Parity-violating optical rotation induced by the neutral weak-current interaction has been detected and measured for the first time in atomic thallium vapour. Accurate atomic calculations predicting the size of the rotation are available for this element; thallium also benefits from the Z3 enhancement of the effect. The magnetic-dipole transition 6p1/2-6p3/2 at 1.283 μm was excited using a single-mode semiconductor laser and the small optical rotation was measured using a sensitive polarimeter. The result, expressed in terms of the quantity R = Im E1p.v./M1, is - 12.5(19)10-8 and is consistent with recent calculations based on the standard model.
Spin of the Tl nucleus is 1/2.
Data from p+p→p+X at 102, 205, and 405 GeV and from π−+p→p+X at 205 GeV exhibit an approximate scaling property in the charged-prong multiplicity distributions as a function of the missing mass for the range 5<~MX<~13 GeV.
No description provided.
Photopion energy distributions have been measured on 7 Li , 28 Si , 51 V and 93 Nb at θ π = 90° with 200 MeV electron. The logarithmic plot of the distributions shows a break at around 10 MeV of the residual energy. This is not explained by the quasi-free π + production. The (e, π + ) cross sections at θ π = 90° deduced by integrating the energy distribution. The result can be approximated by σ 0 Z 2 3 , where σ 0 is 0.13 times the elementary cross section of H(e, π + ) at θ π = 90°. The quasi-free π + production calculated by the Fermi-gas model with Pauli exclusion principle approximately reproduces the relative dependence on the charge number but its absolute value is about ten times as large as the experimental result. The present result for the charged photopion cross section in the threshold region is in contrast to the case in the Δ-resonance region where the cross section of π + + π − photoproduction is expressed by A 2 3 times the elementary cross sections.
No description provided.
We report on results of η-electroproduction in the resonance region at momentum transfers ofQ2=2 GeV2 and 3 GeV2. The differential cross sections obtained in the region of the second nucleon resonance strongly support the dominance of theS11(1535) in this channel. The total transverse virtual photoproduction cross section of theS11(1535) shows a flatQ2-dependence ∼e−0.39·Q2. Comparison with the total resonant γvp cross section in the second resonance region aroundW=1.5 GeV shows that theD13(1520) production decreases much faster (∼e−1.6·Q2). The data are not compatible with the simple harmonic oscillator quark model with spin and orbit excitation of a quark only.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.