Differential cross sections for elastic π±−p scattering have been measured at lab momenta of 8 and 12 GeV/c in a momentum-transfer region corresponding to 1.2≤−t≤6 (GeV/c)2. Also, differential cross sections near 180° were measured for 4 and 8 GeV/c pions. At momentum transfers greater than −t=2 (GeV/c)2, the π−p cross sections drop much faster with increasing angle than the corresponding p−p cross sections. Also, in the region −t≃1.3 (GeV/c)2, there is structure in the π−p angular distribution but not in the p−p angular distribution. At −t≃3 (GeV/c)2, the drop in cross section appears to stop and from then on the angular distribution is consistent with isotropy. But in the angular region 170° to 180°, the cross sections have become much larger, and sharp backward peaks are observed. Information is given on the energy and charge dependences and widths of these backward peaks.
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Angular distributions of recoil-proton polarization in elastic π±p scattering were measured at 523-, 572-, and 689-MeV incident pion kinetic energy. Polarization measurements were made by observing the azimuthal asymmetry in the subsequent scattering of recoil protons in large carbon-plate spark chambers. Typical strong variation of the polarization with pion scattering angle near the πp diffraction minima was observed. Since existing opinion favors a D13 resonance at 600 MeV, a phase-shift analysis was attempted in order to confirm the existence and parity of this resonance. Available πp total and differential cross sections, these polarization data, and some possible restrictive assumptions related to the 600-MeV resonance were used in the analysis. Though the polarization results aided significantly in restricting the number of acceptable phase-shift sets, still, many plausible and qualitatively different sets were found.
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The interactions of 604 MeV π− mesons in a hydrogen bubble chamber have been systematically analyzed. In 33 000 pictures a total of 8052 usable events were found, corresponding to cross sections of 18.9±1.3 mb for σ(elastic), 4.98±0.54 mb for σ(π−pπ0), 7.87±0.91 mb for σ(π−nπ+), 14.0±1.0 mb for σ(neutrals), with σ(two−pionproduction)<0.2 mb, for a total cross section of 45.9±1.9 mb at this energy. The angular distribution for elastic scattering was fitted with a fifth-order polynomial in cosθ which gave a value of dσdΩ(0°) consistent with dispersion theory. The pion-pion effective-mass distributions for both single-pion-production channels showed pronounced peaking at high mass values, strongly inconsistent with simple isobar-production kinematics. Simple one-pion exchange does not appear to play a significant role.
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We have measured the absolute cross sections of the electron-deuteron scattering at q2=3.5 F−2 and obtained the complete inelastic spectrum. Three points for each spectrum are given with a 4% accuracy. The scattering angles, 60° and 130°, were chosen to allow the separation between electric and magnetic scattering. Calculations of radiative corrections were made in order to permit the comparison of the spectra with the inelastic-scattering theories.
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Angular distributions of recoil-proton polarization in elastic π±p scattering were measured at 864-, 981-, and 1301-MeV incident pion kinetic energy. Polarization measurements were made by observing the azimuthal asymmetry in the subsequent scattering of recoil protons in large carbon-plate spark chambers. The spark chambers proved to be very suitable polarization analyzer detectors. Strong variation of the polarization with backward pion scattering angle was observed.
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The total proton-proton cross section (excluding Coulomb scattering) has been measured at energies from 410 Mev up to 2.6 Bev, using external beams from the Cosmotron. Fast counting equipment was used to measure the attenuation of the beams through polyethylene, carbon, and liquid H2 absorbers. At each energy E, σp−p(E, Ω) was measured as a function of the solid angle Ω subtended by the rear counter at the center of the absorber. The total cross section σp−p was obtained by a least squares straight line extrapolation to Ω=0. The measured σp−p as a function of energy rises sharply from 26.5 mb at 410 Mev to 47.8 mb at 830 Mev and then remains approximately constant out to 1.4 Bev, above which energy it decreases gradually to about 42 mb at 2.6 Bev. Using the same equipment and procedure, we have also measured the D2O-H2O difference cross section, called "σp−n," for protons over the same energy range. From a comparison of "σp−n," and σp−p, with the n−p and n−d measurements of Coor et al. at 1.4 Bev, it is apparent that one nucleon is "shielded" by the other in the deuteron. This effect is not present at energies below 410 Mev. Comparing the measured p−p and "p−n" (corrected) cross sections with the results of other high-energy experiments, one may infer the following conclusions: (1) The sharp rise in σp−p from 400 to 800 Mev results from increasing single pion production, which may proceed through the T=32, J=32 excited nucleon state. (2) Above 1 Bev the inelastic (meson production) p−p cross section appears to be approximately saturated at 27-29 mb. (3) The rise in cross section for n−p interaction in the T=0 state, associated with the rise in double pion production, implies that double meson production also proceeds through the T=32 nucleon state. (4) The probable equality of σp−d and σn−d at 1.4 Bev implies the validity of charge symmetry at this energy.
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The interaction of 1.0-, 1.25-, and 2.0-Bev antiprotons with protons has been studied with the aid of a 4π solid-angle scintillation-counter detector system. The measured total cross sections at the above energies are 100, 89, and 80 mb, respectively. At each energy, the charge-exchange cross section is approximately 5 mb. The total elastic cross sections are 33, 28, and 25 mb, respectively, at the three energies. The angular distribution of elastic scattering has been fitted with a simple optical-model calculation.
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The differential cross section for charge-exchange scattering of negative pions by hydrogen has been observed at 230, 260, 290, 317, and 371 Mev. The reaction was observed by detecting one gamma ray from the π0 decay with a scintillation-counter telescope. A least-squares analysis was performed to fit the observations to the function dσdω=Σl=15alPl−1(cosθ) in the c.m. frame. The best fit to our experimental measurements requires only s- and p-wave scattering. The results (in mb) are: The least-squares analysis indicates that d-wave scattering is not established in this energy range.
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