
Collaboration Reset

Version 2
Search for a light CP-odd Higgs boson decaying into a pair of $\tau$-leptons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Aakvaag, Erlend ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; et al.
JHEP 12 (2024) 126, 2024.
Inspire Record 2836178 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.153948

This paper reports a search for a light CP-odd scalar resonance with a mass of 20 GeV to 90 GeV in 13 TeV proton-proton collision data with an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$ collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis assumes the resonance is produced via gluon-gluon fusion and decays into a $\tau^{+}\tau^{-}$ pair which subsequently decays into a fully leptonic $\mu^{+}\nu_{\mu} \bar{\nu}_{\tau} e^{-} \bar{\nu}_{e} \nu_{\tau}$ or $e^{+}\nu_{e}\bar{\nu}_{\tau} \mu^-\bar{\nu}_{\mu}\nu_{\tau}$ final state. No significant excess of events above the predicted Standard Model background is observed. The results are interpreted within a flavour-aligned two-Higgs-doublet model, and a model-independent cross-section interpretation is also given. Upper limits at 95$%$ confidence level between 3.0 pb and 68 pb are set on the cross-section for producing a CP-odd Higgs boson that decays into a $\tau^+\tau^-$ pair.

5 data tables

Post-fit $m_\mathrm{MMC}$ distribution in the low-mass SR for the $m_A = 20\,\mathrm{GeV}$ signal mass hypothesis. $m_\mathrm{MMC}$ is the mass reconstructed by the Missing Mass Calculator. Processes contributing to the background Others are $Z/\gamma^* \rightarrow ee/\mu\mu$ and SM Higgs. The subscript on the $A\to\tau\tau$ process indicates the mass of the $A$ boson. Total includes all backgrounds and the signal process. The low-mass Signal Region is defined as: - 1 electron and 1 muon with opposite charge - $p_\mathrm{T}$ requirements of the leptons are a combination of the following: - $p_\mathrm{T}^e > 18\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and $p_\mathrm{T}^\mu > 15\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $p_\mathrm{T}^e > 10\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and $p_\mathrm{T}^\mu > 25\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $p_\mathrm{T}^e > 27\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and $p_\mathrm{T}^\mu > 10\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $\vert \eta_e \vert < 2.47$, excluding $1.37 < \vert \eta_e \vert < 1.52$ - $\vert \eta_\mu \vert < 2.7$ - no jets with $b$-quarks - $\Delta R_{\ell\ell} < 0.7$ - $E_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{miss} > 50\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $m_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{tot} = \sqrt{\left(p_\mathrm{T}^e+p_\mathrm{T}^\mu+E_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{miss}\right)^2-\left(\vec{p}_\mathrm{T}^{\,e}+\vec{p}_\mathrm{T}^{\,\mu}+\vec{E}_\mathrm{T}^{\,\mathrm{miss}}\right)^2} < 45\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $m_\mathrm{MMC} > 0\,\mathrm{GeV}$

Post-fit $m_\mathrm{MMC}$ distribution in the high-mass SR for the $m_A = 90\,\mathrm{GeV}$ signal mass hypothesis. $m_\mathrm{MMC}$ is the mass reconstructed by the Missing Mass Calculator. Processes contributing to the background Others are $Z/\gamma^* \rightarrow ee/\mu\mu$ and SM Higgs. The subscript on the $A\to\tau\tau$ process indicates the mass of the $A$ boson. otal includes all backgrounds and the signal process. The high-mass Signal Region is defined as: - 1 electron and 1 muon with opposite charge - $p_\mathrm{T}$ requirements of the leptons are a combination of the following: - $p_\mathrm{T}^e > 18\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and $p_\mathrm{T}^\mu > 15\,\mathrm{GeV}$ or - $p_\mathrm{T}^e > 10\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and $p_\mathrm{T}^\mu > 25\,\mathrm{GeV}$ or - $p_\mathrm{T}^e > 27\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and $p_\mathrm{T}^\mu > 10\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $\vert \eta_e \vert < 2.47$, excluding $1.37 < \vert \eta_e \vert < 1.52$ - $\vert \eta_\mu \vert < 2.7$ - no jets with $b$-quarks - $\Delta R_{\ell\ell} < 1.0$ - $E_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{miss} > 30\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $m_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{tot} = \sqrt{\left(p_\mathrm{T}^e+p_\mathrm{T}^\mu+E_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{miss}\right)^2-\left(\vec{p}_\mathrm{T}^{\,e}+\vec{p}_\mathrm{T}^{\,\mu}+\vec{E}_\mathrm{T}^{\,\mathrm{miss}}\right)^2} < 65\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - $35\,\mathrm{GeV} < m_\mathrm{MMC} < 130\,\mathrm{GeV}$

Expected and observed $95\%$ CL limits on the production cross-section for $gg\rightarrow A$ times the branching ratio for $A$ decaying into two $\tau$-leptons for $A$ boson masses ranging from $20$ to $90\,\mathrm{GeV}$.


Search for pair-produced higgsinos decaying via Higgs or $Z$ bosons to final states containing a pair of photons and a pair of $b$-jets with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abeling, Kira ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 856 (2024) 138938, 2024.
Inspire Record 2773395 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.144072

A search is presented for the pair production of higgsinos $\tilde{\chi}$ in gauge-mediated supersymmetry models, where the lightest neutralinos $\tilde{\chi}_1^0$ decay into a light gravitino $\tilde{G}$ in association with either a Higgs $h$ or a $Z$ boson. The search is performed with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV. It targets final states in which a Higgs boson decays into a photon pair, while the other Higgs or $Z$ boson decays into a $b\bar{b}$ pair, with missing transverse momentum associated with the two gravitinos. Search regions dependent on the amount of missing transverse momentum are defined by the requirements that the diphoton mass should be consistent with the mass of the Higgs boson, and the $b\bar{b}$ mass with the mass of the Higgs or $Z$ boson. The main backgrounds are estimated with data-driven methods using the sidebands of the diphoton mass distribution. No excesses beyond Standard Model expectations are observed and higgsinos with masses up to 320 GeV are excluded, assuming a branching fraction of 100% for $\tilde{\chi}_1^0\rightarrow h\tilde{G}$. This analysis excludes higgsinos with masses of 130 GeV for branching fractions to $h\tilde{G}$ as low as 36%, thus providing complementarity to previous ATLAS searches in final states with multiple leptons or multiple $b$-jets, targeting different decays of the electroweak bosons.

25 data tables

<b>- - - - - - - - Overview of HEPData Record - - - - - - - -</b> <b>Histograms:</b><ul> <li><a href=?table=Distribution1>Figure 3a: $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ Distribution in VR1</a> <li><a href=?table=Distribution2>Figure 3b: $E_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{miss}}$ Distribution in VR1</a> <li><a href=?table=Distribution3>Figure 3c: $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ Distribution in VR2</a> <li><a href=?table=Distribution4>Figure 3d: $E_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{miss}}$ Distribution in VR2</a> <li><a href=?table=Distribution5>Figure 4a: N-1 $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ Distribution for SR1h</a> <li><a href=?table=Distribution6>Figure 4b: N-1 $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ Distribution for SR1Z</a> <li><a href=?table=Distribution7>Figure 4c: N-1 $m_{\gamma\gamma}$ Distribution for SR2</a> <li><a href=?table=Distribution8>Auxiliary Figure 1: Signal and Validation Region Yields</a> </ul> <b>Tables:</b><ul> <li><a href=?table=YieldsTable1>Table 3: Signal Region Yields & Model-independent Limits</a> <li><a href=?table=Cutflow1>Auxiliary Table 1: Benchmark Signal Cutflows</a> </ul> <b>Cross section limits:</b><ul> <li><a href=?table=X-sectionU.L.1>Figure 5: 1D Cross-section Limits</a> <li><a href=?table=X-sectionU.L.2>Auxiliary Figure 3: 2D Cross-section Limits</a> </ul> <b>2D CL limits:</b><ul> <li><a href=?table=Exclusioncontour1>Figure 6: Expected Limit on $\mathrm{BF}(\tilde{\chi}_1^0\rightarrow h\tilde{G})$</a> <li><a href=?table=Exclusioncontour2>Figure 6: $+1\sigma$ Variation for Expected Limit on $\mathrm{BF}(\tilde{\chi}_1^0\rightarrow h\tilde{G})$</a> <li><a href=?table=Exclusioncontour3>Figure 6: $-1\sigma$ Variation for Expected Limit on $\mathrm{BF}(\tilde{\chi}_1^0\rightarrow h\tilde{G})$</a> <li><a href=?table=Exclusioncontour4>Figure 6: Observed Limit on $\mathrm{BF}(\tilde{\chi}_1^0\rightarrow h\tilde{G})$</a> <li><a href=?table=Exclusioncontour5>Figure 6: $+1\sigma$ Variation for Observed Limit on $\mathrm{BF}(\tilde{\chi}_1^0\rightarrow h\tilde{G})$</a> <li><a href=?table=Exclusioncontour6>Figure 6: $-1\sigma$ Variation for Observed Limit on $\mathrm{BF}(\tilde{\chi}_1^0\rightarrow h\tilde{G})$</a> </ul> <b>2D Acceptance and Efficiency maps:</b><ul> <li><a href=?table=Acceptance1>Auxiliary Figure 4a: Acceptances SR1h</a> <li><a href=?table=Acceptance2>Auxiliary Figure 4b: Acceptances SR1Z</a> <li><a href=?table=Acceptance3>Auxiliary Figure 4c: Acceptances SR2</a> <li><a href=?table=Efficiency1>Auxiliary Figure 5a: Efficiencies SR1h</a> <li><a href=?table=Efficiency2>Auxiliary Figure 5b: Efficiencies SR1Z</a> <li><a href=?table=Efficiency3>Auxiliary Figure 5c: Efficiencies SR2</a> </ul>

Distribution of the diphoton invariant mass in validation region VR1. The solid histograms are stacked to show the SM expectations after the 2&times;2D background estimation technique is applied. Background and signal predictions are normalised to the luminosity. The background category "h (other)" includes events originating from VBF, Vh, ggF, thq, thW and bb&#772;h, all subdominant in this signature. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded area. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of the data to the SM prediction for the respective bin. The first and last bins include the underflows and overflows respectively.

Distribution of the missing transverse momentum in validation region VR1. The solid histograms are stacked to show the SM expectations after the 2&times;2D background estimation technique is applied. Background and signal predictions are normalised to the luminosity. The background category "h (other)" includes events originating from VBF, Vh, ggF, thq, thW and bb&#772;h, all subdominant in this signature. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded area. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of the data to the SM prediction for the respective bin. The first and last bins include the underflows and overflows respectively.


Search for flavour-changing neutral-current couplings between the top quark and the Higgs boson in multi-lepton final states in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Aakvaag, Erlend ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024) 757, 2024.
Inspire Record 2773613 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.150998

A search is presented for flavour-changing neutral-current interactions involving the top quark, the Higgs boson and an up-type quark ($q=u,c$) with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis considers leptonic decays of the top quark along with Higgs boson decays into two $W$ bosons, two $Z$ bosons or a $\tau^{+}\tau^{-}$ pair. It focuses on final states containing either two leptons (electrons or muons) of the same charge or three leptons. The considered processes are $t\bar{t}$ and $Ht$ production. For the $t\bar{t}$ production, one top quark decays via $t\to Hq$. The proton-proton collision data set analysed amounts to 140 fb$^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. No significant excess beyond Standard Model expectations is observed and upper limits are set on the $t\to Hq$ branching ratios at 95% confidence level, amounting to observed (expected) limits of $\mathcal{B}(t\to Hu)<2.8\,(3.0) \times 10^{-4}$ and $\mathcal{B}(t\to Hc)<3.3\,(3.8) \times 10^{-4}$. Combining this search with other searches for $tHq$ flavour-changing neutral-current interactions previously conducted by ATLAS, considering $H\to b\bar{b}$ and $H\to\gamma\gamma$ decays, as well as $H\to\tau^{+}\tau^{-}$ decays with one or two hadronically decaying $\tau$-leptons, yields observed (expected) upper limits on the branching ratios of $\mathcal{B}(t\to Hu)<2.6\,(1.8) \times 10^{-4}$ and $\mathcal{B}(t\to Hc)<3.4\,(2.3) \times 10^{-4}$.

53 data tables

Pre-fit background composition of the SR$2\ell$ Dec. The table shows the event yields as opposed to just the percentages of the relevant background processes.

Pre-fit background composition of the SR$2\ell$ Prod. The table shows the event yields as opposed to just the percentages of the relevant background processes.

Pre-fit background composition of the SR$3\ell$ Dec. The table shows the event yields as opposed to just the percentages of the relevant background processes.


Search for pair production of higgsinos in events with two Higgs bosons and missing transverse momentum in $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV $pp$ collisions at the ATLAS experiment

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abeling, Kira ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 112011, 2024.
Inspire Record 2751932 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.136030

This paper presents a search for pair production of higgsinos, the supersymmetric partners of the Higgs bosons, in scenarios with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. Each higgsino is assumed to decay into a Higgs boson and a nearly massless gravitino. The search targets events where each Higgs boson decays into $b\bar{b}$, leading to a reconstructed final state with at least three energetic $b$-jets and This paper presents a search for pair production of higgsinos, the supersymmetric partners of the Higgs bosons, in scenarios with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. Each higgsino is assumed to decay into a Higgs boson and a nearly massless gravitino. The search targets events where each Higgs boson decays into $b\bar{b}$, leading to a reconstructed final state with at least three energetic $b$-jets and missing transverse momentum. Two complementary analysis channels are used, with each channel specifically targeting either low or high values of the higgsino mass. The low-mass (high-mass) channel exploits 126 (139) fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV data collected by the ATLAS detector during Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess above the Standard Model prediction is found. At 95% confidence level, masses between 130 GeV and 940 GeV are excluded for higgsinos decaying exclusively into Higgs bosons and gravitinos. Exclusion limits as a function of the higgsino decay branching ratio to a Higgs boson are also reported.

66 data tables

Post-fit SR yields of the high-mass channel. The upper panel shows the observed number of events, as well the post-fit background predictions in each region. The bottom panel shows the ratio of the observed data and the total background prediction. The shaded areas correspond to the total statistical and systematic uncertainties obtained after the fit and described in Section 6.

Post-fit SR yields of the high-mass channel. The upper panel shows the observed number of events, as well the post-fit background predictions in each region. The bottom panel shows the ratio of the observed data and the total background prediction. The shaded areas correspond to the total statistical and systematic uncertainties obtained after the fit and described in Section 6.

Post-fit SR yields of the high-mass channel. The upper panel shows the observed number of events, as well the post-fit background predictions in each region. The bottom panel shows the ratio of the observed data and the total background prediction. The shaded areas correspond to the total statistical and systematic uncertainties obtained after the fit and described in Section 6.


Search for short- and long-lived axion-like particles in $H\rightarrow a a \rightarrow 4\gamma$ decays with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abeling, Kira ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024) 742, 2024.
Inspire Record 2731621 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.144534

Presented is the search for anomalous Higgs boson decays into two axion-like particles (ALPs) using the full Run 2 data set of 140 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment. The ALPs are assumed to decay into two photons, providing sensitivity to recently proposed models that could explain the $(g-2)_\mu$ discrepancy. This analysis covers an ALP mass range from 100 MeV to 62 GeV and ALP-photon couplings in the range $10^{-5}\, \text{TeV}^{-1}<C_{a\gamma\gamma}/\Lambda<1\, \text{TeV}^{-1}$, and therefore includes signatures with significantly displaced vertices and highly collinear photons. No significant excess of events above the Standard Model background is observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are placed on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson to two ALPs in the four-photon final state, and are in the range of $ 10^{-5}$ to $3\times 10^{-2}$, depending on the hypothesized ALP mass and ALP-photon coupling strength.

11 data tables

Cut-flow and number of events in a region with $110 \text{ GeV} <m_{aa}<130 \text{ GeV}$ for selected signal samples

Overview of relative systematic uncertainties on the signal normalization for selected couplings and mass points in the dominant categories. All photon related uncertainties are summarized under "standard photon", while all customised photon related uncertainties (e.g. displaced photons, NN-based photon IDs) are summarized under "custom photon".

Upper limits on $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow aa\rightarrow 4\gamma)$ at 95% CL as a function of the axion mass and for ALP-photon coupling $C_{a\gamma\gamma}=1$.


Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to tau leptons at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Aakvaag, Erlend ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; et al.
JHEP 09 (2023) 189, 2023.
Inspire Record 2661503 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.140433

A search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson in final states with two hadronically decaying $\tau$-leptons and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis uses $139$ fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider between 2015 and 2018. No evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model is found. The results are interpreted in terms of a 2HDM+$a$ model. Exclusion limits at 95% confidence level are derived. Model-independent limits are also set on the visible cross section for processes beyond the Standard Model producing missing transverse momentum in association with a Higgs boson decaying to $\tau$-leptons.

70 data tables

<b>- - - - - - - - Overview of HEPData Record - - - - - - - -</b> <br><br> <b>CLs and CLs+b values</b> <ul> <li><a href=?table=CLs_tanb_mA_grid_Expected>Expected CLs values in mA vs tanB grid, Low mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLs_tanb_mA_grid_Observed>Observed CLs values in mA vs tanB grid, Low mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLs_ma_mA_grid_HighmA_SR_Expected>Expected CLs values in mA vs ma grid, High mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLs_ma_mA_grid_HighmA_SR_Observed>Observed CLs values in mA vs ma grid, High mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLs_ma_mA_grid_LowmA_SR_Expected>Expected CLs values in mA vs ma grid, Low mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLs_ma_mA_grid_LowmA_SR_Observed>Observed CLs values in mA vs ma grid, Low mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLsplusb_tanb_mA_grid>CLs+b values in mA vs tanB grid, Low mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLsplusb_ma_mA_grid_HighmA_SR>CLs+b values in mA vs ma grid, High mA SR</a> <li><a href=?table=CLsplusb_ma_mA_grid_LowmA_SR>CLs+b values in mA vs ma grid, Low mA SR</a> </ul> <b>Cutflow tables</b> <ul> <li><a href=?table=Cutflows_ggf_LowmA_SR>Low mA SR, ggF production</a> <li><a href=?table=Cutflows_ggf_HighmA_SR>High mA SR, ggF production</a> <li><a href=?table=Cutflows_bb_LowmA_SR>Low mA SR, bb production</a> <li><a href=?table=Cutflows_bb_HighmA_SR>High mA SR, bb production</a> </ul> <b>Kinematic Distributions</b> <ul> <li><a href=?table=KinDist_LowmA_SR>Low mA SR mTtau1+mTtau2 distribution</a> <li><a href=?table=KinDist_HighmA_SR>High mA SR mTtau1+mTtau2 distribution</a> </ul> <b>Limits</b> <ul> <li><a href=?table=Expected_95%_CL_exclusion_limit_mAma_grid>Expected 95% CL exclusion limit in mA vs ma grid</a> <li><a href=?table=Observed_95%_CL_exclusion_limit_mAma_grid>Observed 95% CL exclusion limit in mA vs ma grid</a> <li><a href=?table=Expected_pm1sigma_95%_CL_exclusion_limit_mAma_grid>Expected +-1 sigma 95% CL exclusion limit in mA vs ma grid</a> <li><a href=?table=Expected_95%_CL_exclusion_limit_mAtanB_grid>Expected 95% CL exclusion limit in mA vs tanB grid</a> <li><a href=?table=Observed_95%_CL_exclusion_limit_mAtanB_grid>Observed 95% CL exclusion limit in mA vs tanB grid</a> <li><a href=?table=Expected_pm1sigma_95%_CL_exclusion_limit_mAtanB_grid>Expected +-1 sigma 95% CL exclusion limit in tanB grid</a> </ul> <b>Acceptance and efficiency</b> <ul> <li><a href=?table=table1>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table2>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table3>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 100-250 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table4>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 250-400 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table5>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table6>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table7>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table8>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table9>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 100-250 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table10>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 250-400 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table11>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table12>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table13>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table14>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table15>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 100-250 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table16>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 250-400 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table17>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-550 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table18>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >550 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table19>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table20>Acceptance, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table21>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 100-250 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table22>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 250-400 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table23>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-550 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table24>Acceptance, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >550 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table25>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table26>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table27>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 100-250 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table28>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 250-400 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table29>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table30>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table31>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table32>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >750 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table33>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 100-250 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table34>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 250-400 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table35>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table36>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >550 GeV, bb prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table37>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table38>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table39>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 100-250 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table40>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 250-400 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table41>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, 400-550 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table42>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs tanB grid, >550 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table43>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table44>Efficiency, High mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >750 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table45>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 100-250 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table46>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 250-400 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table47>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, 400-550 GeV, ggF prod</a> <li><a href=?table=table48>Efficiency, Low mA SR, mA vs ma grid, >550 GeV, ggF prod</a> </ul>

Expected CLs values in the Low mA SR, mA vs tanB signal grid.

Observed CLs values in the Low mA SR, mA vs tanB signal grid.


Version 2
Searches for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson into $e\tau$ and $\mu\tau$ in $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abbott, D.C. ; et al.
JHEP 07 (2023) 166, 2023.
Inspire Record 2631088 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.135719

This paper presents direct searches for lepton flavour violation in Higgs boson decays, $H\rightarrow e\tau$ and $H\rightarrow\mu\tau$, performed using data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The searches are based on a data sample of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$. Leptonic ($\tau \rightarrow \ell \nu_\ell \nu_\tau$) and hadronic ($\tau \rightarrow $ hadrons $ \nu_\tau$) decays of the $\tau$-lepton are considered. Two background estimation techniques are employed: the MC-template method, based on data-corrected simulation samples, and the Symmetry method, based on exploiting the symmetry between electrons and muons in the Standard Model backgrounds. No significant excess of events is observed and the results are interpreted as upper limits on lepton-flavour-violating branching ratios of the Higgs boson. The observed (expected) upper limits set on the branching ratios at 95% confidence level, $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow e\tau)<0.20\%$ (0.12%) and $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow \mu\tau)<0.18\%$ (0.09%), are obtained with the MC-template method from a simultaneous measurement of potential $H \rightarrow e\tau$ and $H \rightarrow\mu\tau$ signals. The best-fit branching ratio difference, $\mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow \mu\tau)- \mathcal{B}(H\rightarrow e\tau)$, measured with the Symmetry method in the channel where the $\tau$-lepton decays to leptons, is (0.25 $\pm$ 0.10)%, compatible with a value of zero within 2.5$\sigma$.

20 data tables

Fit results of the simultaneous measurements of the $H\to e\tau$ and $H\to \mu\tau$ signals (2POI) showing upper limits at 95% C.L. on the LFV branching ratios of the Higgs boson $H\to e\tau$. The results from standalone channel/categories fits are compared with the results of the combined fit.

Fit results of the simultaneous measurements of the $H\to e\tau$ and $H\to \mu\tau$ signals (2POI) showing best-fit values of the LFV branching ratios of the Higgs boson $\hat{B}$($H\to e\tau$). The results from standalone channel/categories fits are compared with the results of the combined fit.

Fit results of the simultaneous measurements of the $H\to e\tau$ and $H\to \mu\tau$ signals (2POI) showing upper limits at 95% C.L. on the LFV branching ratios of the Higgs boson $H\to \mu\tau$. The results from standalone channel/categories fits are compared with the results of the combined fit.


Measurement of the $CP$ properties of Higgs boson interactions with $\tau$-leptons with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abbott, D.C. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023) 563, 2023.
Inspire Record 2613280 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.131601

A study of the charge conjugation and parity ($CP$) properties of the interaction between the Higgs boson and $\tau$-leptons is presented. The study is based on a measurement of $CP$-sensitive angular observables defined by the visible decay products of $\tau$-lepton decays, where at least one hadronic decay is required. The analysis uses 139 fb$^{-1}$ of proton$-$proton collision data recorded at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}= 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Contributions from $CP$-violating interactions between the Higgs boson and $\tau$-leptons are described by a single mixing angle parameter $\phi_{\tau}$ in the generalised Yukawa interaction. Without assuming the Standard Model hypothesis for the $H\rightarrow\tau\tau$ signal strength, the mixing angle $\phi_{\tau}$ is measured to be $9^{\circ} \pm 16^{\circ}$, with an expected value of $0^{\circ} \pm 28^{\circ}$ at the 68% confidence level. The pure $CP$-odd hypothesis is disfavoured at a level of 3.4 standard deviations. The results are compatible with the predictions for the Higgs boson in the Standard Model.

5 data tables

Observed 1-D likelihood scan of the $CP$-mixing angle $\phi_{\tau}$.

Expected 1-D likelihood scan of the $CP$-mixing angle $\phi_{\tau}$.

Observed 2-D likelihood scan of the signal strength $\mu_{\tau\tau}$ versus the $CP$-mixing angle $\phi_{\tau}$.


Search for flavour-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark and the Higgs boson in events with a pair of $\tau$-leptons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abbott, D.C. ; et al.
JHEP 2306 (2023) 155, 2023.
Inspire Record 2141572 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.130958

A search for flavour-changing neutral current (FCNC) $tqH$ interactions involving a top quark, another up-type quark ($q=u$, $c$), and a Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson decaying into a $\tau$-lepton pair ($H\rightarrow \tau^+\tau^-$) is presented. The search is based on a dataset of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$ recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Two processes are considered: single top quark FCNC production in association with a Higgs boson ($pp\rightarrow tH$), and top quark pair production in which one of the top quarks decays into $Wb$ and the other decays into $qH$ through the FCNC interactions. The search selects events with two hadronically decaying $\tau$-lepton candidates ($\tau_{\text{had}}$) or at least one $\tau_{\text{had}}$ with an additional lepton ($e$, $\mu$), as well as multiple jets. Event kinematics is used to separate signal from the background through a multivariate discriminant. A slight excess of data is observed with a significance of 2.3$\sigma$ above the expected SM background, and 95% CL upper limits on the $t\to qH$ branching ratios are derived. The observed (expected) 95% CL upper limits set on the $t\to cH$ and $t\to uH$ branching ratios are $9.4 \times 10^{-4}$ $(4.8^{+2.2}_{-1.4}\times 10^{-4})$ and $6.9\times 10^{-4}$ $(3.5^{+1.5}_{-1.0}\times 10^{-4})$, respectively. The corresponding combined observed (expected) upper limits on the dimension-6 operator Wilson coefficients in the effective $tqH$ couplings are $C_{c\phi} <1.35$ $(0.97)$ and $C_{u\phi} <1.16$ $(0.82)$.

54 data tables

Leading tau Pt distributions obtained before the fit to data (Pre-Fit) showing the expected background and tuH signals after applying fake factors in the $t_{\ell}\tau_{had}\tau_{had}$ region. Other MC includes single top, V+jets, and other small backgrounds. The tuH signals with nominal branching ratio of 0.1% are scaled using normalization factors of 2 to 50. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the "Total background".

Leading tau Pt distributions obtained before the fit to data (Pre-Fit) showing the expected background and tuH signals after applying fake factors in the $t_{\ell}\tau_{had}$-1j region. Other MC includes single top, V+jets, and other small backgrounds. The tuH signals with nominal branching ratio of 0.1% are scaled using normalization factors of 2 to 50. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the "Total background".

Leading tau Pt distributions obtained before the fit to data (Pre-Fit) showing the expected background and tuH signals after applying fake factors in the $t_{\ell}\tau_{had}$-2j region. Other MC includes single top, V+jets, and other small backgrounds. The tuH signals with nominal branching ratio of 0.1% are scaled using normalization factors of 2 to 50. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the "Total background".


Version 2
Searches for exclusive Higgs and $Z$ boson decays into a vector quarkonium state and a photon using $139$ fb$^{-1}$ of ATLAS $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV proton$-$proton collision data

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abbott, D.C. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023) 781, 2023.
Inspire Record 2132750 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.132657

Searches for the exclusive decays of Higgs and $Z$ bosons into a vector quarkonium state and a photon are performed in the $\mu^+\mu^- \gamma$ final state with a proton$-$proton collision data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $139$ fb$^{-1}$ collected at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The observed data are compatible with the expected backgrounds. The 95% confidence-level upper limits on the branching fractions of the Higgs boson decays into $J/\psi \gamma$, $\psi(2S) \gamma$, and $\Upsilon(1S,2S,3S) \gamma$ are found to be $2.0\times10^{-4}$, $10.5\times10^{-4}$, and $(2.5,4.2,3.4)\times10^{-4}$, respectively, assuming Standard Model production of the Higgs boson. The corresponding 95% CL upper limits on the branching fractions of the $Z$ boson decays are $1.2\times10^{-6}$, $2.4\times10^{-6}$, and $(1.1,1.3,2.4)\times10^{-6}$. An observed 95% CL interval of $(-133,175)$ is obtained for the $\kappa_c/\kappa_\gamma$ ratio of Higgs boson coupling modifiers, and a 95% CL interval of $(-37,40)$ is obtained for $\kappa_b/\kappa_\gamma$.

2 data tables

Numbers of observed and expected background events for the $m_{\mu^+\mu^-\gamma}$ ranges of interest. Each expected background and the corresponding uncertainty of its mean is obtained from a background-only fit to the data; the uncertainty does not take into account statistical fluctuations in each mass range. Expected $Z$ and Higgs boson signal contributions, with their corresponding total systematic uncertainty, are shown for reference branching fractions of $10^{-6}$ and $10^{-3}$, respectively. The ranges in $m_{\mu^+\mu^-}$ are centred around each quarkonium resonance, with a width driven by the resolution of the detector; in particular, the ranges for the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances are based on the resolution in the endcaps. It is noted that the discrepancy between the observed and expected backgrounds for $m_{\mu^+\mu^-} = 9.0$-$9.8$ GeV in the endcaps was found to have a small impact on the observed limit for $Z\rightarrow\Upsilon(1S)\,\gamma$.

Expected, with the corresponding $\pm 1\sigma$ intervals, and observed 95% CL branching fraction upper limits for the Higgs and $Z$ boson decays into a quarkonium state and a photon. Standard Model production of the Higgs boson is assumed. The corresponding upper limits on the production cross section times branching fraction $\sigma\times\mathcal{B}$ are also shown.