br/><b>Truth Code</b> and <b>SLHA Files</b> for the cutflows are available under "Resources" (purple button on the left)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br/><b>Acceptance:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance1">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance2">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance3">b0L-SRA550</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance4">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance5">b0L-SRC</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance6">b0L-best</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance7">b1L-SRA300-2j</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance8">b1L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance9">b1L-SRA600</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance10">b1L-SRA750</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance11">b1L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Acceptance12">b1L-best</a><br/><br/><b>Efficiency:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency1">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency2">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency3">b0L-SRA550</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency4">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency5">b0L-SRC</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency6">b0L-best</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency7">b1L-SRA300-2j</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency8">b1L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency9">b1L-SRA600</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency10">b1L-SRA750</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency11">b1L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Efficiency12">b1L-best</a><br/><br/><b>Best SR Mapping:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR4">b0L</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR1">b1L</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR2">b0L</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=BestSR3">combined</a><br/><br/><b>Exclusion Contour:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> b0L-SRA350&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour1">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour2">obs</a> b0L-SRA450&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour5">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour6">obs</a> b0L-SRA550&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour9">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour10">obs</a> b0L-SRB&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour11">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour12">obs</a> b0L-SRC&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour15">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour16">obs</a> b0L-best&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour17">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour18">obs</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> b0L-SRA350&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour3">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour4">obs</a> b0L-SRA450&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour7">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour8">obs</a> b0L-SRB&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour13">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour14">obs</a> b0L-best&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour19">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour20">obs</a> b1L-SRA300-2j&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour21">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour22">obs</a> b1L-SRA450&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour23">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour24">obs</a> b1L-SRA600&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour25">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour26">obs</a> b1L-SRA750&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour27">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour28">obs</a> b1L-SRB&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour29">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour30">obs</a> b1L-best&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour31">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour32">obs</a> A-LowMass&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour33">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour34">obs</a> A-HighMass&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour35">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour36">obs</a> B combination&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour37">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour38">obs</a> Best combination&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour39">exp</a>&nbsp;<a href="79165?version=1&table=Contour40">obs</a><br/><br/><b>SR Distribution:</b><br/><a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution1">b0L-SRA</a>: $m_{\mathrm{CT}}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution2">b0L-SRB</a>: $\mathrm{min[m_{T}(jet_{1-4}, E_{T}^{miss})]}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution3">b0L-SRC</a>: ${\cal A}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution4">b1L-SRA300-2j</a>: $\mathrm{m_{bb}}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution5">b1L-SRA</a>: $\mathrm{m_{eff}}$ <a href="79165?version=1&table=SRdistribution6">b1L-SRB</a>: $\mathrm{m_{T}}$<br/><br/><b>Cross section upper limit:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection1">b0L-best</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection2">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection3">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection4">b0L-SRA550</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection5">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection6">b0L-SRC</a><br/><i>asymmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection7">b0L-best</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection8">b0L-SRA350</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection9">b0L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection10">b0L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection11">b1L-best</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection12">b1L-SRA300-2j</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection13">b1L-SRA450</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection14">b1L-SRA600</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection15">b1L-SRA750</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection16">b1L-SRB</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection17">best combination</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection18">A-LowMass</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection19">A-HighMass</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=Limitoncrosssection20">B combination</a><br/><br/><b>Cutflow:</b><br/><i>symmetric:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable1">b0L-SRA (1 TeV, 1 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable2">b0L-SRB (700 GeV, 450 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable3">b0L-SRC (450 GeV, 430 GeV)</a><br/><i>mixed:</i> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable4">b1L-SRA (700 GeV, 300 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable5">b1L-SRA300-2j (700 GeV, 300 GeV)</a> <a href="79165?version=1&table=CutflowTable6">b0L-SRA (700 GeV, 300 GeV)</a><br/><br/><b>Truth Code</b> and <b>SLHA Files</b> for the cutflows are available under "Resources" (purple button on the left)

Signal acceptance (in %) in the ( M(SBOTTOM), M(NEUTRALINO) ) mass plane for the symmetric decay of the sbottom into bottom quark and neutralino, for the b0L-SRA350 signal region.


Search for dark matter at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV in final states containing an energetic photon and large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 393, 2017.
Inspire Record 1591328 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.77382

Results of a search for physics beyond the Standard Model in events containing an energetic photon and large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are reported. As the number of events observed in data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 $\textrm fb^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, is in agreement with the Standard Model expectations, exclusion limits in models where dark-matter candidates are pair-produced are determined. For dark-matter production via an axial-vector or a vector mediator in the s-channel, this search excludes mediator masses below 750-1200 GeV for dark-matter candidate masses below 230-480 GeV at 95% confidence level, depending on the couplings. In an effective theory of dark-matter production, the limits restrict the value of the suppression scale $M_{*}$ to be above 790 GeV at 95% confidence level. A limit is also reported on the production of a high-mass scalar resonance by processes beyond the Standard Model, in which the resonance decays to $Z\gamma$ and the Z boson subsequently decays into neutrinos.

24 data tables

Observed event yields in 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ of data compared to expected yields from SM backgrounds in all signal regions, as predicted from the simultaneous fit to their respective CRs. The first three lines report the yields obtained from the inclusive-SR fit, while the two last lines report the yields obtained from the multiple-bin fit. The uncertainty includes both the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

The observed 95% CL exclusion contour for a simplified model of dark-matter production involving an axial-vector operator, Dirac DM and couplings $g_{q}$ = 0.25, $g_{\chi}$ = 1 and $g_{l}$ = 0 as a function of the dark-matter mass $m_{\chi}$ and the mediator mass $m_{\mathrm{med}}$. The plane under the limit curve is excluded.

The expected 95% CL exclusion contour (+1$\sigma$) for a simplified model of dark-matter production involving an axial-vector operator, Dirac DM and couplings $g_{q}$ = 0.25, $g_{\chi}$ = 1 and $g_{l}$ = 0 as a function of the dark-matter mass $m_{\chi}$ and the mediator mass $m_{\mathrm{med}}$. The plane under the limit curve is excluded.


Search for new phenomena in events with a photon and missing transverse momentum in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
JHEP 06 (2016) 059, 2016.
Inspire Record 1442359 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.72855

Results of a search for new phenomena in events with an energetic photon and large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider are reported. The data were collected in proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 3.2 $\rm fb^{-1}$. The observed data are in agreement with the Standard Model expectations. Exclusion limits are presented in models of new phenomena including pair production of dark matter candidates or large extra spatial dimensions. In a simplified model of dark matter and an axial-vector mediator, the search excludes mediator masses of up to 710 GeV for dark matter candidate masses up to 150 GeV. In an effective theory of dark matter production, values of the suppression scale $M_*$ up to 570 GeV are excluded and the effect of truncation for various coupling values is reported. For the ADD large extra spatial dimension model the search places more stringent limits than earlier searches in the same event topology, excluding $M_{\rm D}$ up to about 2.3 (2.8) TeV for two (six) additional spatial dimensions; the limits are reduced by 20--40% depending on the number of additional spatial dimensions when applying a truncation procedure.

10 data tables

Distribution of missing transverse momentum, reconstructed treating muons as non-interacting particles, in the data and for the background in the 1muCR. The total background expectation is normalized to the post-fit result. Overflows are included in the final bin. The errors include both statistical and systematic uncertainties determined by a bin-by-bin fit.

Distribution of missing transverse momentum, reconstructed treating muons as non-interacting particles, in the data and for the background in the 2muCR. The total background expectation is normalized to the post-fit result. Overflows are included in the final bin. The errors include both statistical and systematic uncertainties determined by a bin-by-bin fit.

Distribution of missing transverse momentum, reconstructed treating electrons as non-interacting particles, in the data and for the background in the 2eleCR. The total background expectation is normalized to the post-fit result. Overflows are included in the final bin. The errors include both statistical and systematic uncertainties determined by a bin-by-bin fit.


Search for the electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in $\sqrt{s}$=8 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; Abdallah, Jalal ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 052002, 2016.
Inspire Record 1394670 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.69537

The ATLAS experiment has performed extensive searches for the electroweak production of charginos, neutralinos and staus. This article summarizes and extends the search for electroweak supersymmetry with new analyses targeting scenarios not covered by previously published searches. New searches use vector-boson fusion production, initial-state radiation jets, and low-momentum lepton final states, as well as multivariate analysis techniques to improve the sensitivity to scenarios with small mass splittings and low-production cross-sections. Results are based on 20 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}$=8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess beyond Standard Model expectations is observed. The new and existing searches are combined and interpreted in terms of 95% confidence-level exclusion limits in simplified models, where a single production process and decay mode is assumed, as well as within phenomenological supersymmetric models.

89 data tables

The missing transverse momentum ETmiss in the multi-jet validation region VR1 for the two-tau MVA analysis.

The effective mass meff in the multi-jet validation region VR2 for the two-tau MVA analysis.

The stransverse mass mT2 in the W+jets validation region VR1 for the two-tau MVA analysis.