The production cross sections for the Λ, Σ0, Ξ−, Σ0 (1385), Ξ0 (1530) and Ω− hyperons have been measured, both in the continuum and in direct ϒ decays. Baryon rates in direct ϒ decays are enhanced by a factor of 2.5 or more compared to the continuum. Such a large baryon enhancement cannot be explained by standard fragmentation models. The strangeness suppression for baryons and mesons turns out to be the same. A strong suppression of spin 3/2 states is observed.
Inclusive distributions of charged particles in hadronic W decays are experimentally investigated using the statistics collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP during 1997, 1998 and 1999, at centre-of-mass energies from 183 to around 200 GeV. The possible effects of interconnection between the hadronic decays of two Ws are not observed. Measurements of the average multiplicity for charged and identified particles in q qbar and WW events at centre-of-mass energies from 130 to 200 GeV and in W decays are presented. The results on the average multiplicity of identified particles and on the position xi^* of the maximum of the xi_p = -log(2p/sqrt(s)) distribution are compared with predictions of JETSET and MLLA calculations.
The production rates and the inclusive cross sections of the isovector meson${\rm \pi^0}$, the isoscalar mesons$\eta$and
We have measured the differential production cross sections as a function of scaled momentum x_p=2p/E_cm of the identified hadron species pi+, K+, K0, K*0, phi, p, Lambda0, and of the corresponding antihadron species in inclusive hadronic Z0 decays, as well as separately for Z0 decays into light (u, d, s), c and b flavors. Clear flavor dependences are observed, consistent with expectations based upon previously measured production and decay properties of heavy hadrons. These results were used to test the QCD predictions of Gribov and Lipatov, the predictions of QCD in the Modified Leading Logarithm Approximation with the ansatz of Local Parton-Hadron Duality, and the predictions of three fragmentation models. Ratios of production of different hadron species were also measured as a function of x_p and were used to study the suppression of strange meson, strange and non-strange baryon, and vector meson production in the jet fragmentation process. The light-flavor results provide improved tests of the above predictions, as they remove the contribution of heavy hadron production and decay from that of the rest of the fragmentation process. In addition we have compared hadron and antihadron production as a function of x_p in light quark (as opposed to antiquark) jets. Differences are observed at high x_p, providing direct evidence that higher-momentum hadrons are more likely to contain a primary quark or antiquark. The differences for pseudoscalar and vector kaons provide new measurements of strangeness suppression for high-x_p fragmentation products.
Previously published and as yet unpublished QCD results obtained with the ALEPH detector at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of strong interactions to be carried out using hadronic Z and tau decays. The studies presented include precise determinations of the strong coupling constant, tests of its flavour independence, tests of the SU(3) gauge structure of QCD, study of coherence effects, and measurements of single-particle inclusive distributions and two-particle correlations for many identified baryons and mesons.
The production of the $J^{P}={1⩈er 2}^{+}$ octet baryons Λ and Ξ−, the $J^{P}={3⩈er 2}^{+}$ decuplet baryons Σ(1385)±Ξ(1530)0, and Ω−, and the $J^{P}={3⩈er 2}^{-}$ orbitally excited state Λ(1520) has been measured in a sample of approximately 3.65 million hadronic Z0 decays. The integrated rates and the differential cross-sections as a function of xE, the scaled energy, are determined. The differential cross-sections of the Λ and Ξ− baryons are found to be softer than those predicted by both the JETSET and HERWIG Monte Carlo generators. The measured baryon yields are found to disagree with the simple diquark picture where only one tuning parameter for spin 1 diquarks is allowed. The yields are further compared with a thermodynamic model of hadron production which includes the production of orbitally excited mesons and baryons. The momentum spectra of Λ, Ξ−, Σ(1385)±Ξ(1530)0, and Λ(1520) are also compared to the predictions of an analytical QCD formula.
Event shape and charged particle inclusive distributions are measured using 750000 decays of the Z to hadrons from the DELPHI detector at LEP. These precise data allow a decisive confrontation with models of the hadronization process. Improved tunings of the JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG parton shower models and the JETSET matrix element model are obtained by fitting the models to these DELPHI data as well as to identified particle distributions from all LEP experiments. The description of the data distributions by the models is critically reviewed with special importance attributed to identified particles.
The polarization of Λ baryons from Z decays is studied with the Aleph apparatus. Evidence of longitudinal polarization of s quarks from Z decay is observed for the first time. The measured longitudinal Λ polarization is P L Λ = −0.32 ± 0.07 for z = p p beam > 0.3 . This agrees with the prediction of −0.39 ± 0.08 from the standard model and the constituent quark model, where the error is due to uncertainties in the mechanism for Λ production. The observed Λ polarization is diluted with respect to the primary s quark polarization by Λ baryons without a primary s quark. Measurements of the Λ forward-backward asymmetry and of the correlation between back-to-back Λ Λ pairs are used to check this dilution. In addition the transverse Λ polarization is measured. An indication of transverse polarization, more than two standard deviations away from zero, is found along the normal to the plane defined by the thrust axis and the Λ direction.
Using the MD-1 detector at the VEPP-4e+e− strorage ring we have measured the inclusive Λ and370-1 production rates in direct Γ(1S) decays