
Underlying-event studies with strange hadrons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Aakvaag, Erlend ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; et al.
CERN-EP-2024-105, 2024.
Inspire Record 2784422 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.146740

Properties of the underlying-event in $pp$ interactions are investigated primarily via the strange hadrons $K_{S}^{0}$, $\Lambda$ and $\bar\Lambda$, as reconstructed using the ATLAS detector at the LHC in minimum-bias $pp$ collision data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV. The hadrons are reconstructed via the identification of the displaced two-particle vertices corresponding to the decay modes $K_{S}^{0}\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-$, $\Lambda\rightarrow\pi^-p$ and $\bar\Lambda\rightarrow\pi^+\bar{p}$. These are used in the construction of underlying-event observables in azimuthal regions computed relative to the leading charged-particle jet in the event. None of the hadronisation and underlying-event physics models considered can describe the data over the full kinematic range considered. Events with a leading charged-particle jet in the range of $10 < p_T \leq 40$ GeV are studied using the number of prompt charged particles in the transverse region. The ratio $N(\Lambda\rightarrow\pi^\mp p^\pm)/N(K_{S}^{0}\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-)$ as a function of the number of such charged particles varies only slightly over this range. This disagrees with the expectations of some of the considered Monte Carlo models.

144 data tables

Mean multiplicity of $K^{0}_{S}$ per unit $(\eta, \phi)$ in the away region vs. leading-jet $p_{T}$

Statistical covariance between bins of Table 1

Mean multiplicity of $K^{0}_{S}$ per unit $(\eta, \phi)$ in the towards region vs. leading-jet $p_{T}$


Multiplicity and event-scale dependent flow and jet fragmentation in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV and in p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV

The ALICE collaboration Acharya, Shreyasi ; Adamova, Dagmar ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca ; et al.
JHEP 03 (2024) 092, 2024.
Inspire Record 2692432 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.151802

Long- and short-range correlations for pairs of charged particles are studied via two-particle angular correlations in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV and p$-$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV. The correlation functions are measured as a function of relative azimuthal angle $\Delta\varphi$ and pseudorapidity separation $\Delta\eta$ for pairs of primary charged particles within the pseudorapidity interval $|\eta| < 0.9$ and the transverse-momentum interval $1 < p_{\rm T} < 4$ GeV/$c$. Flow coefficients are extracted for the long-range correlations ($1.6 < |\Delta\eta| <1.8$) in various high-multiplicity event classes using the low-multiplicity template fit method. The method is used to subtract the enhanced yield of away-side jet fragments in high-multiplicity events. These results show decreasing flow signals toward lower multiplicity events. Furthermore, the flow coefficients for events with hard probes, such as jets or leading particles, do not exhibit any significant changes compared to those obtained from high-multiplicity events without any specific event selection criteria. The results are compared with hydrodynamic-model calculations, and it is found that a better understanding of the initial conditions is necessary to describe the results, particularly for low-multiplicity events.

10 data tables

High and low multiplicity long-range delta phi correlations

Jet fragmentation yields of near and away side as a function of multiplicity class and and the ratio of them, please see the definition of x-axis

The second and third harmonic coefficients as a function of transverse momentum in pp and p--Pb collisions.


Measurement of the low-energy antitriton inelastic cross section

The ALICE collaboration Acharya, Shreyasi ; Adamova, Dagmar ; Adler, Alexander ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 848 (2024) 138337, 2024.
Inspire Record 2675130 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.145643

In this Letter, the first measurement of the inelastic cross section for antitriton$-$nucleus interactions is reported, covering the momentum range of $0.8 \leq p < 2.4$ GeV/$c$. The measurement is carried out using data recorded with the ALICE detector in pp and Pb$-$Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon of 13 TeV and 5.02 TeV, respectively. The detector material serves as an absorber for antitriton nuclei. The raw yield of (anti)triton nuclei measured with the ALICE apparatus is compared to the results from detailed ALICE simulations based on the GEANT4 toolkit for the propagation of (anti)particles through matter, allowing one to quantify the inelastic interaction probability in the detector material. This analysis complements the measurement of the inelastic cross section of antinuclei up to $A=3$ carried out by the ALICE Collaboration, and demonstrates the feasibility of the study of the isospin dependence of inelastic interaction cross section with the analysis techniques presented in this Letter.

10 data tables

Raw primary antitriton-to-triton ratio as a function of the momentum p_primary in exp. data.

Raw primary antitriton-to-triton ratio as a function of the momentum p_primary in MC (sigma_inel x 0.75).

Raw primary antitriton-to-triton ratio as a function of the momentum p_primary in MC (sigma_inel x 1.0).


Search for the $Z\gamma$ decay mode of new high-mass resonances in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abeling, Kira ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 848 (2024) 138394, 2024.
Inspire Record 2695554 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.141854

This letter presents a search for narrow, high-mass resonances in the $Z\gamma$ final state with the $Z$ boson decaying into a pair of electrons or muons. The $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV $pp$ collision data were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and have an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$. The data are found to be in agreement with the Standard Model background expectation. Upper limits are set on the resonance production cross section times the decay branching ratio into $Z\gamma$. For spin-0 resonances produced via gluon-gluon fusion, the observed limits at 95% confidence level vary between 65.5 fb and 0.6 fb, while for spin-2 resonances produced via gluon-gluon fusion (or quark-antiquark initial states) limits vary between 77.4 (76.1) fb and 0.6 (0.5) fb, for the mass range from 220 GeV to 3400 GeV.

6 data tables

The main sources of systematic uncertainty for the $X\to Z \gamma$ search. The gluon-gluon fusion spin-0 signal samples produced at $m_{X} = [220-3400]$ GeV are used to evaluate the systematic uncertainty. The ranges for the uncertainties span the variations among different categories and different $m_{X}$ resonance masses. The uncertainty due to the spurious signal uncertainty is reported as the absolute number of events. In the table, "ID" for photon and electrons refers to identification efficiency uncertainties, "ISO" refers to isolation efficiency uncertainties, "TRIG" refers to trigger efficiency uncertainties, "RECO" refers to muon reconstruction efficiency uncertainty and "TTVA" refers to muon track-to-vertex-association efficiency uncertainty.

The observed (expected) upper limits of $\sigma(pp\to X)\cdot\mathcal{B}(X\to Z\gamma)$ for spin-0 and spin-2 heavy resonances at 95\% CL. $m_{X}$ varies from 220 GeV to 3400~\GeV.

Impacts of grouped dominant systematic uncertainties. The impact corresponds to the relative variation of the asymptotic expected upper limit of $\sigma(pp \rightarrow X) \times BR(X \rightarrow Z\gamma)$ from $m_{X}=220$ GeV to $m_{X}=3.4$ TeV when re-evaluating the quantity by fixing the corresponding nuisance parameters to the best-fit values, while keeping others free to float. The impact of total systematic uncertainties are performed in the last row.


First measurement of the absorption of $^{3}\overline{\rm He}$ nuclei in matter and impact on their propagation in the galaxy

The ALICE collaboration Acharya, Shreyasi ; Adamova, Dagmar ; Adler, Alexander ; et al.
Nature Phys. 19 (2023) 61-71, 2023.
Inspire Record 2026264 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.133480

In our Galaxy, light antinuclei composed of antiprotons and antineutrons can be produced through high-energy cosmic-ray collisions with the interstellar medium or could also originate from the annihilation of dark-matter particles that have not yet been discovered. On Earth, the only way to produce and study antinuclei with high precision is to create them at high-energy particle accelerators. Although the properties of elementary antiparticles have been studied in detail, the knowledge of the interaction of light antinuclei with matter is limited. We determine the disappearance probability of $^{3}\overline{\rm He}$ when it encounters matter particles and annihilates or disintegrates within the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. We extract the inelastic interaction cross section, which is then used as input to calculations of the transparency of our Galaxy to the propagation of $^{3}\overline{\rm He}$ stemming from dark-matter annihilation and cosmic-ray interactions within the interstellar medium. For a specific dark-matter profile, we estimate a transparency of about 50%, whereas it varies with increasing $^{3}\overline{\rm He}$ momentum from 25% to 90% for cosmic-ray sources. The results indicate that $^{3}\overline{\rm He}$ nuclei can travel long distances in the Galaxy, and can be used to study cosmic-ray interactions and dark-matter annihilation.

21 data tables

Raw primary antihelium3-to-helium3 ratio as a function of the momentum p_primary.

Raw primary antihelium3-to-helium3 ratio from Geant4-based MC simulations as a function of the momentum p_primary with default sigma_inel(3Hebar).

Raw primary antihelium3-to-helium3 ratio from Geant4-based MC simulations as a function of the momentum p_primary with sigma_inel(3Hebar)x0.5.


Strong constraints on jet quenching in centrality-dependent $p$+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV from ATLAS

The ATLAS collaboration Aad, Georges ; Abbott, Braden Keim ; Abbott, D.C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 131 (2023) 072301, 2023.
Inspire Record 2090791 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.130943

Jet quenching is the process of color-charged partons losing energy via interactions with quark-gluon plasma droplets created in heavy-ion collisions. The collective expansion of such droplets is well described by viscous hydrodynamics. Similar evidence of collectivity is consistently observed in smaller collision systems, including $pp$ and $p$+Pb collisions. In contrast, while jet quenching is observed in Pb+Pb collisions, no evidence has been found in these small systems to date, raising fundamental questions about the nature of the system created in these collisions. The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider has measured the yield of charged hadrons correlated with reconstructed jets in 0.36 nb$^{-1}$ of $p$+Pb and 3.6 pb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at 5.02 TeV. The yields of charged hadrons with $p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{ch} >0.5$ GeV near and opposite in azimuth to jets with $p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{jet} > 30$ or $60$ GeV, and the ratios of these yields between $p$+Pb and $pp$ collisions, $I_{p\mathrm{Pb}}$, are reported. The collision centrality of $p$+Pb events is categorized by the energy deposited by forward neutrons from the struck nucleus. The $I_{p\mathrm{Pb}}$ values are consistent with unity within a few percent for hadrons with $p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{ch} >4$ GeV at all centralities. These data provide new, strong constraints which preclude almost any parton energy loss in central $p$+Pb collisions.

8 data tables

The per-jet charged particle yield in pPb and pp collisions for hadrons near a $p_{T}^{\textrm{jet}} > 30~\textrm{GeV}$ jet ($\Delta\phi_{\textrm{ch,jet}} < \pi/8$).

The per-jet charged particle yield in pPb and pp collisions for hadrons opposite to a $p_{T}^{\textrm{jet}} > 30~\textrm{GeV}$ jet ($\Delta\phi_{\textrm{ch,jet}} > 7\pi/8$).

The per-jet charged particle yield in pPb and pp collisions for hadrons near a $p_{T}^{\textrm{jet}} > 60~\textrm{GeV}$ jet ($\Delta\phi_{\textrm{ch,jet}} < \pi/8$).


Version 2
K$^{0}_{\rm S}$- and (anti-)$\Lambda$-hadron correlations in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV

The ALICE collaboration Acharya, Shreyasi ; Adamova, Dagmar ; Adler, Alexander ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 81 (2021) 945, 2021.
Inspire Record 1891391 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.114015

Two-particle azimuthal correlations are measured with the ALICE apparatus in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV to explore strangeness- and multiplicity-related effects in the fragmentation of jets and the transition regime between bulk and hard production, probed with the condition that a strange meson (K$^{0}_{\rm S}$) or baryon ($\Lambda$) with transverse momentum $p_{\rm T} > 3$ GeV/c is produced. Azimuthal correlations between kaons or $\Lambda$ hyperons with other hadrons are presented at midrapidity for a broad range of the trigger ($3 < p_{\rm T}^{\rm trigg} < 20$ GeV/$c$) and associated particle $p_{\rm T}$ (1 GeV/$c$$< p_{\rm T}^{\rm assoc} < p_{\rm T}^{\rm trigg}$), for minimum-bias events and as a function of the event multiplicity. The near- and away-side peak yields are compared for the case of either K$^{0}_{\rm S}$ or $\Lambda$($\overline{\Lambda}$) being the trigger particle with that of inclusive hadrons (a sample dominated by pions). In addition, the measurements are compared with predictions from PYTHIA 8 and EPOS LHC event generators.

162 data tables

Two-dimensional $K_S^0$-h correlation function with $3<p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{trigg}}< 4 \mathrm{GeV}/c$ and $1 \mathrm{GeV}/c<p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{assoc}}< p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{trigg}} $

Two-dimensional $K_S^0$-h correlation function with $3<p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{trigg}}< 4 \mathrm{GeV}/c$ and $1 \mathrm{GeV}/c<p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{assoc}}< p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{trigg}} $

$\Delta\varphi$ projection of h-h correlation function with $3<p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{trigg}}< 4 \mathrm{GeV}/c$ and $1 \mathrm{GeV}/c<p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{assoc}}< p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{trigg}} $


Measurement of the average very forward energy as a function of the track multiplicity at central pseudorapidities in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV

The CMS collaboration Sirunyan, Albert M ; Tumasyan, Armen ; Adam, Wolfgang ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 893, 2019.
Inspire Record 1747892 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.91963

The average total energy as well as its hadronic and electromagnetic components are measured with the CMS detector at pseudorapidities $-$6.6 $<\eta<-$5.2 in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV. The results are presented as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in the region $|\eta|< $2. This measurement is sensitive to correlations induced by the underlying event structure over a very wide pseudorapidity region. The predictions of Monte Carlo event generators commonly used in collider experiments and ultra-high energy cosmic ray physics are compared to the data.

5 data tables

Average total energy reconstructed in the region −6.6 < eta < −5.2 as a function of the number of reconstructed tracks for abs(eta)<2.

Average total energiy reconstructed in the region −6.6 < eta < −5.2 normalised to that in the first bin (Nch< 10) as a function of the number of reconstructed tracks for abs(eta)<2.

Average electromagnetic energy reconstructed in the region −6.6 < eta < −5.2 as a function of the number of reconstructed tracks for abs(eta)<2.


Version 2
Measurement of the Bottom contribution to non-photonic electron production in $p+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} $=200 GeV

The STAR collaboration Aggarwal, M.M. ; Ahammed, Z. ; Alakhverdyants, A.V. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 105 (2010) 202301, 2010.
Inspire Record 860571 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.101352

The contribution of $B$ meson decays to non-photonic electrons, which are mainly produced by the semi-leptonic decays of heavy flavor mesons, in $p+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 200 GeV has been measured using azimuthal correlations between non-photonic electrons and hadrons. The extracted $B$ decay contribution is approximately 50% at a transverse momentum of $p_{T} \geq 5$ GeV/$c$. These measurements constrain the nuclear modification factor for electrons from $B$ and $D$ meson decays. The result indicates that $B$ meson production in heavy ion collisions is also suppressed at high $p_{T}$.

3 data tables

Distributions of the azimuthal angle between nonphotonic electrons and charged hadrons normalized per nonphotonic electron trigger. The trigger electron has (top) $2.5 < p_{T} < 3.5$ GeV/$c$ and (bottom) $5.5 < p_{T} < 6.5$ GeV/$c$. The curves represent PYTHIA calculations for $D$ (dotted curve) and $B$ (dashed curve) decays. The fit result is shown as the black solid curve.

(a) Background-subtracted invariant mass distribution of $K$ pairs requiring at least one nonphotonic electron trigger in the event. The solid line is a Gaussian fit to the data near the peak region. (b) Distribution of the azimuthal angle between nonphotonic electron (positron) trigger particles and $D^{0}$ ($\bar{D}^{0}$). The solid (dashed) line is a fit of the correlation function from PYTHIA (MC$@$NLO) simulations to the data points.

Transverse momentum dependence of the relative contribution from $B$ mesons ($r_{B}$) to the nonphotonic electron yields. Error bars are statistical and brackets are systematic uncertainties. The solid curve is the FONLL calculation [14]. Theoretical uncertainties are indicated by the dashed curves.

Measurement of the inelastic $pp$ cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV

The LHCb collaboration Aaij, Roel ; Adeva, Bernardo ; Adinolfi, Marco ; et al.
JHEP 06 (2018) 100, 2018.
Inspire Record 1665223 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.89782

The cross-section for inelastic proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13\,TeV is measured with the LHCb detector. The fiducial cross-section for inelastic interactions producing at least one prompt long-lived charged particle with momentum $p>2$\,GeV/$c$ in the pseudorapidity range $2<\eta<5$ is determined to be $\sigma_{\rm acc}= 62.2 \pm 0.2 \pm 2.5$\,mb. The first uncertainty is the intrinsic systematic uncertainty of the measurement, the second is due to the uncertainty on the integrated luminosity. The statistical uncertainty is negligible. Extrapolation to full phase space yields the total inelastic proton-proton cross-section $\sigma_{\rm inel}= 75.4 \pm 3.0 \pm 4.5$\,mb, where the first uncertainty is experimental and the second due to the extrapolation. An updated value of the inelastic cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of 7\,TeV is also reported.

3 data tables

The cross-section for inelastic $pp$ collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, yielding one or more prompt long-lived charged particles in the kinematic range $p > 2.0$ GeV/$c$ and $2.0 < \eta < 5.0$ (LHCb acceptance). The quoted uncertainty that is almost completely systematic in nature as the purely statistical uncertainty is found negligible. A particle is long-lived if its proper (mean) lifetime is larger than 30 ps, and it is prompt if it is produced directly in the $pp$ interaction or if none of its ancestors is long-lived.

The total cross-section for inelastic $pp$ collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, extrapolated from Monte Carlo in similar way to measurement at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV.

Update of the total cross-section for inelastic $pp$ collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV due to improved calibration of the luminosity scale.