K*0 and phi Meson Production in Proton-Nucleus Interactions at sqrt(s) = 41.6 GeV

The HERA-B collaboration Abt, I. ; Adams, M. ; Agari, M. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 50 (2007) 315-328, 2007.
Inspire Record 719788 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.43089

The inclusive production cross sections of the strange vector mesons K*0, K*0bar, and phi have been measured in interactions of 920 GeV protons with C, Ti, and W targets with the HERA-B detector at the HERA storage ring. Differential cross sections as a function of rapidity and transverse momentum have been measured in the central rapidity region and for transverse momenta up to pT=3.5 GeV/c. The atomic number dependence is parametrised as sigma(pA) = sigma(pN)*A**alpha, where sigma(pN) is the proton-nucleon cross section. Within the phase space accessible, alpha(K*0) = 0.86+/-0.03, alpha(K*0bar) = 0.87+/-0.03, and alpha(phi) = 0.96+/-0.02. The total proton-nucleon cross sections, determined by extrapolating the differential measurements to full phase space, are sigma(pN->K*0) = 5.06+/-0.54 mb, sigma(pN->K*0bar) = 4.02+/-0.45 mb, and sigma(pN->phi) = 1.17+/-0.11 mb. The Cronin effect is observed for the first time for vector mesons containing strange quarks/ compared to the measurements of Cronin et al. for K+- mesons, the measured values of alpha for phi mesons coincide with those of K- mesons for all transverse momenta, while the enhancement for K*0 / K*0bar mesons is smaller.

13 data tables

Measured rapidity distribution for K*0 production in the accessible phase space.

Measured rapidity distribution for K*BAR0 production in the accessible phase space.

Measured rapidity distribution for PHI production in the accessible phase space.


Muon pair and vector meson cross-sections in p W and S U collisions at 200-GeV/nucleon

The NA38 collaboration Abreu, M.C. ; Baglin, C. ; Baldisseri, A. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 368 (1996) 230-238, 1996.
Inspire Record 428066 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.28422

Muon pair production is studied in p - W and S  U collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon, as a function of transverse momentum P Tμμ . The inclusive ϱ + ω and Φ differential cross-sections dσ dP T are measured in the dimuon decay channel, for P T ≥ 0.6 GeV/c, in the central rapidity region, 3.0≤ y ≤ 4.0. Assuming the power law A-dependence σ = σ 0 ( A beam · A target ) α , the study of the integrated cross-sections for p - W and S  U collisions leads to α ϱ + ω = 1.00±0.02±0.07 and α Φ = 1.23±0.03±0.05, showing clear evidence of Φ enhancement in S  U interactions as compared to p - W collisions.

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Statistical errors only.

Statistical errors only.

Statistical errors only.


Production of Low Mass Dimuons at High Transverse Momentum: Study of $\rho$, $\omega$, $\phi$ Resonances

The NA3 collaboration Badier, J. ; Boucrot, J. ; Bourotte, J. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 122 (1983) 441-447, 1983.
Inspire Record 181912 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.30755

We use low mass dimuons (0.35 < M μμ ⩽ 2 GeV/ c 2 ) to analyse the production at high transverse momentum ( P T ⩾ 2 GeV/ c ) of the resonances ϱ, ω, π. We have studied the variation of the cross section with the type of incident particle (π, K, p) at 150, 200, 280 GeV/ c and the nuclear effects by comparison of platinum and hydrogen targets. There is no significant difference between the slopes of the transverse momentum distributions with those observed at lower P T (0 < P T < 2 GeV/ c ), meanwhile x F -distributions show a leading effect in the production of gf by kaons at these relatively high transverse momenta.

3 data tables

No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.