Prompt K_short production in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=0.9 TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R ; Abellan Beteta, C ; Adeva, B ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 693 (2010) 69-80, 2010.
Inspire Record 865584 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.55676

The production of K_short mesons in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 0.9 TeV is studied with the LHCb detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The luminosity of the analysed sample is determined using a novel technique, involving measurements of the beam currents, sizes and positions, and is found to be 6.8 +/- 1.0 microbarn^-1. The differential prompt K_short production cross-section is measured as a function of the K_short transverse momentum and rapidity in the region 0 < pT < 1.6 GeV/c and 2.5 < y < 4.0. The data are found to be in reasonable agreement with previous measurements and generator expectations.

3 data tables

The measured cross sections as a function of transverse momentum for prompt K0S production in three rapidity regions. The first systematic error is the uncorrelated systemtatic error and the second is the systematic error correlated across bins.

The double differential prompt K0S production cross section in three rapidity bands.

The double differential prompt K0S production cross section in the rapidity band 2.5 to 4.0.

Measurement of sigma(pp -> b anti-b X) at \sqrt(s)=7 TeV in the forward region

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Abellan Beteta, C. ; Adeva, B. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 694 (2010) 209-216, 2010.
Inspire Record 867355 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.60039

Decays of $b$ hadrons into final states containing a $D^0$ meson and a muon are used to measure the $b\bar{b}$ production cross-section in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV at the LHC. In the pseudorapidity interval $2 < \eta < 6$ and integrated over all transverse momenta we find that the average cross-section to produce $b$-flavoured or $\bar{b}$-flavoured hadrons is ($75.3 \pm 5.4 \pm 13.0$) microbarns.

2 data tables

The cross section for b-flavoured hadrons (HADRON/B) as a function of pseudorapidity in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. Cross sections are shown using fragmentation fractions both from LEP and from the Tevatron. See comment above regarding this latter point.

The cross section for b-flavoured hadrons (HADRON/B) over the pseudorapidity range 2.0-6.0 in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. Cross sections are shown using fragmentation fractions both from LEP and from the Tevatron. See comment above regarding this latter point.

Measurement of J/psi production in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Adeva, B. ; Adinolfi, M. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 71 (2011) 1645, 2011.
Inspire Record 891233 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.57066

The production of $J/\psi$ mesons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$= 7 tev is studied with the LHCb detector at the LHC. The differential cross-section for prompt $J/\psi$ production is measured as a function of the $J/\psi$ transverse momentum p_{\rm T}\ and rapidity $y$ in the fiducial region $p_{\rm T}\in[0;14]$ GeV/c and $y\in[2.0;4.5]$. The differential cross-section and fraction of \j psi\ from $b$-hadron decays are also measured in the same p_{\rm T}\ and $y$ range s. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminos ity of 5.2 pb$^{-1}$. The measured cross-sections integrated over the fiducial region are $10.52\pm 0. 04\pm 1.40^{+1.64}_{-2.20}\mu b$ for $\mathrm{prompt}~J/\psi$ production and $1.14 \pm 0. 01\pm 0.16 \mu b$ for $J/\psi$ from $b$-hadron decays, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The $\mathrm{prompt}~J/\psi$ production cross-section is obtained assuming no $J/\psi$ polarisation and the third error indicates the acceptance uncertainty due to this assumption.

10 data tables

Integrated cross section in the defined fiducial region for prompt J/PSIs and for those from b-hadron decay assuming no polarisation. The second systematic error in the prompt cross section is the uncertainty related to the assumption of no polarisation.

The derived cross section for b-hadron production obtained by extrapolation to the full polar angle range using the LHCB MC based on Pythia6.4 and EvtGen and a branching ratio to J/PSI of 1.16+-0.1 PCT.

Mean PT and RMS for prompt J/PSI production (assuming unpolarised).


Measurement of the inclusive phi cross-section in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Adeva, B. ; Adinolfi, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 703 (2011) 267-273, 2011.
Inspire Record 919315 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.58143

The cross-section for inclusive phi meson production in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV has been measured with the LHCb detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The differential cross-section is measured as a function of the phi transverse momentum p_T and rapidity y in the region 0.6 < p_T < 5.0 GeV/c and 2.44 < y < 4.06. The cross-section for inclusive phi production in this kinematic range is sigma(pp -> phi X) = 1758 pm 19(stat) ^{+43}_{-14}(syst) pm 182(scale) microbarn, where the first systematic uncertainty depends on the p_T and y region and the second is related to the overall scale. Predictions based on the Pythia 6.4 generator underestimate the cross-section.

8 data tables

Integrated PHI production cross section in the observed kinematic region.

Inclusive differential PHI production cross section as a function of PT in the rapidity ranges 2.44-2.62 and 2.62-2.80.

Inclusive differential PHI production cross section as a function of PT in the rapidity ranges 2.80-2.98 and 2.98-3.16.


Version 2
Measurement of $V^0$ production ratios in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 7\,TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Adeva, B. ; Adinolfi, M. ; et al.
JHEP 08 (2011) 034, 2011.
Inspire Record 917009 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.58685

The $\bar{\Lambda} / \Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda} / K^0_\mathrm{S}$ production ratios are measured by the LHCb detector from $0.3\,\mathrm{nb}^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions delivered by the LHC at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$\,TeV and $1.8\,\mathrm{nb}^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s} = 7$\,TeV. Both ratios are presented as a function of transverse momentum, $p_\mathrm{T}$, and rapidity, $y$, in the ranges {$0.15 < p_\mathrm{T} < 2.50\,\mathrm{GeV}/c$} and {$2.0<y<4.5$}. Results at the two energies are in good agreement as a function of rapidity loss, $\Delta y = y_\mathrm{beam} - y$, and are consistent with previous measurements. The ratio $\bar{\Lambda} / \Lambda$, measuring the transport of baryon number from the collision into the detector, is smaller in data than predicted in simulation, particularly at high rapidity. The ratio $\bar{\Lambda} / K^0_\mathrm{S}$, measuring the baryon-to-meson suppression in strange quark hadronisation, is significantly larger than expected.

16 data tables

$\bar{\Lambda}$ to $\Lambda$ production ratio in $pp$ collisions at 900 GeV in $y$ intervals for ($0.25 < p_T < 0.65$), ($0.65 < p_T < 1.00$), ($1.00 < p_T < 2.50$) GeV$/c$.

$\bar{\Lambda}$ to $K^{0}_{s}$ production ratio in $pp$ collisions at 900 GeV in $y$ intervals for ($0.25 < p_T < 0.65$), ($0.65 < p_T < 1.00$), ($1.00 < p_T < 2.50$) GeV$/c$.

$\bar{\Lambda}$ to $\Lambda$ production ratio in $pp$ collisions at 900 GeV ($0.25 < p_T < 2.50$ GeV$/c$) in $y$ intervals.


Observation of $J/\psi$ pair production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7 TeV$

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Adeva, B. ; Adinolfi, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 707 (2012) 52-59, 2012.
Inspire Record 926280 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.58915

The production of $J/\psi$ pairs in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV has been observed using an integrated luminosity of $37.5 pb^{-1}$ collected with the LHCb detector. The production cross-section for pairs with both \jpsi in the rapidity range $2&lt;y^{J/\psi}&lt;4.5$ and transverse momentum $p_{T}^{J/\psi}&lt;10 GeV/c$ is $$ \sigma^{J/\psi J/\psi} = 5.1\pm1.0\pm1.1 nb,$$ where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.

2 data tables

Total production cross section for J/PSI pairs.

Differential production cross section for J/PSI pairs as a function of the invariant mass of the J/PSI-J/PSI system. Data read from plot with statistical errors only.

Measurement of charged particle multiplicities in $pp$ collisions at ${\sqrt{s} =7}$TeV in the forward region

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Abellan Beteta, C. ; Adeva, B. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 72 (2012) 1947, 2012.
Inspire Record 1082369 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.65435

The charged particle production in proton-proton collisions is studied with the LHCb detector at a centre-of-mass energy of ${\sqrt{s} =7}$TeV in different intervals of pseudorapidity $\eta$. The charged particles are reconstructed close to the interaction region in the vertex detector, which provides high reconstruction efficiency in the $\eta$ ranges $-2.5&lt;\eta&lt;-2.0$ and $2.0&lt;\eta&lt;4.5$. The data were taken with a minimum bias trigger, only requiring one or more reconstructed tracks in the vertex detector. By selecting an event sample with at least one track with a transverse momentum greater than 1 GeV/c a hard QCD subsample is investigated. Several event generators are compared with the data; none are able to describe fully the multiplicity distributions or the charged particle density distribution as a function of $\eta$. In general, the models underestimate the charged particle production.

8 data tables

Charged particle multiplicity distribution in minimum bias events for different pseudorapidity bins. The first quoted uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.

Charged particle multiplicity distribution in hard QCD events for different pseudorapidity bins. The first quoted uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.

Charged particle multiplicity distribution for minimum bias events in the full pseudorapidity range. The first quoted uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.


Measurement of Upsilon production in pp collisions at {\surd}s = 7 TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Abellan Beteta, C. ; Adeva, B. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 72 (2012) 2025, 2012.
Inspire Record 1091071 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.58651

The production of Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S) and Upsilon(3S) mesons in proton-proton collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=7 TeV is studied with the LHCb detector. The analysis is based on a data sample of 25 pb-1 collected at the Large Hadron Collider. The Upsilon mesons are reconstructed in the decay mode Upsilon -&gt; mu+ mu- and the signal yields are extracted from a fit to the mu+ mu- invariant mass distributions. The differential production cross-sections times dimuon branching fractions are measured as a function of the Upsilon transverse momentum pT and rapidity y, over the range pT &lt; 15 GeV/c and 2.0 &lt; y &lt; 4.5. The cross-sections times branching fractions, integrated over these kinematic ranges, are measured to be sigma(pp -&gt; Upsilon(1S) X) x B(Upsilon(1S)-&gt;mu+ mu-) = 2.29 {\pm} 0.01 {\pm} 0.10 -0.37 +0.19 nb, sigma(pp -&gt; Upsilon(2S) X) x B(Upsilon(2S)-&gt;mu+ mu-) = 0.562 {\pm} 0.007 {\pm} 0.023 -0.092 +0.048 nb, sigma(pp -&gt; Upsilon(3S) X) x B(Upsilon(3S)-&gt;mu+ mu-) = 0.283 {\pm} 0.005 {\pm} 0.012 -0.048 +0.025 nb, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third is due to the unknown polarisation of the three Upsilon states.

17 data tables

Integrated cross-sections times dimuon branching fractions in the PT range < 15 GeV/c and rapidity in the range 2.0-4.0. The second systematic (sys) error is due to the unknown polarisation of the three states.

Double differential cross section for UPSI(1S) production times the dimuon branching fraction as a function of PT for the rapidity region 2.0-2.5. The second systematic (sys) error is due to the unknown polarisation of the UPSI(1S).

Double differential cross section for UPSI(1S) production times the dimuon branching fraction as a function of PT for the rapidity region 2.5-3.0. The second systematic (sys) error is due to the unknown polarisation of the UPSI(1S).


Measurement of the B+- production cross-section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Abellan Beteta, C. ; Adeva, B. ; et al.
JHEP 04 (2012) 093, 2012.
Inspire Record 1089993 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.58912

The production of B+- mesons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV is studied using 35 pb-1 of data collected by the LHCb detector. The B+- mesons are reconstructed exclusively in the B+- -&gt; J/psi K+- mode, with J/psi -&gt; mu+ mu-. The differential production cross-section is measured as a function of the B+- transverse momentum in the fiducial region 0 &lt; pT &lt; 40 GeV/c and with rapidity 2.0 &lt; y &lt; 4.5. The total cross-section, summing up B+ and B-, is measured to be sigma(pp -&gt; B+- X, 0 &lt; pT &lt; 40 GeV/c, 2.0 &lt; y &lt; 4.5) = 41.4 +- 1.5 (stat.) +- 3.1 (syst.) mub.

2 data tables

Integrated B+- production cross section for 0<PT<40 GeV and 2.0<Y<4.5.

Differential B+- production cross section as a function of PT for rapidity 2.0 to 4.5.

Measurement of the cross-section ratio $\sigma(\chi_{c2})/\sigma(\chi_{c1})$ for prompt $\chi_c$ production at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, R. ; Abellan Beteta, C. ; Adeva, B. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 714 (2012) 215-223, 2012.
Inspire Record 1087907 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.59352

The prompt production of the charmonium $\chi_{c1}$ and $\chi_{c2}$ mesons has been studied in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV. The $\chi_c$ mesons are identified through their decays $\chi_c\to J/\psi\,\gamma$ with $J/\psi \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ using 36 $\mathrm{pb^{-1}}$ of data collected by the LHCb detector in 2010. The ratio of the prompt production cross-sections for the two $\chi_c$ spin states, $\sigma(\chi_{c2})/\sigma(\chi_{c1})$, has been determined as a function of the $J/\psi$ transverse momentum, $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{J/\psi}$, in the range from 2 to 15 GeV/$c$. The results are in agreement with the next-to-leading order non-relativistic QCD model at high $p_{\mathrm{T}}^{J/\psi}$ and lie consistently above the pure leading-order colour singlet prediction.

1 data table

Ratio of cross sections for $\chi_{c2}$ to $\chi_{c1}$ production in bins of $J/\psi$ transverse momentum over the $J/\psi$ rapidity range 2.0 to 4.5. The second systematic error represents the uncertainty in the $\chi_c \to J/\psi \gamma$ branching fractions with the maximum uncertainties from the unknown $\chi_c$ polarizations shown separately.