Identification of hadronic tau lepton decays using a deep neural network

The CMS collaboration Tumasyan, Armen ; Adam, Wolfgang ; Andrejkovic, Janik Walter ; et al.
JINST 17 (2022) P07023, 2022.
Inspire Record 2016054 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.116281

A new algorithm is presented to discriminate reconstructed hadronic decays of tau leptons ($\tau_\mathrm{h}$) that originate from genuine tau leptons in the CMS detector against $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ candidates that originate from quark or gluon jets, electrons, or muons. The algorithm inputs information from all reconstructed particles in the vicinity of a $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ candidate and employs a deep neural network with convolutional layers to efficiently process the inputs. This algorithm leads to a significantly improved performance compared with the previously used one. For example, the efficiency for a genuine $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ to pass the discriminator against jets increases by 10-30% for a given efficiency for quark and gluon jets. Furthermore, a more efficient $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ reconstruction is introduced that incorporates additional hadronic decay modes. The superior performance of the new algorithm to discriminate against jets, electrons, and muons and the improved $\tau_\mathrm{h}$ reconstruction method are validated with LHC proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV.

30 data tables

Decay mode confusion matrix. For a given generated decay mode, the fractions of reconstructed tau_h in different decay modes are given, as well as the fraction of generated tau_h that are not reconstructed. Both the generated and reconstructed tau_h need to fulfil pt > 20 GeV and |eta| < 2.3. The tau_h candidates come from a Z to tau tau event sample with m(tau, tau) > 50 GeV.

Efficiency for quark and gluon jets to pass different tau identification discriminators versus the efficiency for genuine tau_h. The upper two plots are obtained with jets from the W+jets simulated sample and the lower two plots with jets from the tt sample. The left two plots include jets and genuine tau_h with pt < 100 GeV, whereas the right two plots include those with pt > 100 GeV. The working points are indicated as full circles. The efficiency for jets from the W+jets event sample, enriched in quark jets, to pass the discriminators is higher compared to jets from the tt event sample, which has a larger fraction of gluon and b-quark jets. The jet efficiency for a given tau_h efficiency is larger for jets and tau_h with pt < 100 GeV than for those with pt > 100 GeV. Compared with the previously used MVA discriminator, the DEEPTAU discriminator reduces the jet efficiency for a given tau_h efficiency by consistently more than a factor of 1.8, and by more at high tau_h efficiency. The additional gain at high pt comes from the inclusion of updated decay modes in the tau_h reconstruction, as illustrated by the curves for the previously used MVA discriminator but including reconstructed tau_h candidates with additional decay modes.

Efficiency for quark and gluon jets to pass different tau identification discriminators versus the efficiency for genuine tau_h. The upper two plots are obtained with jets from the W+jets simulated sample and the lower two plots with jets from the tt sample. The left two plots include jets and genuine tau_h with pt < 100 GeV, whereas the right two plots include those with pt > 100 GeV. The working points are indicated as full circles. The efficiency for jets from the W+jets event sample, enriched in quark jets, to pass the discriminators is higher compared to jets from the tt event sample, which has a larger fraction of gluon and b-quark jets. The jet efficiency for a given tau_h efficiency is larger for jets and tau_h with pt < 100 GeV than for those with pt > 100 GeV. Compared with the previously used MVA discriminator, the DEEPTAU discriminator reduces the jet efficiency for a given tau_h efficiency by consistently more than a factor of 1.8, and by more at high tau_h efficiency. The additional gain at high pt comes from the inclusion of updated decay modes in the tau_h reconstruction, as illustrated by the curves for the previously used MVA discriminator but including reconstructed tau_h candidates with additional decay modes.
