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Cross-section measurements for the production of a $Z$ boson in association with high-transverse-momentum jets in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abbott, D.C. ; et al.
JHEP 06 (2023) 080, 2023.
Inspire Record 2077570 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.114865

Cross-section measurements for a $Z$ boson produced in association with high-transverse-momentum jets ($p_{\mathrm{T}} \geq 100$ GeV) and decaying into a charged-lepton pair ($e^+e^-,\mu^+\mu^-$) are presented. The measurements are performed using proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $139$ fb$^{-1}$ collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Measurements of angular correlations between the $Z$ boson and the closest jet are performed in events with at least one jet with $p_{\mathrm{T}} \geq 500$ GeV. Event topologies of particular interest are the collinear emission of a $Z$ boson in dijet events and a boosted $Z$ boson recoiling against a jet. Fiducial cross sections are compared with state-of-the-art theoretical predictions. The data are found to agree with next-to-next-to-leading-order predictions by NNLOjet and with the next-to-leading-order multi-leg generators MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and Sherpa.

78 data tables

Measured fiducial differential cross sections for the Z boson p$_{\mathrm{T}}$ in Z($\to \ell^{+} \ell^{-}$) + high p$_{\mathrm{T}}$ jets events. The statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainties are given.

Measured fiducial differential cross sections for the leading jet p$_{\mathrm{T}}$ in Z($\to \ell^{+} \ell^{-}$) + high p$_{\mathrm{T}}$ jets events. The statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainties are given.

Measured fiducial differential cross sections for the jet multiplicity in Z($\to \ell^{+} \ell^{-}$) + high p$_{\mathrm{T}}$ jets events. The statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainties are given.


Version 2
Search for Higgs boson decays into two new low-mass spin-0 particles in the 4$b$ channel with the ATLAS detector using $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 13$ TeV

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; Abbott, Dale Charles ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 112006, 2020.
Inspire Record 1797642 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.94383

This paper describes a search for beyond the Standard Model decays of the Higgs boson into a pair of new spin-0 particles subsequently decaying into $b$-quark pairs, $H \rightarrow aa \rightarrow (b\bar{b})(b\bar{b})$, using proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. This search focuses on the regime where the decay products are collimated and in the range $15 \leq m_a \leq 30$ GeV and is complementary to a previous search in the same final state targeting the regime where the decay products are well separated and in the range $20 \leq m_a \leq 60$ GeV. A novel strategy for the identification of the $a \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ decays is deployed to enhance the efficiency for topologies with small separation angles. The search is performed with 36 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity collected in 2015 and 2016 and sets upper limits on the production cross-section of $H \rightarrow aa \rightarrow (b\bar{b})(b\bar{b})$, where the Higgs boson is produced in association with a $Z$ boson.

10 data tables

Summary of the 95% CL upper limits on $\sigma_{ZH} BR(H\rightarrow aa \rightarrow (b\bar{b})(b\bar{b}))$. Both observed and expected limits are listed. In the case of the expected limits, one- and two-standard-deviation uncertainty bands are also listed.

Summary of the 95% CL upper limits on $\sigma_{ZH} BR(H\rightarrow aa \rightarrow (b\bar{b})(b\bar{b}))$. Both observed and expected limits are listed. In the case of the expected limits, one- and two-standard-deviation uncertainty bands are also listed.

Summary of the 95% C.L. upper limits on $\sigma_{ZH} BR(H\rightarrow aa \rightarrow (b\bar{b})(b\bar{b}))$ for the dilepton channel in the resolved analysis. The observed limits are shown, together with the expected limits (dotted black lines). In the case of the expected limits, one- and two-standard-deviation uncertainty bands are also displayed. The data was published in JHEP 10 (2018) 031.


Measurement of $W^{\pm}$-boson and $Z$-boson production cross-sections in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=2.76$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; Abbott, Dale Charles ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 901, 2019.
Inspire Record 1742785 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.91267

The production cross-sections for $W^{\pm}$ and $Z$ bosons are measured using ATLAS data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.0 pb$^{-1}$ collected at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=2.76$ TeV. The decay channels $W \rightarrow \ell \nu$ and $Z \rightarrow \ell \ell $ are used, where $\ell$ can be an electron or a muon. The cross-sections are presented for a fiducial region defined by the detector acceptance and are also extrapolated to the full phase space for the total inclusive production cross-section. The combined (average) total inclusive cross-sections for the electron and muon channels are: \begin{eqnarray} \sigma^{\text{tot}}_{W^{+}\rightarrow \ell \nu}& = & 2312 \pm 26\ (\text{stat.})\ \pm 27\ (\text{syst.}) \pm 72\ (\text{lumi.}) \pm 30\ (\text{extr.})\text{pb} \nonumber, \\ \sigma^{\text{tot}}_{W^{-}\rightarrow \ell \nu}& = & 1399 \pm 21\ (\text{stat.})\ \pm 17\ (\text{syst.}) \pm 43\ (\text{lumi.}) \pm 21\ (\text{extr.})\text{pb} \nonumber, \\ \sigma^{\text{tot}}_{Z \rightarrow \ell \ell}& = & 323.4 \pm 9.8\ (\text{stat.}) \pm 5.0\ (\text{syst.}) \pm 10.0\ (\text{lumi.}) \pm 5.5 (\text{extr.}) \text{pb} \nonumber. \end{eqnarray} Measured ratios and asymmetries constructed using these cross-sections are also presented. These observables benefit from full or partial cancellation of many systematic uncertainties that are correlated between the different measurements.

28 data tables

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for W+ production in the W+ -> e+ nu final state.

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for W+ production in the W+ -> mu+ nu final state.

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for W- production in the W- -> e- nu final state.


Version 3
Measurement of the Drell--Yan triple-differential cross section in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, M. ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
JHEP 12 (2017) 059, 2017.
Inspire Record 1630886 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.77492

This paper presents a measurement of the triple-differential cross section for the Drell--Yan process $Z/\gamma^*\rightarrow \ell^+\ell^-$ where $\ell$ is an electron or a muon. The measurement is performed for invariant masses of the lepton pairs, $m_{\ell\ell}$, between $46$ and $200$ GeV using a sample of $20.2$ fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2012. The data are presented in bins of invariant mass, absolute dilepton rapidity, $|y_{\ell\ell}|$, and the angular variable $\cos\theta^{*}$ between the outgoing lepton and the incoming quark in the Collins--Soper frame. The measurements are performed in the range $|y_{\ell\ell}|<2.4$ in the muon channel, and extended to $|y_{\ell\ell}|<3.6$ in the electron channel. The cross sections are used to determine the $Z$ boson forward-backward asymmetry as a function of $|y_{\ell\ell}|$ and $m_{\ell\ell}$. The measurements achieve high-precision, below the percent level in the pole region, excluding the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity, and are in agreement with predictions. These precision data are sensitive to the parton distribution functions and the effective weak mixing angle.

20 data tables

Detailed breakdown of systematic uncertainties for the measurement in the central rapidity muon channel. Common systematic uncertainty on the luminosity measurment of 1.8% is not included. Correlated systematic uncertainties with the suffix :A should be treated as additive and with the suffix :M should be treated as multiplicative. The source 'sys,uncor' represents bin-to-bin uncorrelated systematic uncertainty. The cross sections are given at the Born QED level. 'C Dressed' represents the multiplicative correction factor to translate the cross sections to the dressed level with the cone radius of 0.1: SigmaDressed = C Dressed * SigmaBorn.

Detailed breakdown of systematic uncertainties for the measurement in the central rapidity muon channel. Common systematic uncertainty on the luminosity measurment of 1.8% is not included. Correlated systematic uncertainties with the suffix :A should be treated as additive and with the suffix :M should be treated as multiplicative. The source 'sys,uncor' represents bin-to-bin uncorrelated systematic uncertainty. The cross sections are given at the Born QED level. 'C Dressed' represents the multiplicative correction factor to translate the cross sections to the dressed level with the cone radius of 0.1: SigmaDressed = C Dressed * SigmaBorn.

Detailed breakdown of systematic uncertainties for the measurement in the central rapidity muon channel. Common systematic uncertainty on the luminosity measurment of 1.8% is not included. Correlated systematic uncertainties with the suffix :A should be treated as additive and with the suffix :M should be treated as multiplicative. The source 'sys,uncor' represents bin-to-bin uncorrelated systematic uncertainty. The cross sections are given at the Born QED level. 'C Dressed' represents the multiplicative correction factor to translate the cross sections to the dressed level with the cone radius of 0.1: SigmaDressed = C Dressed * SigmaBorn.


Version 2
Measurements of the production cross section of a $Z$ boson in association with jets in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 361, 2017.
Inspire Record 1514251 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.76542

Measurements of the production cross section of a $Z$ boson in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV are presented, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.16 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in 2015. Inclusive and differential cross sections are measured for events containing a $Z$ boson decaying to electrons or muons and produced in association with up to seven jets with $p_T > 30$ GeV and $|y| <2.5$. Predictions from different Monte Carlo generators based on leading-order and next-to-leading-order matrix elements for up to two additional partons interfaced with parton shower and fixed-order predictions at next-to-leading order and next-to-next-to-leading order are compared with the measured cross sections. Good agreement within the uncertainties is observed for most of the modelled quantities, in particular with the generators which use next-to-leading-order matrix elements and the more recent next-to-next-to-leading-order fixed-order predictions.

168 data tables

Measured fiducial cross sections for successive exclusive jet multiplicities in the electron channel. The statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainties are given.

Measured fiducial cross sections for successive exclusive jet multiplicities in the electron channel. The statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainties are given.

Measured fiducial cross sections for successive exclusive jet multiplicities in the muon channel. The statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainties are given.


Measurements of top-quark pair to $Z$-boson cross-section ratios at $\sqrt s = 13, 8, 7$TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
JHEP 02 (2017) 117, 2017.
Inspire Record 1502921 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.75536

Ratios of top-quark pair to $Z$-boson cross sections measured from proton--proton collisions at the LHC centre-of-mass energies of $\sqrt s=13$TeV, 8TeV, and 7TeV are presented by the ATLAS Collaboration. Single ratios, at a given $\sqrt s$ for the two processes and at different $\sqrt s$ for each process, as well as double ratios of the two processes at different $\sqrt s$, are evaluated. The ratios are constructed using previously published ATLAS measurements of the $t\overline{t}$ and $Z$-boson production cross sections, corrected to a common phase space where required, and a new analysis of $Z \rightarrow \ell^+ \ell^-$ where $\ell=e,\mu$ at $\sqrt s=13$TeV performed with data collected in 2015 with an integrated luminosity of $3.2$fb$^{-1}$. Correlations of systematic uncertainties are taken into account when evaluating the uncertainties in the ratios. The correlation model is also used to evaluate the combined cross section of the $Z\rightarrow e^+e^-$ and the $Z\rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$ channels for each $\sqrt s$ value. The results are compared to calculations performed at next-to-next-to-leading-order accuracy using recent sets of parton distribution functions. The data demonstrate significant power to constrain the gluon distribution function for the Bjorken-$x$ values near 0.1 and the light-quark sea for $x<0.02$.

11 data tables

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for Z/gamma* production in the Z/gamma* -> e+e- final state at 13TeV.

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for Z/gamma* production in the Z/gamma* -> mu+ mu- final state at 13TeV.

Breakdown of systematic uncertainties in percent for the measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for Z/gamma* production in the Z/gamma* -> e+e- final state at 13TeV.


Precision measurement and interpretation of inclusive $W^+$, $W^-$ and $Z/\gamma^*$ production cross sections with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aaboud, Morad ; Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 367, 2017.
Inspire Record 1502620 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.76541

High-precision measurements by the ATLAS Collaboration are presented of inclusive $W^+\to\ell^+\nu$, $W^-\to\ell^-\bar{\nu}$ and $Z/\gamma^*\to\ell\ell$ ($\ell=e,\mu$) Drell-Yan production cross sections at the LHC. The data were collected in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV with an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb$^{-1}$. Differential $W^+$ and $W^-$ cross sections are measured in a lepton pseudorapidity range $|\eta_{\ell}| = 2.5$. Differential $Z/\gamma^*$ cross sections are measured as a function of the absolute dilepton rapidity, for $|y_{\ell\ell}| < 3.6$, for three intervals of dilepton mass, $m_{\ell\ell}$, extending from 46 to 150 GeV. The integrated and differential electron- and muon-channel cross sections are combined and compared to theoretical predictions using recent sets of parton distribution functions. The data, together with the final inclusive $e^{\pm}p$ scattering cross-section data from H1 and ZEUS, are interpreted in a next-to-next-to-leading-order QCD analysis, and a new set of parton distribution functions, ATLAS-epWZ16, is obtained. The ratio of strange-to-light sea-quark densities in the proton is determined more accurately than in previous determinations based on collider data only, and is established to be close to unity in the sensitivity range of the data. A new measurement of the CKM matrix element $|V_{cs}|$ is also provided.

59 data tables

Fiducial cross sections times branching ratios for $W^+$, $W^-$, central and forward $Z/\gamma^*$ ($m_{ee} = 66-116$ GeV) production in the electron decay channels. The fiducial regions used for the measurement are those defined for the combined fiducial regions, except that the central electron pseudorapidity is restricted to be $|\eta|<2.47$ and excludes $1.37<|\eta|<1.52$, and the forward electron pseudorapidity excludes the region $3.16<|\eta|<3.35$. The uncertainties denote the statistical (stat), the systematic (syst) and the luminosity (lumi) uncertainties.

Fiducial cross sections times branching ratios for $W^+$, $W^-$ and $Z/\gamma^*$ ($m_{\mu\mu} = 66-116$ GeV) production in the muon decay channels. The fiducial regions used for the measurement are those defined for the combined fiducial regions, except that the muon pseudorapidity is restricted to be $|\eta|<2.4$. The uncertainties denote the statistical (stat), the systematic (syst) and the luminosity (lumi) uncertainties.

Integrated fiducial cross sections times leptonic branching ratios in the electron and muon channels and their combination with statistical and systematic uncertainties, for $W^+$, $W^-$, their sum and the $Z/\gamma^*$ process measured at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV. The $Z/\gamma^*$ cross section is defined for the dilepton mass window $m_{\ell\ell} = 66 - 116$ GeV. The common fiducial regions are defined in Section 2.3. The uncertainties denote the statistical (stat), the experimental systematic (syst), and the luminosity (lumi) contributions.


Measurement of $W^{\pm}$ and $Z$-boson production cross sections in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; Abdallah, Jalal ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 759 (2016) 601-621, 2016.
Inspire Record 1436497 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.73611

Measurements of the $W^{\pm} \rightarrow \ell^{\pm} \nu$ and $Z \rightarrow \ell^+ \ell^-$ production cross sections (where $\ell^{\pm}=e^{\pm},\mu^{\pm}$) in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV are presented using data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 81 pb$^{-1}$ The total inclusive $W^{\pm}$-boson production cross sections times the single-lepton-flavour branching ratios are $\sigma_{W^+}^{tot}= 11.83 \pm 0.02 (stat) \pm 0.32 (sys) \pm 0.25 (lumi)$ nb and $\sigma_{W^-}^{tot} = 8.79 \pm 0.02 (stat) \pm 0.24 (sys) \pm 0.18 (lumi)$ nb for $W^+$ and $W^-$, respectively. The total inclusive $Z$-boson production cross section times leptonic branching ratio, within the invariant mass window $66 < m_{\ell\ell} < 116$ GeV, is $\sigma_{Z}^{tot} = 1.981 \pm 0.007 (stat) \pm 0.038 (sys) \pm 0.042 (lumi)$ nb. The $W^+$, $W^-$, and $Z$-boson production cross sections and cross-section ratios within a fiducial region defined by the detector acceptance are also measured. The cross-section ratios benefit from significant cancellation of experimental uncertainties, resulting in $\sigma_{W^+}^{fid}/\sigma_{W^-}^{fid} = 1.295 \pm 0.003 (stat) \pm 0.010 (sys)$ and $\sigma_{W^{\pm}}^{fid}/\sigma_{Z}^{fid} = 10.31 \pm 0.04 (stat) \pm 0.20 (sys)$. Theoretical predictions, based on calculations accurate to next-to-next-to-leading order for quantum chromodynamics and to next-to-leading order for electroweak processes and which employ different parton distribution function sets, are compared to these measurements.

24 data tables

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for W+ production in the W+ -> e+ nu final state.

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for W- production in the W- -> e- nubar final state.

Measured fiducial cross section times leptonic branching ratio for Z/gamma* production in the Z/gamma* -> e+e- final state.


Measurement of the transverse momentum and $\phi^*_{\eta}$ distributions of Drell-Yan lepton pairs in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; Abdallah, Jalal ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 76 (2016) 291, 2016.
Inspire Record 1408516 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.71339

Distributions of transverse momentum $p_T^{ll}$ and the angular variable $\phi^*_\eta$ of Drell--Yan lepton pairs are measured in 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ of proton--proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Measurements in electron-pair and muon-pair final states are corrected for detector effects and combined. Compared to previous measurements in proton--proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV, these new measurements benefit from a larger data sample and improved control of systematic uncertainties. Measurements are performed in bins of lepton-pair mass above, around and below the Z-boson mass peak. The data are compared to predictions from perturbative and resummed QCD calculations. For values of $\phi^*_\eta < 1$ the predictions from the Monte Carlo generator ResBos are generally consistent with the data within the theoretical uncertainties. However, at larger values of $\phi^*_\eta$ this is not generally the case. Monte Carlo generators based on the parton-shower approach are unable to describe the data over the full range of $p_T^{ll}$ and the fixed-order prediction of DYNNLO falls below the data at high values of $p_T^{ll}$. ResBos and the parton-shower Monte Carlo generators provide a much better description of the evolution of the $\phi^*_\eta$ and $p_T^{ll}$ distributions as a function of lepton-pair mass and rapidity.

41 data tables

Fiducial cross sections at Born level in the electron- and muon-pair channels as well as the combined value. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are given as a percentage of the cross section. An additional uncertainty of 2.8% on the integrated luminosity, which is fully correlated between channels and among all $m_{\ell\ell}$ bins, pertains to these measurements. The individual uncertainty sources after the combination are not necessarily orthogonal and also do not include uncertainties uncorrelated between bins of $m_{\ell\ell}$. Therefore their quadratic sum may not give the total systematic uncertainty.

The values of $(1/\sigma)\,\mathrm{d}\sigma/\mathrm{d}\phi^*_{\eta}$ in each bin of $\phi^*_{\eta}$ for the electron and muon channels separately (for various particle-level definitions) and for the Born-level combination in the kinematic region $46\textrm{ GeV} \leq m_{\ell\ell} < 66\textrm{ GeV},\ 0 \leq |y_{\ell\ell}| < 0.8$. The associated statistical and systematic (both uncorrelated and correlated between bins of $\phi^*_{\eta}$) are provided in percentage form.

The values of $(1/\sigma)\,\mathrm{d}\sigma/\mathrm{d}\phi^*_{\eta}$ in each bin of $\phi^*_{\eta}$ for the electron and muon channels separately (for various particle-level definitions) and for the Born-level combination in the kinematic region $46\textrm{ GeV} \leq m_{\ell\ell} < 66\textrm{ GeV},\ 0.8 \leq |y_{\ell\ell}| < 1.6$. The associated statistical and systematic (both uncorrelated and correlated between bins of $\phi^*_{\eta}$) are provided in percentage form.


Simultaneous measurements of the $t\bar{t}$, $W^+W^-$, and $Z/\gamma^{*}\rightarrow\tau\tau$ production cross-sections in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Brad ; Abdallah, Jalal ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 91 (2015) 052005, 2015.
Inspire Record 1304455 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.67345

Simultaneous measurements of the $t\bar{t}$, $W^+W^-$, and $Z/\gamma^{*}\rightarrow\tau\tau$ production cross-sections using an integrated luminosity of $4.6\,\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7\,\mathrm{TeV}$ collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. Events are selected with two high transverse momentum leptons consisting of an oppositely charged electron and muon pair. The three processes are separated using the distributions of the missing transverse momentum of events with zero and greater than zero jet multiplicities. Measurements of the fiducial cross-section are presented along with results that quantify for the first time the underlying correlations in the predicted and measured cross-sections due to proton parton distribution functions. These results indicate that the correlated NLO predictions for $t\bar{t}$ and $Z/\gamma^{*}\rightarrow\tau\tau$ underestimate the data, while those at NNLO generally describe the data well. The full cross-sections are measured to be $\sigma(t\bar{t}) = 181.2 \pm 2.8^{+9.7}_{-9.5} \pm 3.3 \pm 3.3\,\mathrm{pb}$, $\sigma(W^+W^-) = 53.3 \pm 2.7^{+7.3}_{-8.0} \pm 1.0 \pm 0.5\,\mathrm{pb}$, and $\sigma(Z/\gamma^{*}\rightarrow\tau\tau) = 1174 \pm 24^{+72}_{-87} \pm 21 \pm 9\,\mathrm{pb}$, where the cited uncertainties are due to statistics, systematic effects, luminosity and the LHC beam energy measurement, respectively. The $W^+W^-$ measurement includes the small contribution from Higgs boson decays, $H\rightarrow W^+W^-$.

1 data table

Total $t\bar{t}$, $WW$, and $Z/\gamma^* \rightarrow \tau\tau$ cross-sections as measured simultaneously in this analysis with symmetrized uncertainties.